Here is my new story. Give it a shot, the first chapter is nothing special, its mostly Elena's life. the next chapter will be all about Damon. the chapter after that is where the fun starts... Let me know what you think. It will be M rated in a couple chapters.

"Hey Elena, are you coming to the Grill tonight?" Caroline Forbes said running after her best friend.

"Can't. It's Tuesday. Miss Mystic Falls planning night." she said dryly.

"It is still four months until the pageant." Caroline said her eyebrows raising.

"Oh I know that. But apparently to my mom and grandma it takes four months to figure out what colour I am going to wear and how to wear my hair, and my makeup." she said sarcastically.

"Don't forget your speeches." Caroline put in.

"No, that is Thursday night. Saturday and Sunday are taken for charity work. It's my life but it is being fully run by my mother and grandma." she said bitterly.

"It must suck being the more than perfect daughter. You don't ever get to go out and have fun." Caroline said sympathetically.

"There was that one night." Elena grinned.

"True. But I will let you get going." Caroline said veering off towards her Prius. Elena sighed, how she wished she had the freedom that Caroline had. Caroline could go out and do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted to. She could date whoever she wanted and wear whatever she wanted. Elena was more than a little jealous at her best friend. Elena's life was a carefully managed saga of charity events, black dress pants and white blouses. There were constantly dress fittings organized for different functions. The burden of being Miranda and Grayson Gilbert's daughter. The only daughter of Miranda and Grayson Gilbert. She got in her Prius and started it up when her boyfriend Matt Donovan came running over.

"Hey." he said.

"Hi." she said by greeting allowing him to plant a chaste kiss on her cheek. This was another thing Elena had no control over, her relationships. As much as she cared for Matt, she didn't want him in a romantic way anymore. She wanted something more adventurous, someone who wasn't afraid of her parents. Matt only did things that her parents approved of, which caused them to strong approve of Matt Donovan.

"I just talked to your dad, and he said we could go out after your Miss Mystic meeting tonight." he said.

"I would love to, but I'm busy tonight." she said trying to brush her boyfriend of two years off.

"No you're not. You dad said your schedule was completely free." he said.

"Fine. What do you have in mind?" she asked hating how her parents had her time planned out down to the hour. "No wonder Jeremy left" Elena said to herself.

"I was thinking we'd go to the Grill." he said.

"Would you mind terribly if I invited Bonnie and Caroline too?" she asked.

"I guess not. They're our friends too." he agreed.

"Great. But I better get going. I better not be late for planning, my mother would flip." she said rolling up the window and peeling out of the school parking lot.

"Elena is that you?" Miranda called from the dining room when she walked in the door.

"Yes." Elena answered.

"Good. You're running late dear. Take your bag upstairs then come and join us in the dining room.

"Alright." Elena called back. She was five minutes later and her mom was already bitchy. This was going to be a fun afternoon. She walked into her bedroom which was perfectly organized and perfectly decorated in a way befitting an almost 18 year old. There were no personal effects because her mom thought it was inappropriate. Everything of personal worth to her was nestled in her closet on a bulletin board. All the pictures of her and her friends and everything she deemed important.

"I'm here." she said walking into the dining room where her mom and grandma had piles and piles of books consisting of hairstyles and dresses.

"Sit down." Miranda ordered. Elena sighed and clasped her hands in front of her.

"Here is what we were thinking. I found this dress here, and we were thinking this for your hair." Grandma Sommers stated with her perfected coiffed hair and perfect makeup, showing her a picture of a white dress with the ugliest sleeves she'd ever seen. The hair was moderately better but it was a stern looking updo with was sure to give her a headache.

"I hate it." Elena stated.

"Elena Marie Gilbert we do not use the word hate in this house." Miranda exclaimed.

"Fine There is no way in hell I am wearing that." she said pointing to the dress.

"Elena! What has gotten into you?" Miranda exclaimed.

"Why cant I pick my own dress like every other girl?" she asked.

"Because I want you to win. You need our help, your grandmother and I are both former Miss Mystic Falls, and you need to be too." she said patting her daughters hand.

"It doesn't mean anything to me mom. And it is taking up my entire life." she said.

"Only four more months dear." she said.

"I have homework to do." Elena said getting up and leaving the room.

"Well." Miranda said.

"You had better have a talk with your daughter Miranda." Beatrice Sommers stated.

"I will. But I will give her some time to calm down first." she said.

