AN: Hey Guys, sorry this took so long to post, I had to do preparations for Otakon, and now I am preparing to move into a dorm for the first time. So, it's been a bit stressful around here ^^" But I finally got it written up and ready to post! If there are any spelling mistakes or stuff like that I apologize I've been working so much lately I haven't had time to proof read ^^" ENJOY!

During the week while Dick was at school, it bothered him to no end what Wally wanted to ask him. The speedster wouldn't say a word the whole time after that, it made Dick feel slightly anxious, but of course he never showed it. He wouldn't be this concerned about it if it weren't for the fact that Wally never had a filter, he always said whatever was on his mind. So for Wally to go to extreme lengths to make sure that he waited until Dick was at his 100% meant that this was something important.

After the long agonizing week was up Dick rushed through his homework, and changed into his casual attire as fast as he could and ran down to the batcave. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Robin nearly jumped at the voice and looked over to see his mentor sitting at a computer screen.

"Huh?" Dick tilted his head, he had his utility belt, his bag full of clothes, his homework was finished, he fixed his hair.

"Your glasses," Bruce turned in his chair, giving a slightly concerned look.

"O-Oh right!" Dick reached into his bag and pulled out the sunglasses slipping them on.

"You alright?" Bruce crossed his arms leaning back in the chair, it's been a while since he's seen Dick so frazzled and scatter brained.

"F-fine… just… you know…," Dick's sentence quickly faded off once he realized that he was trying to lie to the Batman of all people.

Bruce reached up and pulled his cowl down, "is there anything you want to talk about? Are you still feeling off about that mission?"

Dick pushed his glasses up to sit on the top of his head, he frowned, he wasn't sure if he was ready to have this discussion with Bruce. "A bit, but I've been feeling better about it… just some loose ends to tie up."

"You know I'm here when you need me, Dick, I don't want you to feel too intimidated to talk to me," Bruce got up from his chair and walked up to the boy and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know I make it my mission to be as intimidating as I can be, but I can assure you that front is for the criminals."

Dick felt the corners of his mouth lift slightly, "Y-yeah I know, Bruce." Dick shook his head and slipped his glassed back down to the bridge of his nose, "Just gotta get everything figured out in my own head first." Dick smiled up at Bruce to reassure him that he was going to be okay. One day Dick will tell Bruce that he doesn't want to be Batman, one day he will tell Bruce that he's gay, and hopefully they will never lose their bond.

"I understand," Bruce gave warm smile pack and ruffled Robin's hair before making his way back to the computer and taking his seat. "Just watch after Wally, Barry said he's been out of sorts lately."

Dick couldn't help but snort at that statement, leave it to Wally to leave Dick at such a cliffhanger that he worries himself sick along the way. "Alright I'll get kid mouth back on his feet," Dick looked to the transporter eager to get there, but he had one more thing to do before he left. Bruce was still clacking away on his keyboard as Dick silently walked up behind him and hugged him, "I'll see you Sunday night."

Bruce stopped typing and smiled placing a hand on one of Dick's arms, "See you Sunday." Dick grinned and let go making his way for the transporter, "That homework better be done!"

"I already finished it!" Robin called out before being transported to the cave.

Recognize Robin B01

Robin stepped into the cave and found Superboy and Kaldur sparring. "Hey guys," he grinned, "Good form."

Robin continued into the cave stepping around the program making sure to not get into their way, Superboy was known for throwing people. "Welcome, Robin," Kaldur was able to get out.

He made his way towards the kitchen and living area, he could the butterflies fluttering around his stomach. Of course Wally was sitting on the counter talking with M'gann as she worked on fixing dinner. "Hey guys," Robin came up to the counter and leaned against it, "What's cookin?"

"Hey Robin!" M'gann smiled brightly, "How was your week?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. School, homework, training," Robin made sure to keep out that he was especially clumbsy this week. "Anything exciting happen here?" Dick hopped up onto the counter next to Wally.

"Not much," M'gann shrugged her shoulders and checked on the hopefully edible meal in the oven.

Dick looked over to Wally, "you're unusually quiet today," Dick nudged at his shoulder.

"O-oh yeah you thi-think so?" Wally stuttered slightly rubbing the back of his head.

"Come on, man," Robin hopped down from the counter, "Let's head to my room."

" Y-yeah, Dude, let's go," Wally hopped down with him and he followed towards the familiar way to his room.

Once the door was closed behind them, Dick took off his sunglasses and set them on the table. He preferred to wear them only when he needed to. "So, how have you been?"

Wally walked over to his bed and flopped back onto the covers, "I've been a mess!" He brought his hands up to cover his face and rolled over to his side.

"Why?" Dick made his way over to the bed and sat next to him.

Wally peaked at him through his fingers up at the boy, "Dick… be honest… in that mission, when we were linked in that…"

"I know which one you mean," Dick tried his best to not seem so interested, but it was starting to dawn on him what Wally was going to ask about.

"In the end, remember when we ran in together… ready to…," Wally bit his lip, reliving it in his head, "You know…"

"Y-yeah," Dick felt a pit form in his stomach, he knew exactly what Wally was about to ask him, and it scared him.

"I heard you say something…," Wally removed his hands from his face and finally looked Dick in the eye, "I just want to know… if I heard right… D-did you say that you… loved me?"

Dick stared at him he still gave off a look of surprise, knowing what Wally was about to say is one thing, but actually hearing it still made his heart race. "I…" Dick sighed trying to calm himself down, "I did…"

"What did it mean?" Wally asked finally sitting up, "W-was it… like… bro love or… something… else?"

Dick gave him a thoughtful look before finally deciding it was best to just come out with the truth. "Well, I just… I really..," Dick had to admit he was stumped, this was the first time that he wasn't completely sure how to word something, "I just discovered that I have really strong feelings for you, and it's beyond friendship."

"I see," Wally ruffled Dick's hair, "Why were you so scared to tell me?"

"Wally, you hit on anything female with a heartbeat," Dick pouted and fixed his hair, doing his best to hide his face.

"Dude… I don't have any feelings for those girls…," Wally took in a deep breath and sighed before continuing, "I'm not even straight."

"W-what?" Dick looked up at him shocked, that's the last thing he ever expected to hear come from Wally's mouth.

"I didn't want anyone to know…," He gave a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of his head.

"Not even me? Did you think I would see you differently? Wally you're my best friend…"

"Then why didn't you tell me what you were thinking either?" Wally had a point.

"um…," Dick couldn't think of a good enough reason, but he didn't have the time to think of one since Wally had leaned in and kissed him softly. Dick subconsciously brought his hands up to runs through Wally's hair. Something about this felt perfect.

Soon they pulled apart and stared at each other for a few moments before one of them spoke. "S-so… um… wanna be my boyfriend?" Wally scratched at the back of his head as he spoke, his freckles almost disappearing into the blush that started to form across his cheeks.

"W-what? Y-you-?" Dick stuttered unable to comprehend that this was even happening. "Y-Yes… I do," Dick smiled a light pink shading showing up along his cheeks as well.

It finally felt like things were falling into place for them.