Potter Couple and the Goblet of Fire

Chapter 6: Voldemort's Return

Harry, Cedric and Hallie landed in a graveyard of some sort, and all three were very uncomfortable. Cedric looked at the cup and said that it was a Portkey while Harry looked at a tombstone that read 'Tom Riddle' on it. He told them to get back to the cup, but neither listened. Peter Pettigrew stepped forward holding a wand in one hand and a bundle of robes in the other, which made his scar sear. "Harry, what's wrong?" Hallie asked as she held her husband's shoulders while he collapsed to the ground holding his head. Looking to the man approaching, she gasped and held drew her wand. "What are you doing here, you traitor?"

Both Harry and Hallie gasped as a voice came from the robes. "Kill the spare!" Thinking that he meant Hallie, Harry yelled not to kill her, but Wormtail used the Killing Curse on Cedric instead. "Do it, now!" A fire lit under a large cauldron and Wormtail pointed his wand at Harry, who was now being held in place by a statue. Hallie was in the same situation moments later.

"Bone of the father willingly given," Wormtail muttered as a bone from Tom Riddle Senior's grave flew into the cauldron by magic. "Flesh of the servant willingly sacrificed," Harry winced as Pettigrew cut his hand off with a dagge and the limb fell into the cauldron, "and blood of the enemy forcibly taken..." Harry screamed as the dagger that cut off the man's hand pierced his wrist, "the Dark Lord shall rise again!" The blood dripped into the cauldron and Harry's scar threatened to burst with pain.

Within minutes, Voldemort's new body formed and robes formed from black smoke. Feeling his face and bald head, Lord Voldemort laughed a little. "My wand, Wormtail," he whispered. Pettigrew handed over the wand and Voldemort smiled. "Hold out your arm."

"Thank you, Master, thank you!" Wormtail said holding out the stump of his arm. Voldemort told him that he meant his other arm, which Wormtail held out reluctantly.

After touching the Dark Mark on Wormtail's arm, twelve Death Eaters appeared. "Welcome, my friends. Thirteen years it's been since I last saw you and yet you stand before me." said Voldemort looking at each of his followers. "I confess myself disappointed. Not one of you attempted to find me after my disappearance. Crabbe, Goyle, McNair!" He popped off the masks of the Death Eaters whose names he mentioned. "Not even you, Lucius." Hallie gasped as Lucius Malfoy's face was revealed.

"My Lord, if there were any signs or whispers of your whereabouts, I would have been there in a minute." Lucius whispered.

"There have been signs and more than whispers, my slippery friend," said Voldemort, "yet you didn't find me at all."

"I assure you, my Lord, that I have not renounced the old ways. I have done my part well, and that is my true mask." Lucius said standing.

"Such a handsome boy," said Voldemort touching Cedric's body with a bare toe. Harry had yelled not to touch him at this point. "Ah, Harry, I almost forgot you were here. Shall I divulge on how I truly lost my powers?" Turning to the Death Eaters, he said, "It was love! You see, when sweet Lily Potter threw herself in the way of Harry, she activated a charm that I did not see coming. It was old magic, something I didn't foree. I couldn't touch him." He ran up to Harry and held his finger to his head. Hallie cringed, knowing what was going to happen to her as well. "No matter, no matter," he said, "I can touch you now!" Both Harry and Hallie screamed in pain as their scars seared in pain. "Oh, that's right, you have scar now, don't you, Mrs. Potter?"

"Y-yes," Hallie said in tears, "thanks to the memory of you!" Voldemort knew she was referring to the Riddle in the diary two years ago and glared at Lucius for it. "That part of you took Harry's wand and cursed me with a scar on my hand!"

"Well, now you get to watch your husband duel me!" said Voldemort excitedly. With a flick of his wand, Harry was on the ground. "Pick up your wand, Potter!" Harry picked up his wand and stood still. "I think we should follow the rules of dueling and bow, don't you?" He bowed, but when Harry didn't, he said, "Oh, come now, I think Dumbledore would want you to be courteous. I said bow!" Harry felt his spine bend as Voldemort forced him to bow. "And now we duel!"

