
Lucy slumped in her chair. She had finally finished her book. It had taken her a whole week of constant writing, but she had finished. She hadn't really missed out on much anyways. Everyone in the guild had been ignoring her for the past month. Natsu and Happy didn't even break into her home anymore. At first Lucy was thankful for the rare silence, but soon she started to miss their surprise visits.

At first, Lucy thought they were just to busy now that Lisanna had returned. But when she would go up to talk to them, they would brush her off with a lame excuse. After so much time, Lucy started to feel dejected, neglected, just like when she lived with her father.

Lucy didn't blame Lisanna. It wasn't her fault. She hadn't meant for all this to happen after her return. No, Lucy didn't blame Lisanna. She blamed the entire guild. They had made her feel like she had a family for once. That everyone in the guild was family. But just as they had implanted those thoughts into her heart, they tore them out.

She was all alone, just like before. Even her spirits were acting similar, even Loke. They would do their instructed task and then leave as soon as it was finished, not even taking the time to say goodbye.

Lucy had worried about her rent when this first started. But when her deadline was closing in, she settled for doing solo missions. They were difficult at first, but soon they started becoming easier after the last.

Lucy looked at her wall clock, it was ten thirty. Seeing as it was so late, Lucy turned off her lights and crawled into her bed. Preparing herself for another day of misery. Tomorrow she would return to the guild.


Lucy was just about to leave. Behind her was a suitcase filled with all the clothes she owned and her binders with her books and future book ideas. She had just finished packing. Lucy had visited her land lord early that morning and explained her situation. Lucy then paid that months rent, telling the land lord that he could do what he wanted with everything else she owned.

After finishing her thoughts, Lucy opened the door to her apartment and walked out onto the street. Lucy was surprised to see Natsu walking towards her, and even more surprised that he was alone.

"Natsu!" Lucy called the pink haired mage over to her. The fire mage saw her and walked up to her.

"What's up Lucy?" He asked. He had seen Lucy's bag and was confused by why she had it with her.

Lucy frowned slightly, a few tears making their way to her eyes. the blond mumbled, "Natsu, could you walk with me for a bit? I need to talk with you."

Natsu was annoyed by the request. Didn't she know that he wanted to spend time with Lisanna? Didn't she realize that she could talk with him anytime she wanted? But he hadn't talked with Lucy in a while, so he thought he might as well do this.

Lucy looked to her left, seeing that Natsu actually was walking with her. That had surprised her. The blond had thought he would have refused. Quickly taking this opportunity, Lucy began to speak, "Natsu, I'm leaving."

When the other mage hadn't spoken back, she looked to see him looking at the road in front of him, ignoring her just like usual. Lucy only sighed. The celestial mage felt a strange feeling in her right hand, but ignored it.

Speaking slightly louder, Lucy spoke again, "(*sigh*) Natsu... listen."

Natsu looked at the blond girl at his side now. Raising an eyebrow, showing his annoyance. Music started to ring out from a mysterious and unseen source. And even though they were now on one of Magnolia's busier streets, Lucy began singing.

(Song and artist - Gotta Go My Own Way by Vanessa Hudgins)

*I gotta say what's on my mind

Something about us

Doesn't seem right these days

Life keeps getting in the way

Whenever we try somehow the plan

Is always rearranged

It's so hard to say

But I've gotta do what's best for me

You'll be ok...

I've got to move on and be who I am

I just don't belong here

I hope you understand

We might find our place

In this world someday

But at least for now

I gotta go my own way

Don't wanna leave it all behind

But I get my hopes up

And I watch them fall every time

Another color turns to grey

And it's just too hard to watch it all

Slowly fade away

I'm leaving today 'cause I've

Gotta do what's best for me

You'll be ok...

I've got to move on and be who I am

I just don't belong here

I hope you understand

We might find our place in this

World someday

But at least for now

I gotta go my own way

At this point, what Lucy was singing began to sink into Natsu. He started to say his protests, but he couldn't be heard over the music. So he did the only thing he could, sing.

What about us?

What about everything we've been through?

What about trust?

And what about me?

What am I supposed to do?

I gotta leave but I'll miss you

So I've got to move on and be who I am

I just don't belong here

I hope you understand

We might find our place in this

World someday

But at least for now

I wanna go my own way

I've got to move on and be who I am

I just don't belong here

I hope you understand

We might find our place in this

World someday

But at least for now

I gotta go my own way

I gotta go my own way

I gotta go my own way*


The members of Fairy Tail stared in shock at the magical projection they were watching. When this projection first appeared, they already had a nauseous feeling. This projection only appeared when a guild member was leaving the guild, permanently. When they saw that it was focused on Lucy, they all cried out. No one wanted the joyful teen to leave.

And when Lucy began to sing, their hearts broke even more. Now, as Lucy and Natsu stood at the border of Magnolia, they watched in silence. Natsu and Lucy were having their goodbyes. Silent tears fell furiously from the cheeks of every single member.

The projection quickly flickered away. And the guild members finally let out their cries and tears. All of them wanted an explanation. All of them wanted to see Lucy again. No body knew the answer to either.

Author's Note- I'm sick, tired, and in a lack of inspiration for new stories, so I did a short one shot in an attempt of helping. Not my best piece of work. I'm ashamed of myself. Update for my other story should be up by Sunday