




Location: Unknown

Date: June 14, 2012

Time: 7:52 AM

{log status = begun}

[recording = active]

Before I tell you this 'story', I'll just throw in a quick word: I hate changes in my life. Especially quick, sudden ones. Well, little did I know at the time, change was coming. A lot of it. Too much, perhaps... I don't want to give this account of events a bad label to start with, but it may as well deserve it. Because, to be honest, I was about to set foot in the greatest and deadliest quest of my life... If you could call it that. Or, if you were willing to, you could label it like this: I was about to set foot in the Twilight Zone. Dammit, no pun intended.

I woke up with a jolting start. This was the first of many bizarre things that had told me that something (or everything, for that matter) was hideously wrong. As you might have guessed, I am usually not a "morning person". By any means. Thank God I don't freak out easily, or I probably would be right now. Recollecting my thoughts (barely), I took a look around. By doing so, I discovered abnormality #2: I was in an orchard. WTF. "Wasn't I in Arizona last night?" I heard myself mutter. I had no idea why I could remember that, but seemingly nothing else. My voice also sounded a little different... Couldn't tell how, though. And although I wanted to find out was going on, I didn't want to consider anything terrible. Thank goodness the worse I could come up with at the time was getting mugged.

That's when I realized that I was still lying down in the rich soil that held... Apples? This was too familiar, even though I was pretty sure that nowhere in Arizona could sustain this good of soil. I decided to try to stand up, and to my surprise, my legs stiffened up and I fell flat on my poor little face. At that exact moment, #3 had been unearthed. Literally. I had just discovered that my nose was... "Long and purple?" I muttered to myself again. Great, another WTF moment. "Am I... Dreaming?"

That was almost instantly out of the question after I realized how complex my thoughts were at the time. And I don't know if you would call it a coincidence at this point or not, but I had crossed the line of sanity levels that went to 'dangerously low'. Instinctively, I then quickly wrapped together a couple answers using what little logic I had left spraying mindlessly around my brain:

I was not home.

I was not human.

I then tried to scramble back to my feet, only to find that I fell back down on my inhuman nose. I then ignored the following pain and just did what felt right. I got up on all fours. That's when #4 was discovered. All four of my limbs were exactly the same length. This was too much to handle. I just wanted to pass out from disbelief. However, panic almost turned to fear when I noticed how surrealistically colorful and undetailed my surroundings were.

Time-out. Yes, I am fully aware of the previous statement. But trust me: If you remembered almost nothing about who you were and you suddenly woke up in an eerily familiar environment knowing not even what you are, I think you would panic. Have I made a point here? Time-in.

Just when it seemed like fear was going to take over, all of my feelings suddenly turned to curiosity and intrigue when I regained a little memory and sub mindedly considered something that I wouldn't have on my own. I considered the impossible: Was I a... Pony? Was I in Equestria?

That's when some more of my memory returned. I remember being hooked on... a kids show. Don't remember how or when... Yet. I was probably lucky just to remember the name: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The words sounded dumb, even just in my head. But then I started asking things. Was I on the set? Was I one of the characters? More importantly, how is there a cast and a set for a cartoon? Useless questions flooded my mind until one of them caught my attention: Was I brought here for a reason?

I idled on that thought for a while until deciding that I would find out, even though I had no idea how to. Lucky for me, there was more memory flooding. I started remembering more about the show itself. Wait... Apples... Orchid... BAM! It all made sense. Well, some of it at the least. I was in Appleloosa, one of the towns in the show. I scampered to my feet, feeling like a total klutz, Derpy Hooves style. At least I could stand. I tried to walk. I could... barely. I probably ended up looking like Granny Smith after about three too many glasses of hard apple cider.

More random memory flood followed soon after. I honestly couldn't tell if this was exactly safe for my mind... But if I was a pony, does that mean... I looked down, and almost shrieked in fright while doing so. Knowing that I probably would have looked and sounded like a dork, I tried to choke it down. It just ended coming out as a "GAAGH" instead. In place of my hands and feet... were purple hooves. Good hell, this was getting weirder by the second. This proposed an interesting idea to me: What kind of pony was I? Excepting that I wasn't a pegasus... Or was I? I would think that one could easily notice two extra limbs, but I wouldn't be surprised if that happened judging by the weird things that happen in a kid's cartoon. I glanced back to look for a pair of wings, but just found bare skin. Well, excepting the bizarre formation on my rear... A cutie mark, if I remember clearly. I didn't bother to look at it yet.

That reminded me that I vaguely remembered wearing a watch in my last moments of humanity. I looked at my left, er, frontal... Hoof? leg. Whatever. Sure enough, there was a watch there. 7:56 A.M. I then remember having my smartphone as well... but where would that have gone? I scrounged around looking for it, while at the same time, discovering two things after pulling it out.

I still had it.

I wasn't wearing pants.

And while discovering that, I discovered several other things.

I just pulled something out of a pocket that didn't exactly exist..

I wasn't wearing any clothes.

I was now holding and using a smartphone. With a hoof.

There was now a phone in Equestria.

The smartphone had five bars of 4-G coverage.

This probably had severe complications and consequences.

I tried to wrap my head around this. To put it shortly, I couldn't. Then, remembering my plan to get help, I put my phone back into my 'nothing' and started walking. I had no idea where. I then remembered... the town was above and beyond the largest ridge adjacent to the orchid. This perplexed me: Why did I remember more about this cartoon then I did about me? Maybe it was because I was in it. Anyway, I found an open patch, found the ridge, and made my way towards it. Eventually, I cleared the ridge and found myself staring at a bustling western-ish town. Except there was one difference: It was inhabited by several pastel-colored Equestrians. Er, ponies. Whatever the hell the proper term is.

Then, before I could figure out what to do next, I had a massive recollection. And to be honest, I hoped this would be my last. My head hurt by now from my mental wall slowly being torn down.. But in a nutshell, every single thing about where I was and every single thing related to it came flowing through the mental wall inside my mind. All the episodes, the whole plot, all the fanfics I had read, and all the fanart I had seen... back. I guess it must have been just from looking at the town... Appleloosa. That's what it was called. However, I still couldn't pull up any more information on me or who I was before... This. At least I could be sure of the information I had of this world this time. I came to the sudden realization that there was a train in Appleloosa that went to a few of the other towns in the show. Canterlot and Ponyville, if I remember clearly. Such weird names... I knew of a couple of 'ponyfolk' who could probably help me: Princess Celestia (leader of Equestria (the world that the show took place in)) and Twilight (her student). However, I they didn't live very close to each other, and that meant I could only visit one at a time. I walked up to the nearest pony, who was a brown earth pony.

