Okay everyone, here's the deal. I re-wrote this, changed the ending a lot, and now plan to continue it! So re-read it, but you can start almost at the very end, that's the only part I changed. Please review and look for the next chapter!

SO SORRY, messed up reposting it and posted the old one again. I promise this is the new one, so read just the ending if you've read it already!

It was near 0200 hours and Ziva David sat in her cold, lonely, and dark apartment. She pulled the throw she had over her legs further so that it covered her neck, in an attempt to warm her up.

Wiping the wet tear from her cheek, she took in a deep, shaky breath and then hugged her knees, letting her head fall onto her knees, and her now flowing tears soak her jeans.

It all started 9 months ago when Tony invited her to go to a baseball game with him. His buddy had cancelled on him at the last minute and he couldn't find a replacement in that short of a time. So, after a lot of begging and agreeing to do her paper work for the next two cases, Tony got to her to agree and they headed to the game that Friday. She hated to admit it, and even though Tony spent most of the game explaining it to her, she had a good time. He gave her a slow, deep kiss when he dropped her off that night, and the next weeks consisted of dates that made Ziva fall so hard for him, just as he did for her.

Now, even Gibbs knew about them, and was actually okay with it because he "knew it would happen eventually". Ziva was ready to settle down, and thoughts of marriage even crossed her mind.

What happened to ruin her bliss was almost a blur. She had just gotten home from another assignment in Paris, only this time she was assigned with McGee. There was a pair of guys, one in the states and one in France, that they were assigned to find because of a killing of a petty officer.

Gibbs and Tony finally found their guy, but it resulted in a shoot-out, and Robert Williams, their suspect, had shot two kids and the person they were trying to protect from him. The kids, one of them only 4 years old, were brother and sister orphans. The bastard killed one of them and put the other in the hospital. After the case, Gibbs went to his basement and bourbon remedy, and Tony was forced to go to his apartment and wait another 7 hours for Ziva's plane to land.

And that sucked ass.

He had just hung up with Ziva, and from that phone call he knew she'd be home around 1 or 2 AM. He ran a hand over his face and sighed deeply. He had missed her that was for sure. He gathered his things and headed towards the elevator, but his phone buzzed to remind him that he had a missed call and a new voicemail. "Oh yeah." He said aloud. Whoever it was called him while they were in a shootout, so he couldn't answer. He made a mental note to put that in his voicemail message, 'Can't take your call right now. I'm probably in a shootout with some fucking bastard who shoots kids for fun. Leave a message and I-' he couldn't even finish the thought. He had pressed one to hear his message, and then he heard a voice he hadn't in years.


"Tony. Uh hey. Wow, it's been a while, huh? I know you're probably at work right now, and I'm sorry for calling at this time, but I just got the nerve to do it, so I did it, and I think talking to your voicemail helps. I'm in town this week doing a report, and I would love to see you. We have a lot of catching up to do, right? I'll be at the bar where you first kissed me until 12. Come, okay? Bye."

His finger hovered over the down button on the elevator for about a minute before he realized he wasn't moving. He slammed his phone shut. God, he didn't need this today. The silver doors slid open and he stepped on, pressing the button for the garage. He knew exactly the bar she'd be at, and probably exactly where she'd be sitting, but there was no way in hell he was going.

She was the one who left him, and that was nine years ago. He was happy with Ziva, finally, and he wasn't about to fuck it up. Wendy was probably up to no good anyway.

But he needed to drink to forget about this horrible day. He had beer at home, but that wasn't going to do the trick. There was a bar that wasn't far from his apartment that he frequented, so his plan was to go there and have a couple of drinks and go home and wait on Ziva.

About an hour later, he sat at the bar. He watched the basketball game that was over the bar on the muted TV, and tried to forget about how much he needed Ziva right now and how much the day, the whole week really, sucked.

"Hey, Sean, I'm gonna need another here." Sean walked over to him.

"Rough day huh?" He asked.

"Yes. And I want another." Shots of tequila along with beer were certainly helping forget about the awful day.

The bartender gave him a look and walked away for second, returning moments later, "I'm going to need your keys. You don't have anybody with you." Tony stared at him, but when he saw that he wasn't going to give him the drink until he gave him the keys, he dug the small set out of his pocket and put them in his hand Sean sat down the drink and took his empty glass away. "You want me to call you a cab?"

Tony laughed, "No thanks. I uh...live right over there." He pointed in one direction.

Sean stood up straight and tapped the counter. "Where's Ziva tonight?"

Tony stared at a spot on the counter. "Up in the big jet plane."

