This would be the last installment for my fluffy E+T (although it didn't turn out as fluffy as I wanted).  It's a bit longer than the previous chapters and might get a little mushy so I advise you to have a barf bag handy just in case.  Thanks for reading this fic and do drop in a review for old time's sake.  LOVE YAH ALL!!!

DISCLAIMER:  I do not own CCS or any of its characters.  CLAMP does.  This plot is a product of my imagination.  Any similarities to other fan fictions are unintentional.


By bishounen lovah

Step 3:  How to give the bear

It has been a month since I bought the bear and over two weeks since I finished sewing it.  A fortnight where it lay hidden in my schoolbag during the day and in my arms at night.  There were many times when I almost gave in to the temptation of giving the bear to Tomoyo but fear always held me back.

No, not fear of rejection for I had already accepted the fact that she loves another.  I was afraid that if I confess my love to her I might lose her as a friend.  If I told her how I feel, she would start feeling awkward around me since she doesn't return my love and would eventually avoid me.

I'd rather just have her as a friend than not have her as anything at all.  I'd rather keep everything to myself and suffer in silence than risk losing her friendship.


It was quite odd that nobody answered back.  Nakuru usually greets me as soon as I walk in our new home after my daily dusk walk.  Not that I wanted her to greet me anyway.

These days I find her bubbly nature a bit annoying especially when she belts out her 'life is beautiful' speech.  I spend all of my afternoon walking around Tomoeda to cultivate my depression and what does my moon guardian greets me with?

What else but a detailed account about her wonderful day spent with the wonderful Touya Kinomoto!

I never had anything against the older boy.  In fact, I admire the guy for his obvious dedication to his little sister.  But lately I can't stand the sight of him or even just the mention of his name.  An angry vein never fails to throb on my forehead whenever that happens.  Now I feel this unnatural anger towards him just because Tomoyo picked him over me?

What does he have that I don't?

A fairly loud bout of laughter got my attention.  It came from the study at the end of the hallway.  Curiosity piqued, I strode towards the room and peeked through the slightly open door.

Kuso.  There goes that now familiar thumping on my head, only this time I could feel my face and even my ears burn with ire in accompaniment.

"Eriol-sama!"  Nakuru jumped up from the settee and rushed to welcome me home.  "Okaerinasai.  Gomen ne.  We didn't hear you come in."

I averted my face to look at her and tried to listen to what she was saying but all I could hear was a loud buzz.  I tried lip-reading but found that her lips were moving in slow motion.  I gave up trying to understand her and just stared back at him.

"Ne, Eriol-sama, daijoubu?"  This time I heard her for she shook my shoulder furiously while shouting directly at my ear.

"Of course."

Why wouldn't I be?  After all I just had my heart broken and the root of all my problems is sitting in my study.  Thank goodness Nakuru had enough sense to not let him sit on my chair or all hell might break loose.

By this time Nakuru must have noticed my unwavering stare at Touya, who was now slightly confused as to why I was glaring daggers at him.  "Ne, I hope you don't mind us staying here.  Touya and I have some projects to do and we need to borrow some of your books."

"You don't have to ask for my permission.  This is your home too."

There was no point in involving Nakuru with my anger.  I was about to leave, incapable as I was to stand my nemesis' presence, when Spinel Sun flew in balancing a rather large tray on his head.

"Eriol-sama, you're just in time for tea," he floated towards the small table and carefully laid the tray on the coffee table in front of Touya.

I had no other choice but to follow him.  I never missed tea and if I leave now my guardians would know that something's the matter.  Not that they haven't sensed my change of mood already.  I just didn't want them bugging me later on if I was okay so I duly followed Spinel and sat on my chair, sighing as its comfort somewhat calmed my nerves.

"So what are you working on?"  I addressed no one in particular.  I never was one to hold a grudge, not if I can help it.  On the other hand I didn't want to push it so I tried hard not to look at Touya just in case I might lose my lid and just concentrated in pouring milk in my tea.

