Chapter 17 - The date.

It was Friday night and Itachi was doing what people his age would normally would on a Friday's night.

No, he wasn't playing online game nor watching TV. No, he wasn't checking his e-mail or his Facebook account either. And he definitely wasn't doing random searches on Google.

But yes, Itachi Uchiha was changing his clothes for the tenth time in the last twenty minutes. It was as if nothing was good enough for him that night. Such a dramatic problem for the raven.

'Tsc, too black'

'No, too red'

'Hm… this is good, but… no, I didn't like it'

'What happened to my clothes? Did I gain weight? Fuck, I'm fat!'

Believe it or not, that was what was passing on his mind. But please, don't judge him. It wasn't his first date, not even if you consider it with another man. No, Itachi had, not plenty, but enough experience.

Yet, that was the first, believe it, the FIRST time he would go on a date with someone he liked. Because he wasn't going on a date with a random blonde he met at university or in some club; no, he was going on a date with THE blonde. The one who captured his heart so many years ago, the one he dreamt about at night; dreams that made him run to the bathroom as soon as he woke up, if you know what I mean.

You could say he was in love, he wouldn't deny, he wouldn't say anything about it. But he felt it was more than it, he wasn't only in love, he was in lust for Deidara, he desired that man like he never desired anyone else.

And in resume, he was freaking out in his bedroom to try to be as perfect as his reputation was.

'I shouldn't have washed my hair, now it's messy. Damn humidity. Should I tie it like always? Or should I leave it loose? Will he tie his hair the way he usually does? Or not? What if he doesn't like my hair loosen? But what if he thinks it's boring the way it is?'

He almost jumped when his cellphone began to ring. It was Kaoru.


"Hello to you too, how are you doing?" she said sarcastically.

"I'm busy" he answered in his monotone voice.

"Hmm, the prince charming is getting ready for his princess?"

He just rolled his eyes and cursed lowly as he tried to find some clothe he liked it.

"Need help?" The dark haired girl asked simply.

He grunted "I can do it alone, thanks"

She laughed a bit "'Course you can, I was just wondering if you'd let me make some suggestions…"

He didn't want to give in, but he was already desperate. Surely, it would never show in his features, the mess in his room was no indication of it too.

"I might want to hear these suggestions, just out of curiosity."

She laughed once more, totally amused. "Okay, so I'd suggest you to wear that red shirt you have. That one with black writing all over it…"

"Hm…" he said while he found the said shirt.

"… with that black jeans, the one with the chains by the sides."

"Hmhum…" he found the pants on his floor and picked it.

"You know you're late, right?"

He felt a mini heart attack to her words and quickly changed himself. Only then he saw on the clock he still had half an hour until the time he had to go.

"I hate you so fucking much"

"I love you too. But now you come here and open the door!"

Itachi was more or less used to the sudden visit of his friends; more like Kyuubi and Kaoru were the ones to come uninvited, all the time. He got the door and looked at the sky, it would probably rain later.

"Geez, you're worse than I thought. What the hell happened to your hair?" he didn't answer nor made any expression "Fine, get out of the way and let me do something about it"

Itachi let her get in and they went to his room, which was a mess.

"God Itachi, did a tornado pass here?" he glared at her intensely "Fine, I got it. Let's do it."

Kaoru did a great job fixing the princess, I mean, prince, eh… Itachi. He was, if possible, more gorgeous than he naturally was. His hair fell loose and free on his back, perfectly framing his manly and delicate features. His clothes were casual and it fit them right. He was ready for his date.

But his nervousness was getting the best of him and he couldn't help to make light concerned expressions.

"Stop worrying, you look great. You're definitely ready to get your prince charming"

He arched an eyebrow "Wasn't I the prince charming?"

She laughed "Oh pretty boy, the way you're acting you're surely the princess. I was even your fairy godmother."

He chuckled lightly, joking along "Will your magic disappear by the midnight?"

She smirked "Well… if you have the prince in this room by midnight, it will definitely disappear and you'll be a mess."

He smirked back, enjoying the sound of that. "I hope so."


On the other side of the city, Deidara was ready to go, but…

"Danna, do I look good?"