Sean laughed, "Just be careful."

He took another shot and took a deep breath. He hadn't been this drunk in a while, but tonight he felt he needed it. He rubbed his face with both hands and sighed deeply. He still had at least four hours before Ziva got home. He took a sip of his beer and was about to flag down Sean again, but the voice directly behind him startled him. "I got tired of waiting on you, Tony."

He slowly turned around, but he already knew who it was. "Wendy." He slowly stood up, "What are you doing here?"

"I told you I wanted to see you."

He laughed more than he normally would if he was completely sober, "Yeah but how'd you find me?"

She smiled a huge smile and patted his shoulder, "I have my ways, Anthony." He sighed and it turned silent between them until she spoke again, "Well aren't you going to hug me?" Tony watched as she opened her arms and waited for him to move. He took a very small step towards her and hugged her as gently as he could. "Wow. That's not like the hugs you used to give me." She chuckled.

"Well we used to be engaged. It's a little different now." He pulled out his wallet and paid the bartender.

Wendy made a face, "Oh, you're not drinking anymore?"

Tony chuckled, "I've had enough."

"I'll give you a ride home then." She said.

He stared at her as he put his coat on and started towards the door. "No thanks. I don't live far."

She sighed and watched him walk for a while before catching up with him, "Tony you don't even want to talk to me?"

He laughed, "I don't have much to say. And I'm not really sober right now."

"Clearly you're not sober but you're not as drunk as you were after that party in 2001."

"The one where you left me in the yard? Yeah, I remember."

She laughed, "You were too drunk to walk! And I couldn't lift you to get you the car." Tony stuck his hands in his pockets as he continued down the sidewalk, his ex-fiancé following by his side. Wendy sighed deeply, "Tony, I really hoped you would show up. I want to talk."

He visibly rolled his eyes, "What in the hell do you want to talk about?" Turning the corner, he began the walk down his street.

"Honestly? I miss you."

He scoffed loudly. "You left me, Wendy."

"I didn't leave you because I didn't love you." She said softly, and it made him stop in the sidewalk and stare at her. "Is that what you thought?"

He stared into her brown eyes and sighed deeply, "Come on. We're not having this out right here." They were silent for the rest of the way to his apartment. He unlocked the door and walked inside, holding the door open for her. She walked in and looked around, studying the place. Tony walked into his bedroom and put his weapon and badge on his dresser before returning to the kitchen. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"No thanks." She replied, "I like your place. Are you moving?"

He had gotten himself a beer and joined her in the living room. "No, my girlfriend is moving in." He said softly.

She stood with her arms crossed, and motioned with her head towards the beer. "I thought you said you had enough."

He looked down at it and swirled the liquid inside. "I got a second wind."

"So this girlfriend of yours…things getting pretty serious?"

Tony watched her as she walked passed his couch and over to his mantle, where Ziva and Abby had decorated it with pictures of him and Ziva, and some with the rest of the team. "Yeah. I'm uh…in love with her."

She continued to look at the pictures and then when back to the one with only him and Ziva and picked it up, brushing a little dust off of it, "She's beautiful."

"Yeah, she is." Tony agreed.

"Where is she?" Wendy asked.

Tony looked up at her, "What did you expect me to think, Wendy?" He asked softly, ignoring the question.

Her eyes met his and she shrugged one shoulder, "I did love you Tony. But at the time, I didn't love the thought of marriage."

"Then why did you wait to tell me ten hours before the wedding?"

She sighed deeply, set their picture down and walked around the couch. "I thought I could ignore the fact that I wasn't ready to get married because of how much I loved you. But, the night before, I couldn't anymore. I couldn't do it."

He took another sip of his beer, "I'm not sure you know how much you hurt me, Wendy."

She grabbed his free hand and intertwined her fingers with his, "I knew when you wouldn't take any of my calls."

"I didn't want to look at you ever again." The two of them were whispering, as if someone else could hear everything they said.

"Clearly you're over that now." She replied. He stared down at her and waited for her to speak again, but she let go of his hand and walked over to his stereo on the other side of the room, turning it on and tuning into a station until she found what she wanted: soft jazz. Slowly she walked over to him and took his beer from his hand, placing it on the counter before stepping back over to him, "Will you dance with me like we used to?"

"Why?" He asked, and watched her carefully as she placed his left hand behind her, at the small of her back and grabbed his right hand, stepping closer to him.

"This was my favorite thing when we were together, Tony. I just want the memory." The next song began to play on the radio and she started to move with the music, stepping closer to him so that their bodies were against each other. She let go of his hand and wrapped her arms around him, placing her head on his shoulder. She sighed, "I miss this."

