The pain was excruciating, and Lavi found it incredibly difficult to concentrate on silencing his screams. He watched the sadistic faces of the ashen colored Noah surrounding him, watched as they experimented on his arm. The Noah were careful, they seemed to know how to cause the most pain, while leaving his body almost unscathed.

"Are you going to give us information yet?" The long haired Noah asked the figure besides Lavi, who was slumped over in his chair. The old man managed to lift his head long enough to stare defiantly in the Noah's eye.

"Oh well, we have plenty of time to wait" The man snickered, smirking as he pressed his sharp nails into Lavi's palm, causing the redhead to whimper. The Bookman merely stared, his eyes glazing over as the torture began again. Lavi found himself unable to cease screaming once the Noah began slowly peeling the soft skin of his palm.

"Brother... I'm trying to concentrate" A familiar figure appeared at the doorway. Lavi managed to turn his head towards the Noah who had hurt his friends many times before.


"Torture does not qualify as work Sheril, certainly not at this unearthly hour." Tyki interrupted, looking at Lavi in cold recognition.

The man who tortured him now had a name, great. He also happened to be that bastard's brother, although that could be some act.

"Any information?"

"No luck yet. How's babysitting?" Sheril replied, smirking.

"Uneventful." Tyki muttered back, clearly annoyed at the comment. He stared blankly at Lavi and the bookman, both nearly passed out. "Anyway, your victims are nearing their end, I would stop before you permanently damage them."

Sheril murmured something inaudible to Tyki, the hint of a whine in his voice. The older Noah embraced his brother, letting out a small sob.

"No, she hasn't contacted us yet." Tyki replied, and Lavi swore he could see a small tear winding down his cheek.

Sheril nodded, taking a deep breath before walking towards their prisoners. "Tomorrow we-

A gasp was heard from the other side of the room, and Lavi craned his neck to see the new drama. Another ashen figure stood at the doorway, leaning against the door for support, eye's wide in shock. Tyki made his way towards the boy, offering a hand for support.

"So, you're finally awake"

Finished chapter two! Wow, I'm surprised I've already gotten a review and a handful of favorites in a few mere hours. I love you all so much!

I won't publish this often, but I couldn't bear to leave you with such a measly chapter, and I had a few hours to spare.

Lavi is in the picture now! Next time i'll go to Allen's point of view, which shall be a lot easier for me. And the fic will focus more on Allen in the future.

Again, if you see any potential pairings, or ideas I'll gladly take opinions!

Lastly, do you prefer frequently updated short chapters? or longer ones that may take me a week to write?