Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men:First Class, if I did, Beast and Havok would've been paired together obviously. Sorry for the lateness! On with chapter 2!
Hank smiled softly at the sleeping male in his arms, glancing occasionally at the blood sample. He knew he had to check on it soon, but he didn't want to leave Alex since that would make the smaller male much more cold. Making a mental note that Alex was still wheezing, Hank turned off the nebulizer and slowly rose to his feet, immediately tucking a thick comforter around the blonde's shivering body.
Sighing, Hank went to go check on the blood and nodded, noting that Alex just had a really bad chest cold and went back over to his boyfriend, climbing back in to keep the smaller male warm. He hummed softly in the blondes ear as he cuddled him from behind, rubbing Alex's side to warm him up better.
"Mmmm, H-Hank?"Alex murmured groggily with a small yawn, blinking up at the male with bleary eyes.
"Yeah babe?"Hank cooed softly, gently tugging Alex closer to his chest before he kissed the males forehead, frowning at the warmth that radiated from him.
"'M thirsty,"he mumbled softly into Hanks chest, coughing miserably with a whimper before he sniffled softly and rubbed his eyes.
"Alright, I'll go grab you water, beautiful,"Hank whispered to Alex and gently kissed his forehead before he slowly rose out of the bed and re-covered Alex before he went and grabbed a glass, filling it with water. "Slow sips so you don't choke,"he whispered to Alex, looking up as Charles peeked his head in to look at them.
"How's Alex doing?"Charles asked softly to Hank as the blue male approached the doorway.
"He has a bad chest cold, which is making him have trouble breathing,"Hank sighed softly with a pout before he rubbed his temples and eyed Alex gently.
"Do you want him to stay in here with you? It might be easier if he gets worse in the middle of the night,"Charles spoke softly as he watched Alex take small sips of water, worry in his eyes as well.
"Yes. I'm not letting him out of my sight,"Hank said sternly, a protective look in his eyes before he let out a slow breath and went back to Alex.
*What do you think? Should there be a third chapter? If so, lemme know what you'd like in it. Review please! Thanks! ^_^ *