New Bark Town

" Dear Ethan,

I understand you are new citizen to New Bark Town as well as the Johto region. I assure you there are slight differences between Johto and your home region Kanto such as new possiblities and tough trainers. Your mother told me that your a seven-teen year old boy and has yet to receive Pokemon of your own due to helping your single mother with bills. Now that things have been straightened out feel free to drop by my lab once your settled in, I have a gift for you.


Professor Elm."

" Honey, have you read your welcome email by the local Pokemon Professor Elm?" Mother asked from downstairs.

" Yes mom he wants me to stop by once we're moved in!" Ethan replied logging off his PC.

" Well go ahead and introduce yourself the Machoke are almost done moving us in!" Mother said.

" Okay!" Ethan yelled upstairs as he cheerfully came downstairs.

" Wait dear, your Pokegear has came in!" Mother halted Ethan from proceeding through the front door.

" Oh cool, is it some sort of cell phone?" Ethan asked.

" Not quite, more like Map/Phone/Radio!" Mother replied pointing up with her fingertip with happy facial expression.

" Awesome!" Ethan replied then received his Pokegear.

" Okay mom be back in a few!" Ethan smiled and jolted out the door.

" Ethan, wait!" Mother called out but Ethan had already left.

" I was just going to give him his backpack and upload his Pokegear with the map." Mother said to herself.

Once Ethan stepped outside he enjoyed the cool breeze of the peaceful city of New Bark Town.

" Yeah, I'm definitely going to love this town for sure!" Ethan happily jogged with his eyes close which caused him to literally bump into someone.

" Ow, damn that hurt maybe it was too soon to say that!" Ethan held his forehead in pain and realized he had bump into a girl who appears to be his age who was accompanied by a Marill.

" Marill, Ma-Marill!" The cute blue mouse Pokemon said to it's trainer.

" I'm sorry, are you hurt?" Ethan got up to his feet and offered to give the brunette a lift up.

" Thanks." The brunette smiled and accepted Ruben's offer.

" I take it your new, my name's Lyra." Lyra introduced herself.

" And this is my Pokemon, Marill." Lyra introduced her Marill.

" Oh uh hi, I'm Ethan pleased to meet you!" Ethan laughed with his right hand on the back of his head.

" He he, you should watch your going I'll see you around!" Lyra giggled and ran off.

" R-right got to be more careful!" Ethan said.

Ethan approached Professor Elm's Lab and to the side of the building he saw a suspicious looking red haired teen who also looked to be his age staring through the window.

" So this is the famous Professor Elm's lab?" The red haired teen said.

" Dude, what are you looking at the doors this way." Ethan said to the red haired menace.

" None of your business!" The red haired retailated by shoving Ethan away from his sight.

" Dude, what a dick." Ethan muttered and then walked inside the lab.

"Ah, you must be Ethan welcome!" Professor Elm greeted with a hand shake.

" Thanks Professor." Ethan said.

" Allow me to present you with your gift." Professor Elm said pushing a button which revealed a machine with three Pokeballs.

" Aren't those Pokeballs?" Ethan pointed at the three red/white spheres.

" Yes there they and in each of them contains a Pokemon." Professor Elm said.

" Hold on, are you saying?" Ethan quickly turned his attention to Professor Elm with a surprised expression.

" My gift to you is a Pokemon of your choosing." Professor Elm smiled.

" Awesome, wow thank you!" Ethan excitedly said and almost jumped for joy.

Ethan thought hard about his choices to either receive a Totodile, a Cyndaquil or a Chikorita and finally came to a conclusion.

" I'll take this one!" Ethan placed his hand on a Pokeball.

" So do you choose Cyndaquil, the fire mouse Pokemon?" Professor Elm asked.

" Yes with out a doubt!" Ethan finalized.

" Press the button and meet your friend." Professor Elm instructed.

Ethan did as he was instructed and the Pokeball opened in a blinding white light that revealed a Cyndaquil before him.

" Cynda!" Cyndaquil yawned.

" What do you think?" Professor Elm said.

" It's cute I love him already!" Ethan got down on one knee and held Cyndaquil in his arms.

" Cynda, Cyndaquil." Cyndaquil responded and gave Ethan a hug.

" Would you look at that, it likes him already!" Professor Elm's assistant said.

" Remarkable!" Professor Elm said in his thoughts and was interupted by hearing his phone ring.

" Ah it's Mr. Pokemon, hello?" Professor Elm answered.

" Yes, oh I see and are you sure? All right I'll send someone over." Professor Elm hung up the phone.

" Ethan, would you mind doing me a small favor?" Professor Elm asked.

" Not a problem, sir." Ethan replied.

" I have this friend that lives outside Cherrygrove City and he keeps ravling about his discoveries and tells me he has something for me to examine, so would you mind retrieving it for me?" Professor Elm asked.

" Sure." Ethan accepted.

" Splendid, let your mother know that your doing a side mission for me." Professor Elm said.

" Be back in a jiffy!" Ethan exiting the lab.

" Mom, I have to do something real quick for Professor be back later!" Ethan said and immediately jolted out of the house again.

" Am I going to have to set a trap for that boy?" Mother said with Ethan's backpack in hand.

" If I remember correctly, Cherrygrove is a few minutes to the west!" Ethan said running with his Cyndaquil.

Cherrygrove City

" Whew, didn't take long did it?" Ethan said to his Cyndaquil.

" Cynda!" Cyndaquil replied.

" By the way, good job beating two Hoot-Hoots on the way here." Ethan complimented.

" Cyndaquil!" Cyndaquil got on it's hind legs punched the air like a boxer.

" Okay, Pokemon Center, Pokemart and a small beach not bad, have to tell mom about this place." Ethan said observing the city and proceeded north outside the city.