Harry dived behind a headstone as a jet of green light flew at him. Hallie gasped as it missed him by a foot or two. Voldemort yelled that he wanted to see the light leave his eyes, so Harry gathered all his courage and said, "Have it your way!" Both he and Voldemort cast their spells, Voldemort's was the Killing Curse, and Harry's was the Disarming Charm. The spells connected, stray drops of magic dripping to the ground, and a web of gold surrounded them. Harry's wand vibrated violently and Hallie saw his and Voldemort's eyes flash white. Then the most extraordinary thing happened. Out of Voldemort's wand came four balls of smoke which solidified into Harry's parents, Cedric, and an old man.

"What the hell?" Hallie muttered as she saw all this. She fell quiet as Harry's mother spoke.

"Darling, you're doing beautifully," she said with a smile. Looking at Hallie, she said, "You, my dear, are doing a wonderful job as my daughter-in-law. Were James and I alive, this would never have happened to the two of you." Hallie felt a tear roll down her cheek. James told Harry he was nearly done, and Lily said, "Harry, let go! You're ready. Let go! Let go!" Harry did as told and they vanished, not before Cedric asked him to take his body back to the school.

"Accio!" Harry yelled pointing his wand at the Tri-Wizard Cup. Grabbing Hallie and Cedric's body, they vanished leaving Voldemort to scream in fury. When they returned in the Quidditch pitch, Harry started crying. Dumbledore put an arm around him. "He's back!" Harry yelled. "Voldemort's back! Cedric told me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him!"

Amos Diggory came down and saw Cedric's dead body and screamed his lungs out while Moody took Hallie and Harry to his office. After they sat down, he took a look at Harry's arm and pressed hard on the cut, which made Harry gasp in pain. "How was it?"

"How was what, sir?" Harry asked. He was more scared than anything right now.

"Why, being in the prescence of the Dark Lord." Moody said. "What was it like?" Hallie spoke for Harry, seeing as they both shared the same destiny now, and they both had the same dream.

"It was like being in one of our dreams," she said sobbing a little, "one of our nightmares."

"I suppose the Dark Lord gave you a scar just like your husband's?" Moody asked. She nodded and he took a look. "Well, it looks like I won't be doing just one, but two!" Harry asked what he was talking about, but the professor changed the subject. "Were there others?" he asked from another room. "In the graveyard, were there others?"

Harry started to say yes, but he realized something. "I don't think I said anything about a graveyard, Professor." Moody came in looking rather disgruntled and mad. Then something hit him. "It was you from the beginning, wasn't it? You put my name in the Goblet of Fire and bewitched Krum, but...but..."

Moody started to mock him. "You won because I helped you do so, and because it was meant to be, Potter." He started looking through his trunks and cabinets for something. "Do you think that brainless oaf, Hagrid, would have showed you the dragons if I haven't showed him? Or would Neville Longbottom have known about Gillyweed if I haven't given him the book that suggested it?" Turning to Harry and Hallie, he yelled, "Would Cedric Diggory have told you about putting the egg underwater if I didn't tell him about it myself?"

"Hang on, this is crazy!" Hallie shouted. "You're not Mad-Eye Moody, are you? You're an imposter!"

Moody ignored this and drew his wand while saying, "The Dark Lord will finally be pleased when he finds out that I have finally silenced the great Harry Potter and his wife!" He was about to cast the Killing Curse when Dumbledore disarmed him and he flew into a chair.

"Severus!" he yelled from the doorway. Snape grabbed the imposter's head, drawing it back so he could put some Veritaserum in his mouth. "Do you know who I am?" he asked angrily. Imposter-Moody said his name. "Are you Alastor Moody? ARE YOU?" The man shook his head. "Is he in this room?" He pointed to a trunk. "Stand back, you two!" Harry and Hallie ran toward a wall as Snape opened the trunk with magic.

