Roaming Rogue Chapter 1 Making opportunity's
Win Logan leaves at the end of the first move, Rogue can't adjust to life at the mansion so she leaves and heads back down south, running into a certain Cajun along the way.
Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men. O and I don't condone steeling its just fun to write abut.
AN: Well her it is my new store M is for later chapters and cursing. O and I'm not updating until I get 5 Reviews.
~Rogue POV~
I couldn't stay at the institute, people avoiding me like the plague wall at the same time giving me sympathetic looks. No one understood 'well maybe John', I smiled at the thought of my fellow loaner, no he wasn't scared of me but that's problem because he's insane, Id left him a note with the number for the cell no-one knew I had, he was about to leave to, I could see the restlessness in him, he was just waiting for the right moment.
Me I'd never been one to wait, I made my own opportunity. But I wasn't an idiot I knew it would be hard on my own. I'd done it before, but I'd managed to save some money in my time at the institute so at least I wouldn't have to hitch hike.
The New York bus station on a Wednesday evening is relatively busy but not exactly crowded; I looked at the departure board trying to decide where to go.
Then I saw that there was a bus living for Georgia in five minutes, 'I've missed the south' I thought as I want and bought my ticket.
The bus ride was long and uneventful. By the time I disembark in Atlanta on Friday at 6:28pm, I was tired hunger and starting to smile. In the bus station I boot sum vending machine subtenants to tide me over and released that I only had fifty dealers left. 'Damn that wouldn't do at all' I thought as I ate my food leaning against a wall casing for targets.
It was crowded and bustling which was good for what I was about to do. As I walked across the rum trash in hand I bumped into a fat smartly dressed business man, apologizing perfuse as he hurried away.
I threw my trash away as I entered the ladies room, going into a stale I took out the wallet and opened it, more than I thought it would be at least four hundred. I transferred the money to my wallet and on the way out of the restroom dropping the wallet in the garbage can outside the door. I caught a cab and asked the cabby to take me to a nice motel.
I paid the cabby and went inside, the lobby was clean and obviously pretty new, the guy behind the counter Steve the name tag red, was reading a tabloid. I went up to the counter and said "I'd like a room for one please". The guy behind the desk raised his eyebrow as he responded "its twenty a night and I'll need a name" I pulled out money for two nights and the guy snatched it up as I said "Susan" and Steve dropped the keys to room 11 in my hand.
I unlocked the door and went inside locking it behind me. It was a simple room but like the lobby newish and clean, door to the bath room when you first came in creating an alcove the back wall had curtained windows, there was a full bed and nightstand on one wall opposite a small dresser, 'just your basic motel room'.
I put my big duffel on the dresser and my coat and gloves beside it with my shoes at the base of the dresser, before I strip out of my clothes and headed to the bathroom. I turned the shower on hot and stepped in and proceeded to scrub myself clean. After my shower I told of and crawled under the bed covers bone tired.
The next morning I woke up and rolled towards the night stand red digital numbers telling me it was 9:21am. I got out of bed and went over to my duffle, pulling out a black cotton tee-shirt-bra and a black cotton thong, putting them on I headed to the bathroom with my few toiletries in hand I thought about how much I like to be by myself and walk around in as little as possible, it was my skins only chance to breath sins my mutation emerged.
As I switched from brushing my teeth to combing my hair, my thoughts shifted to how 'I didn't really look like me, this innocent looking girl in the mirror, 'probably why that guy looked at me weird when I checked in, rosey lips, flush to the cheeks a contrast to my ivory skin.' I sighed as I headed out of the bath room. I got socks; a pair of jeans and a black long sleeved t-shirt out of my duffle and put them on along with my gloves. Then I pulled on my black steel-toed buts, grabbed my wallet, the motel key and headed to that diner I saw last night.
As I walked I thought it was real convenient that there was a diner rite next to the motel and on the way I saw that across the street there was a drugstore store and gas station. Inside the diner there were a few people and I sat down at a corner booth. After about four cups of coffee a cheese omelet, bacon, and raisin toast I paid my tab and left.
I didn't want to go back to the room so I went over to the drugstore. Inside I wandered around randomly deciding to buy things, body wash because I didn't like the soap in the motel, shampoo for the same reason. Getting a basket I went over to the make-up section.