In fact, he did. It wasn't hard for Deidara to look good, but wearing blue tight jeans and an open blue tartan shirt above a white tank top made him look really good.

Sasori, who was unemotionally reading a book in the living room, looked at him annoyed. He knew the brat looked great, but he knew he was very early too, so…

"Aren't you going on a date?"

Deidara arched an eyebrow. "Yeah, un."

"And you're going like this?" the redhead used his best confused-disapproved face.

"Yes, why? Do I look bad?" poor blonde had fallen on his teasing and was getting worried.

"Oh no…" he pretended to lie.

"Danna! Stop doing it and tell me, do I look good or not?"

"Good, sure" he answered non-convincible.

Sasori smirked when Deidara went running to his bedroom to change his outfit.

This same scene happened over and over until the blonde's patience reached its peak.

"Grr… Nothing is good for you, un! There must be one, ONE, outfit you liked! Just tell me Danna!"

"Hm, yes there was, but you won't like to hear." He pretended to think a bit "No, this way is just fine, brat"

Deidara clenched his fist in frustration and talked in a forced calm voice "So please, tell me which was."

"Better not, I'm saying you won't like to hear."

The blonde closed his eyes losing and sadistic and amused smirk of Sasori. "Just say it, un!"

"Hm… I think that blue tartan with the tank top and jeans was good."

The blonde blinked several times before he exploded.


The redhead made an effort to not smile at him, who had crossed his arms childishly. "I said you wouldn't like to hear, and I never said it didn't look good."

"Not with words, but the way you looked…"

When there was no answer, Deidara gave up and ran to his bedroom once again to change back to his first outfit. As much as he hated to admit, he's always listen to Sasori.

"Satisfied now, un?"

"Yes, can we go?"

"What? No! I'm not ready yet!"

"What do you mean you're not ready yet? You look ready and I will not wait one more minute."

Against his own words, he waited more fifteen minutes for Deidara to get ready.

"Come one, brat! You're making me impatient!"

"Geez, I'm coming… So, how do I look?"

"Good, let's go."

Deidara glared. "Only good, Danna?"

Sasori rolled his eyes and smirked. "You look great, beautiful, oh wonderful. Can we go now?"

The blonde chuckled "Idiot…" and they headed outside.

"Oh but it's true, I'd totally sleep with you." He said teasing.

"Really?" his face lit up with an idea "Do you think Itachi-"

"No! Don't even start brat!" Sasori cut him dryly "You're not sleeping with him."

"What! And why is that, un?" Deidara demanded to know as he entered the car.

"Brat, it's your first date."

"So what?" he said as if it wasn't obvious.

"Forget it, you are not." He said giving up reasoning.

"Yes, I am!" he made up his mind.

Sasori shook his head muttering about damn stubborn brats.

They had arrived about 15 minutes earlier due to the older man's habit.

"Here we are, brat. Do you have everything you need?"

The blond brat rolled his eyes "Of course I have, un. How old do you think I am?"

The redhead decided to ignore and changed subject abruptly. "Promise me you won't do it" he said seriously.

"Do what?" he asked hesitantly to sudden change of things.

Sasori sighed and looked him in the eyes. "Promise me you will not sleep with him… today" he asked softly.

Deidara sighed and bit his lower lip thinking for a while before he answered just as softly "I won't promise that, sorry. If it leaves you more at ease, it's not like we definitely will do it. But I won't lie to you danna, if it happens, I will let it happen, un…" his voice got louder and more excited gradually "And Itachi is not bad at all, if you don't count he's an arrogant bastard, but then I think I really like him, so-"

"Shh, shh. Fine, I got it, brat. It's just that… I don't want that to happen again." He said worriedly.

"It won't, un." He smiled reassuringly.

Sasori sighed again and touched the other's cheek lightly, smiling kindly at the boy. In return, Deidara smiled too and leaned forward letting the other kiss his forehead as an extremely rare act of affection between them.

"Now go, kid. Have your fun and call me to tell me if you're going home or if… you know."

"Can I just text you? And aren't you going to your cousin's house?"

"No, you can't. Yes, I am, so what?"

"Because you usually stay until late when you go there, un! And stop treating me like a teenager! I'll be 20 next month!"

