Dark and Mysterious
Appreciations: To zombies for planning to eat humanity and my beta who showed me the wonders of Faygo.
Disclaimer: If I owned Teen Titans I would dress up as Raven every day and no one would look at me wierd. I do not own anything else but this mini Robin that is sitting on my desk and staring at me (I can't tell when he's not looking at me or when he is)
In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
-Sir Francis Bacon
Kyd Wykkyd POV
I had hurt her. Well at least I think I did. I didn't really want to join up with with The Brotherhood of Evil, but we needed the money and it would get rid of the Titans. I didn't want to get rid of her though. She was a beauty and I had sent her to another dimension. RAVEN.
Her physical appearance was what had first caught me off gaurd. Her pale flawless legs were breathtaking and the fact that her leotard didn't cover them was very distracting in a fight. Her figure wasn't as defined as Starfire's, but it wasn't flat like Jinx's. Her arms were well hidden beneath the sleaves of her leotard, but one day during a fight Gizmo had shot at her with lazers making her sleaves slightly ripped off. Her arms were just as pale as her legs, but then I saw they were littered with scars and bruises from former fights. Seeing her arms made me realized how much she must get hurt on this job. A warm flame had erupted in me making me want to hurt my own team. Her neck is swan like and graceful beautifully framed by her hair, it's just such a shame she hides some of it beneath the neck of her leotard. Her hair is natural looking even with it's unnatural color, sometimes when I'm feeling brave I imagine touching it in a fight to see if it's as soft as it looks. Her face is like a dolls flawless and fragile. Her eyes are the same as her hair. Others seem to think there cold and unfeeling to the outside world, but sometimes if I try really hard I can see the hidden emotion in them in a fight. Her nose is ( and I've tried to find another word and failed) cute. I imagine if she had a normal childhood everyone would call it a button (but if she had a normal childhood she wouldn't be Raven). Her lips are dark and luscious. Her bottom lip is a bit fuller than her upper lip giving her an intoxicatingly haunting look.
After I saw her looks I began to strain to find more about her and it made me fall for her even more. Her background is not exactly clear, but I knew that are parents weren't exactly the best. Her powers aren't exactly rare they're actually quite common among demons. The raw power she was born with though makes them unique. She hides her emotions wich is pretty reasonable for her powers, but ever since she defeated her father she shouldn't have to keep such a tight leash on them, but old die hard. Her dry humor and sarcasm can actually be pretty funny during tough battles. I think others believe without her powers she is frail and delicate, but they haven't seen her fight hand to hand (A.N. Like in the episode Switched when she was fighting as Starfire and she couldn't use the powers yet except for flying).
In simpler words she's the most beautiful unique person I've ever seen. And when I had faught her for The Brotherhood of Evil I had sent her to another dimension. It's not that she would've liked me.
I'm not as muscular as Cyborg (thankfully not as lanky as Beastboy though). I have deathly grey skin and cloudy eyes. I dress like Batman . Not to mention I was a childish mute (I had perfected this one technique though were I projected the words telepathically to everyone around normal hearing range and mouthed the words, creating the affect where I was talking). I'm a lowblood demon so low my demon father was killed by an ordinary human. She would never like me. I had become infatuated with her so infatuated in fact when I took off my cowl and became Elliot Knight I would go to the places I had seen her at.
Right now I was at the Jump City mall. I was sitting on a bench that overlooked the carousal with many small children on it. Three of these children caught my eye because they were dressed rather oddly. One was a girl who had blonde hair and pigtails, she was wearing a pink dress with a big M in the middle, knee high socks and pink light up shoes. She was riding a horse all by her self. Then there was two small boys. The bigger one was sitting on the back of the horse he had flaming red hair that seemed to defy gravity. He was wearing shorts, a white t-shirt with a flame on it and child combat boots. He was clutching a blue blanket with staples, stitches and glue on it. The boy in front was much younger. He had only one tooth, but with his blonde hair and wide blue eyes I could hear the mothers cooing (not to mention what would happen when he was older and had all his teeth). He was wearing a sky blue footsie with a big tooth in the middle. Trying to keep the two boys from falling of the horse was HER . She was wearing black slightly tinged blue combat boots that went to her knee. Her midnight blue socks went above the skirt of her dress. The dress type thing she was wearing had a hood wich she had pulled up to hide her face from view, it had bell sleaves hiding her arms (my heart pained at why she had to hide them), there was a ribbon that went from her waist to the neck (which was a high dip) ending in a bow that showed off her thin waist. The skirt part of the dress went lower thigh making it so you could barely see her thigh high socks.
That's right Raven Teen Titan was on a carousal with three children. And I have accidently caught her eye.
Authors note: So my longest story yet, I feel oddly satisfied. If I get enough reviews I might make this into a story. All reviews are welcomed except if you are mean to other reviews with your review, if you do that I'll whip your story off the review board.
Here is a debate you should start at school and/or work if a unicorn and zombie got in a fight wich team would you be on? And GO!