Elena went up to her room and collapsed onto her bed. She reached underneath her mattress and grabbed her diary. She had to hide it so her mom wouldn't read what was written in it, because she knew she would. Her diary was the only place she was able to voice her opinions on how much she hated how her life was controlled. It was the only place where she could voice her annoyance at her parents for their controlling. And it was the only place she could voice how much she missed and how jealous she was of Jeremy. He had gotten out, he had run away and was now the happiest person she knew. He was living with friends and he was free of this hell that was being a Gilbert in Mystic Falls. She rubbed the back of her neck where she knew one of her tattoos was nestled. Throughout the past few years she had gotten a tattoo every once in a while to get back at her parents. A way to express her individuality. The first one was the word breathe tattooed in white ink on the inside of her left wrist. The second was a small dragon fly on her foot. The third was a star and a moon behind her ear. Tomorrow she was going to get another one when she had a couple hours of free time. Caroline had a friend who did all of her ink and piercings. And he did them for free. He was great. Her mom and dad didn't know he existed.

"Elena, it seems we need to talk." her mom said opening the door. Elena sighed and closed her diary and laid it over her stomach.

"What do you need mother?" she asked.

"You need to get serious about this Elena. Miss Mystic is only a few months away. You need to get going on this. There are lots of charities you still need to get some volunteer work in for." she said.

"I will okay. Just leave me alone. I have plans with Matt. I better go." she said getting up off the bed and walking to her closet. She slipped her diary in her purse not willing to put it away with her mom still in the room.

"Of course dear. Matt Donovan is such a good boyfriend for you." she said.

"Yeah, that's because then you know exactly where I am at all times." she muttered.

"Well of course. We need to know where you are. You are the only child I have left." she said. Elena sighed and turned to her mom.

"I'm sorry mom." she said. Whenever her mom brought up how Jeremy just left, she always felt bad and she always apologized. It was a vicious circle and all Elena wanted was for it to end.

"I know you are dear. Have fun with Matt." she said hugging her daughter formally. Elena smiled back tentatively and walked out of the room grabbing her keys on they way. Getting in the car she hit the wheel of her car a couple times before starting it up and putting it in gear driving to the Grill.

Caroline and Bonnie were already there when she arrived.

"How's it going in the insanity of the Gilbert House?" Caroline asked.

"My fucking mother is driving me up the wall." she muttered just before Matt slid in next to her tossing his arm across the back of her chair.

"Sounds terrible." Caroline said going for honesty.

"It is." Elena agreed.

"So are we still doing that thing tomorrow?" Caroline asked subtly knowing that Matt didn't know about Elena's tattoos. The only people that knew about her body art were Bonnie and Caroline.

"Yup. I will meet you there after school. I have some free time." she said.

"Good." Caroline said. She loved Elena's way of striking back. Her mom had made her into the perfect daughter in looks and in acts. It made Caroline happy whenever Elena lashed out and went off on her own. The tattoos were her version of differing herself from the rest of the Gilbert/ Sommers women.

"I'm sorry I cant hang out for long tonight. I have to work. One of the regulars called in sick and I need the money." he said getting out of the bench.

"That's fine. I'll see you tomorrow." she said watching him walk towards the bar.

"You don't sound too sad that he's leaving."' Bonnie noted.

"I'm not. Matt is just my friend. It's only according to him and my parents that he's more." she said.

"So what are you getting tomorrow?" Caroline asked.

"A butterfly on the small of my back." she said.

"Cute." Caroline said. It was only in moments like this that she felt like a typical teenage girl, when she was sitting at the Grill with her friends. She had yet to find someone who could make her feel like a woman.

She was sitting back laughing at something Caroline said when the doors to the Grill opened and the sexiest man Elena had ever seen before stepped into her line of vision.

"Oh my God." she said once he walked past their table to head up to the bar.

"Oh yeah." Caroline said staring at him appreciatively.

"That is Damon Salvatore. My dad hates him. He is apparently the biggest man-whore the world has to offer." she said.

"Well. He is hot." Caroline said.

"He definitely is. Being that hot should be illegal." Elena whispered. Caroline laughed and Elena moved her chair so she couldn't see Damon anymore. He was too distracting for his own good.

Damon went to the bar and immediately starting flirting his way to a bottle of bourbon. Why use compulsion if you didn't need to? He could get women to do whatever he wanted without using his particular other talents. He noticed the girl across the Grill the moment he walked in, and he hadn't fully taken his gaze off of her since. He chose not to listen in to her conversation mainly because she was a teenage girls. He knew what teenage girls talked about and he really didn't care which stars she thought were hot at the moment or how exceptionally amazing Edward Cullen was. He would rather keep the image of her looking sexy in his mind. The bartender he was flirting with was a more than easy target. She was so responsive to his every word that it took no time for him to have the entire bottle of bourbon sitting beside him and the girl willing to do whatever it took to get him to take her home with him too.