"Shut up, you're still a brat. A nineteen years old brat. And you will do as I say."

Unfortunately for the blond, Sasori had a big, maybe huge influence on him when it came to orders, and yes, he would follow it no matter what or how. Not even if he hated to or was against it, he would obey his danna, when he knew he was serious.

"I don't need to hear it from someone who looks even younger than a 'nineteen years old brat'"

He changed subjects "Go already and stop making other wait. You're late already."

"Fuck!" he got out of the car "Oh yeah, I can promise you one thing, un."


He smiled evilly "I promise to use a condom. Maybe more than one depending on how he can last."


The blond chuckled and stuck his tongue out, already eying his date next to the ticket office waiting.

"Bye Sasori-danna! Have fun!"

And he left, shaking his head and muttering about damn brats.


When Itachi saw Deidara, he promised himself he'd take the guy to his bed… that night. He didn't know if it was all in his head and if it had really happened. But the light wind in his loosen hair was like in the movies, and it made all the way too slow walk of him much more sensual and movie style.

"Hey." Deidara said happily, bringing the raven out of his trance.

"Hi" he answered in his monotonous tone

"Shall we go?" Itachi offered his hand, but it just caused the blond to arch an eyebrow and head to buy his ticket.

The raven followed and bought his own ticket. Apparently they would watch an action movie. Not that he cared, God, he just loved the idea of not having to watch a romantic movie, that wouldn't make him squeal or cry; nor a stupid comedy, that certainly wouldn't make him laugh.

During the movie, the younger couldn't take his eyes of the screen, while the older couldn't take his eyes of the blonde sitting next to him. Itachi was amused to Deidara's reactions, especially when there was a fake and over exaggerated explosion. He couldn't help but find it cute the way those blue eyes glinted illuminated by the screen.

When a boring part of the movie happened, Deidara sighed and rested his head on the other's shoulder casually. Itachi smirked and didn't lose time to whisper above the blonde's head "Are you enjoying the movie?"

It was then that those blue eyes locked with dark ones in the semi darkness of the theater. He looked intensely and whispered back slowly "I think it's lacking… action, un."

The raven smirked already turning and leaning forward. "I think I can change it."

They kissed, for the first time after a long week. And it was worth the waiting. There was nobody to interrupt them, nobody else, just them.

The kiss began slowly, their lips parted willing yet uncertainly, their tongues met hesitatingly and their hands moved awkwardly trying to find the right place to touch.

But soon, they found their pace, their own rhythm as they explored each other's mouth. Their tongues touched willing, their hands moved certainly finding more and more places to explore, touch, feel.

Things got hotter and hotter as Deidara was almost climbing on Itachi's lap, the movie long ago forgotten. When the blonde moaned in the raven's mouth, Itachi felt a shiver in his whole body and realized they had to stop.

Well, easier said than done, but he managed to. They pulled out, both breathing a bit harder than normal and went back to watching the movie. They were holding hands and simply enjoying what was going on the screen. Both had nothing to say, and no more attempts to 'action' happened until the end of the movie.


Outside the theater...

"Wasn't it cool, un?"


"It was so cool! The part they tried to escape and then BANG! HAHAH, it was perfect. And they part that guy shoot the other and all that blood, un! And that other part that…"

Itachi simply nodded his head to the detailed description of the whole movie, enjoying his enthusiasm.

"Definitely the best movie I've ever seen, un. Itachi, are you listening?"

"I am"

"Really? Cause you're not saying anything."

'Why would it be?' Itachi controlled the urge to voice his thoughts.

Well, not that he really had to force it, because the blonde was already talking again about the art in the movie and how beautiful the explosions were. Itachi didn't understand the beauty of that, but he certainly could see the beauty in those blue eyes and that long, silky golden hair.

Deidara stopped talking and they saw themselves in an uncomfortable silence. Was their date over? Was not? Was it good? Was not? Would they have a second? Would not?

"Are you hungry?" Surprisingly, it was Itachi who broke it.

"Hmm… yeah, un."

"Do you want to eat at somewhere… with me?" he said cautiously.

"Yeah, sure. What do you want to eat?"