"Shakespeare.  We're going to do Romeo and Juliet, after we translate it into Niponggo," Touya replied.

Look away, Eriol.  Just look away, close your eyes and count to ten.

"Isn't it cool, Eriol-sama?  I get to play Juliet and guess whom my Romeo would be?  TOUYA-KUN!"  Nakuru glomped on the bug-eyed boy, much to my chagrin.  Yukito, Nakuru and Tomoyo.  All of them head over heels in love with this guy.  What's so great about him anyway?

"Y-yamero, Akizuki-chan!"  Touya tried to pry her death grip from his neck.

"Give it up, Nakuru.  You've got no chance with Touya.  Not in a million years."

"Mind your own business, Suppi."  She stuck her tongue out then shoved a sweetened scone in the floating cat's mouth.  I couldn't help but sigh a mushroom bubble as Touya sweatdropped when she went on to stretch Spinel's mouth and poured the plateful of scones in.

"Where were we?"  Nakuru sauntered back towards Touya when my sun guardian drunkenly floated to the kitchen in search for more sweets.  "Ah, yes.  TOUYA-KUN!!!"

"Stop it!  I can't feel my arm already!"

"Think about it.  Me on a balcony, watching you woo me.  What's more exciting is I can get to wear a gown made by Daidouji-chan.  SUGOI!"

"I just hope she doesn't make my costume a frilly one.  I can't help but worry that she might make me a tacky one just like some of the costumes she made for Sakura before," Touya said.

That's it!  I had already accepted the fact that Tomoyo loves him and not me.  I can also tolerate my moon guardian throwing herself at him.  But I can't…I won't allow him to ridicule Tomoyo in any way.

"Nakuru, show our guest to the door," I placed my teacup on its saucer with a fairly loud tink, almost chipping it in the process.  I interrupted her protest with a look that I almost never use.  The type of look that reminds her that I am the master and she's, well, she's not.  "Now."

"H-hai!"  She stammered as she dragged a confused Touya out of the room and led him to the front door.

~Scene Change~


I tore my eyes from the full moon and briefly glanced at the open attic window.  "Glad to see you back to your normal self."

"Nakuru sent me here to check on you.  You've been standing out there for hours now."  Spinel floated closer to me and hovered on my shoulder.

"Is she mad at me?"

"Actually it's the other way around.  She sent me to ask you if you're mad at her.  Of course I told her that you would never get mad at her.  I would, but not you.  And through simple deduction, my guess is you were angry at Kinomoto-san, not her."

"Your perceptiveness never ceases to amaze me, Spinel Sun."

"I take it my guess is right.  Would you like to hear some more of my guesses?"  I shrugged, knowing it wouldn't stop him even if I say no.  "It's about Daidouji-chan, isn't it?"

This time I stared at him in disbelief.  How did he know that?  I never told anyone about my feelings for Tomoyo, not even my guardians.

"Close your mouth, Eriol-sama, you're letting the mosquitoes in."


"How did I guess?  I take my role as your guardian seriously.  Besides, I ran out of books to read so I reverted to my next favorite pastime, which is to listen you sleep talk.  I know that you love Daidouji-chan and that she's the reason why we moved here in Japan.  I know that you made her a stuffed bear.  I also know that something bad happened that's why you're always looking so glum."

I shook my head in amusement.  After all, the quiet ones always had the upper hand, which is basically why my cute little descendant gets irritated with me.  My guardian was just taking a leaf out of my book.  Soon I was laughing hard, struggling to keep my footing on the roof.  It felt good to laugh and to know that I don't have to keep my problems to myself anymore.

"Have you told her you love her?"  Spinel asked with a sweatdrop, obviously thinking that I had definitely lost it.

"No," I wiped the tears stuck at the corner of my eyes behind my glasses while gasping for air.

"Why not?"

