A/N: Hey guys this will be my first chapter Fic. I am so scared! I'm afraid I'll get writer's block or something and you guys will be angry at me! I'll need a beta for sure! There will be A LOT of OOC and OC's here (If you don't know what they mean, find it here:

.org/wiki/List_of_fan_fiction_terms )

There will also be some swearing and possible lime. There will be songs, it will be in italics. Story won't. They are all in high school around 15, 16, or 17 years old.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Gakuen Alice or its character. Some characters will be my own though.

Who are you?

"Oi! Cherry print; pull down your skirt, your underwear is showing." Natsume said, snickering and blushing madly. "Natsume! You pervert!" Mikan screeches while pulling her skirt down.

It's been 6 years since Mikan graduated from elementary. And she has grown quite a lot over the years. She is now 5'4 ft. or 165 cm, 110 lbs. or 49 kgs, she has longer auburn hair, and her lips have grown fuller. Her bra size is now 36 c's (shows you Natsume!) And is still growing, her legs have grown waaaay longer and hotter, and her fan club has reached over the top these past years. Unfortunately, she is still a little more than innocent to the pleasures and the dangers of the adult world.

4 years ago, Mikan and her group uncovered the ESP as the scum bag he was and Narumi stepped up as the new ESP. He changed a lot of rules in the academy along with the other principals.

There is still a Dangerous Ability group but now you are not forced to join it. You can choose to join it and help out the school with missions. (Also, he made Persona ease up with the training; thank goodness for that!)

He took away the alice controllers but only if it wasn't needed.

Your friends and family can visit Gakuen Alice but only every 4 months for a week.

There is no more 0 star ranking.

Anyway, everyone knew Mikan and Natsume were only flirting because they got together 6 years ago but laughed along anyway; everyone except for Ruka who is blushing furiously and Hotaru who is working away at her inventions. Mikan's eyes go wide open. She points at Ruka's pants and squeaks "Ruka-pyon! Is that a-" but before she could finish her sentence Narumi-sensei cut her off by twirling in the classroom and greeting them rather loudly.

"GOOD MORNING MY LITTLE DARLINGS!" he sings while twirling in a baggy white shirt and skinny jeans. Everyone ignores him while Mikan runs behind Narumi wailing about how she'll never get married. Narumi comforts Mikan and after finally calming her down, announced, "I have some exciting news today! We will be having two new students in our class!" Everyone's heads quickly sapped to Narumi and the room became silent and tense with anticipation. What kind of students will they be? Will they be males or females? Or both? Will they be cute? Nice? Powerful? Annoying? Waves and waves of questions overcame the children's minds as they quietly wait for the two new-comers to step through the door. Mikan returns to her desk now filled with a new emotion; the same one that overcame the rest of the students. Murmurs fill the room but as soon as the doors open, the room is quiet. So quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

The two students walked in. One boy and one girl. "Please introduce yourselves!" said Narumi sensei. The two of them look sad and pale. The girl first steps up. She has black hair and blood red lips. She has around B cups and is Mikan's height; 5'3 or 163 km. Instead of wearing the school uniform, she is wearing skinny jeans and a black halter neck shirt with a brown designer belt around her waist. Guys are cheering and wolf whistling and commenting that they're free as long as she is while the girls are murmuring in envy and saying she's not as pretty as them. "Kotoko Aihara, 16 years old, star ranking: special. Alices: none of your business." Everyone is scoffing and asking why they can't know.

The boy steps up and now it's the girls turn to squeal; and faint and scream they live for him while the guys scoff saying what a cheeky bastard he is and a big show off. He looks about an inch taller than Mikan; 6'4 or 198 cm. He is wearing black jeans and a white polo shirt. Three buttons from the top are un-buttoned. "I'm Naoki Aihara, also 16 years old and star ranking also special. My alices are for me to know and you to keep out of." Everyone is again asking and "aww"ing. But one girl stays silent; head is down as tears slowly fall down her cheek. Softly she whimpers and sobs. Her seatmate notices and becomes worried.

"Mikan are you okay?" and, since it's Natsume, he says aloud not caring if he's disrupting anything or not. He hugs her "What's wrong, you know you can tell me anything. Did someone hurt you? I'll burn them to a crisp!" and everyone gasps; even Narumi-sensei. Kotoko's and Naoki's eyes widen. "Mikan?" they say loud enough for everyone to hear. Tears weld in the girl's eyes as the boy bows his head. Now all three of them are silently crying. "What's going on?" asked Narumi who, like everyone, is very confused.

Mikan dried her eyes and walks over to Kotoko and Yuuki. "I missed you guys. So much! I thought you guys were dead! What the hell happened?"

"We escaped" said the boy.

"Me, Kotoko and the rest came up with a plan to all get out. We were so close to escaping but they caught us. Everyone told me and Kotoko to run and said that this escape would be useless unless at least one of us gets to escape. So, we ran. We kept running even though we heard them screaming. *sob.*" Yuuki, Mikan and Kotoko is crying again.

"The most horrible part was the pain. The pain we heard when they screamed. But we still kept running anyway." said Kotoko. "That's probably why they were so pale!" thought Mikan.

"Escape from what exactly?" asked Sumire arrogantly.

"I was in trouble once. Because of her," She pointed at Mikan "It was a hard battle but we still won. If we could do it why are you cry babies here saying stupid stuff while your friends are in pain?"

"Well, ya bitch, you don't exactly know how strong our opponents were did ya? And I bet you could defeat a 3 headed beast while you're still 4 and not expecting it!" screamed Kotoko.

"We unleashed everything! We even used our vamp-" But before she could finish, Mikan covered her mouth. "No one can know about that Kotoko. Or it will happen all over again." Mikan said solemnly. But it was too late. Everyone already knew what she was gonna say.

"You guys are vampires?" screamed Sumire.

"When will you learn to keep your fucking mouth shut?" screamed Kotoko as she charged for Sumire.

"Kotoko enough!" commanded Mikan scarily.

"S-sorry" said Kotoko and appeared beside Mikan. Before anyone can say anymore, Jinno enters the room.

"Mikan is to report to the head office immediately"

A/N: Soo… did you guys like it? I hope you did cuz I LOVED it! Please review so I can do better! It really makes my day when you guys do. Anyway, next chapter will come out probably tomorrow.

IMPORTANT: If I get at least 5 reviews I'll make sure to put up next chapter tomorrow. But, if not then you'll have to wait and see. Today is February 28, 2012 in Canada and the time is 10: 05 pm. You have till 8:30 pm to review and get your reward. Until then, adieu!