greetings readers! sorry this is coming to you a little later than promised but life's been kinda crazy with school and whatnot but you guys don't really care and you probably wont even read this!

anywho…enjoy the wonderfully not-angsty chapter 6! Sectionalllss

Blaine woke up the next morning to the wrath of Wes rasping incessantly on his door screaming, "Wake the hell up Anderson! Meet in the hall in 15 minutes!"

Blaine groaned and slowly rose out of bed. UGH why am I up so early? he thought to himself. But then he remembered…it was Friday, my last Warbler Sectionals Friday.
He suddenly got a burst of energy and, since Blaine Anderson was the master of the 8 minute shower, was out the door and running towards the hallway.

When Blaine got down to the hallway and noticed Jeff Sterling smirking at him, he felt a little uncomfortable. Jeff was one of the Warblers who was somewhat civil to Blaine, but never was rude to him. Jeff strolled up next to him and said,
"Nice hair Anderson…I actually like it better without the gel" he said sincerely. Blaine panicked for a second and reached up to his hair…he'd forgotten his gel.

Freaking great. The Warblers were moving out into the bus and Blaine had no time to fix his hair. He had to go and talk to Kurt with his hair looking like a curly mess. While it was no longer its afro-tastic self thanks to his last haircut, the prominent curls on the top of his head were making themselves extremely known and Blaine knew he didn't look as put together as he should be looking for competition.

As he sat on the bus, he listened to his solo over and over, making sure that he wouldn't flub the lyrics and embarrass himself in front of Kurt and the rest of the kids from McKinley. Kurt. Blaine had almost forgotten that he and Kurt had to meet before the performance and Blaine had to make Kurt fall for him again, as well as convincing him that none of this was his fault.

Suddenly, Blaine got a text on his phone from Mike. He and Mike had been talking constantly because both had issues with their dads. Mike's dad had kicked him out of the family a few months earlier for wanting to pursue his career in dance instead of becoming a doctor like he was. Mike's mother had helped him find an apartment a few minutes from school and Mike had worked a few jobs at restaurants and dance studios locally to pay the rent.
Mike had talked to his mom and she had privately contacted Celine to work out if Blaine could live with Mike in his apartment and split the rent, which would make it easier on Mike and on Blaine, for not having to pay full rent and having to avoid house hunting on his own. Blaine was ecstatic that not only did he have somewhere to live, but that it was with one of his now good friends who was in a similar situation as he was.

He smiled and opened the text,

2:49 PM 10/24/11
hey man, good luck today! you still set to move in Sunday? I can drive over to Dalton to help you with boxes and shit if you need…see u inside! –M

After typing a quick thank you response, he brought his mind back to Kurt, because he still had no freaking idea of what to say to Kurt. OH WELL, he thought to himself, I'll wing it. If I stutter and sound like a complete babbling idiot he'll know its sincere…right?

When the bus pulled into the Ohio Civic Pavilion, Blaine's heart began racing twenty miles per minute. He looked at his watch and saw that he had 20 minutes until he had to meet Kurt. Blaine was continuing to panic because dammit he wanted to be Kurt's boyfriend and he wanted to kiss Kurt again. That kiss was the one great thing that had happened to Blaine since he could remember. Kurt was the one thing in his life that had the major potential to be perfect, if it wasn't perfect already.

Suddenly, Wes was leading them into the building and into a green room where they would practice for the next 20 minutes. Blaine was constantly checking his watch and making sure that he wouldn't miss Kurt, because that was really going to make the impression that he wanted to be with Kurt – stand him up after asking to talk. So he asked Wes after the 5th time they had rehearsed their numbers to let the guys have a bathroom break or they would strain their voices and to meet back at their block of seats to watch the show. Wes agreed and Blaine all but sprinted out of the room and toward the concession stand, paying no attention to the confused looks coming from his teammates.

He got to the bar style food stand and saw that Kurt hadn't shown up yet. Blaine's stomach twisted as the thought of Kurt not showing up came into his mind, but then he saw the gorgeous boy walking towards him, a wary smile on his lips but extreme happiness in his eyes. This made Blaine a little more comfortable that Kurt was coming here with even the slightest bit of positivity. As Kurt got closer, Blaine felt his throat going dry because Kurt looked amazing. He was wearing black pants and a short sleeved black button down which showed the amazing shape of his biceps, along with a gold bowtie and gold suspenders that brought out the flecks of gold in his eyes. Blaine was kind of jealous of the outfit because that is definitely something that he would enjoy wearing instead of his poly cotton blend blazer and dull grey slacks.

