I know ... you are telling me it's Wednesday and that I usually update My Way on a Wednesday, but I just couldn't get this little nugget out of my head!

So, here you have another story, with as you probably have already read in the summary, some Bill bashing and this time ... Eric and Sookie are University students, and they are All Human.

The title for this story, comes from the "idea" that University is supposed to be some of the best days of your life. And this story will contain some ideas from both True Blood and from the Sookie Stackhouse books.

Disclaimer:- All rights belong to their original owners.


"Hey Sookie?" I heard a voice from behind me ask. I turned around to see my best friend Amelia walking towards me. I quickly moved my schoolbag off of the seat beside me and indicated that she should sit down.

"Well ... what are you doing here all by your lonesome on a Saturday afternoon?" she asked, sitting down in the seat immediately beside me.

"Waiting on Bill" I answered, looking at my watch, for what seemed like the 50th time. "He was supposed to meet me here half an hour ago, and he still hasn't turned up" I told her, hoping somehow sharing the situation would help to solve it.

It didn't.

And I suppose somewhere, deep down I knew that it really wasn't going to solve anything anyway – Amelia, my best friend, absolutely hated – and I mean absolutely, completely and totally hated my boyfriend of 6 months – Bill with a vengeance.

I mean, I couldn't even understand why she hated him so much. He was the absolute quintessential southern gentleman, he had incredible manners, never spoke out of turn, was always gracious to others. What wasn't to love about him?

"Sookie ... can't you see, Bill is trying to control you – i mean, for God's sake, honestly, you can't go out with your friends without him being there ... " Amelia started, but I quickly cut her off.

"Bill doesn't control me, Amelia ..." I told her, waving down one of the waitresses so that I could order another coke.

"He does" she answered.

"No he doesn't ... I am my own independent woman ... and Bill doesn't have to always be there every time I meet up with my friends ... he's not here now" I snapped. I really was so fucking sick of hearing it. Why didn't Amelia or any of my friends for that matter, just butt out of my love life?

"No ... he may not be here now, but when he does appear ... if he does appear or when he finds out that we were talking here today, he will expect you to tell him every single minute detail of our conversation. And he will also be so fucking angry, as he accuses you of cheating!" Amelia all but roared at me.

I almost began to cry.

However, before I could say anything, or even do anything else, I heard a mobile phone begin to vibrate and buzz in my hand bag. I assumed it was my phone, since it was coming from my hand bag, and I told Amelia so.

"It's probably just Bill texting to say that he is stuck at work and can't make it" I told her, whilst simultaneously fumbling around firstly to pick my bag up off of the floor and then digging in it so I could find the offending device, which was predictably, at the very bottom of my bag. If I hadn't have heard the phone buzzing, I could have sworn that I had left the bloody thing in the house.

"Aha. I believe you. It is more likely Bill phoning to say that his fuck buddy has turned up and he is going to have to wait until later to see you." Amelia retorted.

"Amelia" I warned her. This I – hate – Bill crap had gone far enough. And I wanted to put a stop to it now. Honestly, what reason did she really have to hate him?

When I was eventually able to find the device, I lifted it out of my handbag and set it down on the table, so that Amelia didn't feel that she was being snubbed by an electronic device.

It wouldn't be the first time, she had gone into a grump because I had done that.

"So ... who is it?" Amelia said. She hated surprises.

"It is ..." I began, smirking at her, whilst picking up the phone so that I was unable to unlock it before reading the message out to her ... even if was only Jason wondering what time the football match was on sky sports ... Amelia had to know. She really was one of the world's most nosiest people. Except for maybe Maxine Fortenberry.

"It is ... not my phone ..." I told her once I had unlocked the phone.

"Huh?" Amelia replied, totally confused.

"It's not my phone ... Bill and I must have gotten our phones mixed up last night whenever he stayed over." I said, throwing the phone down on to the table and sighing.

"Huh?" Amelia repeated.

"It's not my phone. It's Bill's. We both have exactly the same phone. Except we have different wallpapers on the screen of our phones. It's how we can tell the difference." I said.

"Ah right. Well ... let's see who is texting Skeevy Compton ..." Amelia said, with a devious look on her face as she reached for the phone on the table, but before she was able to lift the phone off of the table, I quickly slapped her hand away.

"Amelia!" I chastised her.

"What?" she exclaimed, looking at me straight in the eyes.

"It's not very nice to go through other people's private messages. They are private for a reason!" I said to her.

"Aha. I know. But, Skeevy isn't exactly nice is he?" she reminded me and I glared at her before sighing and Amelia reached out for the phone again. This time I didn't stop her.

"Oh Shit! Not good. Really not good!" Amelia said a few moment's later, whenever she went through the phone.

"What's not good?" I asked her, now extremely worried.

So ... should I continue? Should I abandon?
Review and let me know what you think.