A Doctor Who and Being Human Crossover:

Bad Bite – Chapter 8

Six months later:

"Annie, can you grab the wet wipes? Eve threw up on me!" Rose called.

Annie came into the living area, gasping at the vomit on Rose's hoodie. It was disgusting, but Annie bit back laughter.

"What did you do?" Annie asked.

"Just gave her a cuddle," Rose replied, truthfully.

"Here, take these," Annie advised.

Rose gave her baby Eve, while she took her hoodie off, wiping away the worst of the vomit. Then she slung her hoodie on the great pile of dirty laundry. Another item added to the collection.

"I'll look after Eve," the ghost continued, "It's probably naptime for her. The saviour needs her strength."

Phew, Rose thought.

She had known coming to terms with life as a vampire would be tough, but with a baby involved, Rose knew things were tougher.

Then, their other new vampire housemate, Hal, dashed into the living area, scrambling through the draws.

"You alright, Hal?" Rose asked.

"What's wrong now?" Annie asked.

"I need paper. My origami session's coming up," Hal explained.

"There's some in my room," Rose told him.

She rushed upstairs and grabbed a pile of paper from her desk, came back down and gave it to Hal.

"Thank you, Rose," Hal said, "I didn't think of this before, but occasionally I find it easier living under the same roof with another vampire who's also trying to stay dry."

Rose smiled. She never expected to have such adventures since the Doctor had left. The supernatural world threw such surprises and threats at them. Ones that Rose hadn't had expected. She became lost in thought, knowing the Doctor would be coming back anytime soon. He'd said 6 months, and that time had passed, even though Rose had thought parts of that time felt like eternity. But she had faith in the Doctor. And there was one thing he'd promised; to return. Occasionally, Rose thought to herself, When would that time be? When will he return for me?

She headed back upstairs and rushed to her room, closing the door behind her. Rose gazed around her room. The walls were flooded with illustrations, sketches and drawings that she'd produced over the months. There were so many, as this was Rose's special way of resisting temptation.

After Mitchell, George and Nina died, Rose had struggled staying strong, but the only way that had kept her will power high was remembering that she'd nearly drained the Doctor, the day after becoming a vampire. When Hal and Tom had joined the 'family' or team (as Rose called it), Hal had gradually inspired Rose to keep control. She'd picked up her passion for drawing, sketching and Hal had helped by encouraging Rose to come up with a fitness routine, as well as origami. Rose had worked to extreme lengths, (those she couldn't take as a human) as being a vampire gave her more strengths than before, when performing her fitness routine. Another pro, she couldn't drown in sweat because she was technically dead.

Rose slumped on the bed, lying back, with her arms folded behind her head. She didn't know who had this habit worse, Mitchell or the Doctor. She felt she'd taken after both of them. To be fair, Rose had met the Doctor over a year ago and spent 6 months living under the same roof as Mitchell had done. She sighed deeply, falling into a daydream. Moments later, there was a knock on her door.

"Come in," Rose said.

Tom opened the door.

"You alright?" the young werewolf asked.

"Yeah…I'm just thinking about the Doctor," Rose replied, "The bloke I've mentioned before."
"Oh yeah, him," Tom realised, staring at Rose's drawings on the wall.

"Six months ago, the Doctor said he'd return by now," Rose explained, "I hope he returns soon."

"I'm sure he will," Tom assured her, "He just seems like a good guy, that Doctor of yours."
"He is," Rose added, "That's why he left me here, so I could learn to control the lust. That's what's best for me. We both know that. When the Doctor returns, I'll be a completely different Rose to the one he knew."

"One with control," Tom said, humorously.

Rose grinned at his comment.

"I should go and help with Eve," Rose mentioned, "And be careful. She threw up on me."
Tom laughed.

Rose climbed off her bed and went downstairs with Tom. To their surprise, Hal and Annie were doing well on their own. Hal was now concentrating on intense origami and Eve was being extremely good for Annie while the ghost bottle fed her. Perhaps baby Eve started to dislike vampires already. That hadn't been the first time she'd vomited on Rose. It had happened before, where the others had sometimes struggled to keep a straight face. That was one of many humorous moments Rose had shared with her supernatural friends. She had also discovered that some challenges brought cheer.

A couple of hours later, Rose, Annie, Hal and Tom were relaxing on the sofa. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"Who the hell could that be?" Hal asked anxiously.

"I'll get the stakes!" Tom said, suddenly.

He sprinted out of the living area.

"It might not be a bad vampire," Annie explained, "It might just be –"

"Hello, is anyone there?"

Rose's undead heart felt like it was beating with life again. Emotions surged inside her.

"Oh my God, it's the Doctor," she said, smiling, "He's finally back. It's been so long."

"I'll answer the door," Annie told the two vampires, "I don't want the Doctor almost getting killed again."

"Then why are you looking at me?" Hal asked, displeased.

"Hal, I've seen what you're like around humans," Annie told him, "And Rose isn't like that. Anymore."

Annie headed to the front door, opening it. Standing there was the Doctor. He looked as if he'd only just left. Well, the TARDIS was a time machine.

"Doctor?" Annie questioned.

"I said I'd come back," the Doctor told her.

"Yeah, of course you did," Annie said, "I mean for us, it's been so long, and for you it hasn't."

The ghost laughed nervously.

"Time travel, eh."