"Because she loves Touya."


I sat on the roof wearily and stared back up at the night sky.  "I don't want to lose a friend."

"Love must come with trust.  If you love her then you must trust her also.  She won't hate you because you love her.  You must have faith in her…on how much she values your friendship."  With a pat on the shoulder, Spinel floated back in the house and left me to reevaluate my decision.

~The next day~

I walked around the streets of Tomoeda again.  It had become my after-school ritual since that fateful day I learned about Tomoyo's secret crush.  The walk usually clears my head even for just a few hours but today it wasn't working.  All I could think about was what Spinel Sun had said last night.

I knew he was right, of course.  But what bugged me more was the realization that Syaoran himself went through the same thing with Sakura and had overcome it.  She was then in love with Yukito (or she believed herself to be) and Syaoran knew that.  He had been afraid back then as I am now but he overcame that fear and told her how he felt about her.

That had been my deciding factor.  I wasn't about to let Syaoran get the better of me.  I won't have my conscience conjure a chibi image of my cute little descendant mocking me because I wasn't brave enough to confess my feelings.

And so I decided to tell Tomoyo.  But just as my courage was at its ultimate high, she chose today of all to days to hide from me.  Well maybe not hide but I couldn't find her anywhere during recess and lunch.  She didn't hang out with us and during class not once did she look back at me.  She always did that, turn around on her seat and smile at me.  But not today.  Today she just kept on staring down at her desk.

What was wrong with her?  Was she sick?  Or maybe sad?

I guessed that it was the latter one since she never gets sick, save that time when the Song Card took her voice.  It made me more desperate to find her since I wanted to console her.

Had she told Touya how she felt about him?  Had he rejected her?

Maybe so for why else would she look so sad.  She did not even wait for us after class.  She just got up and went as soon as the final bell rang.

And now here I am again, wandering around Tomoeda like some poor alley cat with no sense of direction in life.  I don't know if I should be relieved that I wasn't able to confess or exasperated because I have to endure one more day keeping everything to myself (flying toy not included).

The sound of soft humming brought me out of my reverie.  I felt my heart skip in recognition.


~If I look into your eyes, would you look deeper into mine~

Sitting alone on a swing at the Penguin Park was my number one.  Perhaps this was Fate's way of saying that I should make things right (or wrong depending on her reaction) with my life.  I walked towards her, slightly shuffling my feet along the way so as not to startle her.

Sure enough, her back stiffened and her humming had stopped.  She turned around and gave me a smile that did not reach her jeweled purple eyes.  Yet still, her smile took my breath away.

"May I join you?"  It was brief; nevertheless, I saw the hesitation flicker in her eyes.  I started to leave but she gave a small nod of approval.  I sat on the swing beside hers then noticed that she was holding something in her hands.

It was a stuffed bear.  A black shorthaired bear with glossy indigo eyes.  I could hear it again…my fragile heart breaking into pieces.  Was this the bear she made for Touya?

She noticed my unwavering stare at her bear.  "I made this a long time ago.  It reminds me so much of…of…"

"Have you tried to give it to him yet?"

"No.  I'm too worried that he won't like it."

"Why not?  I'm sure he'll love it because you made it."

"Ne, what about you?  Have you given her your bear yet?"  Tomoyo teased and gave out a fake and breathless laugh.  "I'm sure she'll love it because you made it."

I hate it when she throws my words back at me.  But at least she's back to her feisty self.  Well, more or less.

~If I told you I love you, would you love me back~

What are you waiting for, chibi Syaoran said somewhere in my muddled brain.  This is your chance.  Give it to her.

Don't rush me, I growled back silently as I slowly took off my backpack.  After what seemed like a decade later, I made up my mind, took a deep breath and reached deep inside the bag.

"What a sad couple we make, ne Eriol-kun?  Too scared to tell the people we love how we really feel."