'You' he thought "Anything is fine by me"

"I know a great place we can go to. It's nearby, so we can go by foot and it's really good. Let's go."

Itachi didn't discuss about it. Not that he could, before he knew, Deidara was already dragging him to the place by his pulse.

It was almost as if they were holding hands, and the idea had made him happy. Unfortunately, this happiness didn't last long as the younger released him and urged for him to follow him.


In the small restaurant, they sat face to face and ate in silence. After they were done, they talked for a while.

"You know Itachi, I didn't say it earlier, but you look really hot tonight."

Deidara chose to say these words – as if he was talking about the weather – in the exact moment Itachi was drinking water.

A normal person would choke or spit all the water to such a sudden bluntness, but thanks to his Uchiha genes, he managed to swallow the water dryly.

"Eh, thanks" the blonde loved the small blush on the other's pale cheeks. Never before had someone said that to him so… casually.

He cursed the redness on his face and smirked. Deidara would taste his own medicine.

"And you, Deidara, look extremely sexy."

It wasn't just the words, but the intensity of those black eyes that made him blush and shiver at the same time.

Another awkward moment happened, but soon they were back to talking about all kind of things.

They were really enjoying themselves until Deidara frowned a bit. His sharp eye had caught something he didn't like, but he wasn't sure if he did see or it was just his imagination.


"Huh? I-I need to go to the bathroom."


The boy headed to the toilet and looked around. Nobody seemed to pay attention when he entered the women's restroom. Honestly, he looked so much like a girl that nobody would get suspicious if he didn't open his mouth.

He sighed and crossed his arms to the stalker dark haired woman. No, he wasn't imagining things.

He simply arched an eyebrow questioning why she was there, alone, stalking him and Itachi. She smiled nervously, not counting getting caught.

"Dei! What a coincidence!"

The blonde said nothing, just waited for answers.

Kaoru eventually sighed and gave up any attempt to lie. "Don't tell him you saw me here."

"Itachi?" he said in low tone, his voice certainly wasn't feminine and he didn't want to cause a fuss over being caught in that place.

"Yees, Itachi." She answered suspiciously, what made him frown. "God, fine. Itachi too, but please, don't tell Sasori-sensei." She pleaded.

Blue eyes widened in realization when he connected the pieces.

"What? HE sent you to stalk us? I can't believe it! And you accepted, I thought we were friends!"

"Shh" she tried to calm him down as an old lady eyed them with suspicion. Kaoru tried to smile "Dei-chan, calm down. Your voice is still bad because of your cold." She lied and pointed with her head to the old woman, who seemed satisfied to the explanation.

Deidara understood the situation and waited everybody leave the bathroom to glare intensely demanding answers.

"I can explain. Look, it's not that I'm stalking you guys, I'm just following you =D."

"Dei, don't look at me like this. I didn't have any choice. He threatened me, he said he wouldn't pass me this semester and you know how I suck at his subject and then he said he would pass me if I did it." The blonde looked a bit hurt to the revelation "But don't think badly of him, he's just worried about you. He cares a lot about you."

He breathed out. "I know he cares, but I'm not a kid. I'm not even going out with a total stranger, un! Itachi is cool and not bad, he's not anyone else."

"Aw, you really like him, don't you?"

"What do you think, un?"

"Oh, you do. And you looked like teens in the theater. Aren't you too old to make out in the movies?"

"Go to hell, senpai."

She smiled to the blushing figure and teased him more.

"Kyuubi would have loved to see that."

"Oh no, don't tell me she's also here."

"No, it's just me. Kyuubi is out with Hana and the little ones."

He didn't know who 'the little ones' were, but that wasn't important.

"Will you keep 'following' us, un?"

"Now that you caught me, I'll stop. I'm going home. It's depressed enough to be stalking two of your friends on Friday night when your fiancé is home alone."

"I can't believe you agreed to that."

"I need grades. Not everyone receives special treatment on his classes, right Deidara brat?"

"Hey! I don't…"

"Yes, you do. Now go back to your whatever you guys are now before he gets suspicious or the wrong impression."

"Okay, bye senpai"

"Bye Dei, have fun. Don't forget to use protection." She teased him. It was a cute sight to see him all red and cursing.


