Johnny took Chris into Roy's room. The light was low and Roy looked like he was dozing but as soon as he heard footsteps he opened his eyes. Chris pulled away from Johnny and ran to his father's bedside. Johnny hung back and leaned against the wall. The father son reunion caused a lump to form in Johnny's throat. He understood just how frightening this whole ordeal must have been for Chris.

"Bet you're glad you didn't have the shrimp, hey?" Roy said to his son smiling but still looking a little green around the mouth. Roy hugged him absorbing his son's warmth.

"Yuk! I hate shrimp" replied Chris. Roy chuckled at his son's admission, agreeing with him. Having the bad taste of regurgitated shrimp in his mouth, he knew he wouldn't be eating shrimp anytime in the near future.

Johnny chose that moment to slip out of the room to give them some privacy. He didn't consider, despite Joanne's apology, that he was part of this family anymore. He lent against the wall and waited for Chris. When Chris came out Johnny led him to his mother's room. Joanne looked much better having probably eaten less than Roy, she was well on her way to recovery.

"Chris" she croaked and gave her son a hug. "You were so brave Chris and you helped Uncle Johnny" she stated proudly. Johnny thought that was his queue to leave but Joanne called out to him.

Johnny turned around and approached Joanne's bed. "I meant what I said Johnny. I was a fool and I am sorry. I've been lonely for some time now and when Rozzana came along I got caught up in her friendship and lost myself for a while. A friendship, I suspect as Roy had tried to point out to me, manipulated by my mother. You know what she's like and how she hates it that Roy's a fireman. Roy tried to tell me and I wouldn't listen and then being the stuck up" she looked at Chris and just cleared her throat "Well you know the word I'm looking for, anyway I wanted her friendship so bad that I threw away the kindest person I've ever known. I'm sorry Johnny...please don't judge Roy on my actions. I realise now that I've made his life a living hell the last couple of months. I don't know why he loves me. I don't" she was tearing up and Johnny couldn't take anymore.

"Joanne please, don't upset yourself. We'll work something out. I can't say it will be the same but I'm sure we can get past this and at least be friends" Johnny assured her. "I'll just wait outside and give you and Chris some privacy" Johnny said as he left quickly.

Joanne started to cry. Chris started to cry also. "I've really hurt your Uncle and I don't know how to heal him" she told her son.

"You make me feel better by giving me one of your special hugs" said Chris innocently.

Joanne smiled at her beautiful son "Somehow I don't think that will work on Uncle Johnny" she claimed.

"You also make me feel better when you make me my favourite pie" he added.

"Now that's more up your Uncle's alley" she said joyfully but the thought of food made her stomach flip. "The basin Chris?" she called out.

Johnny heard Joanne's raised voice through the closed door. He opened the door a fraction and peeked in. Seeing Joanne's distress, he ran into the room. He grabbed from the sink a wet cloth and as Joanne settled back on her pillow he ran the cloth over her face. He took the basin from Chris and washed it out. Chris took over wiping his mother's face. "I'm just going to get a nurse" said Johnny but Joanne grabbed his arm.

"No, please Johnny. I don't need a nurse, not when I have you boys to look after me" she said affectionately. Johnny bowed his head unsure whether to accept her friendship so easily.

A thought came to Johnny "You know Joanne if you mean it about being lonely, well...we are always looking for volunteers down at the Heritage Centre. There is ladies down there who are also lonely and would relish your company" he told her and waited for her to answer thinking this will test her, then he admonished himself for thinking so meanly. "Look Joanne don't make a decision now, you're sick, just think about it."

The nurse entered the room and told Johnny that Dixie said Captain Stanley called and said his partner's replacement was waiting for him at the station. Johnny said goodbye to Chris and Joanne and as he was leaving he alerted Dixie that Chris was in Joanne's room.

When Johnny was next at Rampart he checked on the De Sotos. Dixie told him they would be going home soon and that Joanne's sister was picking them up.

