
Espio had been with the Chaotix for 4 years...he had put up with Charmy being loud and annoying, he had put up with Vector leading him into danger, he had put up with the bad times like Mighty leaving and finding it hard to pay the bills, and he had put up with the good times like Christmas and birthdays...the Chaotix was a hand full and everyone told him that, everyone said how he was mad to join them and they all were confused when Espio ignored all of Rouge's attempts to get Espio to leave the Chaotix a join Team Dark. Espio had lots of skills, like how he was good with knifes and how he could turn invisible and how he was so flexible, Rouge had done everything in her power to get Espio to leave the 'bunch of freaks' as she called them, she had flirted with Espio, bribed Espio, but none of it worked...but the reason none could get Espio to leave was because he owed his life to Vector for saving him 4 years ago, and Espio swore that he would stay by Vector's side, protect Vector, do whatever Vector wanted him to do and give his life for Vector if it was needed...

And Espio had done everything Vector wanted, he had never left Vector even when times looked bad, he had protected Vector from everything...and now Vector, Charmy, all of Team Sonic, all of Team Dark, all of Team Rose and even Mighty were all around a black coffin with some purple flowers on it and there was a grave stone above it with a note engraved on it,

' Espio the Chameleon,

An amazing member of the Team Chaotix,

An amazing friend,

big brother and little brother,

Loved by many and will be missed by many.

R.I.P '

Charmy was crying hard into Vector's chest and Vector had his eyes fixed on the grave, not able to move from that spot, everyone had said sorry for Vector and Charmy's loss and all Vector did was nod at them while Charmy just cried every time someone talked about Espio. But Vector blamed himself for Espio's death, Espio had saved him by jumping in front of him when he was being attacked by Eggman, he remembered the last thing Espio said to him before he died in Vector's arms, they were,

" V-vector...pleas-se look after y-yourself and w-w-will be ok...and-d I will-l m-m-miss you...goodbye... "

Vector had no more tears left to cry at the funeral he had cried so much over Espio's death before the funeral, his eyes were red and as they lowered the black coffin into the ground Vector let a few tears finally fall down his cheeks, he then hugged Charmy tightly and closed his eyes...

4 months latter...

Vector was walking into a grave yard with some purple, green and yellow flowers, he was looking to a specific grave and it didn't take him long to find it, once he was standing in front of it he smiled, he bent down and put the flowers on the grave and then said,

" Hi Espio...I hope you can hear me...because I'm here to say I miss you, but then again I say that every day when I come to your I hope you are ok...also Charmy said he misses you and wishes you were around...the Chaotix is a lot quieter now that you are not around...yesterday when I went back to the Chaotix I saw Charmy talking to a pic of you...I hope you heard him because he does miss you...hay Espio? I have something to ask you...and I know you might not reply but I'll ask you any you miss me and Charmy?... "

A strong wind blew by Vector's face and Vector felt something touch his shoulder, he spun around but nobody was there, Vector smiled and turned back to the grave,

" I'll take that as a yes...well I'll see you tomorrow Espio... "

Vector stood up and walked away once he was just about to leave the grave yard he looked back at Espio's grave and let a few tear drops fall down his cheeks, he then turned and walked away...