Disclaimer: I do not own VA.


I stared across the table at my former best friend. She had changed a lot in the last six years. Now more than ever she looked like an angel. Beautiful, pure, the exact opposite of me.

We hadn't yet spoken since she came here. After I realised who it was, I had turned around and walked calmly to my room, Dimitri hot on my heels, where I broke down.

Now, it was after dinner and Lissa had requested to talk to me. Why would she want to talk to me?

"Rose," Lissa began, her voice soft. We were in my room, everyone else had respectively left us for privacy.

I flinched involuntarily. "Lissa," I said, my voice hoarse. I cleared my throat. "What are you doing here?"

"Your dad told me that he found you. Rose, my dad, my mom, my brother, we were all so distraught when you were kidnapped. Andre was beside himself; he feels like it's his fault that it happened. And the sad part is, no one can deny because you aren't there to do it. I mean, weren't. In a way, we all think it's his fault. Is it? I mean, you don't have to answer that right now. I mean, I would like you to, but..."

Lissa continued rambling on nervously while all I could do was stare. Why was she even talking to me?

"Lissa," I interrupted her. "What are you doing here?"

Lissa looked hurt. "Can't I see my best friend?"

I shook my head slowly. "I'm not the Rose you used to know." With that, I stood up and walked out.

A/N: I'm back, my lovelies! xD So, yeah, really short chapter, I know, but keep in mind that My Wish was drabble-ish, k? I'll update as often as possible, so sometimes you might get two updates a day, sometimes only one. So, this is going to be a bit shortish, the story I mean. THere won't be any outside conflicts, as far as I know, it'll be just Rose trying to come to terms with her life and what happened and move on. Anyway, review, let me know what you think(: