Long time no posting. I am sorry about that. I lost my laptop and lost everything on it, so I'm using a friend's computer until I get it fixed. So my time on a computer is limited. Better late then never though, right? I combined the last two episodes together, hope no one minds. I do not own anything else in this story besides Emma, everything else belongs to their rightful owners.

Chapter 7


Thanks to some help from Damon and his compulsion, she was now on her way to go visit her good old best friend, Jeremy Gilbert. She still wasn't happy that Elena had sent him away in the first place, but she was happy that he had gotten out of this cursed town. Unlike her, where the furthest she's ever been away from Mystic Falls was the next town over to go dress shopping with her sister for one of the dances. Even then it wasn't much of a sight seeing experience.

When she landed, she was absolutely excited to find that Jeremy was waiting for her all smiling and happy. She smiled as she came into his view. She slowly came to a stop a few feet away from him until he stopped her. She picked up her pace until she was running, closing the space in between them. She jumped into his awaiting arms and laughed out as he spun her around. "I am so happy to see you, Jere!" She laughed out as he put her back down on her feet.

She huffed when he ruffled her hair. She had always hated when he did that, mainly because he was messing up her hair that she spent hours working on. "God, Jere, if I didn't love you? You would be six feet under for doing that. Do you know how long it takes me to get these curls to curl just the right way? Huh?" She didn't pause long enough for him to answer her though. "No? I didn't think so." She answered for him.

He rolled his eyes at her. She was still the same old Emma that she had been since they were kids. She was still vein about her looks, but he knew that was a Forbes sister's trait. She was still had out spoken as she had been before. She was stubborn before too, but he figured that that little fact about her was the same just like everything else. "Still the same old Emma Forbes, I see. Still tiny and blond." He teased her as he tossed his arm around her shoulders and led her down to the baggage claim.

She looked then back up at him with a fake smile, reaching up with her left hand and pinching his cheek. She laughed as he winced and rolled his eyes at her. "And you're the same old Jeremy Gilbert, I see. Still too tall and thinks he's funny when he's really not." She said up to him as he pushed her hand away from him. The two laughed as they walked along through the crowd of people, completely unaware of the figure watching them with a less then pleased look.

Kol Mikaelson watched on as the two moved away from his hiding spot. He was sent here to spy on the Gilbert boy by his brother. He didn't expect for the human boy to get any Falls company though, least of all the blond who had been haunting his thoughts since he compelled her to forget their kiss in her room. His fists clenched at his sides, not happy to see the human boy he was suppose to be watching having his arm wrapped around his blond. Even if she didn't know it, she belonged to him and him only. She was his human, even if she didn't remember it, but that didn't mean that he didn't either. He knew very clearly what occurred between them, and he was not happy to say that he was obsessing over her since then.


He ended up following them to where the human boy was staying. She would be sleeping in his room, which did not please him. He then followed them to some local pub where the boy bought her a meal of her choice and a game of pool. The two seemed to just love that. She was laughing the entire time, not a single rude remark or insult coming out her mouth toward him. She was quite different from the Emma she had been with him and towards his brother, but yet, she was the same girl in certain ways.

She still loved to talk, even when she had no chance of getting what she wanted, and she still was snarky with the boy. Her flame that had attracted him to her was still burning just as bright as if had been the night of the ball when he first met her. He still found himself completely captivated by her beauty and by her spirit. He hated having to keep his distance from her, especially when all he wanted to do was grab her and make her completely his. He wanted her body. Her trust. Her dreams. And most importantly, he wanted her blood.

He couldn't help but wonder how sweet her blood was. If it was intoxicating as if smelled. He wondered if he would ever get her to trust him enough to let him drink from her willingly. Those encounters were always his favorite. They were intimate, in more ways then one. His mind returned from his forbidden thoughts upon hearing her cheer of victory. She had won their pool game it would seem. He studied for a long moment and felt himself freeze upon seeing her neck. Hanging from her delicate throat, was the necklace he had left for her.

He knew it had been stupid to leave such a thing, especially having just compelled her to forget the entire night between them, but he had to. He had to make it known, if not to her but to everyone else, that he had claimed her. She belonged to him, and that was that. There was no discussion about it. He could see that it was not clear to the two he was currently watching though. It would seem that he would need to make it even clearer to them some how without ruining his brother's plan. He was not looking forward to another century in that blasted coffin any time soon, especially since his Emma was currently alive during this one.