"Ah shit. I have to go. I'm late for curfew." Elena shouted a while later.

"Ooh now you're in trouble." Caroline teased.

"Shut up. I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." she said picking up her purse that still had her diary nestled inside. Matt met her at the door and she allowed him to kiss her cheek again before she walked out of the restaurant and to her car which she started up and sped out of the parking lot. She seen the lights on in the house when she got home and rushed inside.

"You're late young lady." Grayson Gilbert stated.

"I know I'm sorry. I got caught up with Bonnie and Caroline." she said slinging her purse over her shoulder.

"Do not let it become a habit or else we may have to restrict your time with your friends even more." he said.

"How can you restrict it anymore than it already is? Now I only have an hour a day and weekends. Oh right I don't have weekends anymore because you took that away for volunteering." she said stomping up the stairs and into her room. Once she got into her room she went into her bathroom and stripped off all of her clothes before stepping under the hot spray. Once she was done showering she wrapped herself in her plush robe and walked into her bedroom where her mom was seated on her bed.

"God, now what do you want?" she demanded throwing her arms up in the air.

"I want to know why you're acting like this?" she asked.

"I will be 18 in just under four months. I want freedom. I don't want to run everything by you whenever I do something. I don't want to tell you whenever I leave the house, and I sure as hell don't want to live my life by your schedule." she yelled pulling the calendar from the wall and thrusting it in her moms face.

"Just get some sleep Elena. We will deal with this in the morning." her mom said.

"Of course. Because Miranda Gilbert will not fight. She will be frustratingly in control of every situation and I will be forced to let go of my anger. That's how it always goes." Elena muttered as Miranda left the room and shut the door. Angrily Elena dressed in a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top before sliding into bed. What she wouldn't give to trade lives with someone for even a day. So someone else could live with the torture of having parents like hers.

When Elena got out of bed the next morning she sighed and dressed before heading downstairs.

"Good morning dear." Miranda said from the dining room table reading the newspaper.

"I'm not doing anything today. I am going to school, and then I am hanging out with Caroline." she said firmly.

"Oh honey, you cant today. You have to volunteer at the food bank." Miranda said having the sense to feign apology.

"Well its going to have to wait. I have something to do with Caroline tonight." Elena said grabbing her backpack and walking out of the door. Miranda watched her leave and sighed. She didn't know when Elena had become so difficult.

Elena met Caroline at the table and sat down. Matt joined them a couple minutes later.

"Hey." he said.

"Hello." Elena greeted before turning back.

"So Grant will be ready for tonight?" she asked.

"Yeah. He's excited for this." she said.

"Who is Grant?" Matt asked.

"A friend of Caroline's. We're going to visit him tonight." Elena explained.

"I see. Are your parents aware of this?" he asked.

"No and they aren't going to be. I am taking a night off from my stupid life." she said.

"Lena, your life is hardly stupid. You have possibly one of the best lives." he said comfortingly.

"No I don't. My life sucks ass." she said firmly.

"Well that is an interesting analogy." Matt stated.

"Well its true. I wish I could be like Jer, and just run away from everything." she admitted sighing.

After school Elena followed Caroline to Grant's shop.

"Hey Care-bear. Hi Elena." he said hugging his Caroline and smiling at Elena.

"Hey Grant." Elena greeted him.

"So you're here for your next addition to that body? Which will it be piercing or tat?" he asked.

"Tattoo. It hurt too damn much when you did my belly button." she said.

"What do you want?" he asked escorting her over to his work area.

"A butterfly on the small of my back. You can make it however you want, I love all my other ones." she said.

"Okay then. Sit down and enjoy." he said as he traced a design onto her back. She bit her lip and winced throughout the operation, but when it was done she turned to look at it and smiled.

"It's perfect." she said.

"Good." he said covering it up with the bandage. She stood up and followed Caroline back out to the car.

"You know you're lucky you have me as a friend. You get free tattoos and piercings whenever you want. What do you think your parents would say if they knew about these?" she asked.

"They'd snap. It feels good to know that I'm doing something that they hate." she admitted.

"You need a night out Lena. How about this, have a sleep over on Friday night. I'm sure if you pretend to be the perfect daughter for the next few days your mom and dad will allow you to sleep over. And then we can get drunk. You can let loose." Caroline suggested.

"Really? Oh my God that sounds amazing." Elena said.

"Yeah. You need this. If we're not careful you'll end up tattooed from head to toe before your 21." she said. Elena laughed at her friend before hopping into her car and driving home.