"Chris couldn't stop talking about being your partner and how he got to help you" Dixie said unable to hide a smirk.

" was the best way to keep him occupied...and...You know...keep his mind off his mom and sister being sick." Johnny shrugged as if it was nothing important.

Dixie looked into the uncertain eyes of Johnny "Joanne also told me what she said to you and confessed a few things to me." Johnny bowed his head "Johnny just give it time, life's too short to stay mad. At least she's trying to make amends" Dixie counselled him. "She also mentioned about the Heritage Centre."

"I just thought if she was serious about the lonely thing that maybe getting involved would help her. That's if she was being honest about being lonely" Johnny said uncertain about Joanne's admissions.

"Oh she's being honest. I see wives like her every day. I think it was a great idea and hopefully she'll take you up on it" approved Dixie.

Kirk came out of the treatment room and gave Johnny the thumbs up. "What's it like working with Kirk?" asked Dixie smiling at the approaching paramedic.

"A lot better than working with Tom. Gosh that seems so long ago" said Johnny thoughtfully.

Dixie became lost in her thoughts also. Everything that had happened over the last few months all started when Roy got hurt and Tom Wheeler made the decision to go alone in the ambulance that fateful day. The repercussions of Roy falling had been astronomical and life changing for Johnny and herself. She thought about Mike and wondered if they would be together if the events hadn't happened. She threw off the thoughts and came back to the present. Kirk and Johnny were looking at her smirking. "What?"

"Oh nothing. How's Mike?" Johnny tried to say without looking too smug.

"You should know you're working with him. Where's the supply list?" she asked changing the subject. Behind her back Kirk and Johnny giggled but immediately looked serious when Dixie turned around.

When Kirk and Johnny returned to the station Johnny let Cap know about Roy and his family. They sat down for lunch.

"So, looking forward to your solo Kirk. Should we bring the engine and the squad with us?" Chet asked teasingly.

"Ha ha Kelly, and that's a no, on the engine and squad. You just make sure you bring the drinks" Kirk directed.

"You're bringing desert right Cap?" Johnny checked.

"Gage all you think about is that stomach of yours" admonished Chet.

Johnny lent back and rubbed his stomach "I don't have to think about it Chet, it grumbles, reminding me to feed it" replied Johnny.

"Yeah well tell it to stop grumbling and reminding us of food" said Chet grumpily.

"What's the matter Chet, don't you like food?" asked Johnny.

"I like food plenty, it just doesn't like me. I need to watch my girly figure" he said and stood up posing like a model. Everyone laughed at his antics. Kirk just shook his head and admired the comradeship of the station.

It was a beautiful day for flying. Tom and Johnny stood either side of Kirk and admired the plane Kirk was about to fly. "You know Johnny I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for you. You made me take the plunge by giving me your gift of a free lesson."

"I was grateful for your help but I'm glad it helped you get to this point. Now show us what you got" he said as he slapped Kirk on his back.

Everyone watched Kirk take off. The barbeque was lit and drinks were handed around. Every so often the skies were perused for Kirk's plane and quickly pointed out when spotted.

Roy and his kids turned up and Johnny was quickly lavished with hugs and kisses. "Where's Joanne?" asked Johnny worried that she didn't feel welcomed and stayed home.

"She's at the Heritage Centre; she said there was something important that had to be finished today. She'll be here in about an hour. How's he doing?" asked Roy nodding towards the sky.

"He took off about half an hour ago, so he has another half hour before he lands" stated Johnny watching the plane disappearing in the distance.

Roy grabbed a drink and started talking to Tom. Johnny looked around at his friends. Dixie and Mike were deep in conversation sitting cosily on a blanket. Chet was showing Roy's kids the toy plane he bought for Kirk. Cap placed his arm over Johnny's shoulders "Beautiful day for flying" he stated happily.

"Yeah it is Cap yeah it is" Johnny replied contently.

Dixie and Mike-now that's another story.