{Agora Ried: Beauty anyone would die for, a pure-blood family, and the ability to mess anything and everything up.}

Chapter One: A Git Named Cedric Diggory

"Would you hurry up?" Fred groans from beside me, nearly bouncing from excitement. His bright eyes boring into mine as if he might just die. I rolled my own eyes, and dragged my feet behind me. It was too early for this shit.

"If you keep this up, we'll never get there in time for the world cup." George chuckles, because somehow, he finds humor in this. Probably because it's too early to think.

"Cedric's waiting for us!" Fred exclaims in a final attempt to make me hurry, but even the mention of my best friend's name couldn't get me going."

"Go on without me," I fall to the ground dramatically, waving them ahead, "I don't think I can make it. Tell my mom I love her." I say, reaching my hand out towards the two boys who were half way between laughing, and kicking me until I get up.

"Now you've done it Fred." Harry chuckles as he walks by, him arm draped around the Granger girl who looked half asleep herself. "Gone and killed her, have you?" He laughs more, but it's caught in a yawn as he passes up.

"Come on!" George exclaims, "You're letting Potter beat us!" He grins, lifting me up and hoisting me onto his back- finally giving up on me.

"We can't let him take all the glory!" Fred agrees, racing beside George to catch up with Harry.

"Eternal glory?" Harry turns around to look at us from the top of the hill he's managed to climb, "Already got that." He winks before laughing and turning back to Ron who was rattling off some story about rats.

Sighing, I run a hand through my shaggy, blond boy cut hair, and try to focus on singing to wake me up. "CAUSE EVERYTIME WE TOUCH, I GET THAT FEELING~" I begin to scream, waking up not only myself, but probably everything else in the area. George obnoxiously covers his ears- as if he doesn't love my singing, and Fred runs ahead so he doesn't have to listen to it.

Deciding I was awake enough, and because we were nearing our meeting place with Cedric, I decided to get off of George's back and walk by myself for a bit. I know what you're thinking- who walks for themselves anymore, right?

I jump as Cedric seems to fall from the tallest tree in the area. HE grins at me as I give his arm a whack, and he exclaims, "Don't worry! I'll save you fair maiden!" Before engaging in a fake sword fight with George over my 'honour.'

"Would you gits knock it off!" I scold, even though I'm laughing hysterically, and running after them as they near the edge of the cliff where the port key lays.

"Ready, Harry?" Cedric grins at Potter as we all touch the port key, and I can tell it's his first time, by the look on his face.

Next thing I know, I'm landing with a hard thud right on my butt on a grassy field. Cedric gives us a cheeky grin as he glides down from the air with his dad and Mr. Weasley trailing him.

"Oh, shove off." I tell him before he can say anything, and start off towards the mass of tents beside the stadium. Linking arms with Fred and George, I leave Cedric to talk to Ginny.