Sometimes, I know how the feeling Joy feels about and for Fabian. I have this crush on my best guy friend but he's head over heels for somebody who almost took my place. Last night's episode made me really think, and even though I don't want revenge on the girl, I really wish she moved or something. The thing is that we are pretty good friends and she like him. It really crushes my soul. I bet almost everyone goes through this.
Disclaimer: I don't own HoA
I might be dead right now.
With my loved ones
You had to forget me
You left me
For her
Miss. Perfect
She had all the friends
She had all the looks
She had everything
Especially you
I was excluded
Hidden behind ten-feet high walls
I loved you
Couldn't you see?
You were my best friend
Always kind and gentle
Always helping me with hard times
Always there
Then, you chucked me in the trash
and left for her
Just like that
We still talk
We still look at each other
but it's not the same
Remember how we drew faces in rocks
When I first got here?
I liked you and you liked me
Remember those memories?
I do.
You seem to have forgotten since she came along
Forgotten me
Forgotten the real you
Forgotten us
I sometimes wish I was dead
It would be better than dying more
Whenever I see you
With her
If I was dead...
What would happen?
Would you even notice?
What would you do?
Would you realize you love me?
And that I love you?
So, that's it. I'm a hopeless romantic. So... yeah