"Umm, hello?" I stupidly muttered to him.

"Howdy-do. What's goin' with you?" he said back with a heavy southern accent.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if you knew anything about the train that comes here?"

"Well, wadja wanna know 'bout it?"

"How much would it cost to get to Ponyville?"

"A good fifteen bits."

"And where is this train station?" I still couldn't believe that I was talking to a horse.

"There." he flatly stated while pointing to a large building, on which it had a sign stating 'Appleloosa Station'. Derp.


"Sure..." He gave me a suspicious gaze as he started trotting backwards.

I felt like a total idiot as I walked to the front of the station. There was a sign out front: "NEXT TRAIN DEPARTING AT: 8:15." I checked my watch again. 8:10. Good, that means I won't have to wait long... Then I realized that I didn't have any money. Crap.

I quickly decided to get on without a ticket. I knew this was the wrong thing to do, but since I've never seen anypony arrest someone, I just assumed that I would be fine. I started to make my way back into the train yard to find a six-car train being boarded. It was also then that I found a mechanic's hat that was hung on the back of the caboose. Perfect. I waited until the train started moving, then in one smooth motion, grabbed the hat, jammed it on, and leaped onto the back of the train. Mission accomplished. For now.

I figured that my best bet for looking like a legit mechanic would be to walk (completely unsuspiciously) through the first few cars, then ditch the hat somewhere between cars three and four. It sounded perfect in my head, but then again, I hadn't let the idea of insanity go just yet. I was still a friggin' pony, for crying out loud.

As the train gained speed through the desert, I saw my window of opportunity. The caboose looked empty and the train had already left town. I walked through the door to find the familiar luxury car seemingly... perfect. I just realized how cartoony this place looked. I then spotted the bed on the side of the car and plopped down. Judging by how the train rode in the show, the best I could figure was that the ride would take about eight to ten hours.

Then I noticed a small mirror hanging on the side of the car, which made me realize that (1), I had no idea what I looked like as a pony, (2), I had no idea what I looked like as a human, either. All that I could seem to remember about myself was that I used to live in Arizona. Weird. I still wondered if that had anything to do with the fact that I was here in the first place. It probably did, but I didn't stress myself thinking about it.

I wandered over to the mirror and almost gave myself a heart attack. Standing in front of me was a deep purple cartoon horse with a frizzy light blue mane and a light purple horn sticking straight out of it. As for facial features, I had deep blue eyes and a short snout. That alone was too much for me to handle. And right there, in the middle of a train car, I passed out.

I really had no idea why that happened, but I'll say that it was almost a convenience for getting through an otherwise boring train ride. But all that I know was that I woke up to the sound of a screeching train whistle. I jolted upward, checked my watch (4:46 PM), and made my way out of the back of the caboose and into the Ponyville train yard. Walking for the first time in the so-called "fictitious" town of Ponyville was crazy. It was probably how you could have guessed it to be: Basically, MLP in first person. Very old-looking rustic buildings, but the several Equestrians wandering the streets acted rather modernish. And because I remember loving the show, I heard myself squee. This time out of delight, not confusion. I took some time to myself after that to walk down the streets, trying not to bump into anypony as to start an awkward conversation with a 'background pony'. Too late; I already shouldered somepony on accident while enjoying the scenery.

"Hey there! Sorry I bumped into yah... Guess I wasn't watching where I was going. You don't look to familiar... Traveling or settling?" He turned out to be a short pegasus stallion with a grey coat and a smoky voice. Kind of wired, especially because I never remember there being smoking of any kind on the show.

"Oh, sorry. Well, if you mean traveling as in having no idea where you're headed, then yes."

He gave a hearty chuckle. "Heh, well. What are you looking for? Anything, anyplace or anypony in particular?"

"Well, not really. But there is one pony I'm looking for: Twilight Sparkle. You know her, by any chance?"

"Of course! She's only the star student of Princess Celestia! Look for the huge tree in the middle of the town. That's her house."

"Thanks, bro." I let that last part slip.

"Say what?"

"Nevermind it... But thanks anyway."

"You're welcome to it." And with that, we split up and headed our separate ways.

I had to remember my mission: Find Twilight. Can do. I almost instantly spotted the only tree in Ponyville and started to walk over towards it, the entire way thinking of what I could say to make myself not look (or sound) stupid. Too late. I was already there, in the very house that held the icon of a cartoon... And you can imagine how that sunk in. In a split-second decision, I quickly settled on just telling her straight forward what had happened and what I needed from her. I needed the memory spell performed on me. I had seen her do it on the show, so I knew she could do it. The problem was, I didn't know if I could actually work up enough courage to ask of her that.

I knocked on the door with my purple hoof, my heart feeling like it was about to lodge itself in my gut. Not a good feeling, but strangely satisfying at the same time. Kind of like the feeling you get when you're at the front of the line to ride a roller coaster. Thinking of it that way cleared up some of my nervousness. Then, before I knew it, I was greeted by a small purple and green creature that I instantly recognized as Spike, who was Twilight's assistant dragon. How he came to be, I have no idea. He's just who he is.

"Hello? Can I help you?" I heard him say in his usual slightly raspy, childish voice.

"Um, hehee. Hi. Can I speak to Twilight?" I replied, resisting any brony urges of hugging the cute little guy. I could tell he saw a look of squee on my face.

He stared at me suspiciously. "I haven't seen you before. How do you know her?"

"I'm sure she will understand if you let me talk with her."

"Well, if you're sure, I suppose I can..." he started to say before he was cut off by another purple creature that had just stuck her head down her stairwell to see what was going on.

"Who are you?" she blatantly stated. Not the friendliest greeting I could have gotten, but I still took it. I looked up and was awestruck as the main character of my favorite show was staring at me.

"Um, uh, well, that's the thing. I don't really know." I said back, my heart pounding like a jackhammer.

"Okay, then what are you doing here?"

"Well, I know you don't really know me, but I was going to ask a favor of you."

"And what would that be?" She was getting impatient fast, so I had to get straight to the point.

"Well, you see, I've lost my memory and I heard that you are quite proficient in magic. Do you know how to help another pony regain memory?"

I could tell at this point that she was reminded of her little episode with Discord, and that caused me to bring another question into play: Was he behind this? She invited me in and shut the door behind me with magic, although she was slightly hesitant to help.