Kurt was standing right in front of him then, staring at him and waiting for Blaine to convince him to stay. Blaine had words on his tongue but couldn't get them out, so he stood there for a minute, just staring at Kurt until he suddenly pulled Kurt into a hug. Blaine breathed in the scent of the other boy and could feel Kurt doing the same as he played with the now curly hair at the nape of Blaine's neck. When they pulled away from each other they just stood and stared for a second. To any onlooker this would look extremely awkward, but for the two involved it was communication though an unspoken connection. Kurt knew that Blaine wanted him to stay in his life, but needed to be sure.

"Blaine…why? Why do you still want me around? That night would've been the worst night of my life if that happened to me…I just, don't understand."
Blaine was stunned, Kurt still thought that this was his fault and felt guilty about it.

"Kurt, listen to me. Okay? No interrupting. You need to understand that none of this is your fault, its my dad's fault for being a heartless brute. In no way possible is this your fault. Its not even my fault! But you really need to know that that night was the farthest thing from the worst night of my life. Maybe in my home life, but for me as a person, it was one of the best nights of my life. When I met the group, when you guys invited me out, when we kissed… I finally felt like the person that I wanted to be, and that I hadn't been for the longest time. And you did that! So you shouldn't be beating yourself up…you should be happy because you made sad, pathetic Blaine Anderson into the happiest kid on the planet."
As he finished his little speech, Blaine kissed Kurt on the cheek and lingered for a while, feeling Kurt tense and relax beneath him.
"So I have to get to our seats now, but don't forget that I'll be singing to you."
He squeezed Kurt's hand one last time before hurrying off to his seats before Wes actually murdered him.

Kurt was left standing at the food stand, breathless and with a heart full of hope. Even when Blaine kissed him on the cheek he felt tingles all over his body. He was so happy that he had convinced New Directions to dedicate one of their songs to Blaine, and Kurt knew that he would be surprised.

As the lights dimmed in the auditorium, the first group from Fort Wayne, Aural Intensity, performed their songs and they were good. Not great, but good. Throughout their performance, Kurt was looking around for Blaine when he felt his phone buzz. It was a text from Blaine, and Kurt could feel the giant smile growing on his face.

3:15 PM 10/24/11
You should really pay attention to your competition Mr. Hummel ;) –B

Kurt laughed to himself and quickly typed back a response.

3:17 PM 10/24/11
Its not my fault I've got something else on my mind… -K

3:18 PM 10/24/11
I wonder what on earth that could be? –B

Kurt laughed again, earning him an eye from Mercedes and then a smile as she figured it out.

3:20 PM 10/24/11
Don't be cheeky ;) – K

3:22 PM 10/24/11
Me? Cheeky? Never! lol …r we still on for team dinner after? – B

3:25 PM 10/24/11
I think so! But lets make this interesting…losing team pays. –K

3:27 PM 10/24/11
But that's not right…a true gentleman always pays on the first date – B

Kurt could help the leap that his heart did and the blush growing on his cheeks.

3:30 PM 10/24/11
and the last time I checked, we were both gentlemen…so I say that loser pays. deal? –K

3:31 PM 10/24/11
deal…but get ready to buy me some dinner Mr. Hummel ;) I g2g get ready…listen to the song and know its for u ok? xx –B

Kurt really couldn't help but swoon. Blaine was singing to him. Now Kurt just had to sit and wait to see what he would be serenaded with. He also secretly loved the fact that the audience would be so wrapped up in a performance that was meant just for him. Man that boy is romantic.

When the Warblers appeared on stage, all of New Directions stood up to applaud Blaine, which really confused those in the club that didn't go to group and thought we were just excited about the Warblers.

The acapella backup began and Blaine's eyes raked over the audience until he found New Directions, and he located one member in particular, whose stunning blue eyes were already looking up at him lovingly and expectantly. Blaine felt a thousand-watt smile growing on his face and felt his heart speed up as he began singing.

