"Velcome to Miserypiece Theater," Said Dr. Scientist. He was sitting in an armchair by a roaring fire. Instead of his usual white lab coat, he wore red, monogrammed bedtime robes, and a fez. "Tonight's show is centered on Miseryville's most cheerful, energetic, and all around unbelievably strange resident- Jimmy Two Shoes! Many of you know of Jimmy, yah- Would you be quiet?"
At this admonishment, the fire ceased roaring. Instead it began to purr quietly.
Dr. Scientist nodded. "Much better. Now, then, as I vas saying, many of you know about Jimmy, yah? His likes, his dislikes, his obscure personal hygienic treatments- especially, Heloise…" He shuddered for a moment. "But, do you know vhy someone like Jimmy would live in Miseryville? Vhere did he come from? Vhat circumstances brought him to Miseryville? And why can't our all-powerful leader Lucius Heinous VII can't just kick him out?"
Dr. Scientist hopped off of his armchair and walked towards the fire.
"Prepare to several of zhose questions possibly answered right now, as we look into Zhe Secret Origins of Jimmy Two Shoes!" Dr. Scientist paused for a second, then waved to the fire. "Now, now, do it now!"
The fire began to roar, and letters flew out from the flames.
The Secret Origins of Jimmy Two Shoes
By Cybertoy00
Based off of the original concept for Jimmy Two Shoes
Jimmy Two Shoes is property of Edward Kay…or at least originated by him.
Part 1-
The story begins in an average suburb, in an average town, in an average state, in an average country…somewhere in the North American continent. It was a place full of average people, good, happy people. The kind of place that only exists in early sitcoms, like Leave It To Beaver, or The Brady Bunch.
("Ve get it! Move on!" Screamed Dr. Scientist)
Living there was a young boy, just entering his teen years…or just leaving childhood. However his physical maturity could be defined, one thing was certain; this lad's name was Jimmy.
("Dun dun dun!")
One fine spring morning, Jimmy stepped out of his front door to greet the world. "Morning, world!" he greeted as the sun shone off of his blond hair.
"Morning, Jimmy."
Jimmy looked over to his left at an elderly man watering the grass. "Morning, Mr. McGillycuddy!"
"Best be careful, Jimmy," Mr. McGillycuddy said placidly, "Rumor has it a truck is going out of control somewhere."
Jimmy shrugged. "Well, I'm sure it won't affect any of us. Stuff like that never happens here!"
Mr. McGillycuddy shrugged and focused on his drowning lawn. Smiling, Jimmy bounded off down the sidewalk. As he went, he waved to the various people he met along the way; A little old lady walking her yappy dog, another kid on a newspaper route, an out of control wheelbarrow…
…Which collided into a tree on the opposite sidewalk from where Jimmy was. Jimmy stared at it for a moment, shrugged, and walked off smiling.
"Boy, it feels good to live in this neighborhood," Jimmy thought out loud, "Even with overwatered lawns and runaway wheelbarrows. Knowing how lucky I am to live here just makes me want to sing!"
("No! Don't sing!" Dr. Scientist interrupted)
"But living around here makes me wanna!" Jimmy complained.
("No singing!" Dr. Scientist insisted, "Get to zhe good part!")
"Oh, all right…" Jimmy sighed. He then felt his stomach rumble. Looking across the street, he spied a vending machine full of snack foods on the opposing corner. Smiling he took one step out into the street when he stopped. Jimmy cautiously looked left. No vehicle approaching. Jimmy cautiously looked right. All clear on that end. Feeling safe and sound, Jimmy confidently began his march towards the snacks. He then heard a loud horn blaring, and looked.
The last thing he saw was the front grill of a truck before darkness claimed him.
("Incidentally, zhat was not zhe truck mentioned by the hose man," Dr. Scientist confided, "Zhat truck was going out of control avay from Jimmy's neighborhood.")
When Jimmy woke up, he found himself surrounded by darkness…or was it dark? The room he was in was devoid of color, or light, but it was hard to tell whether or not it was dark. His mind couldn't figure it out. He also realized that he was sitting in a chair the same not-color of the room. On the floor directly ahead of him was a large clock, but something seemed off about it. For one thing, it looked rather melted, like something out of a Salvidore Dali painting. Its face held no numbers, and instead of two hands, one large and one small, it had five, medium-sized. Each hand went in an opposite direction, which should not have been possible.