Oh Annie, it's like I've only just left," the Doctor mentioned, "Anyway, where's Rose?"

In the living area, Rose waited with Tom and Hal.

"Go to him then," Tom encouraged.

"He'll be pleased to see you," Hal added.

"Doctor!" Rose called, sprinting towards the front door. Hal and Tom slowly followed behind her.

The Doctor and Rose saw the relief in each other's eyes. Suddenly, Rose leapt into his arms. He pulled her close, and kissing passionately, not bothering to think of the reactions of the other's watching.

Whoa, she is pleased, Tom thought, cheekily.

I'm so happy for Rose, Annie thought, smiling

They certainty know the talent of kissing, Hal thought, not bothering to hide back that great grin of his.

Rose resisted the temptation of the lust. It was the love and honesty in that kiss, which mattered. Then, Rose gently pulled away.

"You would've normally lost control and attacked me," the Doctor replied, half joking.

"Not anymore, Doctor," Rose explained, "I'm the stronger person now. The lust is losing."

The Doctor suddenly turned, seeing Tom and Hal in the doorway. He'd never met these two before.

"Who are you?" he asked, curiously.

"I'm Tom McNair and this is Hal," Tom replied, "Hal is a vampire. I'm a werewolf."

"Right, right," the Doctor mumbled, "So you both live here too. Hold on, where are George, Nina and Mitchell?"

The Doctor was met by a sudden surprising silence. Then Rose broke in.

"They died, Doctor," Rose explained, "George killed Mitchell in an act of kindness as he feared he'd kill again. Something happened in the afterlife when he went to find Annie. It's all too complicated to explain."

"And how did George and Nina die?" the Doctor asked.

"Nina was killed in a revenge attack and George saved us from a group of bad vampires. He made his body think it was a full moon but the consequences were fatal," Rose explained.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he added, "Anyway, Rose, at least you stayed strong."

"After Mitchell died, I still tried, and when George and Nina were gone, it made it tougher," Rose said, "Eventually, Hal also inspired me with his methods of…resistance."

Hal grinned.

"Anyway, Doctor, why don't you come in," Annie suggested, "Surely you'd rather chat inside."

"Yeah, that would be better," the Doctor told Annie.

Tom, Hal, Annie, Rose and the Doctor headed inside and through to the living area. The Doctor noticed Eve sitting in her car seat.

"Hey, who's this?"

"Eve Sands, the future saviour," Tom replied.

"Aww, George and Nina had a baby," the Doctor realised, "So…uh…what do you do when she transforms?"

"Eve isn't technically a werewolf, the genes cancelled each other out," Annie explained, "However, she can see me. I'm sort of her adoptive mother."

"That's good of you," the Doctor told her.

"Right, well…I'll get packing," Rose said, "I just can't wait to get back to our travels in the TARDIS.

"And I have a rota to follow," Hal added.

Hal and Rose headed out of the living area and upstairs, in the hallway. Rose noticed Hal looked worried and wobbly.

"You okay?" Rose asked.

"The Doctor…it's hard to control myself around him," Hal replied.

"It's just his scent, with a bit of training you'll get used to it," Rose assured him, "Consider yourself lucky, I almost killed him."

Hal laughed awkwardly.

"That wouldn't have been good," he said.

Then, the two vampires headed inside their rooms, closing the doors behind them. While Hal followed the activities on his rota, Rose began packing. She became filled with sadness, knowing she was going to depart Honolulu Heights. Six months had been a very long time for her. But Rose's intense training had helped her to become what she was now, a strong vampire with self-control. She needed her strong strength for when it came to defending her supernatural friends and the Doctor, from the enemy. Rose felt she would become the source for defence.

Eventually, she finished packing. Rose dragged her suitcase downstairs, clashing and bashing behind her. Hal stopped performing push-ups, when he heard the sound of Rose descending the staircase. She headed into the living area where the Doctor stood waiting. Rose gazed at his eyes, still showing how pleased he was to see her again. Before she spoke, Hal came downstairs, standing by Tom and Annie. Rose looked towards her friends, seeing their sadness.

"Are you going to be okay, now I'm going" Rose asked.

"We'll be alright," Tom replied.

Suddenly, all of them became overwhelmed with emotions and tears, which escaped from their eyes.

"Be strong," Annie sobbed.

"Don't forget us," Tom added.

"Never," Rose told them, "Never in eternity."

Hal, Tom, Annie and Rose fell into a group hug, much to their surprise.

"Rose, it was an honour to know you," Hal told her, "Meeting another vampire who wanted to go dry, really helped me…feel comfortable."

Rose smiled. Then she kissed Hal and Tom on the cheek.

"I'm never washing that cheek again," Hal said.

"Me neither," Tom mentioned.

The group laughed sadly.

"I'll see you around," Rose said.

"You too," Annie added.

Then, Rose departed with the Doctor. They left Honolulu Heights and headed back to the TARDIS. It soon dematerialised in the distance. The Doctor was pleased to have Rose return to him. They were both happy, knowing they had each other for always and eternity. Rose was pulled close to the Doctor, where his hearts beat fast, and they kissed with passion. They knew the important thing; their wish came true. Now they could be together, forever. The Doctor in the TARDIS with Rose Tyler, just as it should be.

End of story

A/N: I can't believe it's over. I've really enjoyed writing this! Please review. Would love to hear some feedback.