"You sure you're okay, Pony, you're really pale" Two-bit added skeptically and it was true enough. Pony did look white as a sheet except for his flushed cheeks.
"I'm fine" he mumbled when he suddenly swayed on his feet and Two-bit had to reach out and catch him. Two-bit helped him to the house and set him on the coach, for about two days he was stuck in bed just staring ahead.
He pushed away everything people wanted him to eat and Darry sighed and decided he'd call the doctor when he suddenly remembered that Sierra's father was a doctor and decided to call him. Sierra had left for a week to visit her cousins so he didn't mind coming.
After checking him over, Jared chuckled to himself "so what's wrong with him?" Darry asked.
"Something I can't fix but I think my daughter may be able to, she's got the same symptoms. I gotta say, it's rare that they both got it and at the same intensity."
"So… what?" Soda asked.
Jared laughed again "love sickness" he told them and their mouths hung open in shock.
"Explain" Darry replied.
"It's got all the symptoms, pale skin, flushed cheeks, increased heart rate, tightness in chest, anxiety, unable to focus, shaky hands, dizziness, loss of appetite, and weak knees. He got the whole shebang," he explained.
"You mean love sick can actually make you… you know, really physically sick?" Two-bit asked.
"Yup in rare cases, but don't worry, once their around each other for a while; their bodies will calm down and the symptoms will most go away" he explained.
"So when Sierra left…"
"Ponyboy's body wasn't ready to part from being around her, Sierra may have to come back early from her cousins because she called me and said she's feeling exactly what he is right now" he explained.
"So there's really nothing we can do" Soda replied.
Jared smiled "no, when a body feels a match this strong it gets a sense of shock and well… it basically takes the same toll on the body as being on crack" he explained.
Two-bit burst out laughing but Ponyboy wasn't listening because his mind was wandering worse than ever at the moment. "So you're okay with this?" Darry asked "I mean, he is in love with you're daughter" he added.
Jared sighed then smiled nodding "when Sierra was born, her mother made me promise not to spoil her and let her do her own thing. Protect and support her, yes, but never try to control her and it turned out to be the right decision because Sierra ended up being very smart and independent. Ponyboy's a nice boy too, a diamond in the rough I think though my daughter tells me he drives her absolutely nuts and she could 'strangle him' sometimes" he explained chuckling.
"I think I feel the same way, Ponyboy can be incredibly stubborn" Darry replied.
"Imagine how I feel" Soda added flatly.
Jared laughed "well, I've got to go now, it was nice meeting you" he greeted.
"Ah wait, let me pay for the bill-"
"No charge, I've got 6 other appointments today all with very rich sick people so I'm sure I won't miss that money. Trust me" he told Darry.
"I couldn't let you-"
"Then I'm insisting, I'm beginning to see the stubbornness Sodapop was talking about. I assure you, Darry, I'm very well off when it comes to money so I won't miss an extra dollar" he told him firmly.
Darry sighed "okay but if you ever need a roof fixed or something."
"Or a car fixed" Sodapop added.
"I won't hesitate the call, I think I may take your offer on the car pretty soon, my daughter's been complaining about her mother's old car being never used. It's a mustang that my wife's parents bought her when we married but unfortunately, it hasn't been maintained in a while and when Sierra wanted to drive it…" he explained.
"And it wouldn't start, yup I can try fixing it later this week on a Saturday" Soda agreed.
"Thank you, I better get going, good luck with Ponyboy; the other symptoms aren't a problem but make sure to get him to eat whenever you can. The boy doesn't have enough meat on him to afford much weight loss" he told them then he shook hands with Darry and left.
"I like him" Soda said grinning and Two-bit nodded in agreement.
"Coolest old man I ever saw besides your guys' dad" Two-bit told Darry and Soda who smiled.
It wasn't until later in the week Sierra came back and when she did come, she ran and jumped onto Pony's lap and kissed him. "Couldn't wait another second, huh?" Ponyboy asked smirking, feeling like his old self again.
She bit his ear and he tensed, a hard blush spreading over his face "w-w-what was that?" he asked.
"Punishment, you're a liar, you missed me as much I did" she said grinning.
"Gross, get a room you guys" Two-bit told them and Pony rolled his eyes.
"Did you lose weight? You feel bonier than I remember" Sierra questioned.
"A little, what about you?" Pony admitted shyly.
"Only a pound or two but boys lose weight faster, I'm gonna guess you lost at least 10 pounds because you don't eat much anyway" Sierra guessed, she didn't seem to realize that she was straddling him but he did.
Oh yeah, he definitely realized "bingo" Darry told her looking away from the two "ahem" he coughed and Sierra blushed then sat on the coach next to him.
"Well, it was nice to touch um… base with each other but dad said I only 10 minutes then we're eating out for dinner. Bye" she went in for yet another kiss, longer the lost time and then she ran out leaving Ponyboy confused.
"I don't know just what kind of girl she is" Two-bit admitted just as bewildered as the rest of them.
"Me neither" Ponyboy replied flatting and resolved to walk around the kitchen and grab a few crackers to munch on and bring his knees to his chest after sitting on the couch.
"Ponyboy, how long are you gonna let this go on? What are you to her and what is she to you?" Soda questioned him.
Pony evaded his eyes "I don't know, Soda, right now… I can't tell the difference between lust and love" he answered, looking out the window.