Jimmy's brain would have told him this, but Jimmy's attention was drawn by voices. Not that he had heard voices…it was as if his brain was telling him that he had heard voices while his ears had been excluded from the process. Looking to where his brain had told him the voices had come from. Across from Jimmy were an innumerable about of floating robes. Not robed people, just…robes. The not-voices were coming from them, Jimmy's brain said.
How could this have happened? One said.
This is the third one this month, one said
It is His fault, one said, He became too close to the people, and became one of them.
People make mistakes, one said, that is why you cannot become one of them.
I think we should have a talk with Him, one said, and noticed that the other ones were looking at him. He asked, what?
You said 'I', one said accusingly, you are becoming a person too!
No…no! One protested, to become a person is to live, and to live is to die, I would never- one vanished in a puff of irregular logic.
Let that be a lesson, one said. Are we agreed?
We are agreed, they all said.
Now, we must deal with this other mistake, one said.
It took Jimmy a few minutes to realize that they were talking about him. Waving sheepishly, he said, "Uh, hi…I'm Jimmy, and…"
You should not be here, one said.
"I shouldn't? I mean…" Clearing his throat, Jimmy stood up and declared, "That's right, I shouldn't! Shouldn't I?"
Go down that hall, one ordered.
"What hall?" Jimmy asked, and looked around. For the first time, he saw an archway leading into a dark hall. "Huh. Didn't see that before."
Once you reach the end, give the man in the uniform your papers, one said, and he will send you where you must go.
"But I don't have any papers…" Jimmy began, and felt around in his pockets. Much to his surprise, there was an envelope with a J on one side in his left pocket! "Whoa! How'd you guys know that was in there? Hey, are you psychic?"
Now go, one said.
"Seriously, I didn't think I could fit one of these…" Jimmy continued saying as he walked down the newly-discovered hall.
("Weren't zhose guys SPOOKY?" Asked Dr. Scientist)
Jimmy walked down the hallway, staring at the envelope in his hands. So many questions were buzzing in his grey matter. Who were those strange floating hoods? Where was he exactly? And did this place have a bathroom somewhere?
So intent on pondering these things, Jimmy didn't see the person running up to him until they collided, causing their envelopes to fall.
"Oof!" Jimmy grunted as his buttocks hit the floor. On the other end of the collision was a boy, shorter than Jimmy, dressed in old, torn clothing. A jacket, scarf, and newsboy cap was the most noticeable part of his ensemble.
Helping the other kid up, Jimmy asked, "Where's the fire, dude?"
The other boy didn't answer. Instead, he looked back, went "Peep!" scooped one envelope off the floor and fled. A minute later two large, red men dressed in tiger-skin suits stormed passed Jimmy in pursuit.
"You can't run forever, Jamie!" One of them yelled.
Jimmy watched them go. "Okay…that was random." Looking down, he picked the remaining envelope off the floor. "Hope my envelope didn't get mixed up with his…that would be really confusing!"
(Dr. Scientist burst out laughing hysterically, before calming down and resuming his composure)
Finally, after much walking, the hall led Jimmy into another room. In it, there were some train tracks and a little cart, like the kind on a roller coaster. There was a control panel next to it, and at the controls was a pale man in a janitor's uniform. He was asleep.
"Um, hellooo?" Jimmy said hesitantly, waving.
The pale man opened one eye.
"The floating robes told me to give you this." Jimmy said, holding out the envelope.
The pale man took the envelope and tore it open. He read the letter inside, stared at it, and looked at Jimmy. "And you look like such a nice boy, too."
"Thanks! I try." Jimmy beamed.
The pale man rolled his eyes. "Get in the cart."
Grinning, Jimmy did so. The pale man walked over and pulled down the safety bar. Once he was done with that, the pale man began to punch commands into his console.
"Please keep your hands, feet, or any other part of your body within the cart at all times," The pale man said in a dull voice, "Management cannot be held responsible for any physical injury, mental trauma, or deterioration of the soul. You made your bed, now sleep in it. Have a nice existence, Jamie."
"Thanks for the tip," Jimmy said, "But my name's not…"
Jimmy's words became a blur as the cart rocketed down the tracks, reaching eighty miles per hour with two seconds. The pale man watched him go, then glanced back at the letter.
"…Looked different in the photo they included, too." He decided.
Jimmy, meanwhile, was going at speeds beyond which no boy had gone before…except for the lucky kids whose parents can afford to take them to amusement parks like-
("No! Don't say names!" Dr. Scientist interrupted, "Copyright laws!")