I looked at her then at the fuzzy white bear in my hands then back at her.  All fear disappeared as I gazed at her angelic face.  She was too good to be true and too great of a loss if I chicken out now.

It's now or never.

I stood in front of her; aware of the confused yet curious looks she was giving me.  I took a deep breath and started to speak only to find that I didn't know what to say.  So I did the only thing I could think of doing.

I shoved the bear to her face.

Please take it.  Please take it.

"What are you doing?"

"Giving you my bear."


"Because…because I love you!"

"You do?"  I didn't trust myself to speak again.  I was too nervous and too scared so I just nodded my head vigorously.

"You're joking, right?"  I shook my head just as vigorously, maybe even more.  After minutes of tensed silence, my eyes shot open when I heard her sob.  My heart sank heavily to my stomach with disappointment.

She's not going to accept it.  She won't want to be my friend anymore.  I made her cry!

Just as I was going to berate myself for being so stupid, I was almost bulldozed off my feet when she threw her arms around me and wept on my shoulder.  I automatically hugged her and awkwardly patted her back with the bear.

Was this a good thing or bad?

I couldn't really say because I couldn't understand a single muffled word she was saying.  When she stopped crying, I offered her a handkerchief to dry her tears and blow her nose.  "I'm…sorry…it's just that…I'm so…happy."

~If I wish for forever, would you wish for eternity~

Happy?  Those were tears of joy?  Eh?  What does it mean?  I wanted to pull my hair out because of frustration.

"I'm happy because I'm your number one…and because you're my number one too."  She shyly said.

"I am?"  I hugged the white bear to my chest and stared wide-eyed at the black bear she was holding out to me.  "B-But what about Touya?"

"Touya?  What has he had to do with this?"

"That day we talked by the Seijou soccer field…you told me you liked him."

"No I didn't."

No she didn't.  I just assumed since she was looking at the soccer field that her crush was there.  Baka!  All those worrying for nothing.

"You thought that I liked Touya?  But he's like the older brother whom I never had," she giggled.  "I can't like him that way.  It would be too weird."

I could feel my ears turn redder and redder.  "It's not funny!  Have you got any idea how jealous I was of him?  I almost turned him into a frog last night."

"I'm sorry," Tomoyo sobered down and suddenly looked serious.  "I know how it feels.  I thought that you loved someone else too although I didn't know who."

I didn't say anything for there was nothing to say.  Instead, I offered her the bear I so lovingly made again.  She lifted her face and looked at me with those shining amethyst eyes.  She smiled just as brightly then imitated my actions.

Finally, we exchanged bears and hugged them to our chests.

"I'm going to name this Eriol."

"And I'm going to name this Tomoyo."

It was said that if you name the bear given to you with the name of the giver then that person would hold you dear to his or her heart forever.

The wind blew around us, playing with our hair and clothes.  I didn't notice it much though.  All I could think of was the beautiful girl in front of me and the loving way she cradled my bear in its rightful position…

Close to her heart.

Just before the sun emitted its last red glow, a young boy stepped closer to a young girl.  They embraced each other, not letting go of the symbols of their love.  Everything was perfect.

They were happy.

In love.

And totally unaware of the small red light blinking behind the bushes.



AARRRGGGHH pulls out hair!!!  It's finished!  Yeah it sucked a bit but what the heck…IT'S FINISHED!!!  I absolutely adored S+S in movie 2 when they kept on talking about their 'number ones' but I wasn't able to use it properly with E+T here.  Sorry.

Did you get the last part?  It's my POV btw.  I just had to add it.  Hmm.  I wonder…

Anyways before I forget, sorry if this is too long and too rushed.  I wrote this the day before school started.  I would have posted this sooner but something went haywire in and then I didn't want to join the uploading brouhaha and then my computer went haywire.  At least I've got another fic finished.  WOOHOO!!!  It's back to YLS folks.  Gah!  I won't have any hair left by the time that fic ends.