Tony shut his eyes. He was too drunk to process this, so he needed to slow down and think. He only opened them again when he felt her back up from him. She put her hands on both sides of his face, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He said gruffly.

She smiled up at him still holding his face, "You're quieter than you used to be."

"I don't have much to say." He replied, and they stopped moving to the music. She rose herself up on her toes and placed her lips on his, holding him there for several seconds. When she let him go, he took a deep breath and continued to stare at her.

What felt like minutes later, he leaned down and kissed her again, and it slowly turned passionate, the soft jazz playing in the background. When they broke for air, she spoke in short breaths, "God you do that good." She ran her hands down his chest and held them at the top of his jeans, but then moved them back up towards the buttons of his dress shirt. She got about halfway up and stopped, touching his skin with both of her hands.

He let out a deep breath. He wanted her stop. He needed her to stop. But his head was spinning and he couldn't form the words. "Wendy." He finally said, after she had pushed his shirt off of his shoulders. She only responded with another kiss. Her hands slowly slid down his chest again and stopped right below his belly button, hovering above his jeans. She began to undo the button on his jeans, but stopped to take off her jacket that was over her dress, before bunching up her dress and tossing it over her head. "Wendy, I…" She didn't let him finish, stepping up to him again, her breasts pushing against his chest, throwing her lips on top of his.

She tangled her hands in his hair, and didn't stop her mouth from taking control of his. She moaned during this kiss, and had no intentions of stopping, her hands heading south again to work on his jeans. She unbuttoned them and slowly let down his zipper, rubbing her hand at the base of his belly again. "There is a good thing about me, Tony. I have an excellent memory and I remember what you like." She traced her hands above his boxers, playing with the elastic. She chuckled and went back to his mouth, kissing him hard.

The sound of the door opening behind her made her stop in her tracks, and her lips left his quickly, turning and looking at the door. She recognized her as the woman from the pictures.

"Ziva." Tony said. Ziva stared into his eyes for several seconds before chuckling in disbelief, turning and leaving, her bag thrown over her shoulder. Tony sighed and buttoned and zipped his jeans, grabbing his shirt off of the floor and throwing it over his shoulder, following her out the door and down the sidewalk, "Ziva, wait." He gently grabbed her arm and she turned around, staring directly into his eyes. His heart panged when he saw the tear on her cheek.

"What do you want, DiNozzo? Are you mad because I got home early and caught you?" She put two hands on his chest and pushed him hard. "Get the hell away from me." She said sternly, and continued walking towards her mini.

Tony ran to her again, "Ziva wait!" He walked around her car and to the driver's side door, catching it before it closed. "Stop, please." He said calmly.

"Let go." She said through her teeth, looking up at him with eyes that he was sure wanted to kill him.

"Ziva, I want to talk." He said to her, holding onto her door for dear life.

"Let go of the door or I will shoot you." She said again, and he sighed, letting go of her door. She slammed it shut and sped off. Tony stood in the street, his shirt hanging open off of his shoulders.

He watched her car until he couldn't see it anymore. He walked towards his apartment, his heart shattered into a million pieces. Taking a deep breath, he walked back inside and found Wendy dressed again, turning off the stereo.

She walked over to him as he buttoned up his shirt, watching her carefully, "I'm sorry, Tony." She said softly. "I don't know what came over me, but I want you to know that I didn't come here to turn you into a cheater. I just wanted to clear some things up." She walked even closer to him and he continued to watch her, "Go fix it with her. I can tell you really love her."

He narrowed his eyes, "I don't know if I can." He said honestly.

"Try." She smiled and stood up on her toes again, placing a soft kiss on his cheek, "Take it from me, Tony. You're a lot to lose. Bye." She said, and with that, she left his apartment and headed down the sidewalk.

Tony finished buttoning his shirt and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, dialing the cab business' number he always used.

He had tried too long to let her get away.

And she wasn't about to today.

Ziva made herself get off of the couch and walk over to the almost empty refrigerator, pulling out a bottle of water. She felt dry-mouthed, and she felt her stomach growl. She hadn't eaten all day, but the thought of food made her nauseous.

The knock on her door made her jump, only slightly. She knew who it was, the only person that would be at her door at this hour. Another knock was heard, and she knew he would keep on until she answered. Walking over to the small, square mirror in her living room, she cleaned her face as much as she could.

Slowly, she walked to the door and turned the knob, opening the door just enough so that she could see him. She forgot about how upset she was and went with angry when she spoke to him, "What do you want?"

