Disclaimer: Not a chance… DX

Author's Note: So, yah. This is the shortest chapter of them all. DX Anyway, I hope you still enjoyed it~!


-Matthew's POV-

I sigh, holding onto my sister's wrist. "Angelica, you will be NICE to Francis!"

"Oh, he deserved it!"


"He was wondering why you were late, that's what my guess is." She says, a smug look on her face. I glare at her and turn around, walking back to Alfred and Arthur. I look at them.

"Alfred, I want you to drive me to Francis's house...!"


"I was supposed to meet him here at eleven AM this morning! And then after the big win, we celebrated and I lost track of time, that's probably why he was so angry!" It all made sense! "Please, brother!"

"...Alright, get in the car."


Alfred drops me off at Francis's house; I see his car parked out in the driveway. I walk up and the door is slightly ajar.

"I told you, Dad, he didn't stand me up! We had a fun time together!" I hear Francis say, and I can't help but feel bad for him.

I open the door and walk in, saying, "Yes, Mr. Bonnefoy. H-He told me to wait in the car but I just had to meet you. I'm Matthew Williams..." I say, stepping forwards. I hold out my hand, holding Kumajirou behind my back. He takes my hand, a bit confused that his son was actually right, but I smile and step behind Francis.

"So, Dad, if you don't mind, I'm going to talk to Matthew outside for just a few minutes..." He says, leading me back outside again. I sigh.


"I have to explain." We both say at the same time. "You go first. Me? You! Ughh!"

"Fine!" He yells. "I'll go first. Why did you ditch me for that girl?"

"What girl?"

"The one you were with at the mall!"


"Yes!" I start laughing slightly. "What is so funny, Matthew?"

"You thought... I was seeing... my sister? That's really funny, Francis...!" He turns a deep scarlet. "And why would you care?" I say, pulling Kumajirou close to me again. He shakes his head.

"There are other matters... Why did you ditch me?"

"Didn't you get my voicemail? I left a message saying that I had a hockey game at eleven and that I didn't realize that before I said yes. And after the game, which took two hours, my family and I celebrated because I made the winning shot... I-I lost track of time..." I say and he looks at me. "Yes, I was the one pretending to be my brother, and no, Alfred can't play hockey to save his life."

There's silence between us. "So, what did you do...?" I ask sheepishly.

"I waited, Matthew..."

"All that time?" He nods. "I-I'm sorry... We could hang out tomorrow - I promise I have no hockey practices, or games! We could-"

"Shh, mi amor inocente..." He whispers. "We can hang out right now, the sun is setting. Let's go by the lake or something, non?~"

I look up at him, and instead of backing away from his seductive glare, I simply say one word. "Oui."


Francis looks at me before saying, "The sky is beautiful..." I nod and look back at him. He turns and mutters something, but I didn't hear it.

"What?" I shoot him a confused look.

"Nothing~" He says, but grabs my hand hesitantly.

"Francis...? Are you lonely?" It's silent between us and finally, he nods. "Really...? I-I'm lonely too..." I hug Kumajirou close to me, pulling up my knees. I lean slightly onto his shoulder and he looks at me, flushing.

I look at the sun; it's barely showing past the horizon. I look at Francis, and in one second, our lips are pressing softly against each other's as the sun fades and the moon appears.




mi amor inocente ... – my little innocent darling...