"Um... Sure, I guess? I'm confused. But do you at least remember your name?"

That one got me. I really didn't, so I just made one up on the spot.

"I don't know. I think. I guess you can just call me Bob for right now."

"What kind of name is that?"

"A random, short substitute name. I guess I don't really remember..."

"Okay. I haven't done this in a while, but here it goes."

She gently lowered her light purple horn as it started to glow. Then, without warning, the mental wall that was in my mind had crumbled. Everything came back in such a violent manner that I almost passed out for a second time. Wow. I looked back. Ever single memory, back. Thanks, Twi. Looking back a day ago, I remembered nothing significant that told me how I got here, so that means that I must have just... woken up in Equestria? This still made no sense. But I guess I must have looked shocked, because I then heard her say "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah. I think I should tell you why I'm really here."

"You mean that wasn't it? What is the real reason?"

"Well, that was it, but I guess you can help me further. Well, I don't even know a good way to say this, so here it goes. I'm not supposed to be here. I'm not really a pony, and I'm actually a human."

"What's a human, and why do they look like unicorns?"

Her question shocked me. I didn't really know where to start.

"Um, well, picture Spike." She cut me off there.

"How did you know his name?"

"I can explain that later. Anyway, picture Spike. Umm... No tail, five fingers instead of four, and instead of purple scales think brown, soft, mostly hairless skin. And instead of those green blade looking thingies think basically a pony mane but dark brown."

"You're a pony. Are you... okay? Where do you actually live?" Her voice took on a less serious tone, hinting that she thought I was joking with her.

"I don't actually live on this... planet, I guess you would call it. I'm from a looong way away. And for some reason, I changed forms and came here. I really don't know how. I don't even know why I'm here."

"Really? Like, you just woke up as a pony? Are you sure there's not a reason you're here?"

"No and yes. And I probably shouldn't be, either. I don't belong... I don't even know why I'm here. I need help though, because it looks as though I'm going to be here for a long time. You see, I've never been a unicorn before... could you teach me some things about magic?" I found myself talking in a sadder tone.

Twilight stared at me. She knew that I couldn't answer any questions she had, so... "Sure. I'll always be happy to help a pony in need." Now there's the Twilight we know. And about time, too.

"Thanks. I just got here from my home, er, land, and I have a lot of things that you probably want to know, but is it okay to crash here for the night? I know this might not be a good idea, but I have a feeling that whatever I'm here for, it will probably involves lots of consequences if I don't get to know, well, me in time."

"I think I can understand. Magic, you said?"

"Yeah... I don't even know how this thing works, let alone how to use it." I said while tapping on my horn.

She suddenly perked up. "Well, since you don't seem to know really anything, I suppose i could tell you some basic things... But for everything I tell you, you have to tell me something." I could tell that she saw an opportunity to milk some information out of me while working on her teacher skills at the same time. But still... Dammit. There's always a catch.

"Okay, okay. I agree. But you go first."

"Fair enough." She lead me to a open spot in the middle of her oddly shaped home. "First, the most important lesson in magic: Levitation." She took a large hard-covered book from a shelf and flipped it open. Mindless mumbling came out of her mouth as she magically flipped around the pages until she finally looked up a good minute later. "It says here it should come naturally. So... I guess just try to imagine an object floating and it will work? Try it on this book."

I stared at the book, taking in every detail of its appearance. Cartoony, but still strangely detailed in texture and color. Taking her advice, I concentrated, then pictured the book floating to the other side of the room. I was shocked at what happened next. An eerie blue glow appeared above my forehead, and before I knew it, the large book was gracefully soaring across the room, illuminating the room with the same soft glow as it did so.

"Hah! I knew this would be cool!" I found myself blurting out after the book's flight had ended. However, it came with an odd feeling of tiredness. Manna usage IRL I suppose? We continued with this sort of thing, first with one book, then with three, then five, then she had me reverse the order of a stack of books, then eventually getting to the "hard stuff". She led me outside and out back, where we found a large rock that seemed as though it weighed a good 200 pounds. I instantly thought of Tom and laughed to myself.

"Now try it out on this." She suddenly sounded like a gym trainer. I almost laughed at the thought.

Now I'll admit that i was skeptical. I wasn't sure if someone had just found out he was a unicorn eleven hours ago could do this kind of thing. I thought about it, then after a burst of determination that came from nowhere, lifted the dirty boulder straight out of the ground, crumbling with bits and pieces of dirt and root as it floated up, hovered for a second, then returned to its earthy home.

"Now it's your turn." she flatly stated. We made our way back inside to find that Spike had made us dinner. Hay. Where he prepared it, I still do not know. Can't say I was excited, but I did my best to hide that feeling.

"Are you okay?" Spike said. I had just realized how disgusted my face looked. Whoops. I snapped it back to a less grossed out look and tried to play along with it.

"Yeah, sure. Just had something caught in my teeth." I replied.

Spike gave me a suspicious glare, probably knowing that I had eaten nothing in Equestria yet until I got here. "Sure... Anyway, this stuff won't eat itself."

Spike lead us through the basement door and into what appeared to be a makeshift kitchen, and that's when I realized that I had never seen any of the characters of MLP eat food inside their own houses. Weird. Anyway, Spike set up a small table and put some plates down with the (mmphffph) hay on it. I can say if I knew this was coming, I don't think I would be excited for the food part of this. I was actually surprised when I took my first bite of it and... liked it. I guess a ponie's taste buds perfer different things. I found myself smiling.

"So, are you going to sit there or tell me stuff?" I finally heard Twilight say.

"Oh. Well, what do you want to know about?" I hastily replied.

"This place you come from... What's it called and what's it like?"

"That's basically everything I can tell you."

"Just... tell me."

"Well, it's called earth." I paused to let myself think about what to say. "As far as I can tell, it's a lot bigger than Equestria, and we have lots of different languages we speak that come from all sorts of places. We wear clothes all the time, and although we can't use magic, we have lots of technology to compensate for it."

"What do you mean, 'technology'? We don't use that term here, I guess..."

"Well, think of it this way. A technology, well, is kind of like a skill that a group of people master, and then share it with everyone, or in your case, everypony else. A good example is trains. You guys have trains powered by coal, while we already have electric and magnetic trains. So we have more railed technology."

"What does 'magnetic' mean?" I knew that it was going to be a long night, because I had realized how many of the terms and words I was using weren't used in Equestria. We went on like this for a good two hours, until both Twilight and Spike knew pretty much all I knew about education, music, nationalities, medicine, media, TV, and computers. She didn't believe me about the computer part until I whipped out my smartphone and showed her. That's when she found Minecraft.

