Hi Everyone! Here's chapter 3 of Always Knew! I tried to get an update as soon as I could ahaha!

Warning: This chapter contains scenes of attempted rape, if it makes you uncomfortable, then skip ahead, if it may trigger something, please don't read it. If any of that applies to you, skip past paragraph 5. I apologize in advance for those who may be either offended or hurt by the content in this chapter…

On another note, thank you once again Faberry's-Knight, for editing this for me! You're such an awesome friend! Love you! =D

Now, please enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 3

Rachel was walking down the hall towards her locker, her arm has completely healed, and after weeks of physical therapy, she has full use of it now. Quinn, Santana, and Brittany have been so supportive of her; each time Rachel went to physical therapy, one of them would always be with her. Granted, it's mostly been Quinn who has gone with her.

After getting his pride completely wounded, Finn has also kept his distance; at least that's what they thought. Finn has actually been planning ways to get Rachel alone. "I will get you back Rachel, no matter what it takes." Finn mumbled to himself, not aware of the blue-eyed blonde behind him, who heard everything he said.

Brittany was walking through the hallways trying to find her class, well, more like trying to remember what class she had. Santana couldn't be with her because she had to talk to Coach Sylvester, so, Brittany was left alone. She was mindlessly walking, when she saw Finn standing by himself. She pouted angrily at his back, wondering to herself, "Why does he have to be such a meanie?" Just as she was about to walk in the other direction, she heard him muttering something, so she walked closer trying to hear, and what she heard scared her. After listening to Finn, she gasped quietly, and quickly ran to find Quinn and Santana to tell them what she heard.

As Brittany went looking for Quinn and Santana, Rachel was heading to her first class, not aware of the tall shadow following her. Just as she was about to head into her classroom, someone grabbed her arm, and covered her mouth, and quickly brought her into the janitor's closet. Rachel could feel her heart pounding, scared for her life, and when the person finally let go, she turned around ready to reprimand them when she noticed it was Finn; the look in his eyes scared her more than she expected, but she did not want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her scared. But the look in his eyes will forever haunt her memory; his eyes had a sinister glint, and before she could open her mouth to yell at him, he swung his arm back and punched her in the face causing immediate bruising.

Rachel was too shocked to say anything, and before she knew it, Finn grabbed her shirt and ripped it in half; she cried out. "Where're your little protectors now, Rachel?!" He shouted at her. She kept crying and screaming. "Shut up you little bitch!" He punched her in the mouth, causing her lip to split open. "I'm going to teach you a lesson now! Since you never allowed me to touch you anywhere, I'm gonna take what you should have allowed me to! I was your boyfriend!" Realizing what he was about to do, as she saw him reach for his pant zipper, she screamed out the one person she knew would come protect her.

"QUINN!" Before she knew it, the door was ripped open, and she was pushed into someone's arms; realizing it was Quinn's arms, she relaxed and nuzzled into her friend's neck, tears quickly making their way down her face before huge sobs broke out, and she cried, hard, into her friend's embrace. Allowing her friend's soothing words and embrace to calm her down, before she finally let everything out, and collapsed in Quinn's arms.

Brittany was looking everywhere she could for Quinn and Santana, and just as she was about to give up, she saw them around the corner. "Q! San!" She screamed, waving frantically, as she ran towards them. The two girls just stood waiting for her, wondering what was wrong. When Brittany reached them, she started talking rapidly.

"Whoa, baby, calm down," Santana said, as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. "Okay, good, now breathe, atta girl, now, tell us what happened?"

"I was trying to find my class, 'cause you know I never remember where I'm supposed to go, and then I got lost, but then I saw Finn at his locker, talking to himself, which made me think he had an invisible friend like Lord Tubbington does, I always hear him talking when he's by himself," she had a confused look on her face.

"Get on with it B, please," Quinn reminded her.

"Oh! Right, anyways, so I heard Finn talking and he was talking about getting Rachel back, and doing whatever it takes. Guys, I think he's planning on hurting Rae-Rae, 'cause I like saw him heading towards the direction of her class. San, we have to find Rachel before he does! I've got like a really, super bad feeling about him." Santana kissed her girlfriend on the cheek, before looking to her captain.

