A/N: This is for your guys sake, I felt bad about leaving ya' hanging. This is a prologue for my book I'm writing right now. I don't even have a title yet, let alone a first chapter, so here's a sneak peek. I promise I will write a sequel guys, I'm not abandoning the story at all! -F.H
They told me that women were ignorant, dainty, and delicate. They said that I was unimportant and innocent. They chose to believe, in their stinking, arrogant minds that they were better than I. They truly believed that they were more than me. That I was weak and unskilled, that everything that I did was weak. I was a woman, and they were men. I could do nothing, and they could do everything. They were wrong. And when I finally told them the truth, once it all came upon us so quickly, they stopped and stared at me as if I was mad. Perhaps I was, I would not argue that I wasn't. My mind was blurred from the deaths of the men that I had killed. I didn't want to kill them; everything inside of me screamed it was wrong.
But I did.
It was as if something inside of me, wanted to kill them. As if I wasn't a woman, but one their stupid arrogant race. In becoming one of them, I started to think like one. I truly did not want to believe it, but it was true… That was not even the beginning.
War came upon us.
War came and slaughtered every last one of them. And what did the others do? The intelligent ones took their families to Boston, the idiots ran. They thought that running would get them away from their red, crimson coats. But it did nothing. The militia were dead, the men were dead, and the women cried. I, myself, I became a man. This is the story of how it all happened.