Have I ever mention how much I love you guys? Even the lurkers! I have a total of 19 reviews as of this writing and that's the most I have ever gotten for a series. Yay!

Anyway, Mama Bird is not over yet. This will not be the last chapter. The bunnies have come to stay. This particular one doesn't involve Dinah and Conner but with her two sons. :-)

"Can you please explain why we're stalking Lian's daycare?"

It was about 9:40 AM and Conner and Roy were up in a tree. No joke. They were also in full stealth gear and using the best equipment that Batman could make (or buy). They had established at least a 50 mile perimeter that was lined with booby-traps and other little nasty surprises for any would be assassin.

And it was all for a two-year-old.

Granted, Lian Christine Harper was a very special two-year-old. She's the daughter of Red Arrow and Cheshire, honorary niece to too many superheroes (and actual niece to Guardian and Artemis), and granddaughter to Green Arrow, Black Canary, Sportsmaster, and Tigress. So yes, Lian is a target for all of those pesky assassins. Like the League of the Shadows.

Roy was perched on the branch and watching as his daughter took a nap.

"You never know what could happen," he answered.

"I can have Wolf look after her," Conner offered.

"I will not let some dumb animal look after my daughter," Roy snapped. Conner frowned and pursed his lips.

"Besides, stalking is for losers. This is monitoring."