Until now I hadn't seen the point of makeup, I'd been too young to when I was in foster care, and when I was adopted at twelve, it had been easy to figure out that they wanted a sweet, wholesome, innocent, little girl, but then tow years later I was out on my own again and there was no point to thinking about my looks.
I shook myself out of my thoughts with a decision that 'I wanted to give this makeup thing a try, it would make me look older and it would cause me less trouble if I could. I went over to a cool looking rake with a sign that proclaimed Rimmel London sins 1820(1). Looking through the female psyches in my head, I started grabbing things (eyelash curler, eyebrow brush, nail kit with tweezers, ivory foundation, black mascara, burgundy lipstick, clear lip-gloss, black and gray eye liner, black gray and burgundy eye shadow, and face wash) I even got a makeup carrying case.
By the time I paid-up for it all grooming products, a bag of smart food, three cans of tea and multiple types of chocolate, I spent two hundred and six dollars and something cents. Parte of me cringed at the price but a larger part of me didn't care, its not like it was actual my money.
Back in my rum I took avre thing out of the packaging and lad it out on the bed. I pulled my hair back in a bun and proceeded to experiment with all my new things. In about two and a half hours I had figured out what I liked and what I didn't. I hadn't realized it was as late as I went and washed my face as I wondered on my next move. I stripped and thought that my next real issue was getting my own mode of transportation.
The next morning around 8 I got up showered, dressed in a similar outfit as yesterday, I did eyeliner mascara and lipstick. I packed up and realized I'd have to get a new duffel bag at sum point as I headed to check out.
By the time I got on a bus for Tennessee on Sunday, I had about five hundred in wallet money.
I spent about a week in Nashville 'Id wanted to go sins I was littlie', I procured a motorcycle license, a motorcycle plate and insurance papers all of which were fake. I'd been able to track down a forgery guy one of the best in the business apparently, by going to sleazy bars and absorbing people.
The guy had given me instructions for win I acquired a bike. Besides my nefarious activities I got to go to a Dixie Chicksconcert, I bought the ticket and everything. Good thing it was an all ages concert since all my fake paper work was mad up for a Mary Ann Briscoe age eighteen 'even with the makeup I couldn't pas for older than that'.
A girl can only live on pick pocketing for so long especially if she wanted her own wheels I'd been staking the small roadside bar on the outskirts of Nashville for a little les then a week I never went in but Id absorbed a few of the regulars so I knew that the owner took the money to the bank tonight. I'd made myself as indiscreet as possible temporary spray hair color made my pulled back hair in a bun totally brown and my over sized green trench coat hid all of my curves.
As I came up on the side of the dinner I sale that someone had part that bike there, there was a helmet hanging off of it. An idea occurred to me and I grabbed it and put it on and wall it covered my fast I was able to see fine out of it.
As I waited in the shadows I heard the door open and close and I glanced around the corner. It was the owner with the locked register case. Swiftly I removed one of my gloves as I moved in, I larches on to his face from behind and he went down. I put my glove back on and I grabbed the case. I shoved his phykie back and ran for the woods I'd mapped out my path before hand.
I had stashed my stuff about three and a half miles into the woods. I'd picked the spot halfway between the bar and the bus station. I took the helmet of and got my lock picks that John gave me, and went to work on the case it was a simple pin-tumbler so it only took me a minute. I put the bond bills and wrapped change in a big plastic bag and shoved that to the bottom of my duffel. Then I took my trench coat and wrapped it around the case.
I put my jean jacket on and put my hair in a ponytail and I grabbed my duffle and the case and helmet. I high-tailed it to the bus station that conveniently had an incinerator behind it, after taken care of that I headed inside.
I wound up deciding to go back to Atlanta. It was Tuesday 8:25 pm when I got to the familiar station. I felt slightly nostalgic as I got in a takes and had it take me to the nicest motel closest to the mall. When I got there I checked in and paid for two nights. I went to my room, number eight, and practically passed out before my head hit the pillow.
AN: So what do you think? Review if you want me to update.
(1) Rimmel London sins 1820; Rimmel is my absolute favorite makeup yes they have been in business that long.