"Sorry to make you wait. It was a bit crowded there."

"Oh it's fine, can we go?"

They paid their share and Deidara walked along Itachi until the raven's car.

He bit his lip, unwilling to say goodbye. There were so many things they still could do. It was barely eleven, so early.

"Hm, I think that's it then."

"Wanna a ride?"

"Hmm, I…"

"Just get in and I'll take you home." he softly commanded making the blonde shiver.


They were mostly quiet on the way, until Deidara saw where they were.

"Un, Itachi, I live in the opposite side, you know."

He smirked, not taking his off the streets. You could almost see a red tint in his eyes. His voice was deliciously low and deep.

"I said I'd take you home… my home."

The younger decided to keep his mouth shut, unsure of what he could say or do if he opened it. The shivers in his body were strong enough to make him spasm in anticipated excitement. And oh, he loved that feeling.


When they were about five minutes from Itachi's house, Deidara sent a text to Sasori telling him he wouldn't go home after all. He didn't want to talk to him at that moment, he was still mad at the redhead for spying on him, even if indirectly.

'Not going home =P'

He soon got a reply.

'What did I say about texting? Call me'

'Y? U already know I ain't going home, un.'


He rolled his eyes and called him, trying to speak as low as possible, praying for the raven to not listen to him. He knew it was hard, the silence was so deep they could hear their breaths if they tried. Any sound would simply echo in the car.

"Hello?" The voice on the other side of the line answered unemotionally.

"Are you happy now?"

"Oh hey brat" he could hear the evil smirk "What do you want to tell me?"

"You know." he growled slowly.

"Oh I do?" Sasori loved to torture him, he loved it so much "I don't think I do Dei, please tell me" he feigned innocence.

"I just called to tell you I'm not going home." He said as lowly as possible, hoping to be audible, he would hate to…

"Can you repeat? I didn't hear you."


"I'm not going home, damn it!"

"I see, and why would it be?" Sasori asked teasingly.

"Go to hell, un."

"That's not an answer, Dei" He was so happy Deidara wondered if he was drunk, but he had quite an idea of the reason he was like that. And why the hell was so impossible for the blonde to simply turn off the cellphone?

"Fine brat, do whatever you want. Have fun"

"Same, bye un."


He didn't dare to look Itachi. He didn't want to see a reaction, any kind of reaction. Oh no. And they were already parking the car in garage, so he wouldn't have to wait much to forget about his stupid danna and think only of the hot raven already opening the door.


(Warning: Happiness ahead, I mean, Lemon ahead)

They walked through the dark house in silence. Their hands soon found each other and their fingers intertwined. Itachi opened the door to his room and mentally thanked Kaoru for arrange it.

The curtains were open, so the outside light could illuminate the room just enough.

Deidara breathed long and slowly as his heart pounded in his chest. He was pressed in the closed door. Itachi's hands were on the door by his sides and his look was intense, as of a predator ready to devour its prey, while the prey itself was begging for it to happen.

The raven leaned forward never breaking eye contact. He stopped with his lips lightly brushing Deidara's, whispering what he simply needed to know.

"How far can we go?"

The older felt the younger's lips turn into a smirk and his eyes glowing lust in the semi-darkness of his bedroom.

"As far as we get to go, un." He whispered back, licking his lips and consequently Itachi's due to their proximity.

The raven didn't lose his time, kissing his lips and immediately was given full access to taste the sweet mouth. Deidara brought them closer, pulling Itachi by his waist. Soon, they were in a heated make out session, tasting each other and feeling each other.

As things got hotter and hotter, the hands went lower and lower in their bodies. Deidara's hands found Itachi's ass first. He moaned into the kiss bringing their hips together causing the raven to smirk almost breaking the kiss.

The older's hands went lower, enjoying every inch of the body in front of him. One hand stayed at Deidara's ass while the other went lower, to the younger's thigh. He pulled the leg up in a sensual motion, resting his fingers in the back of the other's knee.

They kissed like that for a while, until Deidara's hands rose through the raven's back and stopped on his neck. He broke the kiss, looking into dark eyes. They were both panting and could feel their hearts beating like crazy.

