Author's Note:

This fic takes place after chapters 212, although if you know about Nea, you're pretty much spoiler free (I apologize for any confusion) . I admit, it's starting to sound a bit like the Poker Pair(AllenxTyki), but I swear that was not my intention... No pedophelia until a majority of my reviews urge me to do so, and then I will go all out :3

I've got a basic outline for this fic, but really, any suggestions, requests for pairings, etc. all will be highly considered and I'll love you forever!~

Notice any mistakes? I wrote this pretty late, so I'm sure there are millions of tiny errors.

I do not own -man. Oh how I wish I did.

Tyki easily entered the apartment, the 2nd exorcist and the science officer had carelessly left the door unlocked. He closed the door behind him, letting it click into place. It wasn't necessary to hide, that four-eyed servant of the Order hadn't the guts or strength to scratch him.


Tyki smirked, if only, making his way towards the bedroom. The lights weren't on, but the open window let the moonlight seep in, illuminating the unconscious figure of Allen. The small man was kneeling on the floor besides him, a list of names in his hand that he had previously been reading aloud.

"Pleasure to meet you..." Tyki murmured, stepping into the moonlight.

Johnny gasped, standing over Allen protectively. His brows furrowed in fear as he quivered uncontrollably. "Noah. W-what are you doing here."

"That should be fairly obvious," he replied, taking a few graceful steps towards the ashen skinned boy. "I want you to bring me Allen Walker, you can do whatever you want to his friends~" Tyki remembered the Earl's words, and looked sympathetically towards the man in front of him. Johnny stared back at the noah, still quivering, but Tyki could see a spark in the man's eyes that he could respect. It would be regretful to kill him.

"Now, if you please, will you step away from the boy?"

"No." Johnny whispered. "No." He repeated, louder this time, glaring at the noah in indignation.

"Shame... I thought you were a smart one..."

It had been days since Tyki had made his escapade, collecting the comatose Allen. Days, and yet the boy hadn't moved a muscle. The Earl had been delighted, but the other Noah soon lost their interest with the inanimate boy, preferring Bookman torture to babysitting. He couldn't blame them, nursing Allen Walker back to health was about as demeaning, and anticlimactic as picking flowers.

If only Road was here, she'd have the time of her life caring for him. The Noah of Pleasure sighed, remembering the disappearance of his niece. Sheril had been annoyingly overwrought when she hadn't returned, and they had merely assumed he was overreacting. Still, days, and finally weeks had gone by, and Road Kamelot had yet to return.

A muffled scream punctured his thoughts, reminding the Noah of the recently occupied torture chamber next store. Sheril was probably taking out his grief on the Bookman Jr. Tyki winced as the screaming suddenly stopped, imagining the pain that poor exorcist was going through. There was no fun in listening to torture, even for a Noah.


Tyki glanced over at the bed, seeing an ashen hand slowly clench into a fist. Ahhh... Maybe the screams did some good besides distracting Sheril...