That was officially the worst night I have ever endured for the reason she kept commenting on it.

"Why are these blocks floating?"

"How come punching trees doesn't lower my health?"

"What did I ever do to that skeleton thing?"

"How come I can punch a sheep with shears without killing it?"

"This makes no sense."

Not only that, but the other struggle with the night was getting the damned thing back from her. That was a fifteen minute guilt trip I certainly don't want to live through again. And how about I don't tell you the details. You're welcome.

Anyway, after much struggling on my part and much laughing on Spike's part, both Twilight and I were exhausted as can be. "How about we continue tomorrow?" I finally heard her say with a deranged smirk. Lesson Zero much?

"Yeah, sure. Just no more phone hogging. What else is worth learning in terms of magic skills?"

Her response totally threw me for a loop.



"Well yeah, that's your special talent isn't it?"

That's right! I just remembered I had not seen my cutie mark yet. I whipped my head around to meet, head on, a heavenly white lightning bolt seamlessly tattooed on my rear. Hell yeah. That is badass. I squealed anyway.

After Twilight was done staring at me like my horn just fell of, she finally spoke. "You must really be excited."

I replied with a bouncy "Yup!" and she almost looked surprised.

"Okay... Well, it's far past sundown, so I'll set you up a temporary place to sleep." She conjured a large bed in the middle of the room. I guess it didn't occur to me that I was a colt, and therefore taller than most everypony. I was already used to that IRL. If this wasn't it...

After she was done setting up for the night and left the room with a 'Good night', I leaped into bed and almost instantly fell asleep. But before that happened, I had a thought: I'm a fan of Infamous, that crazy-superhero game, but... wow... tomorrow... Friggin electricity. Hell yeah.

{log status = idle}

[recording = false]

Location: Ponyville, Equestria, Unknown

Date: June 15, 2012

Time: 8:45 AM

{log status = begun}

[recording = active]

I awoke. Well, kablooey goes my 'I hate morning people' attitude, because I was wide awake from the start of the day. Maybe it's just a pony thing? Anyway, I was psyched from last night. Friggin' electricity? I couldn't wait to see how creative I could get with this. After all, physics in a videogame couldn't be too far off from the physics in a cartoon, right? Right?

I figured Twilight stayed up later than me, so I decided to explore around Ponyville. After all, I hadn't met any other ponies, so I got out of bed, stepped out of the basement and stretched my legs. And just as though I had accidentally had summoned my favorite character of the show I was in, Pinkie Pie came bursting through the door. Now, I know you've probably never seen her in real life. Because if you did, your eyes would probably be stained pink. I say this because she is literally the pinkest thing that has ever waddled into existence. I'm not going to go into detail, but I'll say this: Wow. I love her and all, but that was a tad crazy for my liking, nearly breaking the door down and yelling in my face shortly after.

"HEY! Who are you? I've never seen you before. Are you Twilight's coltfriend? Have you seen her? TWILIGHT?" she bawked (almost literally) in my face.

"Pinkie Pie? What are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice from upstairs that sounded a little too tired for company.

"Umm... Oh yeah! My nose twitched after my foot waggled. Do you know what that means?"

"No." I almost laughed at Twi's unusually flat response. She obviously remembered her rage from the last "Pinkie sense" incident.

"It means that somepony new is about to move in here-" She cut herself off with a long gasp as she slowly turned towards me. "Are you moving in?"

"Um, well, not that I know of..." I admit I was surprised by Pinkie's little analogy. Thanks for making me feel stupid. "Well, I might... I mean, I really don't know, but I suppose there's no other option for the moment." I then said after recalling that as far as I was concerned, I wasn't going home anytime soon.


Thanks Pinkie. Squealing in my face was apparently not the right thing to do at the time on her part, because by instinct on my part, almost without knowing it even, I shocked her. Okay, I know what you're thinking. Static electricity. Bluhbluhbluh. Not this time, because it came out of MY FRIGGIN HORN. Yeah. Pretty flippin' sweet. Well, it would be, if I wasn't on a kid's show. And it came out of a unicorn horn. And it only shocked her. But still. I was somewhat proud of myself.

"OW! What was that? *GASP* Did that come out your horn? COOL. I wish I could do that."

There was a bizzare moment of silence afterwards. Well, it wasn't total silence. I could hear Spike laughing upstairs, obviously hearing what was going on. Thank gosh Pinkie was the one to break it.


"What?" I heard Twi mumble as she wandered down the stairs, obvious that she didn't really care at the time. She stared at me and gasped. What was it with ponies gasping today? How does one do that in Equestria, anyway?

Then I realized what she was staring at. My horn. I looked up. Dancing inches above my face was a crazy show of bright white electricity. Essentially it looked like i had stuck my head in an electrical outlet. Yeah. You get the picture. Eventually it got a little too bright for me too look at, so I shut my eyes and tried to stop it mentally before it hurt somepony. Too late. I heard a massive roar of what sounded somewhat evil, and then what was as close to a full bodied explosion as possible happened right in the middle of Twi's library.

I'm not sure what quite happened afterwards, but all I know is that I woke up to the sound of moaning ponies and destroyed books slowly fluttering to the ground. I surveyed the damage around me, and then said the first sentence that came to mind.

"Good frackin' hell..."

There was chaos every where. Not the Discord kind, but it still took its toll on Twi's usually well organized library. Still, there was a mess of books on the floor (several of which were charred) and two ponies on the floor (both of which were charred), and nothing looked like it was supposed to. In a nutshell, chaos. I ran over to Twi.

"Holy bit, are you okay?"

"What do you think."

Well, me being one not to remember much sarcasm on the show, was at a total loss of words.

"Well, you're charred, so I guess..."

"Well, yes I am." Zinged again by the star of a kid's show. Not helping with my dignity level.

"Sorry... Need any help?"

"I don't think so..." Twi tried to stand up. She couldn't even move a hoof. "Crap. I can't move. What the hey was that even?"

That's when I realized I was the only pony in the room that had gone unharmed. I guess it must have been some sort of EMP that disabled creatures instead of electronics. I pulled out my phone just to be sure... Yep. Still full battery and working fine. Weird. Then I remembered about Spike. Double crap. And then Pinkie. Triple crap.

"Spike? Pinkie Pie? Is everyone okay?" I called out.