"What do you want to do Q?" Santana asked, feeling worry creep up her spine, knowing that Brittany was probably right. Quinn felt the same way.

"Let's go find her. Thanks for telling us Britt," Quinn smiled and hugged her. "Alright, let's go." They all started heading, literally running, towards Rachel's class. When they reached her class, they looked into the classroom, and realized Rachel wasn't there. All three girls started to get even more worried, and quickly ran back to the hallways, looking up and down all the hallways, but not finding their friend. Now the three girls were beyond worried, they were scared shitless for their friend. They were about to turn back around when they heard noise coming from the janitor's closet. They slowly approached it, not wanting to interrupt someone's sexy times, when they heard it, "QUINN!" They bolted for the closet, and Santana ripped the door open, and felt rage coming over her; all she saw was black. Before Finn could rip Rachel's underwear off, the latina grabbed Rachel and quickly pushed her towards Quinn who was waiting with open arms, before she grabbed Finn and tossed him against the wall.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Finn roared, before yelping in pain when Santana kicked him in the balls.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Santana couldn't think...she just kept raining blow after blow upon Finn's face, while cursing in Spanish and English. Finn just whimpered in pain. With one last kick to Finn's stomach, Santana backed off, seeing a teacher coming around the corner. Finn realized that Santana stopped hitting him, and took that as his chance, and swung at her, but a small tanned hand stopped him with a strength that was surprising. He followed the tanned arm up to see blazing, chocolate brown eyes that looked almost black with the fury swirling through them.

"DON'T! Even think about it Hudson," Rachel growled out.

After calming down in Quinn's embrace, she felt anger take over her, and she became even more furious when she saw Finn take a swing at Santana when she had her back turned. "You're such a coward Hudson! You can't even handle one girl on a fair fight, you have to take the coward way out and take her from behind when she showed you mercy. But, I told you before, that if you ever tried to hurt my friends, I will not go easy on you." Before he could say anything, Rachel swung her leg up and stomped on his privates, making him cry out in pain. When she saw him try to wriggle away, she kicked him in the ribs, hearing a crack. But that crack seemed to snap her out of her angry haze.

Rachel breathed in, and then out, before turning around and walking back into Quinn's embrace, who after her shock, and slight arousal, snapped out of it and hugged her close, Brittany and Santana joined in on the hug. They held their group hug together for a little bit longer, before turning towards Hudson, who was whimpering in pain as a teacher helped him up. Principal Figgins [I think that's his name?] came out of the crowd they hadn't realized formed, and walked up to them, and said, "Berry, Lopez, Fabray, Pierce and Hudson, my office...NOW," he told them firmly. The girls looked at each other and before following him, Quinn grabbed her Cheerios jacket, and placed it around Rachel, then continued heading towards the principal's office with Finn trailing ahead, with the help of Mr. Schuester, of course.

When they reached the principal's office, he gestured for them to all sit down. They did. "Now, does anyone want to tell me, what exactly happened?" Principal Figgins asked with an eyebrow raised. Finn was about to open his mouth when Rachel beat him to it.

"Well, sir, before Finn has the chance to lie about everything, I will tell you the truth." He nodded at her, and she continued. "I was just on my way to my first class, and as usual I was early, for it is very important to have good punctuality, and I will need to be punctual, especially when I'm on Broadway." The girls just smiled fondly at their friend's rant, while Figgins gestured for her to get on with it. "Right, anyways, as I was saying, I was on my way to class, when all of sudden I felt myself getting grabbed from behind, and then I felt myself getting dragged into the janitor's closet, which by the way, is atrocious. Anyways, when the door was closed, I was ready to reprimand whoever it was for forcibly taking me, when I saw that it was Finn, and before I could scream, he punched me in the face, knocking me backwards. I stood there in shock, not believing he could so something like that, but alas, he could, and he did. He also kept saying horrible things to me, and he ripped my shirt in half, and then…" Rachel paused, this next part was hard for her to recall; she felt a squeeze on her hand and looked to see Quinn nodding encouragingly. She took a deep breath, and then continued with the story, "Excuse my pause. When he ripped my shirt, I then knew his intentions…I knew he was going to rape me." She started to tear up again, remembering her fear, another squeeze of her hand, and she continued. "Finn then started to undo his pants, but before he could rip my underwear off, I screamed out Quinn's name, and then I felt someone push me towards someone else's arms. At first I tensed up, not knowing who it was, before I realized that it was Quinn, and it was Santana who pushed me out, and then the next thing I knew, Finn was on the ground in pain and Santana had her back turned. That's when I saw Finn standing up and trying to swing at Santana, but before he could make contact, I had run up and caught his fist, before I kicked him in his privates and his ribs, cracking them probably, and then we went to Quinn's locker to grab her jacket, for my shirt was no longer good to wear, after you called for us, and now, we're here. There you have it, that's the whole, TRUE, story."

