Hey peeps!

Just like to say, this is my first ever fanfic. Erk! So, sorry if it's crappy, and I take back my apology if it's not.

Just in case you haven't realised, this is Palletshipping. Which means GaryxAsh. If you no likey, you no readey. Simple as.

Oh yeah! Thx for my BFF for reading through this for me and supplementing ideas. If you want to blame someone for this fanfic, then go to her. Sh's the one who got me into Palletshipping in the first place... My life has never been the same since...

Disclaimer: I *Sniff* do not own Pokemon. *Goes and cries in the corner*

Pikachu and I were strolling through Ilex Forest. There was a slight chill in the air as we walked through the dark woods, sunlight occasionally breaching the trees branches and lighting up patches of the forest floor.

"Can you remember the first time we walked through here, Pikachu?" I asked my trusted partner whilst dodging a scuttling Paras.

"Pika pika!" my friend replied. I took this as a yes. I stopped and smiled, allowing the memories of our first time in Johto to wash over me. I remembered walking through these very woods with my Snorunt and Corphish. The places we had been, the people we had met, the Pokémon we had faced...

As I was busy reminiscing, a tall boy with his hood over his head stopped and stared at me. He was covered in mud, his clothes all creased. He looked like he'd been at the wrong end of a Quagsire's Mud Shot.

I sighed as the boy walked towards me. He was probably wanting an autograph, or some tips on how to train Pokémon. That would be the fifth time today. I'd chosen to come back to Johto because I'd figured everyone had forgotten me now, and I looked completely different to the grubby thirteen year-old that had been collecting Gym Badges at a steady pace. It was three years ago since I'd beaten the Indigo Plateau. Hadn't they got a new champion to fawn over yet? Jeez.

"Hi. My name is Ash Ketchum." Though he probably knew that already, I thought it was best to be polite. "Can I help you with something?"

The strange boy didn't say anything, just continued coming closer. "Are... are you okay?" Now I was getting flustered. What the hell did this guy want with me? Pikachu leaped off my shoulder and growled, back arched. Static electricity sparked in his cheeks. However the boy wasn't fazed at all. I took a step back, twigs crackling and snapping under my feet. This is seriously weird, I thought. Is he going to attack me, or...

Suddenly, the boy grabbed my arm and swung me backwards, pushing me into a tree trunk, pinning my hands above my head and pushing his body against mine to keep me still. I looked around desperately, but we were alone.

"HEE... urp!" I attempted to scream as he clapped his hand over my mouth with such force that my head smashed against the tree. The pain made me gasp, and black out for a second. When I opened my eyes they were watering. I will not cry, I thought determinedly. I will not cry. I WILL NOT CRY.

The boy removed his hand from over my mouth. "What the... what the hell? What do you want with me?" I demanded, struggling to control the fear in my voice. I squirmed and wriggled and kicked but I was held in a vice-grip with no means of escaping.

"Please..." I begged. "If its money you want I can give it to you! Just please... let me go!" My assailant leaned closer. His face was shadowed by the hood but I could just about make out his features. My eyes passed over the boy's mouth and nose until I reached his eyes. I started. Those eyes... that's when I realised. I know those eyes...

I opened my mouth to speak as his face loomed closer. I felt his warm breath on my face. He sounded like he had just run a Pokémarathon. Tongue-tied, I watched as the boy leaned even closer and... kissed me. His tongue slid into my unresisting mouth before my brain even processed what was happening. I froze, unable to move, unable to even think, as whirlwinds of feelings rose inside me like the ocean waves around Olivine City.

That's when my brain kicked in. I struggled and squirmed, but it was no use. I was trapped like a Spiritomb in an Odd Keystone and for the life of me couldn't figure out how to get free.

The boy pulled away and smirked a very familiar smirk. He tilted my head and whispered in my ear; "Long time no see, Ashy-boy. Miss me much?"

He let go. I crumpled to the ground, panting, completely exhausted and unable to move as I attempted unsuccessfully to process what had just happened. I had just been kissed by the longest of all my friends and the greatest of all my rivals.

I had just been kissed by Gary.

I had just been kissed by Gary Oak.

Okay... *sniff* I'm better now... *sniffle*... maybe not... *Starts crying. Again.*

So, whaddaya think? No flames! It's my first, please don't be too harsh...

Next chapter coming soon!