There was a simultaneous "Mrpfph" from the upstairs room and a "No!" from the doorway. Well, there's my answer. Fair enough. I had no idea what to do until the name of another pony came to mind: Fluttershy.

"Hold on, everypony! I'm going for help!"

I could only hear groans behind me as I was bolting out the door. Good enough for a green light for me, so I took it and took off. It wasn't until I was about fifty feet from Twi's 'treehouse' that I realized that I would have to explain all of this to Fluttershy. Again. And probably everypony else, for that matter... I wasn't looking forward to it, either.

I tried to remember where her house was. And to be honest, I had never once seen where it was in perspective with anything else. So I decided to ask another pony in town: Rarity. Could be a bad idea, but who cares, her house is easiest to find. Mainly because it's a freakin' giant tent thing. Well, guess who found that in ten seconds flat? I started jogging towards it, and before I knew it, I was faced with the bizarre demon child of a carousel and a tent that also doubled as a purple house. That's what I thought it looked like, anyway.

I knocked on the bright white and purple wooden door with my hoof.. Seconds later, it burst open, with a bright white and purple unicorn standing in the doorway. "Hello. Can I help you?" a familiar British voice said as she winked. That honestly looked weird, at least coming from a pony. Like it didn't coming from anything else for that matter...

"Um, yeah. Do you know where Fluttershy lives?"

"Wait... Who are you and why do you know who she is?" Her tone of voice went from happy to serious in ten letters flat. Booyah.

That threw me off track. I still didn't really have a pony name, so I just made a story on the spot. "Thunderbolt, thank you. And I am an old friend of hers."

"Well, if you insist, she lives near the entrance to the Everfree forest downstream of the valley. Will that be all?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

I stepped out of the doorway as Rarity slammed the door behind me. What a weird pony. I guess girls were just as hard to figure out in Equestria as it is for Earth...

I headed off towards the river. I could see it from Rarity's house, so it wasn't hard to get there. Now, downstream... It didn't take much walking alongside the river to find where it lead into the spooky forest that held all sorts of crazy stuff. Hey, maybe I'd get a chance to meet Zecora... Then I realized how much Zecora's house reminded me of my Nether house in Minecraft. Heh. Whatever.

I turned right at the edge of the forest, and sure enough, there was a small, overgrown cottage standing in front of me. Reminded me of my aunt's house in Oregon... Kindof had a 'hippie' vibe to it. I walked up to the door and knocked, hoping that she was home. "Who is it?" I heard an almost inaudible squeak from inside.

"A friend of Twilight's." I (regrettably and hastily) replied. I guess my response must have intimidated her, because it took a while for her to unlock and open the door. I could wait, though, even though it took me a while to realize that I was about to meet the most adorable six-limbed (wings count, right?) creature to ever waddle into existence. And as one bizarre moment, she swung open the door as I instinctively hugged her. Okay, I had my brony moment. Wouldn't you have? Don't ask me how hugging works in Equestria, because that would take up a half of a chapter on it's own, and I'm writing this on my phone (long story, it follows though). Anyway, it was a good ten seconds before I realized that I probably just scared her, and that I had to set her down. It was worth it, because after I let her go, she was blushing. (DAAAAWWW *gack*)

I knew at this point that I had my fun and that I needed to get to business. "Sorry about that... I could resist. I wanted to ask you something. Can you help Pinkie and Twi? There in... well, you'll see."

"Oh! Where is this?" The seriousness in her voice almost scared me, even though it was still squeaky.

"Um, Twilight's library." And just as she heard that, she took off. Literally. Pretty cool. But since I was stuck on the ground, not so much for me. So I tried something. Something that I never thought about until now... Teleportation. The thought in my head sounded absurd, because I was used to daydreaming about this kind of stuff, but I thought I'd give it a shot. And from what I saw of magic on the show, it looked like all you had to do was think about it and concentrate, so I gave it a shot. Think... Think... FRIGGIN THINK... Eventually, my horn engulfed me in a flash of pure white, and I was gone.

And what was only perceived as about a half second later, the flash died down and I was back in Twilight's library. No jet lag, no nausea; but there was that odd sense of mental tiredness again. Still: SIIICK! I had just defied pretty much all of my homeworld's laws of physics. In two days. Like a BOSS. But much to my dismay back in Twi's 'treehouse', the library was inhabited by two drunk ponies. Or, at the least, woozy. Either way, they were acting crazy. It would have been hilarious if it weren't so sad. Pinkie Pie was on the edge of throwing up from chasing her tail while singing, and Twilight was bonking her nose on a book, almost as if she was trying to read it with her nose. WTF.

And that's when Fluttershy came in. The look on her face was literally drawing the line between confusion and worry when she saw the three of us. She looked at me first. "How did you... I thought only Twilight could teleport..." Her voice trailed off as I threw in another question.

"Do you know how to help us?"

Fluttershy darted her eyes across the room. "Well, I really don't know, but I suppose I could try..."

Fluttershy surveyed the room with a look of sadness on her face. I tried not to hug her again. "I don't think I can help you very much. Just try to give them some water and rest."

"Do you even know what happened to them?"

"I've never seen anything like it before..."

"So, no."

The conversation stopped when I decided to head upstairs to check on Spike. Walking upstairs, even then I knew that what I had done affected Spike... er, differently. And that was most certainly in a bad way.

When I saw him, he was in a bizarre trance-like state. He slowly turned his head towards me, and in a menacing voice that was certainly not his, three words that would tell me that I did not want to be in Equestria anymore.

"I have returned."

Good. Friggin. Hell. Whatever the hell was possessing him was probably out for revenge, and the fact that it was Spike that was affected creeped the hell out of me. Entirely. I raced back downstairs to tell the others.


It wasn't until too late that I realized that none of them were in there. Crapola has been established. I ran outside to find... Nopony. Extra crap. All of the buildings seemed to be... Vacant. That wasn't creepy at all... I saw a pony head pop up, and then back down when it saw me looking at... Her? I couldn't tell. Hell, it may not even have been a pony. Heh. Sounds like Myspace.

Anyway, I was really spooked about this whole thing... A possessed Spike? Overpowered magic me? And the fact that the clouds were quickly flooding the sky with no pegasus behind it was not helping the situation. I slowly walked down the vacant street, looking for clues that could point me in he right direction. And just like a good horror movie, I spotted an arrow scrawled in the dirt in front of me. Pointing towards... The cloudiest part of the valley? No thanks. I was ready to turn back when a disembodied voice hissed in my ear: "Just go." I honestly almost wet myself when I turned around to find no one there. I hesitantly turned towards the clouds and headed off.

