The day after Valentine's Day was just as sunny and warm as the day itself, if not more so. It was also a free day from school, thanks to a surprise faculty meeting to discuss budgets cuts that absolutely couldn't wait, no excuses. That's how Kyoya-senpai phrased it in his e-mail anyway.

Haruhi didn't mind, she'd never been happier to miss a day of school. After the events of yesterday, all she really wanted to do was spend the day alone with the one person who mattered most right now.

She didn't know how it finally hit her that all those instances of feeling weird or sick around Tamaki-senpai were signs of her love for him. The last few days were something of a blur to her, but she remembered very well the moment Tamaki had all but professed his love to her on a stage in front of 100 of their classmates. She imagined the only reason he hadn't just shouted it to the heavens was to protect her true identity as a girl from everyone. Haruhi really didn't care if he told anyone, though on repeated thing, leaving the Host Club wasn't something she wanted to do anytime soon even now.

Maybe when she graduated, they'd tell everyone. Until then, Haruhi was fine with simple signs of affection he'd promised her, starting today with a 'romantic walk through the park, just the two of them.'

Haruhi had already been to the local park more times than she got count. She knew it like the back of her hand, and she knew, with it's abundance of litter and perchance for attracting loud mouthed families with children who never stopped shouting about something, it wasn't exactly what one would call romantic. She suspected that Tamaki just wanted to experience the 'joys' of so-called commoner recreation with her. That was fine. It was better than his first offer to fly them off to Hong Kong for the day to watch a fireworks display he'd read about on the internet.

This was only their first date after all.

Haruhi crossed the wide street, car horns blaring all around her, a plastic bag swinging at her side. As she walked along the sidewalk, people came and went from all different directions, some alone and others in groups. What really caught her attention, though, were the paired off couples, young and old, who walked by. Haruhi had caught herself thrice now, leaving lingering gazes on the town's lovestruck. They looked like Valentine's Day was still going on for them, public displays of affections she usually paid no mind to.

For reasons Haruhi couldn't hope to fathom, seeing them today made her feel… happy.

It was really weird.

'I hope I'm not getting sick this time,' she thought to herself, then shook her head. 'I guess it's just Tamaki-senpai rubbing off on me. I'm going to have to be careful now.'

She laughed quietly and quickened her pace. The park was just in view now, and when she squinted her eyes, so was one very familiar young man dressed casually and holding a huge and expensive looking bouquet of flowers.

That figured.

Tamaki's grin when he saw her threatened to split his face in half. Haruhi braced herself for his embrace, and it came swiftly. Even one handed, his hugs were near bone-crushing. Haruhi returned it, resting her head on his chest and just enjoying the feel of him for the next few seconds.

She was careful not to let her bag get in between them. It wouldn't be good for it to be crushed before Tamaki had a chance to see it.

"Finally," he said in her ear. "The wait for you to arrive almost killed me!"

Haruhi gave him a flat look. "You weren't waiting that long."

"It felt like that long," Tamaki said insistently.

Haruhi smiled and shook her head. She didn't know what she was going to do with him.

She held out the plastic bag, it's contents partially visible through it's barriers. Tamaki studied it for a moment, then took it from her and looked inside. His eyes widened.

"It's a gift," Haruhi explained. "I know it's a day late and all, but I had some extra money laying around and thought you might like it."

"Chocolate truffles," Tamaki said almost reverently. "My favorite! How did you know?"

Haruhi shrugged. "I don't know. Just a feeling, I guess."

Tamaki grinned and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. The couple walked through the wide open gates into the park area, chatting amiably the entire way.

"You should see the gift Hunny-senpai is having made for his new girlfriend," said Tamaki.

"You mean Reiko Kanazuki?" Haruhi asked. "What about it? Wait, let me guess, it's a cake, isn't it?"

"The biggest cake you've ever seen!" Tamaki exclaimed, throwing his truffle-wielding hand out wide. "I only saw the blueprints for it on Mori-senpai's computer, but it's going to be something else once it's made. I don't think even Hunny-senpai could finish it alone."

"That would be a first."

Tamaki laughed, and it was the most contagious sound Haruhi had ever heard. Soon, she was laughing with him as they stepped onto the dirt trail lined by park benches. Tamaki was quickly enamored with the simplicity of the place and begged Haruhi to tell him about her experiences here. She could only roll her eyes and squeeze his hand. Tamaki was so very excitable, almost too much sometimes.

Haruhi wouldn't have it any other way.

At the very top of the tallest building on the block sat a man with flaming red hair and enormous, birdlike wings. They were half stretched out around him, and he sat legs crossed, looking down on the tiny specks of people below, focusing primarily on the young couple who had just walked in.

Whatever Tamaki and Haruhi were talking about, Ozzie was too far away to hear any of it. He had only their body language to go by, and it told him good things. He smiled when Tamaki took hold of Haruhi's hand. They were shoulder to shoulder, any closer and they'd been fused together. They stopped at one point to sit, and Tamaki took the opportunity to plant a quick peck on her lips. Haruhi's face went red, though she appeared to be trying to wave it off. Whatever she had said, it got Tamaki laughing again, and then pulling her into another, longer kiss.

Ozzie's eyebrows went all the way up. He swung his legs out and jumped down onto the main part of the roof.

"I guess I should give them some privacy," he said with humor. "You two have fun, you hear?"

Ozzie walked to the edge and stepped up, wings unfurling completely. He jumped off. They caught the wind and lifted him higher, carrying him down the block and over the park with proud and strong beats.

He flew toward the sun.


A/N: Okay, a few things I want to tell you about now.

It's nothing horribly important, just some fun facts about this story I thought you might find interesting.


1.) When I first conceived this idea several months ago, I originally had Tamaki be the one to meet Ozzie and gain his powers. I switched it to Haruhi very early on for several reasons: It's more fun to have the romantically oblivious Haruhi playing Cupid, and Tamaki's already dealing with the supernatural in the Spirit Minded series. Now it's Haruhi's turn! :D
2.) I don't know how many of you have read my another Ouran fic I wrote called 'Mary, May I?' (if you haven't, go read it now). That story was originally going to end like this one: with the characters forgetting everything that happened to them during the story. I changed that because of my tendency to overthink almost everything I write about. I realized that there was some serious Fridge Horror to the idea of people from another world controlling your lives for their own demented purposes, so I rewrote it to let the character keep their memories. Not in this story, though. It's sad, but true.
3.) I like to listen to music when I'm coming up with ideas (and when writing certain scenes as well). One of these days, I'm going to write a fic with a full on soundtrack, but this isn't the fic. I do have two songs to go with this story, though. The first is Everything I Do, which I mentioned in the last chapter. The other is Higher Love by Steve Winwood. I see it as a sort of theme song for Ozzie, and were Apathy of Cupid a movie, that would be the End Credits song. Give it a listen if you want.

And that's all I've got. Look out for a new oneshot coming soon, along with new chapters of Commoner Club and Absolute Ouran.

I'll see you then! :D