Erm, in any case, Jimmy was reaching such incredible velocity that he felt his face peeling off of his skull. Soon he was going so fast that he couldn't feel his face peeling off of his skull. In fact, he couldn't feel anything! Not even the cart he was in.
That was because for some inexplicable reason, jimmy was no longer in the cart, or on the tracks. Not that there were any tracks around. When Jimmy became aware of this change, he fell, tumbling into the grass. He rolled down the hill he was now on until he crashed into a garbage can, sending it flying into the air. Groaning, Jimmy stood up and got his bearings.
"That was fun, except for the sudden stop…" Jimmy said dizzily. Shaking his head, he looked around him.
The skies were an ominous mix of yellow and red. Three suns floated above. There was a city before Jimmy, and on the other side he could see a large building with six smokestacks, each with a green fire on top, like some sort of demonic birthday cake. And the city itself was full of strange, monster-like people of all shapes and sizes. There were large television screens on the city buildings, on billboards, and on blimps, showing a red face with an upturned nose and horns on the top of its head.
"Welcome to MISERYVILLE!" A dark voice boomed from…somewhere.
Jimmy gasped. "…Awsmazing!"
Jimmy ran around giddily. He looked this way and that, trying to take in all of the new sights. He had never been in a city like this before! So many new sights! Such tall buildings! And the people! There were people with green skin, blue skin, plaid skin, multiple arms, multiple legs, multiple heads, tentacles in place of arms, the list went on…!
Jimmy couldn't take it anymore. Jumping up on a mailbox, he screamed, "This place is AMAZING!"
The mailbox suddenly exploded, shooting Jimmy up into the sky as he shrieked wildly. Off to the side, a monster with orange skin, three arms, and no nose said to another monster, one with yellow scales and flippers, "Poor kid, stepping on one of Lucius' exploding mail boxes." Across the street, a monster that looked like a cross between a slug and an old woman slid up to another mailbox. It also exploded, leaving a small crater.
Jimmy kept shrieking as he went up, only to run out of breath as he reached the arc of his ascent. Taking a mouthful of breath spray, Jimmy went back to shrieking as gravity took hold. Instead of hitting the pavement, however, Jimmy landed on a flagpole (With a red flag and a black emblem of an eye with horns) sticking out from a building, which bent under his weight. The snap back sent Jimmy flying again, this time deeper into the city.
"Woo-hoo!" Jimmy whooped, before landing on another flagpole. Unlike the first one, it didn't bend. Instead, it broke clean off. Jimmy went falling again, and landed seat-first in a garbage can. He stood up, and realized that the can was now firmly attached. He attempted to unstuck it, and wandered out into the street. Behind Jimmy, a car came up at top speed.
At the large, ominous, birthday cake-like factory, a red figure in a suit walked out the front door. He was the same being seen on all of the television screens.
"Ahh!" Lucius Heinous VII sighed, "What a day! Absolutely brimming with misery!" He held a hand to his ear. Someone in the distance screamed. "The shrieks of terror! The moans of pain! The audible sighs of hopelessness! This is the sort of day where nothing can go wrong!"
Naturally, the universe couldn't let something like that go unchallenged. The scream became louder and louder, something that Lucius couldn't help but notice. He frowned and looked around, trying to decide where the sound was originating. Noticing that he was now standing in a ever-widening shadow, Lucius looked up, just in time to see Jimmy come down.
But with no time to dodge the inevitable landing which he was the center of.
"Wah- hey, the can's off!" Jimmy realized, standing up. He noticed that the ground felt squishier than usual and looked down. Spotting the man he was standing on, he said, "Whoop, sorry about that, little guy."
Jimmy stepped aside and helped up Lucius- who found that indeed, this new kid was much taller than him.
"Hi, I'm Jimmy," Jimmy said helpfully, "What's your name?"
Lucius shot Jimmy a look that would have melted iron. And sure enough, the statue behind Jimmy- depicting Lucius on a horse, wielding an battle ax- melted. Jimmy remained unaffected.
"I am Lucius Heinous VII," Lucius growled, "And I own this-"
Lucius was cut off as Jimmy grabbed his hand and shook it energetically. "Nice to meet you, Lucy! This is such a great place, I just got here, and I'm already having the time of my life! It's so much fun!" Jimmy paused and squinted. "You know, you look familiar, but for the life of me I can't tell where." Behind Jimmy, another blimp with Lucius' face passed by.