I eventually reached another arrow in the dirt road, this time pointing to the left and saying "Beware". I still went against all of my previous decisions, but I suppose that you shouldn't question a voice you can't see the body of. Wait. That explains everything...


But wait... Did that arrow just point to... Sweet Apple Acres? This was where Discord was messing with Ponyville... I wondered if this could all tie together.

I started running in the direction of the arrow to quickly find myself in front of a farm. Certainly not good, especially that it was (you guessed it) vacant. WTF. Again. Well, that was scary. Again. Well, there was some hope of life, because there was a barn up ahead.

I peered inside the barn to find what was honestly the most scream-inflicting moment of my two crazy days in Equestria. I tried to resist, but screaming came out anyway. The entire Mane 6 was tied up against the walls of the barn, almost looking like torture. And none of them were talking. And just as I realized what was happening, a bizarre figure appeared in front of me. Looking like the Frankenstein of the cartoon animal kingdom, I knew instantly who it was.


"That's my name, don't wear it out." he said in an uninterested tone of voice.

"I knew you were behind this. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know... Just dropping by for some tea and a visit with some old friends." Sarcasm at its best. Or worst. Depends on how you look at it.

"What did you do to us?"

"I suppose... If you really want to know, I had a little, if you may, dying wish. That brought you here. Humans cause chaos, and where there's chaos, there's me. That brought me back. Then I took out these guys, and now we are here. Genius, if I do say so myself."

"So that's it? Just chaos?"

"Ahh but that's where you underestimate this kind."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see. But how about a little spoiler alert: I know what a human is. I used to... How about I just tell you this: More of you will come. And that means I don't have to do a thing this time!"

"What do you mean, 'this time'?"

"You know what I'm talking about. That kids show that you watch... I know you've seen me there before. Tata!" he said hastily before vanishing.

I could almost not comprehend what had happened. He knew? About MLP? HOW? Gaah. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked over to where Twilight hung on the wall.

"Can you hear me? Twi?" She slowly slid into a state of consciousness.


Her response scared me. I had never heard anypony curse before. But now that I think of it, she kind of sounded like GLaDOS freaking out in Portal 2. It's a human thing. They wouldn't understand. But then again, something was certainly wrong. I decided to ask a more logical question.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Alex. Who the hell are you?"

I had one thought at this point: F***. Discord's plan was already starting to unfold.

"Are you a human?"

"Yeah, why?" He instinctively looked down, finding himself to be a poor little purple pony tied to a wall. "GAAH! WHAT THE HELL?"

"Calm down. Freaking out is not a good thing to do right now."

"Wait... are we in... PONYVILLE?"

"Yes. Are you a brony?"

"Yeah. Seen every episode up to date."

"Good. That means I won't have to explain much when I say that you are in Twilight Sparkle's body."

He rolled his eyes. "What the f***. Who did this?"

"Discord. He has some sort of bizarre connection with our world."

"Wait... So you used to be a human too?"

"Yes. Now do you promise to stop freaking out and swearing?"

"Sure. Just help me down. What happened to the other Mane 6?"

"Out cold. They could wake up as humans too."

I magically untied the rope holding him captive as he (hard to call Twi that) fell to the ground. Weird thing is, he even sounded like her. Even weirder, I noticed that I didn't sound like myself anyway.

And I did not like where this was going at all.

Like thinking of it would have made it better anyway. I went over to, er, Alex to see how he was.

"You... okay?"

"Shaken, but fine. I'll be... fine. Wait... If I'm Twilight, does that mean that I'm really good at magic?"

"Yeah. Just concentrate on whatever you want to happen and it will. Stuff works weirdly here."

"Thanks." He tried it out on some stuff by opening and shutting the door and summoning some random things. He looked impressed with himself. "Wow... Crazy. But what do we do now?"

"How the hell should I know."

"Well, you've been here longer... but the show exists... amazing..." His head was obviously plagued with crazy ideas. Most likely none of them were good.

"I've only been here since yesterday."

The look on his face was one of complete sickness.

"So that means we should just find the real meaning behind this and GTFO, right?"

"I have no idea."

And that's when the rest of them woke up. It took a good half hour to explain to all of them what happened, and thankfully all of them were bronies. I can just say this: RD was a guy named Bill, Rarity was a girl named Steph, Pinkie Pie was a girl named Francine, Applejack was a guy named Walter, and Fluttershy was a girl named Jackie. There, I spared you the details. Happy?

It took everypony another hour for everypony to get used to their new bodies and abilities. I had to help Steph (aka Rarity) get used to her magic, while Bill (RD) and Jackie (Fluttershy) pretty much learned how to fly on their own. And in their little corner, probably envious of the rest of us, were Walter and Francine. I pulled out my phone. I really wanted to see what I could do with this... So I decided to call my girlfriend. And much to my dismay, it didn't even ring. I tried my mom. Same there. Dad? Nope. Apparently I could only use the internet. Useful, but not terribly, because I couldn't have real time communication. Eh.

After the other ponies were done horsing around (no pun intended), I decided to get everypony together on the same page. My mistake. The conversation went nuts from there.

"So what do we do now?"

"How the hell should I know."

The conversation continued like this for a while until I spoke up.

"Listen. I know that none of know what Discord's plan really is, so for right now, we just have to work with what we have."

"And that would be?" I heard Jackie squeak.

"I don't know yet, but I have an idea. Everypony should just try to master some skills. We don't really know yet whether or not they could come in handy, but it's worth it until Discord returns."

Everypony went about their own means of training, while I pulled out my phone. Still full bars, and full battery. Then I got an idea. Well, not an idea, but at least two concepts.

1. I was subconsciously charging and covering my phone.

Or, an even crazier idea.

2. Equestria has a link with the human world.

Either way, that would explain why Discord said what he did. And after my little moment of dawning comprehension, I got an even crazier idea, this time to see if I could directly communicate with my phone. I placed the phone on my hoof and held it up. I started to feel electricity coursing through me, going directly into my phone. And just like that, a wall of information smacked my brain, and all of the things in my phone and all the things it had access to were in my head. Basically I just had a crazy idea and went through with it to shove the entire internet into my head. Well, that was interesting.

When I looked back at my hoof, I nearly had a heart attack. My phone was gone. Had I absorbed it? Holy s***. That is badass.