Hallie looked into the trunk and gasped. The real Moody was lying at the bottom of a deep pit in the trunk. "If that's Moody, then who was that?" she asked jerking her thumb over her shoulder at the imposter. Turning around, they saw the man transform into a young man with black hair and mad eyes. "Holy crap! That's they guy that conjured the Dark Mark at the World Cup!" Harry nodded and went forward to look him in the eye.

"Barty Crouch Junior," said Dumbledore disgustedly. "I see you survived Azkaban." Barty Crouch Jr. told Harry that he'd show him his arm if Harry showed him his. Dumbedore pulled Harry's sleeve up and showed the crazy man his cut on his arm while Crouch pulled his sleeve up to show a Dark Mark on his arm. "Minerva, send an owl to Azkaban prison saying that if they look in Crouch's cell, they will see a prisoner missing."

"I'll be welcomed back like a hero!" Crouch shouted as Dumbledore escorted Harry and Hallie to the Gryffindor Tower.

In the boys' dormitory, Harry and Hallie sat on their enlarged four poster bed staring out the window. Dumbledore knocked on the door and came in. "I never liked those curtains," he said smiling. "I set fire to them in my fourth year." As an after thought he said, "On accident, of course."

"Sir, when Hallie and I were in the graveyard, Voldemort and I duelled, and our wands sorto of 'connected'." Harry said. "Hallie witnessed it while being held by a statue."

"Priori Incantatem," Dumbledore murmured. Looking at his two students, he asked, "You saw your parents last night, didn't you?" Harry and Hallie nodded. "You must realized by now that no spell in the world can bring back the dead?" Again they nodded. "Very well. If anything happens over the summer, you must write to me immediately."

"Yes, sir," said Hallie saluting him. Dumbledore laughed and left the room. "Well, honey, it looks like we both have to fight that snake-nosed bastard in the future, don't we?" Harry smiled and nodded. "Let's go see Ron and Hermione." They ran down the stairs and saw Ron and Hermione by the covered bridge. "Hey, you two!"

"Harry, Hallie!" Hermione shouted as she ran and hugged them. "This might make your day better! Ron and I are dating now!" Harry and Hallie both agreed that it was about time the two of them got together but didn't say it aloud. She and Ron were silent for a moment, but she said, "Things are going to be very different from now on, aren't they?" Harry just put a hand on her shoulder and said a firm yes. "Promise me you guys will write to me this summer?"

"You know I won't," said Ron playfully. Hallie punched him in the shoulder at this point and he winced. "Okay, I will, just don't hit me again!" Hermione asked if Harry and Hallie would write to her.

"Yeah," said Harry exchanging an eye-roll with Hallie, "every week." He was a bit sarcastic about it, but he knew that he'd have to keep his promise. "Hal, what should we do for our third anniversary coming up?"

"I don't know," she said, "I'll be able to go to Hogsmeade village next year, so maybe we could have a drink at the Three Broomsticks or Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop?" Harry nodded. "Cool. Well we better get on the train if we want to go home."

"Normally I'd say I don't want to, but after all that happened this year and living with you for the past two years, I think I have no choice but to go home." Harry said. Ron, Hermione and Hallie laughed and hugged Annie as she ran up with them. "Sorry about this year, Annie. Now you know what Hogwarts has in store for us."

"Yes, but it's all one big adventure, isn't it?" Annie said excitedly. "I can't wait to find out what happens next year!" Harry gulped and rubbed his scar for a moment. Hallie did the same on her wrist. "Are your scars hurting? That's not good at all. Grandfather's a wizard, so I think he might know about them." Harry smiled and linked arms with his wife and sister-in-law while Ron and Hermione held hands as they boarded the train, unhooking their arms and hands to put their luggage in the racks and bringing them back together again.