Lucius took this moment to pull his hand out of Jimmy's grip. The now-asleep limb hung limply by his side. Scowling, Lucius fixed Jimmy with another iron-melting look, and another statue melted.
"As I was saying," Lucius growled, "I am Lucius Heinous VII- SUPREME RULER OF MISERYVILLE!"
A wall of fire blasted up behind Lucius, to which Jimmy commented, "Cool effect!"
"I say what goes, here," Lucius thundered, "And if you want to keep your torment at less-than-extreme, you do what I- Did you just say its fun? Did you just call me LUCY?"
"Yah-huh!" Jimmy nodded, grinning like a fool.
Lucius' eye twitched, then both eyes narrowed and steam poured out of his ears. Breathing heavily, Lucius snarled, "You said you've just arrived?"
Jimmy, still grinning foolishly, nodded again.
Now smiling far more deviously than Jimmy ever could, Lucius said, "In that case, why don't I give you a welcoming present? SAMY!"
A droopy, green imp of equal height to Lucius in a brown suit ran out from the doors. He stopped at Lucius' side.
"Yes, sir?" Samy asked, panting.
Lucius whipped out a megaphone and screamed into Samy's ear, "RELEASE THE HOUND!"
"Gah, my eardrums!" Samy wailed, and pulled out a remote with a single red button and pushed it.
The ground shook as the factory's well-cut lawn opened up, and a gigantic doghouse rose from below. It towered over Jimmy.
"What's in it?" Jimmy asked.
"Only the latest in Misery inc.'s Dogs of Doom program," Lucius chuckled evilly as he and Samy stood off to the side behind a police barricade. "This savage beast is impossible strong, designed to bring scads of woe and misery to all unfortunate enough to cross its path. It doesn't tire, it doesn't hold back, and it doesn't show mercy. I have named this pitiless killing machine…Cerby."
Out from the enormous doghouse's massive entrance bounded…a small round dog-thing with one big eye and four stubby legs.
"Aww, what a cute little guy!" Jimmy gushed, bending down to see better.
Lucius glared at Samy, as if it was his fault that the 'Dog of Doom' was too cute to strike terror into the hearts of Jimmies.
"What?" Samy asked defensively, "We only started the program an hour ago."
Lucius slapped his forehead in disgust. Jumping up, he pointed at Jimmy and yelled, "Cerby! Sic 'im, boy!"
Saluting (Somehow), Cerby rushed over to Jimmy and bit down on his leg. He then ran off, dragging Jimmy with him. The dog dragged Jimmy around in circles. To this, Jimmy laughed gaily.
"Okay…I was kind of expecting more mauling and less giggling…" Lucius muttered, and watched as Cerby took Jimmy away from the factory.
"We just met and you're giving me a dog?" Jimmy asked excitedly, and called back, "THANKS, LUCY! YOU'RE THE NICEST GUY IN MISERYVILLE!"
Lucius stared in shock at Jimmy's incessant cheerfulness. He then turned to Samy and said, "You didn't hear that."
"Of- Urf!- course not, boss," Samy snorted, fighting a losing battle to hold in his laughter, and said, "I'll just go, uh, do some things where you can't see or hear."
Samy ran off, and the moment he was out of sight, hysterical laughter filled the air. Lucius' skin turned white with anger as he shook furiously.
-End of Part 1
(A/N: It's the first chapter in the Secret Origin of Jimmy Two Shoes! There are a few 'origin stories' for Jimmy floating around, and I wanted to toss my interpretation into the mix. According to Edward Kay, co-creator of the show, the original concept was that Jimmy was trapped in Hell(Or a reasonable facsimile) due to divine clerical error. Now, something like that would never pass on a kids TV program, (Dern Moral Guardians) so they had to change quite a bit. I like the concept though, and tried to include something like it into my fan-made origin story. I'm not saying Miseryville is Hell, but it IS not a place you could get to by mortal means. I also changed a few things from how Jimmy, uh, 'died'. I'm trying to be as vague as the creators are with the setting so as not to go against the show's canon. Also, those 'robe guys' that decided Jimmy should go? They're the Auditors of Reality, from Terry Prachett's Discworld books. I included them in the story because, like I said a moment ago, I'm trying to be vague here, and those guys are VAGUE. Also, that kid Jimmy runs into? Little hint for you about him; He's appeared in the show before. Until part 2, farewell!)