Chapter 7 (taking place after Vinyl Scratch takes Jon from the party)

-Back at the Store-

"How dare she! How dare HE!" Rarity yelled angrily at the events that had just unfolded before the 6 ponies, "now Rarity" said Twilight trying to calm her friend, even though she was just as upset as she was. "Don't Rarity me!" screamed the furious pony, "I bet you tried to get him into your bed earlier!" said Rarity, who was now blind with rage, "No!" said Twilight who was now also raising her voice, well aware of what happened in the closet beforehand, as well as her feelings for the new guest. "Hey now! Y'all stop this!" said Applejack now standing in between the feuding friends, "look" Applejack continued, "we all want to be the first gal to settle in with our new guest as much as the other" she said as the other ponies nodded, "but fighting won't increase our chances," and she was right. "We all know that he's a gentlepony, who is easy on the eyes" she said as the ponies drifted off to the sight of their new guest in theirs heads, "but we need to remain friends as well," said Pinkie Pie cutting in, "imagine if he walked in to see you guys fighting like this" she exclaimed. "She's right" said Twilight, as she began lowering the volume of her voice, the two ponies looked ashamed, "I'm sorry Twilight" said Rarity as she walked over and hugged her companion, "Me too" exclaimed Twilight, returning the gesture. "We will just have to let him decide for himself" chimed in Rainbow Dash, "I suppose so" Rarity sighed, still discontent with the events that had unfolded before them. "I wonder what Vinyl Scratch had to show him that was so urgent…" questioned Twilight, "Maybe we should go check on him?" she continued, "I'm sure he's fine" said Applejack. "I don't know, I don't trust that Vinyl Scratch" stated Rarity, "Why? Cause she took him before he could kiss you?" teased Rainbow Dash, making kissy faces and pretending to kiss nobody. "You're the pony that needs it!" proclaimed Rarity blushing, as she knew Rainbow Dash was right, "Okay! That does it!" yelled Applejack; "We are supposed to be friends! Now both a y'all apologize!" she yelled, becoming irritated at her friend's behavior, watching as Rarity and Rainbow Dash hung their heads in shame while they apologized to one another, "I'm not going to let a boy break up our friendship so I say that none of us are going to check up on him! I'm sure he is fine and will be able to handle himself" she continued, "we will see him in the morning, I mean what's the worst that could happen?" they nodded in agreement, said their goodbyes, and with that the ponies went their separate ways for the night.

-In Canterlot, the Royal Castle-

"When was the last time you spoke with him?" Luna asked, hoping for a recent answer, "Around 1 PM" said Celestia, not realizing it had indeed been a while since she had heard from Jon. "1!?" exclaimed Luna in a raised tone, "it is almost 11 PM now! That's almost a full 12 hours! He could be anywhere by now!" the younger sister feeling more and more worried by the second, "try to contact him" she said, nervous as to what may have happened to the human. "Okay, okay, I will, just a second" said Celestia as she closed her eyes and tried to telepathically communicate with Jon, "That's weird" she said as she opened he eyes now feeling a bit more worried, "I was unable to get through to him, you try Luna" hoping that her sister would be able to contact Jon. Luna closed her eyes, "Jon, this is Luna, if you can hear me please say something" she thought, but got nothing. She opened her eyes with a disappointed look on her face, "no answer" she said, "Maybe he just went to sleep at another location" said Celestia, trying to keep their hopes up, "I hope so" said Luna gloomily, "I hope so." "I do need to get some sleep though sister" said Celestia with a yawn, "do not worry too much, I'm sure he is fine" she said as she hugged her sister. "Good night Luna" she said sleepily as she walked from the guest room to her own quarters, "Good night Celestia" said Luna, as stepped out onto the balcony. "Wherever you are Jon" she said "I hope you are okay", looking out across Canterlot, and as far as she could see, "Where are you?"