Principal Figgins eyes were wide open, shocked to hear a student capable of such horrible things. Mr. Schuester was also shocked to hear that Finn Hudson, his star pupil, could do such a thing. After regaining his composure, Figgins cleared his throat and said, "Okay…I believe you Miss Berry. As for you Mr. Hudson, you are expelled, and if the girls decide too, I'm sure the police would love to 'question' you. As for you Miss Lopez, both you and Miss Berry are suspended for a week. While it was in self-defence, as the case may be, violence is still not tolerated at this school." The girls just nodded. "Okay, now, Miss Berry, would you like to press charges against Mr. Hudson for attempted rape, as well as assault?" Rachel looked at the other girls, who just said it was up to her, so she decided that yes, she was pressing charges. Figgins nodded, "Okay girls, you all may go, Miss Berry and Miss Lopez, I'll see you in a week. And Mr. Hudson, stick around, the police chief would love to have a word with you." The four girls left the room, while Finn just glared angrily at their retreating backs, before turning to Mr. Schuester and the principal.

"Rachel was lying! You have to believe me!" He looked pleadingly at his teacher, who would usually get him out of trouble, but Mr. Schue just shook his head. "Please, Mr. Schue, you have to believe me!"

"That's enough Finn! I saw Rachel's face, and her ripped shirt. How could you do that?! I'm so disappointed in you Finn. Have a good life in prison." Mr. Shue, took one last look at his ex-favourite student, before shaking his head again, and walking out. Finn just slouched in his seat before glaring at the wall.

After the meeting with Principal Figgins, the four girls decided to head to Rachel's house, as her dads were away for a second honeymoon. Rachel jumped into the car with Quinn, and Santana and Brittany went in the latina's car, and followed behind them. When they reached her house, they all gathered in the living room and put on a movie, with Quinn and Rachel cuddling on the couch, and Santana and Brittany cuddling on the loveseat.

Halfway through the movie, Santana cleared her throat, gathering everyone's attention. "Rach, you should probably ice on your injuries. Actually you should have done that earlier midget." Rachel just giggled and smiled before nodding thanks and getting up to grab ice. When she came back, she had an extra ice pack. When the girls looked questioningly at her, she just pointed at Santana's bruised knuckles, who blushed slightly and grumbled under her breath, before reaching for the ice pack. Quinn and Brittany just giggled at the two brunettes. A comfortable silence encompassed the girls, who had gone back to their cuddling after they finished icing their injuries. It was almost midnight, when Rachel yawned, causing a chain reaction, making everyone giggle tiredly.

"Alright guys, let's go to bed. San, Britt, you guys can take the guest room." The girls nodded before headed up there. "And Quinn, as per usual, you shall be sharing my bed." Quinn tensed a bit, before relaxing and smiling gently. When they reached Rachel's room, she handed Quinn a pair of her favourite pajamas, before putting on her own, and then after washing up a bit, both girls climbed into bed, with Rachel immediately cuddling up to the blonde. "Hm, good night Quinn, thank you for everything you did today. I know you're thinking you didn't do much, but you did, just having you there comforting me helped me a lot, so thank you." She smiled gently, before leaning up and kissing Quinn gently on the cheek, right at the corner of her lips. Quinn just smiled, and pulled her closer, before falling asleep right after.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Please review, they make me write faster ;)

Again, no flames please.

Thanks for reading!

I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can!