With that out of the way, I decided to see what else I could do with this electricity of mine. Remembering back on where this all started, I decided to run through all of the thoughts that had caused it all... And then I remembered that Pinkie Pie set it off on accident. So I just tried to get my horn sparked up again. Worked on the first try... Well, that's handy. I tried to see where I could send it, and although I really wanted to summon it to my hooves (Infamous much? hehe.), I could only seem to shoot it out of my horn. Usually destroying something. Oh well.

But then something happened: The electrical currents that were in my head arced downwards into the rest of me. It felt insane, almost like I just had shoved concentrated Red Bull down my throat, but without the medical hazards of it. This was insane, and I only had one thought after it: Woah. I need to see what I can do with this. The truth was, though, that I almost couldn't control it. I had started to powerfully. The ground shook, and before I knew it, I was engulfed in what I could only recognize as pain. Shortly after, I was thrown to the ground and it hurt. A lot. But when I looked up and surveyed what had happened, I gasped. My arms, and for that matter, everything of mine, was visibly flowing about with bright white lightning. It had worked. I liked magic.

I cast out my hoof in a forward motion as if trying to shoot out something. And almost to my surprise, a small ball of pure electricity was summoned at my hooves and was thrown forward, knocking open the door that was in front of me. And standing behind the door, who was clearly shocked by my appearance as a sparking pony and what I had just did, was Bill.

"Whoa. Did you just... what?"

I could hardly contain my own excitement.

"Hell yeah I did!"

"How did you even do that?"

"Not totally sure, but still... probably really useful."

"Sweet. What else can you do with that?"

"Well, to be honest, I have no idea yet. I'll figure out how to control it soon enough, though."

It was a while before I could muster up the mental energy (literally) to spark up again. But after a while, I eventually figured out how to control most of it. I still couldn't figure out how to use it to my advantage in movement... Just attack. Weird. Again. I wasn't bothered by it, though.

It was took a lot longer than expected to get our group back together again. But when it did, there was a lot of good news that flowed throughout the conversation.

"Check this out!" Bill said excitedly as he walked across the ceiling of the barn, using his wings.

"You got nuthin' on this, punk." Alex backtalked as he teleported to the other side of the room and back.

More of this kind of boasting continued until Jackie (being the Fluttershy that she is ) spoke up. Quietly. "Umm, shouldn't we be planning something to help us?"

I was the first to reply. "Yeah. I've been thinking of what Discord was doing in episode 2 of season 2, and I was wondering... Where does he go when he teleports away from the rest of the characters?"

Nobody else knew, but Walter was able to contribute to my point. "Discord used to be the ruler of Equestria... Right?"

"Well, yeah, but what's your point?"

"We could find out where he lived when he was a ruler. That could point us in the right direction."

"Nice... Maybe we could start searching in the ruins from the pilot of season one?" This internet database of mine was proving useful.

Everypony agreed to that and started out of the building and downstream to where the Everfree forest was. And it was at the edge of the forest that all of the mysteries of the situation suddenly were solved. Remember how I awoke in Appleloosa? Yeah, I live in Arizona. They have a direct connection. So do (as you might have guessed) Manehattan and manhattan, as do several other towns in Equestria. That also explains how I got internet coverage here, even though I was in a supposedly fictional land. I was the original connection between Earth and Equestria. The chaos was because of me, and chances are, if we don't stop Discord, a direct connection could come up between Earth and Equestria that both humans and ponies could come through. So in a nutshell, it sounds like a good thing, but when you complete the prediction with all of the haters, trolls, and nincompoops out there, that could ruin everything. Not to mention that the interdimensional connection sounds like a wormhole to me. And nobody (or nopony, for that matter) knows where that will lead. But we were already on our way to where Discord had a good chance of hiding, so it's okay. For now.

As we neared our way towards the Everfree forest, we could see why everypony was scared of it. Everywhere you looked, there were trees shaking and groaning in the slow but strong breeze, moss covered everything as if it was slowly eating the ground itself, and of course, there were animals and insects making noises that not even I had heard before. Yeah. Even on the show.

I could tell that everypony was having second thoughts about this. As we skittered along the barren trail that lead through the woods, I tried to remember the show. I suppose that the trail just went to the ruined castle, but then I remembered the little 'cliff' incident with Twilight. That got me thinking. Did Alex remember any of that?

Thinking more about that got me thinking on another 'OH S***!' scenario: Were the Mane 6 in human form right now? I tried not to think about it, but it brought up an important question. "Hey Bill. Where did you live?"

His response made a little too much sense. "Silverton. It's a small Colorado town that lies in a valley next to a forest." I think we both were shocked by his answer, because he slowed down a lot by the end. Well, that proves it. Earth is linked to Equestria. Bill went too sleep in Silverton and woke up in Ponyville. And so did everypony else. Woah.

I asked the rest of them about where they lived. Everypony was from Silverton. And since I lived in Glendale, I can remember it. There was a train that went through Glendale and went right into Colorado. This all makes sense... too much so, even. Another bizarre conversation swung into play.

"Hey Alex... Didn't you use to work down at the bike shop down in Silverton? I remember your attitude." Walter said, almost excitedly.

"Yeah... Yeah I did. Weren't you the regular down at the bar?"

"Yeah! Hey Steph! Weren't you the lady who waited tables at the diner across the street from the library?"

The conversation continued like this until it got to me. "Hey, um... Wait... You haven't told us your name yet..." Francine finally spoke up.

"Well, it's Tyler. I was going by Thunderbolt to everypony else... I guess." And that's where 'OH S***' momento numero four (three?) came in. I had completely forgotten about Spike until just now. I jumped in the air and started skittering around (counfound these physics, they drive me to confuse myself) as I was yelling "S***! I FORGOT ABOUT SPIKE! BRB!"

I started scampering to the edge of the forest and I got to the edge of it when I realized that I could teleport. D'oh. I flashed back into Twilight's upstairs room, where I immediately spotted the poor dragon in a heap on the floor. "OMIGOSHAREYOUOKAY?" I think I might have been talking a little too fast.

"Uhgh... What happened?" he finally replied.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." That's when I heard footsteps climbing up the staircase into our room. And a small, purple, pointed head came into the room. My jaw sank. It was Twilight.

"How did you teleport up here? More importantly, you could have just walked. Are you... okay?"

I had so many questions mindlessly spraying around in my head that I could only mutter one word. "Alex?"

"Who's Alex?"

F***. This is not good. There were now two copies of the Mane 6. In the same town. I knew I had to think fast to get this mess haul sorted out. Could it have been a hallucination? "Hold on. BRB."

