A/N I DO NOT NOT OWN ANYTHING! I'M CO-WRITING THIS STORY WITH ELENA RAIN! This is the last chapter guys but I do have a sequel in mind. There will be more information on that at the bottom A/N. Thank you to everyone who reviewed and added me or my story to their alerts and favorites. A big thank you to mae-E who gave me the idea to this story in the first place! She's been a huge help so thank you to her! On with the story:
They spent the rest of the day alone. Tommy wasn't mentally ready to see his friends yet in fear of hurting them. Everyone understood and respected that.
The next morning Tommy was up and out early ready to train with Edward.
"All right, now the trick is to run, but not vampire speed, human speed."
"Sounds easy enough…"
Edward laughed. "Just wait till you start running. On the count of three ready…1,2,3."
In a flash Tommy was gone. Edward raced after him. It was amazing he was the fastest newborn he had ever seen. Tommy was running so fast he couldn't be seen. Where did he go?
They met back up by the lake. Tommy smiled. "That felt great."
Edward laughed. "You ran vampire speed that's why. Let's run back and this time try to control yourself and run slower."
Tommy sighed and nodded. Edward counted to three again and Tommy took off again. In a flash he gone. Edward raced back to the house to see Tommy just standing there smiling, he didn't even look the least bit worn out. Tommy looked to Edward and sighed. "I'm sorry. I tried this time. I really did."
"I know, it's hard for everyone. When I was training Kimberly she actually crashed into the house."
Edward nodded. "In fact that gives me another idea." He turned to the girls who were sitting outside just having some blood and chatting girl talk. Edward waved Kimberly over. She ran over to them.
"How's it going, Handsome?" she asked.
"I can't do it." Tommy sighed. "I'm so used to just running."
Kimberly rubbed his back and looked to Edward "What can we do?"
"You're going to run with him. Only you're going to be holding hands." Edward said.
"How will that help?" Kimberly asked.
Edward looked to Tommy. "Now, remember if you run too fast and you pull Kimberly too hard she loses an arm. The goal is for Kimberly to return with all her limbs attached."
Tommy actually gulped. The near thought of hurting Kimberly made him sick.
Edward chuckled. "Don't worry they can be fixed."
Kimberly took his hand. "I trust you, let's run."
He smiled softly and nodded. Edward counted them down and they took off running.
"Tommy slow down, try and think about a snail or turtle." Kimberly told him as they ran. She sent into his mind a picture of a turtle. Tommy started to slow down.
"Good, just a little more slow down."
Tommy slowed down more until they were both running at human pace.
"You did it!" Kimberly squealed. They arrived at the lake and stopped.
"We did it. Thanks, Beautiful."
"Anytime, Handsome. Let's go back, remember slowly."
Tommy nodded. They both took off in a run away and this time Tommy matched Kimberly's speed. They made it back to the house and everyone cheered.
"That was great!" Edward said.
"Thanks, things seem easier with Kimberly."
"He did great on his own." Kimberly said.
"Well good, because we've got a lot more work to do."
Tommy sighed but nodded. "What's next?"
"Well you've been fighting since you were a kid. You won't need much training there so the next is the most hardest."
"Which is?"
"Blood control."
Tommy inhaled and exhaled a deep breath and let it out. "How do we do that?"
"We will tempt you with human blood and you have to resist."
"No!" Tommy growled jumping back.
Kimberly read his mind to see why he reacted like that. She saw him standing in front of a small little girl not even five years old shaking and crying with her arms bleeding. "Tommy no!" Kimberly said.
She hugged him tightly and put a new picture inside his head on him sitting at the kitchen counter with two cups of blood one said human blood and the other said animal blood. She rubbed his back still holding him close. "Shhh, we'd never use an actual human. I promise. Shhhh it's ok. I'm going be with you the entire time. Shhh."
Kimberly I'm really scared.
I know you are. I was too but you can do this. I promise I'm going to help you through it all.
Kimberly let him go and took his hand. Everyone made their way inside. Tommy sat down on the counter. Kimberly stood by his side. He wrapped his arm around her waist keeping her close. He'd never admit it but everyone knew he was scared. This was the part they were all scared of. Kimberly stroked Tommy's hair in hopes of giving him some comfort.