The blonde took an impulse and jumped on Itachi, locking his legs behind his waist and using the door behind him as support. The raven used the position to nibble the tempting neck exposed to him causing the blonde to moan lowly tilting his head to the side exposing more of his skin.

Itachi carried him to the bed a blindly. Luckily, he had an amazing memory and knew exactly where his bed was. He kneeled on it and using the great strength he had, laid the blonde above him.

Deidara didn't like the position and turned them over on the king sized bed, smiling triumphantly when he saw the astonished expression on his soon to be lover. Itachi didn't have time to protest as pink lips kissed him making him swallow the words he was going to say, yet he didn't mind much, mainly when he felt soft hands exploring his body, slowly taking off his shirt.

The older sat up making them fall in a position where Deidara was somehow in his lap, their faces inches apart. He took his shirt off and kissed the blonde intensely, bringing their chest together, his hands on the younger's hips and Deidara's hands messing with his dark locks.

Itachi felt his companion was wearing too much clothes and started undoing the half opened shirt, bottom by bottom he undid feeling the body he dreamed about so many times. The blue shirt was tossed somewhere in bedroom and Itachi stopped to look at the fine body sitting on his lap. The sight was even better than on his dreams.

He kissed Deidara's collarbone as his hands worked on his belly, pulling the tank top up. Deidara shivered as his fingers circled his navel and moaned louder when he teased his nipples.

The white tank top was tossed somewhere. Itachi used his weigh to lay Deidara on bed once more; his hand supporting himself on the younger's side. His dark locks were sticking on his face and back because of the thin sweat, but he couldn't bring himself to care, not when he had a panting blond man with clouded blue eyes asking to be taken.

Itachi ran his hand on Deidara's neck, going down to his collarbone and stopping on his chest, where he had a tribal tattoo around his nipple. The raven smirked circling with a finger the drawing.

"I didn't know you had it." He whispered huskily.

"You don't know a lot of thing about me, un." Deidara whispered back smirking mischievously.

Itachi leaned down kissing his lips lightly "Then I'll find out." He said huskily before he kissed him again, but intensely, almost harshly.

Deidara used the kiss as distraction to roll them over again, his lips went south, licking, nibbling and sucking all the way to Itachi's pants, his jaw, his neck, his chest, his stomach and finally his hip. Blue eyes found black ones showing how much eager they both were for the following activities.

Slim fingers undid the black jeans and quickly took off Itachi's pants along with his black boxers. Deidara didn't hesitate to put the member in his mouth ripping a delicious moan from the raven.

Itachi's fingers grabbed golden locks, brushing them aside to have a view of the younger's face. He controlled himself to not reach his limit there and then, the sight was sinful. After few minutes of the delicious torture of being sucked off, Itachi pulled Deidara off him by his hair. He was panting and he wanted more, so much more.

Deidara didn't complain, instead he crawled until he was face to face with Itachi, kissing and sharing the taste of his own pleasure. The raven pulled him out, bringing his lips next to Deidara's ear to whisper one simple command.


Deidara felt shivers through all his body. He got out of the bed, standing up in front of Itachi and made a show out of taking off his remaining clothes. If Itachi wanted him to strip, then he would.

As soon as his last piece of cloth was tossed aside, Deidara was thrown back to the bed. Itachi touched and kissed him fully eliciting sweet moans and scratches on his pale back.

As things were going to the right way, Itachi opened the nightstand where he usually kept lube and condom. He found the lube, but…

"Fuck." He swore under his breath, stopping the moment.

"What, un?" Deidara asked lifting himself a bit supporting himself on his elbows.

Itachi showed him the empty box of condoms expecting an awkward atmosphere. Instead, he saw the blonde smirking and frowned a bit.

"I don't mean any offence, but we're not doing it without protection." He said firmly, even if it cost the sex and man of his dreams.

"Who said something about doing it without protection, un?" He answered annoyed "Go get my wallet somewhere, it must be in the back pocket of my pants, un, I have it in there."

Itachi felt a bit stupid, but didn't say anything more and his features didn't betray him. Yet, he ran to find the blonde's jeans among the amount of clothes in his bedroom's floor. He quickly found the key to his soon to be connection and smirked sadistically.

"Eh, colored condoms?"