I could only hear "What does BRB..." before I had teleported back to where the humans were. Standing right in front of me was, again, the human group.

"Alex. You can teleport. Imagine Twilight's library and I'll meet you there.



I teleported to Twilight's library, where a few seconds later, Alex appeared. This was my chance. And I had no idea what would happen. I didn't even know what to tell Twilight. "Um, Twilight, this is Alex."

"What the hell are you doing? We can't tell her this!"

"We have to."

It was too late for second thought. Twilight was already walking down the stairs. "Who's that? His voice sounds like mine..." She looked up. Her heart was pounding out of her poor little chest. She started breathing heavily. And through that, she muttered one word. "Wha... What?" I had to tell her fast.

"Discord's back. He's bringing more humans into Equestria. This is Alex." Her jaw dropped as low as my heart sank. I regretted telling her instantly.

"Why does... he... look like me? And you're telling me that Discord is BACK? HOW?"

"I can explain! Just calm down. It was Discord's last wish that I was summoned into Equestria. Discord has some sort of link with Earth."

"But... You just got here yesterday! And Discord's been gone for months!"

"I know. Remember that EMP I let out?"

"Yeah. It happened, like, 10 minutes ago."

Nooow it all made sense that we didn't see anypony but ourselves for the last (what seemed like, at least) three hours. Kind of like a time-lock... That we were in. Oh, Discord... Wait... If that was the case, that means that... Discord made us thought that he had lost. Oh, I hate evil geniuses.

"Oh... Well, those ten minutes were about three hours for me..." I told her the entire story, but not without several interruptions from Twi.


"So there are two of all of us?"

You get the idea. Pretty annoying. I just hoped that for the moment no more humans would come. And just as I finished my story (which, by the way, took very long to say, and requiring Alex to help), a few surprise visitors came in. And they were surprised themselves. The rest of the Mane 6 'clones' came in. Twilight went nuts over them.

"Did you really wake up in Applejack's barn? Did you see Discord?"

Honestly, all of this just led to Twi not believing me. At all. It took a long time to get everypony sorted out, and even then, I remembered that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were gone.

"Wait... Twi, where is Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie?"

"Wait... The real ones? Umm... Oh, crap. I have no idea." And before I could even care that there was a problem here, she teleported out of the room. Well, that was unexpected. I turned back to the others.

"Um, do you guys want to bother going after her?" Everypony shook their heads. We decided to stay in the room just telling everypony about ourselves, almost appearing to be more interested in the social aspect of this situation than the actually important part. And Francine went first.

"Well, what can I say. I was working a seemingly dead-end job at a bakery for years before I was introduced to ponies. I was 28 before it happened. You could have guessed where that would have gone. I always related to Pinkie Pie... Not just in the personality similarities like that we both work in a bakery and have ADHD, but in the sense that she was my missing purpose in life. I wanted to be her. So I started working part-time as a party specialist and got myself into DJing and that sort of stuff. After about a half of a year of that, I woke up here."

Everypony seemed impressed by how much Francine related to Pinkie Pie. "Well, does anypony want to go next?" I finally said. Steph sheepishly raised a hoof.

"Um, okay. I'll go. I wait tables at the diner downtown, and it was six boring years of that as a poor 26 year-old. It wasn't until the Hub accidentally aired inside the diner on a sleepy Saturday morning that I found out about the show. It was already half-way through season one, so I didn't get it, but it still caught me. And sure enough, I found a massive fanbase behind it and I joined. I was a regular to all of the sites, and I was watching new episodes weekly. It was about seven months afterward that I just randomly woke up here. And yes, Rarity was my favorite, but I guess I didn't relate to her, like Francine and Pinkie did."

My mind was racing. I tried to put the pieces together and tried to find correlation between Steph's and Francine's stories, but I just couldn't. Defeated, I asked for another story. "Jackie? How about you?"

Her response was unexpected. By any means. "How about you?"

Suddenly everypony's eyes were on me. "Well, I guess I haven't told you guys much. I'm actually only 15..." I paused. Nopony seemed shocked. Seems like all ages look the same here. "And all I was was a high school student in Arizona with no social life. I almost became addicted to the internet and playing my bass guitar when I discovered the fanbase of MLP before watching the show, and sure enough, I became hooked. Because I had no social life anyway, I decided to openly flaunt about being a brony... And then I suddenly had friends. After a good three months of that, I wake up in Appleloosa. That's why I'm pretty sure that Equestria has a connection to Earth, because Silverton resembles Ponyville a little too much."

"Wait... You've been to Silverton?" Walter spoke up.

I remembered that I had never been there, but rather... just seen it in my head. That phone thing was freaking me out. I had to lie fast. Lucky for me, I had access to pretty much everything about the small mountain town. I found out they had a famous Independence Day firework show... "Yeah. I went there last year for the Fourth of July. Anyway, now that I'm here, that's the reason Discord is here. And I have no idea if that's my fault or not. So, that's my story."

Everypony seemed a little dismayed by the fact that I knew a little too much of everything by now, because by the time I was done, everypony was just staring at me.

"Okay, fine. I can tell you a little more. In case you're wondering why I've been acting weirder and weirder since you got here, it's because I was experimenting around with my phone and accidentally the whole thing."

... And nopony knew what that meant. Damn, I have to stop making these obscure internet references.

"Um, I mean, I absorbed it's database of the internet in a somewhat failed attempt to experiment with magic. So I haven't been to Silverton, but I still know everything about it."

Nopony believed me on that one, either. And it still took a while for somepony to speak up. And sure enough, Bill was the pony to do it. "You had a phone?"

It took me a while to realize that they probably hadn't checked their 'body pockets'. That was a trip to explain. "Well, yeah. Supposedly, whatever you were carrying when you got here is what you have now. Just think about it and reach down, and pull back up with what you had." I demonstrated by taking off my watch and putting it into nowhere and pulling it out again. Everypony tried that, and I wasn't surprised to see what everypony pulled out. Walter pulled out a couple of coins. Steph had a comb. Alex had a pair of sunglasses (which no longer fit). You get the idea.

"Well, anyway, that's my story. Anypony else want to bother speaking up?" I finally said. And just when I had my hopes at highest for finding new clues on where Discord was, the door burst open to Twi's library. And standing in front of us was the real Mane 6, and everypony except Twilight had a blank stare on her face. It was a good ten seconds of awkward silence before Rarity broke it up.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"I thought Twilight would have told you!" Steph said.