Jasper came over with a cup of blood. "All right, Tommy, you can look at this cup you can smell it, but you CAN NOT touch it."
He set the cup down in front of Tommy who tensed. It smelled so different from the animal blood. It was the difference between veggies and chocolate cake. The smell burned his nose making his throat feel like it was on fire as well. His hands began to shake like winds in a category five hurricane. Even though he was a vampire he felt breathless like he couldn't breathe. He started to pant for air. The smell was calling to him, almost begging him to drink it. Everything else around him vanished he no longer knew where he was or who he was with. All he knew was there was blood, he wanted it, but couldn't have it.
His hands went from his lap to the counter. He growled.
"Shhhh…" an Angel's voice cooed. "I'm right here, Handsome, you can do this."
He felt someone touching his arms and rubbing them up and down he wanted to growl and pull away but something unknown stopped him. It was like he needed that touch. A sharp pain hit his stomach like he had gone his entire life without any food. He groaned. "Please!" he begged.
"Shhh, just a little longer, sweetie. You're doing great!" the Angel spoke again.
"I need it!"
"No, no you don't. You don't need it."
"Make it stop, please!"
"He's had enough, we need to stop this." The Angel spoke.
"He's doing great, just a few more seconds." Another voice spoke.
Tommy growled. Who was this person and what did they want with his Angel? She was his and nobody else's. "Don't touch my Angel." He growled pulling Kimberly closer to him.
Everyone gasped that wasn't what they were expecting at all. He was so worried about someone taking Kimberly that he no longer noticed the blood or even cared to have it.
Suddenly for Tommy he could register everything again. He looked to Kimberly who was smiling at him. "You did it, Handsome. I'm so proud of you!"
Tommy didn't smile back. "What happen to me? I...I didn't know who any of you were or even who I was. All I knew was there was this Angel and someone was trying to take her from me. At first it was about the blood but then all I could think about was not letting anyone near this Angel."
The Cullen's looked to each other.
"What? What's wrong?"
"Tommy, you are the only vampire in the world who is able to completely block out blood to protect your lover. Most people don't even know who their lover is. They could even attack their lover if they believe they are trying to take their blood from them. You were the other way. You became so obsessed with Kimberly you were ready to rip off our heads. Your self control is so amazing." Carlisle explained.
"Does that mean I don't have to do this again?"
Everyone laughed.
"No, we still need to prepare you."
Tommy sighed. "I think I need a break."
"Of course. Take as much time as you need."
Carlisle and the other Cullen's left the room.
"Are you all right, Handsome?" Kimberly asked.
"I didn't like that feeling, Beautiful. I didn't feel like me at all. It was like a scary type of obsessed with you. Nobody was allowed to even look at you. If they did I was going to literally kill them."
Kimberly rubbed his back. "It's the blood. It always brings out the worst in you. But you were strong. You didn't let it get you. You beat it and I know you'll be able to do it again."
"What if I can't?"
"You will. I'll be right here to make sure."
She kisses his forehead and he buried his face into her neck. She rubbed his back to comfort him."I love you. Tommy Oliver and we can and we will get through this. I promise. I've never broken a promise to you before and I'm not going to stop now."
Tommy nodded softly. She was right. No matter how hard it was going to be. Together they could get through and everything.
The next few weeks were hard, but in the end Tommy was able to control himself around human blood. He could run and do physical human things without breaking anything. He could also fight. He was the only one to ever go up against Emmett and actually win. It shocked everyone but he was a newborn so it was a given…right?
Tommy was even able to figure out his power…boy was that a funny morning.
Kimberly and Tommy were both lying in bed cuddled together. Neither of them slept but they still closed their eyes to rest. Kimberly opened her eyes that morning and smiled. She rolled onto her side and frowned Tommy was gone. She sat up and looked around. "Tommy?"
"Yeah Beautiful?"
She jumped why she could hear him and not see him.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"Tommy where are you!" she asked fearfully.
"I'm right next to you on the bed, what are you talking about?"
"No, no you're not! Why can't I see you?"
"I don't know, Kimberly, you need to show me what you see right now."
Kimberly sighed and nodded. She closed her eyes and sent him a picture of an empty bed with only her on it.
