PStU:... honestly I have NO excuse this time for the lack of update.

Titlle: Ya you do. It's called laziness, forgetfulness, and a whole heaping helping of procrastination.

Star: She has a point.

PStU: No comment.

Titlle: Would you like a shovel to help you dig your hole?

Star: PStU own's nothing but the large hole she has dug herself.

Entry: … 4 or 5 not that it Matters.

Date: … Haven't got a clue.

Place: Same place as last time.

Ok I am officially a member of the rebellion group known as the Underground. Yay me. Ya don't really care about their fight I just want to kill the baron. I know that I should care even just a little bit but that part of me also died in prison.

Anyway after the whole prove yourself mission Torn gave us, he was still staring at where the old tower collapsed. Finally after a minute or two he turned to us and tossed something to me.

"That's a pass to get you in and out of the hideout. Meet me there for your first true assignment. Also try not to get yourself killed on the way back."

After he said that he left us there without another word. I rolled my eyes and I noticed that Daxter was doing the same thing.

"Yesh cheery fellow ain't he."

I almost cracked a smile at that comment, almost. I just don't feel as if I have anything to smile about anymore.

It felt as if hours passed as we navigated our way out of dead town but it was most likely just a little over thirty minutes. After we were finally out of that place I made my way over to the zoomer that was somehow still miraculously there. I was sure that someone would steal it not that I am complaining of course. I jumped on it and started it up only to find out the reason that no one stole it.

"Fu—k!" I yelled.

Dax hopped down off of my shoulder and looked at a few of the gauges and said "Well unless we have any spare eco around this thing ain't going anywhere but the junkyard."

Well isn't that just nice. I steal a car that I only got one use out of. Just my shitty luck. I kicked the damn thing to ease up a bit of my pint up aggression, not that it helped any.

I left the dead zoomer in the ally and went out into the main street to look for another ride.

It didn't take long at all.

No one died or anything.

…a few broken bones maybe.

I needed a zoomer and that fattass civie was just asking to be hi-jacked.

Anyway after I got my new zoomer I made my way back to the underground hideout.

As I was driving back I noticed that Dax was quiet. I quickly looked at him and noticed that he was giving me this look. It took me a bit to place what that look meant but when I figured it out I scowled and speed up the zoomer a bit.

He didn't say anything but I didn't need him to.

I've changed. So what. He will just have to get over it and move on. I am no longer that naïve weak kid from Sandover and I never will be again. He died and I am all that's left.

After a few minutes I heard Dax start to fill in the silence with a bunch of useless chatter. Useless but not unwanted. It seemed to almost give back a since of normalcy.

Once we made it back to the hideout I took a quick look around the ally. It was completely unimpressive. The only thing that stood out was the entrance to the Underground hideout. I could feel a smirk cross my face as I saw the hammer cracked emblem of the Baron. Sure wish I could crack the Barons skull open, after he gets a taste of his own experiments of course.

Once we made our way inside the Hideout Dax jumped off of my shoulder and sauntered over to a pipe in the wall.

"Whew… being a big hero sure makes ya thirsty."

After he said that he pulled the lever next to the pipe and something that was not water came out. Really I didn't want to know what that brown stuff was and judging by the way Daxter was spiting it out it couldn't be anything good.

"The Baron turned off all water to the Slums. He's willing to sacrifice innocent lives just to destroy the Underground. I shouldn't be surprised. I've seen his evil before, while I was serving in the Krimzon Guard. That's why I quit."

I had to hold myself back from attacking Torn so I made a half-assed joke instead. "YOU were a Krimzon guard? Huh. Oh I guess that explains your… charming sense of humor."

Torn scowled at me then continued as if I said nothing.

"My friend in the Guard tells me the valve to turn the water back on is located outside the city at the Pumping Station."

"Outside the city? What about the security walls?" I asked.

Dax then asked "What about the Metal Heads?! It ain't no petting Zoo out there… peeps be getting deep sixed!"

Torn ignored both of our questions and just said "Find the large drain pipe in the north wall. It'll take you outside the city to the Pumping Station. Get to the main valve and open it. If you survive the slums will be indebted to you. If not, maybe we'll have a touching moment silence in your honor."

I didn't have to see Dax to know that he was glaring at Torn.

"I'd like to give him a touching moment."

I turned around after Dax jumped back onto my shoulder and walked away from Torn with a scowl on my face. I agreed with Dax not that I would let Torn know. He is a means to an end after all. I can't have him know how much I dislike him and how his facial tattoos make me want to snap his neck, ya not a good idea to let him know that.

Once outside I got back on my 'barrowed' zoomer and kick started it. I looked at the buildings and looked around for the pipe that Torn said that would lead me to the Pumping station. Once found I fallowed it.

Nothing of importance happened on our way to the Pumping Station. Not counting a few Krimzon Guard deaths. Those don't matter after all. I also may have put the city on high alert for a bit and caused a high speed chase.

Anyway once we made it to the security lock I noticed that it opened for me and a familiar cold computer voice said something but I didn't hear it. That cold voice made me flashback to the chair for a second until Dax tugged on my ear.

"Hey Jak snap out of it buddy. We gotta find that valve thingy for Torn."

I didn't say anything to that and walked out of the security lock and onto a sandy beach like area. I looked at the large metal construct in front of me and saw a way up to the place I needed to get to. I was about to make my way to the station when I heard Daxter start to yell.

"Jak! Those are Metal Heads!"

I looked at what he was yelling about and got into a fighting ready stance.

They weren't that large but the metal armor, razor sharp teeth and claws made up for their lack of size.

Once they charged I gave the closest one a well-placed kick knocking it into the one behind it. I smirked and charged at one and gave it a powerful upper-cut knocking out that glowing forehead gem-like thing in the process.

I continued to kill them and once they were all dead I saw dark eco leak from their mangled corpses. As I walked past their remains I felt the dark eco merge with what was already in me. I could care less anymore. I have gotten used to the burning feeling just under my skin I guess or maybe just maybe the power that it gives me has made me accept it just a little bit. Anything I can use to kill the Baron after all. What better way to kill him than with what he made me into.

Anyway after that fight/slaughter I finally made my way up to that valve I was supposed to turn back on.

Annoying as hell.

More Metal Head's, mutants and a whole number of things attacked me all too just die by my fist.

After what felt like one giant loop around the station I walked up to the valve. Dax jumped off my sholder and I stood to the side and let him try and have a victory… try.

"Ahhh the valve. Allow me." Dxter said and then preceded to struggle trying to turn it.

After few minutes I lost my already short patents and slammed my fist down onto the pipe. The wheel to the valve turned so quickly that Dax got comically flung into the pipe and all the way down to the spicket.

I still find myself slightly chuckling about it. Dax struggled asking me for help and once I did I got him out by turning the valve to the spicket. He slowly made his way out before being rocketed the rest of the way.

I crouched down and opened my mouth to say what I was thinking but Dax cut me off.

"Don't say it. Don't even chuckle. Next time YOU turn the valve."

He then passed out forcing me to pick him up and carry him the rest of the way back.

I'm gonna stop there and write more later. My hand is starting to hurt and I got a new mission to get prepared for soon anyway. More later.

PStU: After like two years there you go. Please be kind and leave a review and maybe a rope to help pull me out of this hole I am in.

See you Next Chapter