Deidara felt like killing himself of embarrassment, but thought better and decided to kill a certain nosy redhead with habits of stealing his wallet and mess with his stuff. His face got even redder when he looked at Itachi and saw the perverted glint in his eyes.

"Which color do you want, Dei?" he asked huskily, getting back to bed and closer to him.

The blonde extinguished the devious smirk with a passionate kiss, locking his arms around Itachi's neck bringing him even closer.

When they pulled out to breathe, the smirk was back in the older's lips. "I'll choose it then." He teased amused.

He picked a red one, his favorite color. Deidara tried to not think it looked really good in contrast with his pale skin and dark pubic hair, because if he thought, he knew he wouldn't hold on much longer.

They went back to setting a mood they had somehow lost, kissing and touching lightly. Itachi got the lube and prepared Deidara slowly, caring, watching every reaction.

It was uncomfortable in the beginning, then it hurt, but it felt good in the end. Deidara was getting louder and louder as he was being consumed by Itachi. His long fingers were touching him deep in the right places, his mouth licking and sucking his navel and teasing his member and the worst, the pair of black eyes looking at him intensely, with a desire it was killing him not to reach his limit just with that look.

"En-En-ough" The younger said between pants.

The older took his fingers out of him and kissed him tenderly. His heart raced more when he thought of what he was about to do. And he suddenly felt a bit insecure.

"Are we going too fast?" he whispered against pink lips.

Blue eyes opened reflecting curiosity and a bit of wonder. Deidara smiled sweetly and confessed. "No, I've been in love with you since I first saw you, un."

For a first time in a real long time, Itachi smiled, a true smiled. It last a millisecond, but it existed. And his insecurities were left behind.

He entered his lover slowly, closing his eyes and biting his lower lip because of the tight heat that engulfed him. When he was all the way in, he kissed him again lightly. "Good, because I've been in love with you since then, too"

"Move, Tachi."

It was all Deidara had to say to drive Itachi crazy. When he didn't want to hurt the blonde, his faces and moans weren't helping. Their rhythm wasn't slow but Deidara screamed for more, faster, harder. And every time Itachi complied, releasing a moan of his own every now and then.

Itachi could feel his back burning because of the scratches Deidara was leaving on it and he was loving it. He felt his limit coming quickly and the blonde wasn't any different.

"Hm… I'm gonna... hmm... soon." He said before he reached his limit with a low moan of "I-ta-chi"

Listening to the way Deidara had said his name, with a sinful voice, added to his internal muscled clamping him, was enough to send him over the edge.

"Mmm, Dei-dara."

He fell and rolled to the blonde's side. They were both panting, coming back from their high. Itachi was the first to recompose, but it was Deidara who broke the silence.

"Really, that was the best sex of my life."


(End of happiness, I mean, end of Lemon)

The raven stood up and went to his bathroom, to throw the condom away and clean himself. He was sweaty and he wouldn't sleep sweaty.

"Not coming?" he asked the blonde, who seemed to be a bit numb.

"Sure, un."

They cleaned themselves quickly, teasing their bodies a bit, but not enough for another round.

They went back to the bedroom and Itachi lent clothes for Deidara to sleep. They lay in bed, looking at each other's eyes without saying a word. They weren't holding each other, but that wasn't necessary. Soon, their eyes got heavy and they fell asleep, side by side.

Hello there people!

Yeah, it's been a while, but here I am! It took me longer than I thought to write this chapter, but here it is and it's huge, so I hope you're happy and it's the first lemon in the story, so please tell me what you think. Yeah, I know I'm a perv *o*

Well, I more or less took care of the things that were keeping me from writing and now I'm back to write lots of chapters.

I started another story, some of you might have seen already during this time. It's a ItaxDei romance, here is the synopsis: Itachi and Deidara are a married and sastisfied couple, they have their house, their dream jobs and they one they love, yet, they think there's something lacking in their lives. And the answer is children. So, the young couple decide to adopt. Naruto and Sasuke are orphans brothers that wish to have a family. You know what'll happen...

Well, I'm happy to be back and I hope you're still there readin my story ;)

Review and let me know what you like/dislike/love/hate or simply if you want to talk about random stuff.