"Let me plan the honeymoon!" Esme barged in my office, usually I would make the children walk out and knock before coming in if they did that but my wife was an exception.

It has been a week since I asked the love of my life to renew our vows, we've been married for more than forty years and I want to assure her that my love for her will never die and I want to know that she feels the same way. I've had the kids busy on planning the wedding, Rosalie is preparing what everyone will wear, Emmett and Jasper are in charge of moving around furniture and making sure everything is in place, Edward is in charge of the guest list while Alice is in charge of basically everything. I told them to listen to Alice because aside from Esme, she really knows how to pull events together.

Meanwhile, Esme has been on edge because I wouldn't let her do anything.

"It's already taken care of, love." I answered without looking up from my medical journal.

"Carlisle, you're killing me here. Everyone has a role in this ceremony except for me! I want to contribute too." I could tell she was pouting without having to look up.

"You do have a role, showing up in white and verifying the love you have for me in front of our family." I said.

"Can you listen to yourself? You know how much I love to organize and help instead of standing around uselessly. There has to be something I can do." She said, softly.

"You aren't useless Esme. I know how much being a part of planning the wedding would mean to you, hell, you successfully planning Alice and Rose's wedding. But, I want you to kick back and look what the kids and I can pull off." I put down my pen and looked at her; she was wearing a floral sundress with her hair tied back in a ponytail.

She stared at me for a moment, as always she was hiding her emotions. Finally, she took a deep breath and threw her hands up. "Fine, I guess if you have everything under control then I'll take your word for it."

"Do you mean that? I just want you to experience something magical." I said because her tone of voice told me she was unsatisfied.

"I'm positive, and I'm sure everything will be perfect. I will be in the garden if you or the kids need me." She frowned, then took off her ring and place it in my hand and left. She didn't like wearing her ring while gardening, so she would always leave it with me or in my office.

I didn't really understand why planning our wedding was so important to her. I know that it was the brides job to plan a wedding alongside some assistance but I want Esme to experience a fairy tale wedding from the moment she approaches the alter.

"You know there isn't much for her to do around here anyway." I heard a voice and when I looked up, it was Edward.

"Son, I would appreciate it if you knocked." I groaned. "And I can't believe that you were ease-dropping on my private thoughts."

"The door was wide open and it's not my fault you practically shout when you're thinking." He smirked. "I just saw Esme and she looked a bit discouraged. That's when I heard what you were thinking. I know why you're doing this but I don't think this is the only reason she's so frustrated in not contributing to the wedding."

"You think that something else is on her mind?" I arched an eyebrow.

"You might be wise, but you're also blind." Edward shook his head then took a seat. "The other night I was having a conversation with her and she told me that taking care of the household, being a loving mother and making sure everything around here is in perfect shape, she does get a little lonely. I mean, we aren't always around since we have school and you have to go to work. Esme's the only one in the family who stays at home most of the time, aside from travelling or hunting. She wasn't complaining about it, but I could tell it was heavy on her mind."

"She never told me this." I whispered.

"Well did you ever ask her about it? I'm convinced that when you come home from work she asks you about your day." Edward said.

"She does, then I go on and on about what happened at work and she just listens. She's like a stress reliever because of the way she lets me speak before giving me advice."

"And do you ask her about her day?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Sometimes I do, and usually it's always 'good' or she tells me a few quick stories about what happened throughout the day." I started to feel a bit guilty.

"Uh huh, you see Esme might be a really good listener and your rock but you have to be the same for her as well, not just the provider. If you looked closer, you would see that Esme is a very talented young woman and it's a shame that its being put the waste." Edward shook his head and folded his arms. "Now if you will excuse me, Alice is calling me and she doesn't sound pleased." He headed towards the door then stopped.

"Oh, and if I were you I'd go find the woman you called the love of your life and spend the rest of the afternoon with her." Edward said without turning around, and then walked away.

He was right, I think I will drop everything for this afternoon and spend time with my wife. I put away my medical journal, called in at the hospital and told them I won't be able to come in this evening, put her heading ring in my pocket and then headed out to the garden.

Our garden wasn't like any average garden; it was much bigger; it was like you were on a journey. Esme created this about 8 years ago; she got the idea after reading 'The Secret Garden' and took every little detail from the book to create her own little getaway. It was where she spent most of her time and it was a piece of property that I let her called "hers".

She was sitting on the swing, but her back was turned to me. I knew she must've heard my footsteps but I still walked very slowly, I knew she was in deep thought and I didn't want to startle her.

"You aren't going to scare me Carlisle, no need to walk so calmly." She groaned. I was always amazed at how good her hearing was; she was able to identify who was walking up towards her without even having to look.

"I was just making sure, love. I came out here to see how you were doing." I stood behind her and pushed the swing gently, she giggled softly.

"I'm good." She responded.

"Be honest Esme, how are you really doing? I want to know every little detail about what you're thinking." I said.

"You want to know every single detail?" She sounded like this was surprising to her.

"Yes, you can start from what you did this morning until now. I'm highly fascinated." I continued to push her gently; every time the swing came back to me I kissed her head.

"Alright then, you can shut me up if I'm talking too much." She took a deep breath.

"I will never get tired of hearing you angelic voice my love, now go on I'll be listening." I smiled.

"Well this morning I took a shower at around 8:00AM after watching the early morning news, I organized both of our clothes because I noticed that it was starting to get out of hand. Which reminds me, you need more t-shirts and jeans and I need a bigger closet. After that, I went downstairs and had a small conversation with everyone; they all seemed busy so I didn't want to keep them from their daily tasks. Alice was telling me about a fashion show that she wanted to attend in a couple of weeks and it's in New York, so I might tag along with her. By noon I noticed that Edward was playing on his piano so I went down to the study and sat beside him as he played, believe it or not we came up with a little song." She giggled.

"The both of you made up a song?" I stopped the swing and whispered in her ear; I knew it gave her chills every time.

"Yes but it's just between him and I. It sounded like something you'd sing to a baby." She said. "Anyway, after that it was about 2 o'clock and that's when I came barging into your office. I'm sorry about that by the way."

"No need to be sorry about that, honey you know that I will always drop everything for you. By the way, about planning the wedding and the honeymoon I know how much you would like to be a part of putting it together because I know how good you are at that but I want this to be surprising and special for the queen in my life." I told her, I was starting to feel a little bit guilty because everything that Edward said was true.

"Carlisle, can I tell you something?" Her voice was soft.

"Tell me anything you'd like, as long as you don't break my heart." I kissed her neck; I felt a rush in her body.

"I was a little upset because of the way everyone is so busy on our while I get to sit back and relax, then I thought about it and if this is how you planned everything, I will trust that it will turn out perfectly." She got off the swing and turned to me; the expression on her face was serious but I could tell that she was gaining trust for me.

"So you aren't upset anymore?" I wanted to make sure.

"Not anymore, in fact I'm excited that we're doing this in only two days. I just hope that the honeymoon doesn't cost a whole lot." Esme bit her lip.

I walked closer to her, then I pulled her body into me and I felt her rest her head on my chest. "I would purchase this whole world for you."

I felt her breathing become uneven then she sighed and looked up at me with a small smile. "It's impossible for me to win against you."

"You've won my heart, and I've won yours. That's the only battle I'm willing to fight for, my beautiful Esme."

She wrapped her hands around my neck and I cupped her face, planting a passionate kiss.

As you can see, this story will be filled with love aha. I hope you enjoyed.

Love always,