"I want to talk, please."

She shook her head, "There is nothing to talk about." She tried to shut the door, but his foot in front of it stopped it.

"Please, Zi. Please let me talk." She stared into his green eyes and saw total and complete hurt in them, the same kind that her heart felt. She took a step backwards and opened the door a little further so that he could walk in. He walked over and sat down on one end of the couch, and she followed, sitting down on the other. He ran a hand over his face and took a deep breath before he spoke, "One of Gibbs' lessons were never to apologize." He turned his head and looked over at her, "And I don't think it would do any good to do so now, but you need to know that I am completely sorry and I hate myself for what happened."

She looked over at him and turned on her hate face again, "Is that all?"

He sighed, "She called me today." Ziva rolled her eyes and waited on him to continue, "She called me, and I missed the call. When I checked my voicemail, she told me to meet her at a certain bar. I went to a bar, but not the one she wanted to meet me at. But she found me."

"And you took her to your apartment and proceeded to take her clothes off and have sex with her, yes?"

"No, Ziva." He said. He looked at her again and watched as she raised her hand and wiped a tear off of her cheek, "I haven' spoken to her in nine years. I haven't seen her in nine years. She said she wanted to talk, clear some things up. But I didn't. All I wanted to do when I left the office is have some drinks so that I could forget about this day and wait on you to get home. There wasn't a second I didn't think about you for the week you were gone." She didn't look at him; she stared at a spot on the wall. "I was drunk, I let her kiss me and take off my shirt, and she took off her dress. I needed closure with her. I needed to know why she left me basically at the altar. I wanted her to stop. The day sucked and I needed you. And you weren't here."

Ziva stood from the couch and walked around to the other side, "Are you blaming me for cheating?"

"No Ziva I-"

"I cannot even look at you. I knew this would happen before we started dating. But I told myself that you had changed, that you would never do that to me." Tony stood and walked to where she stood, "But obviously I was wrong. I was just another woman you play with...like a game. You used me for sex, and it is sad because I let you."

Tony took three steps towards her, "No Ziva. That is completely not true."

"You did the same thing to me as-"

"I am in love with you!" He shouted. He took a deep breath and stepped towards her again. "You are not a game to me, and I have never used you for sex. I have never felt like this about anybody. Not Wendy, not Jeanne. You are all I think about."

"How am I supposed to believe you when the first thing you do when I leave is find someone else?" She looked into his eyes and anger took over her body again, "It was a game to you. And I do not want to play anymore. Or ever again." She stepped away from him again and pointed to the door, "Leave. I'll send McGee and Gibbs to get my things."

Tony sighed, "Ziva, it was never like that. I'm in love with you."

She rolled her eyes and pointed at her door. "Go, Tony."

Tony shook his head, "Not until you say we're okay." He took three steps towards her, "I can't leave until you tell me that you forgive me."

Ziva raised her hand to her cheek and quickly wiped a tear away. She looked him right into his green eyes and spoke softly, "If I had not walked in the door when I did, would you have had sex with her?"

Tony stared back at her as long as he could stand it, then turned away. "Ziva I..."

She shook her head and laughed in disbelief again. "That is why I will not forgive you, Tony. Now now, not ever. Get out of my house."

He took a deep breath reached in his pocket, pulling out a small, square, navy blue velvet box. He walked to her again, standing directly in front of her. When she looked down at his hands, she felt her mouth fall open. He opened it slowly, holding it up so that she could see it, "I was going to ask you to marry me, Ziva. I wanted us to have 10 kids and sit on the porch with you watching them play in the back yard. I wanted us to grow old together." He sighed and pulled the silver ring out of the box, holding it between his fingers, "It was never a game, Zi. I don't want anybody else, ever. I made a mistake, and for that, I am sorry." He took a step towards her again, but she moved backwards. "Please, Ziva."

She shook her head, "Leave Tony."

"Ziva, please."

"Get out." She said through her teeth.

Tony sighed and rubbed his face with both hands. He pulled the box back out of his pocket and put it back inside. He walked towards her door, placing the open box with the ring inside on the table that sat next to her door. He stuck his hands in his pockets, "Think about it, Ziva." She stood in the middle of her living room with her arms crossed, staring at the wall behind him. "Please think about it." He said softly. He turned and opened the door, not able to even look at her again.

Ziva finally tore her stare off of the wall and walked over to the table, looking down at the ring. After several minutes of staring and a million thoughts running through her head, she used one finger and closed the small box.

It was over.