On the way to Mr. Pokemon's house, Ethan encountered a Rattata and another Hoot-Hoot who yet again was defeated by Cyndaquil.

" This must be it!" Ethan opened the door.

" Ah, you must be Elm's messenger come in come in!" Mr. Pokemon said getting up from his table interupting his chat with a older man who looks to be another professor.

" What I have here is a Pokemon egg and it has me intrigued to know what kind of Pokemon it is." Mr. Pokemon handed the egg to Ethan.

" And you wanted Professor Elm to examine it?" Ethan filled in.

" Precisely my boy, he's a expert on Pokemon even Professor Oak here realizes that!" Mr. Pokemon said.

" So your Ethan, I understand your from Kanto?" Professor Oak greeted with a hand shake.

" Yes sir, I'm from Pewter City now I reside in New Bark Town." Ethan replied.

" Cynda?" Cyndaquil said.

" A rare Pokemon!" Professor Oak examined Cyndaquil.

" Ah yes, Pewter City it's a shame neither of us crossed paths being that my lab and home is in Pallet Town." Professor Oak said.

" Oh man if I known you'd lived that close I would've visited but then again my mom and myself were living in hard times." Ethan said.

" I understand completely, say would you mind doing a favor for me?" Professor Oak said and reached in his coat pocket.

" I have here is a Pokedex and it would help my research greatly if you hold on to it and record all Pokemon encounters so that I may study them." Professor Oak said.

" Oh I'd love to Professor but the thing is I don't know if I could leave cause you see I don't have a father and I'm the only person my mom could depend on for help around the house and for bills." Ethan saddened.

" I understand, but keep the Pokedex for I have a feeling someday you will need it." Professor Oak handing the Pokedex to Ethan.

" Thanks Professor, I promise I'll promise to put this to good use." Ethan said.

" I'm convinced that meeting you was no coincidence how about we exchange numbers to be safe?" Professor Oak said as the two echanged numbers.

" Well I'm off, I have to go can't be late for my talk show in Goldenrod, hope you'll stop and visit someday." Professor Oak said as he walked out the door.

" That young man reminds me of Red, he has all the potential in the world I see it!" Professor Oak said in his thoughts as he took one last glance towards Ethan.

" How about a small rest for your Pokemon?" Mr. Pokemon offered.

Ten minutes later, Ethan and Cyndaquil were ready to go feeling fresh and left Mr. Pokemon's house only to receive a incoming call from Professor Elm.

" Hello, Ethan something terrible has happened please come back quick!" Professor Elm said in a frightened tone.

" We've got to check it out, buddy!" Ethan said to Cyndaquil.

" Cyndaquil!" Cyndaquil agreed.

Ethan and Cyndaquil raced back through Cherrygrove City to New Bark Town until he encountered the same red haired jerk that shoved him earlier.

" Hey it's you!" The red haired teen said.

" Weren't you the douchebag that pushed me?" Ethan said.

" Don't think that your tough just cause you have a Pokemon cause I too have a Pokemon!" The red haired teen pushed the button on his Pokeball and struck in battle pose.

" Wanna battle, fine with me!" Ethan said.

" Go, Totodile!" The red haired teen released a Totodile from it's Pokeball.

" Totodile!" Totadile growled.

" Ready Cyndaquil?" Ethan said.

" Cynda!" Cyndaquil stepped up.

" Don't make me laugh, everyone knows that a fire type is no match for a water type!" The red haired teen mocked.

" Cyndaquil, tackle!" Ethan ordered.

Cyndaquil made its first move by successfully attacking Totodile first.

" Totodile, scratch!" The red hair teen also ordered.

" Toto, Toto!" Totodile began scratching Cyndaquil.

" Shake it off buddy, use your leer attack!" Ethan instructed as Cyndaquil lowered Totadiles defenses with his leer attack.

" What kind of useless move was that, Totodile again scratch!" The red haired teen again on the offensive.

As the two rivals were battling, little did they know they were being watched by a spectator.

" The one with Cyndaquil knows his tatics." The blue haired light skinned cape-wearing female said from afar.

" Again Cyndaquil, use leer!" Ethan said.

" Guess your too scared to fight back, finish it Totodile scratch!" The red haired teen said.

" Now, Cyndaquil tackle!" Ethan said.

Cyndaquil dodged a incoming scratch and countered with a hard tackle knocking out Totodile with one blow.

" What how, I must have chosen the wrong Pokemon!" The red haired teen said withdrawing Totodile.

" That was lucky you punk and don't even bother asking for my name for you will know I'll be the greatest soon enough!" The red haired teen walked off.

Ethan noticed he dropped his I.D so Ethan took a peek and got the name before the red haired teen could come back and pick up his I.D.

" Damn it he saw my name!" The red haired teen said and ran off.

" His name could be dick head for all I care, frigging jack ass." Ethan said.

" But in case for future reference his name is Roy and he also goes by Silver which is strange I go by Gold at least with friends back in Kanto." Ethan said to Cyndaquil.

" That trainer has skill for a starter and is not too bad when it comes to looks." The blue haired spectator said with slight blush.

" I have a feeling we will meet soon." Clair smiled and left the scene right when Ethan left the battlefield.

Well that's my first chapter hope I did okay for a start. Yes you can kinda tell that the blue haired spectator is the eighth Johto Gym leader Clair. Again this story is indeed taking place in the Heart Gold/Soul Silver series which means capturing first through fourth generations of Pokemon would be possible just so we're clear. You will see that this will be similar to the game story but there will be major differences which changes the real story drastically as you'll see soon enough otherwise you may as well just play the game. Please read and review and tell me what you think.