"Call Carlisle, this is weird."
Kimberly nodded. "CARLISLE!" Kimberly screamed. "HELP US!"
In a flash Carlisle and the other Cullen's were in their room. "What's wrong where is Tommy?"
"He's right here on the bed, I just can't see him!" Kimberly shrieked.
Carlisle chuckled. "All right, settle down. I know what this it. Tommy, I need you to think about yourself being seen, allow everyone to see you."
A few seconds later Tommy appeared on the bed again. Kimberly squealed and hugged him tightly. Tommy hugged her back. "What was that?"
"That my friend would be your power." Carlisle laughed.
Carlisle nodded. "You'll have to train more so you can control it and not give Kimberly a panic attack again, but yes, that's your power."
"I was just thinking about the teens and about when I first discovered the power of the black dino gem and…"
"Tommy!" Carlisle laughed as he vanished again only this Kimberly was gone too. "Wow that is new."
"What?" Tommy asked.
"Your powers go further than just invisibility. Whoever you touch is invisible too. Can you guys see each other?"
"That's interesting. I wonder what else you can do."
Tommy came back with Kimberly. "I don't know but I like this."
Everyone laughed.
"You need to learn to control it first." Carlisle laughed.
"I understand, but I can't wait. I'm going to have some serious fun with this."
"Tommy, because you have a power you have to follow one rule."
"Let me guess." Tommy sighed. "No using your power for person gain?"
Carlisle nodded and smiled. "You got it."
Tommy just smiled and nodded. "I won't. I'll be good I promise."
Tommy looked to Kimberly and winked. She giggled. Things were getting better and better every day. Nothing couldn't possible go wrong now. Life was perfect.
After spending all day traning and helping Tommy control his powers. The two just lay cuddled in each other's arms.
"Hey, Handsome?" Kimberly spoke softly.
"Yes, Beautiful?" Tommy answered, kissing her head softly.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Finding me."
"After the plane crashed I was lost, but now I'm found."
Tommy smiled and kissed her again. "I'll always find you, Beautiful."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
They shared a passionate kiss. It quickly turned to making out. They pulled apart a few minutes later. "Tommy did you ever think about when we'd have our first time?"
Tommy nodded. "I've had the same vision about our first time since we were teenagers."
"When was it?"
"Our honeymoon. After I finally made you my wife we celebrate by giving ourselves to each other."
"That sounds so romantic."
"It is and it will be."
Kimberly smiled.
"Speaking of…today when Carlisle and I went out I made a small stop."
Tommy got up and off the bed. He got down on one knee to reveal a beautiful pink diamond wedding ring in the shape of a heart. Kimberly gasped.
"Kimberly Ann Hart, ever since I first saw you standing in the halls of our school I knew you were the one. The way you stood up to Bulk and Skull made me smile. You are the strongest woman I know and I was so excited when you agreed to be my girlfriend. When I thought I had lost you I…I was broken, I couldn't eat I couldn't sleep, I could barely function without you. Then I found you again, it didn't matter you had blood dripping down your chin or that you were drinking from a elk, you were still just as strong and beautiful as I remembered you to be. When you saw me and you got this scared look in your eyes it broke my heart and I knew something was different about you and you were more scared and shy but I didn't care. I still loved you and I couldn't lose you again. I can't lose you ever again, Kimberly. So please, please, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"
"Yes, yes, yes!" Kimberly cried tearlessly.
They hugged tightly and Tommy spun her around causing her to squeal with giggles. Now, their life was perfect.
A/N that's end...at least for now I'm planning to write a sequel and you will see more about Tommy and how he is after he's out of the newborn stage. But most important what happens when the Volturi find out about his power and want him? I'm not sure when I'll have it out but I try and make it soon! It's going to be called Something Lost and Something Gained here is the summary: Tommy is a vampire now and gets to be with Kimberly forever in perfect drama free world right? WRONG! The Voltrui want Tommy for his power and everyone knows the best way to get to Tommy is through Kimberly. Can he protect her against the biggest baddest strongest most powerful vampires in the world or will he die trying?
For update, sneak peeks, and a picture of Kimberly's wedding ring FIND and LIKE me on facebook at "hopelessromanticgurl"