Okay, my friend wanted another APH FF with just China so here it is.


To You: RocketFrog

From Your Best Friend: Fairy-Tail-Kijutsu

Disclaimer: I do not own APH!

Chapter one: Skiing

~Snowy Mountain Skiing~

China stared at the big mountain, his eyes following the small dots of people skiing down. Clutching at his panda bear doll, he made an determined face.

"I'll also ski down that mountain!" people around him looked at him with weird and worried expressions.

"Dude, you should stay insi-" but before America could get his sentence complete China had disappeared, leaving just a dusty figure of himself.


Now standing on the top of the snowy mountain with skis and poles, he stared down. "Ayah.. This is really high.." he said, glancing a bit more over the edge. "Maybe to high-aru." starting to slide backwards he thought he could maybe ski somewhere there it wasn't to high or steep. But instead he crashed into something hard and warm. Hearing a irritated gruff, China opened his eyes to stare into big red eyes of a.. "AYAAAH~ A BEAR!"

A roar came from the bear which made the now terrified China fly over the edge of the mountain. "NOT KAWAII-ARU!" swishing past skiers, who looked after him with weird expressions.

"What's with him?" someone asked his friend.

"Dunno, just trying to flirt with the girls I guess." the friend answered.


Later in the evening, China slowly walked inside ski hotel, and he looked like crap. "Finally-aru.." he gasped and then collapsed on the floor. "No scary bears here.. ayah.."

"Well, it looks like China had some fun today." England said.

End of chapter one, hope you liked it (:

These one-shots will be short, but maybe some will be a bit longer, well, until next time! :D

Read & Review, I love all kind of reviews! :3

Love F-T-K