Watching her sleep in the same bed with that human commoner was unbearable. He absolutely hated it, and the human boy was lucky that he wasn't invited inside of the house, or else his sweet Emma would be cleaning up her friend's splattered blood. He had decided to keep his distance from the house so he wouldn't see them, but close enough so that he could hear them. Not that that was any better because it left his imagination to wonder what was going on during their conversations, but he managed some how.

He followed them the next day to the park, where they had taken his mutt of a dog out for a day to just roll around and make himself filthy. Klaus had contacted him, saying that he had Finn back in Mystic Falls and that they were ready to do the spell to separate them all. He was more then happy to help that along any way he could. He stayed hidden behind a tree until his brother needed him for his part of the plan. Which ended up happening hours later.

He was bored out of his mind waiting for Klaus to call him back. He wanted to party somewhere and get completely trashed. He wanted to bed his Emma and call it a night. Though, he highly doubted at this rate of any of those things happening. He stopped watching Emma and Jeremy a half hour ago, only occasionally looking back to make sure that they were both still there. Which they always were. They chased each other around for some disk like thing. It was game of some sorts and he didn't like it. It involved too much touching for his liking.

He checked over his shoulder for the fifth time to see if they were done with their little game of chase yet, only to sit up straight when he didn't see anyone there. "Crap." He hissed as he looked around for the two teenagers. His eyes widened when he caught sight of Emma, who just so happened to be coming right his way. "Double crap." He said out with a wince as he tried to hide again. It was no use though, he knew that his cover was blown the second he heard her call out his name, and she did not sound too pleased to see him.

He took a deep breath before turning back around, his famous smug look in place as he faced her now. He tilted his head to the side, giving her a good look over as if he hadn't already checked her out and undressed her with his eyes the moment they got to the park. "What the hell are you doing here, Kol? Are you stalking me now? You do know when a girl tells you no to meeting up that that genially means that she doesn't want to see you, don't you?" She snapped as she stormed right up to him.

He chuckled, clearly amused by her fire. She was truly someone unique. Not most would dare challenge him like she was clearly about to do. "As I hope you know that when someone requests to meet with you, that it's not polite to decline their request, love." He said out to her, his cocky grin in place. It didn't falter for a moment, not even when she shot him a sharp look. He looked over her shoulder to see that Jeremy was back in sight and playing with his dog alone. "You know, love, it's not very wise to make me jealous with that human boy. I don't like to share, especially with commoners like him." Kol said out to her with a slight bitterness in his tone.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him. As if he had any claim over her to be jealous. Besides, Jeremy was her best friend, that was all. "You? Jealous? No, I would have never of guessed as much. I mean, it's not like you've been stalking us for the past two days or anything." She said out to him with a shrug of her shoulders as if it were no big deal at all. He looked impressed by her actually knowing that he was following them. "I'm friends with Damon Salvatore, Kol. That guy is king of stalkers. After a while, you learn to pick up on when people are following you." She explained to him.

He chuckled and shook his head at her. Leave it to his least favorite Salvatore brother to ruin his fun even now when he wasn't here. He felt a vibrating in his hand and looked to see that it was his brother calling. He wasn't suppose to be chatting it up with Emma. No one was suppose to know that he was here. He quickly zipped in front of Emma and pulled her to the side, pushing her back up against the tree and covering her mouth with his hands. "Brother dearest is calling. You best be quiet if you want to keep that pretty little head of yours." He warned her before answering his phone.

He listened to his brother for a minute before pulling the phone away long enough to pull up the video feed. He then held it up so it was recording Jeremy playing with his dog a bit away from where they were now. He wondered to himself where this boy thought his friend was right now. Obviously somewhere safe if he hasn't started to worry yet. 'Thank you, Kol. Talk to you soon, brother.' He heard his brother say out from the other end of the line. He soon hung up after that and pocketed his phone before letting her go.

She stood there in shock of what just happened. So many questions were running through her head right now, but one stuck out to her the most. What was going on back home that involved Kol filming him with his phone to send to Klaus? For some strange reason, again note her sarcasm here, she found that hard to believe that it was for any reason other then a bad one. Anything involving the originals was something bad, and this was no different. She just hoped that what ever it was didn't come back to bite them all in the face.