And I'd give up forever to touch you
cuz I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
and I don't wanna go home right now

Kurt couldn't help but gasp. This song was so emotional and when he thought about it, certain lyrics described Blaine's life perfectly. Kurt just couldn't believe that Blaine was so willing to put himself out there emotionally just to please Kurt.

And all I can taste is this moment
and all I can breathe is your life
When sooner or later its over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
cuz I don't think that they'd understand
when everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am.

After the song, all of New Directions that knew Blaine's story were crying almost hysterically and Kurt had his heart in his throat as tears spilled down his cheeks. Blaine had performed that song so beautifully and had such a deep connection that came out into his performance and it made Kurt's knees go weak.

Then, in typical Warbler fashion, the boys began the beat to a popular Top 40 song that all of the New Direction girls immediately stood up and began dancing to. Kurt knew the song and was actually a fan of the band, but now Blaine was singing it…which meant that it was going to be a million times better. The Warbler's backup, now that Kurt thought of it, was actually perfect for this song…and Mr. Schuester looked worried that maybe New Directions could lose their crown to the boys in blazers.

As Blaine began singing lead, he performed all of his dance steps and front man actions to the side of the stage were Kurt was so that Blaine could stare at him the entire time, earning more than one strange glances from his teammates, who had no idea that he even knew the competition.

You're insecure, don't know what for
You're turning heads when you walk through the door
Don't need makeup to cover up
being the way that you are is enough

Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you
Baby you light up my world like nobody else
the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I could see

You'll understand why I want you so desperatley

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe

You don't know

Oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful!

Oh oh

That's what makes you beautiful!

So girl come on, you got it wrong

To prove I'm right I put it in a so-o-ong

I don't know why, you're being shy

And turn away when I look in to your eye eye eyes

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but yo-ou

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell

You don't know

Oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful!

Oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful!

At the end of the performance Kurt was smiling a little too wide that it was beginning to hurt his face, and Blaine was smiling so brightly on stage. Everyone was having fun and smiling and happy, when Kurt remembered that they still had to go onstage and sing. And that Kurt had a solo part of their upcoming group number that Kurt had insisted they dedicate to Blaine.

As New Directions found their way backstage, they crossed paths with the group of blazer-clad Warblers. New Directions stopped and surrounded Blaine, giving him hugs and congratulating him and the rest of the Warblers on a great performance. The Warblers looked really confused with how popular their lead singer suddenly became, but stayed quiet. When Kurt made his way over to Blaine, he flung himself into the smaller boy's arms and squeezed him tightly, whispering how amazing he was and how moved he became from the song. After their embrace, Kurt looked straight at him, took a deep breath and kissed him, on the lips this time. It was short but still had the same mind-shattering effect as their first kiss did, leaving both boys a little breathless.

After the kiss, Kurt raked over Blaine's outfit from his hair (it was curly today, he would have to mention how much he loved that later) to his paten-leather shoes. He looked into Blaine's warm, comforting eyes one last time before pulling away to catch up with his group and screaming "WISH ME LUCK" as he ran away.

When Blaine's breath and ability to think finally returned to him, he yelled back "GOOD LUCK BABE".

This exchange only led to more confused stares from his teammates. Blaine chuckled to himself and started walking back to their block of seats.

The lights dimmed and Blaine was actually really excited. He had only heard the individual talents of the New Directions, and was anxious to hear how all of those unique voices meshed together.

The curtain rose to reveal Rachel and Kurt's stepbrother Finn alone on the stage.

Blaine recognized the song as "Falling Slowly" from the movie Once. Blaine had only heard the song in passing, but listening to Rachel and Finn singing it with such intensity that both of their voices had, it was hard not to feel the meaning of the song. When they broke into the chorus, Blaine listened to the amazing harmonies and lyrics and couldn't help but think about the boy waiting behind the curtains to perform.

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice
You make it now

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
and I can't go back
Moves that take me and erase me
and I'm painted black

Well you have suffered enough and warred with yourself
Its time that you won

Falling slowly, sing your melody
I'll sing along

Blaine felt his heart swelling and wondered if Kurt was feeling the same connection to the song.

He was.

Kurt had heard Rachel and Finn singing this song over and over in rehearsal but had never really taken a time out to listen to the beauty of the lyrics. He immediately thought of Blaine and found himself wondering if Blaine had even noticed the lyrics.

