Daphne smiled across at Blaise, and love shone in his eyes. She gazed around at the small group of people whom she loved with all her heart – Blaises' aunt, mother, stepdad, Draco; a few school friends - no one from her family. It was small and it was theirs, their private moment to treasure forever.

"Do you take this woman as your wife?"

"I do."

"Do you take this man as your husband?"

"I do."

And suddenly, if only for that moment, the past melted away and a new beginning was formed. There were scars and mistakes that would forever be a part of them, but they could grow together now.

After everything, they were together – this was their new beginning, their true beginning

A/N- *sob* it's finished, finally! And I am both relieved and sad to see it go, as well as really proud of how the story has turned out. I switched this prompt out so I could do a sort of 'epilogue'... I wanted to end on a truly happy note considering all they have been through. I hope you lovely readers have all enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it. I want to thank each and every one of you for reading, favouriting, alerting, and reviewing. But I have one last thing to ask of you all before this is done... would you possibly leave me a final review? Those on my alerts, my favourites, anyone following this story and anyone new to it, your review would be greatly appreciated.

Phew. Huge authors note. Thank you everyone!