After Finchel's duet, the rest of the group came out on stage and Blaine's face lit up. Nothing anyone said or did mattered because now Kurt was on stage and he looked radiant when in the spotlight.
As the music for the group number began, Blaine caught Kurt's eye and saw the boy onstage mouth 'this is for you'.

Blaine was confused, Kurt had said nothing about singing to him, and he couldn't really understand why the New Directions would be dedicating a song to him of all people, but he listened anyway as he tried to figure out the opening music.

Once Rachel and Finn had began the first chorus Blaine had figured out the song and felt the wind getting knocked from him. They were singing this song to him to tell him to be strong and that they'd be there for him. They were his friends, and they really cared about him.

Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking

When you fall everyone stands

Another day and you've had your fill of sinking

With the life held in your

Hands are shaking cold

These hands are meant to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong

Move along, move along like I know you do

And even when your hope is gone

Move along, move along just to make it through

Move along

Move along

So a day when you've lost yourself completely

Could be a night when your life ends

Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving

All the pain held in your

Hands are shaking cold

Your hands are mine to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong

Move along, move along like I know you do

And even when your hope is gone

Move along, move along just to make it through

Move along

(Go on, go on, go on, go on)

When everything is wrong we move along

(Go on, go on, go on, go on)

When everything is wrong, we move along

Along, along, along

Suddenly, the stage went completely dark, except for one spotlight at the center of the stage. Kurt stood in it proudly, the emotion radiating off of every word he sang, and he directed every word towards the speechless, emotional wreck of a boy in the blazer.

When all you got to keep is strong

Move along, move along like I know you do

And even when your hope is gone

Move along, move along just to make it through

Blaine was crying now because Kurt had the voice of an angel. He was radiant, and beautiful and his voice was emotionally stirring yet so so pure that it brought Blaine to even more of a mess. He was singing to Blaine, telling him to stay strong and he could see in Kurt's eyes that Blaine would be there to help him along the way.

When all you got to keep is strong

Move along, move along like I know you do

And even when your hope is gone

Move along, move along just to make it through

Move along

After the song, New Directions took a bow and the groups were given a 15 minute break before they had to be onstage to find out the winner.

The Warblers surrounded Blaine immediately when he got up, immediately wanting answers about why he was fraternizing with their enemy. Blaine stood in front of the group of 15 boys who would never even think of doing what New Directions had just done for him, and said everything that he had been hiding from them.

"Well boys, I'm not sure if you know this, but I'm being transferred to McKinley next week. It's been a supergreat run with you boys and I'll miss singing lead for you guys, and this was a great sendoff for me. I know you guys will find an even better replacement for me, and if Dalton wins this, I wish you all the best of luck at Regionals."

During his speech he had spotted the New Directions walking out from the stage curtain and saw Kurt looking anxiously for him.

"Now if you'll excuse me boys," Blaine concluded rather dramatically, "the guy I'm sort of in love with is over there waiting for me."

Blaine stalked away from his teammates and wrapped his arms around Kurt from behind, causing a squeak from him and a giggle from Mercedes, who he was talking to. She excused herself and left the two boys alone.

Blaine sweetly kissed Kurt's cheek and they stayed in that position for a few minutes, talking about how amazing the other was and how they were brought to tears by the other's performance.

When the groups were brought to the stage to announce the winner, Blaine was somewhat conflicted about the results. Yes, he wanted the best for the Warblers, but did he want them to win? No. He wanted New Directions to win so maybe after he auditioned for the club, he could continue performing with Kurt by his side.

A woman who worked for the DMV came and announced the winner after a small speech about driving safety or seatbelts or something that Blaine didn't really care about. Then, she announced that Aural Intensity had won 3rd place, which they seemed extremely bitter about, and then the two groups were brought next to each other to announce that New Directions had won the competition and were going to Regionals.

Blaine had to restrain himself from jumping in excitement and had a huge smile on his face as he saw Kurt bouncing around with all of his other teammates.

After the groups were ushered offstage, Blaine ran up to Kurt and kissed him, out of excitement, emotion, and any other feeling of happiness that was currently bubbling up in his stomach. Now, Blaine would hopefully be able to join the McKinley glee club and go to Show Choir Nationals, where the Warblers had never been before.

But, that was all to be handled in the future. Now, he had a date with Kurt to pay for.