The Mystic Grill was booming with today's hottest music, and the heated, gyrating bodies of the teenagers that gathered together for a party thrown by Caroline Forbes. Bartenders were pouring drinks and cautiously passing them across the countertops and into the hands of underaged consumers. Strobe lights made the scene all the more electrifying, but for Bonnie Bennett, it only increased the migraine that she had been suppressing with multiple shots of whiskey. Silently gulping down her sorrows, Bonnie studied her peers as they danced the night away. She caught sight of her best friend Elena Gilbert with her arms around the neck of her vampire boyfriend, Stefan Salvatore, the ultimate power couple. A pang of jealousy crept its way along Bonnie's spine, causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up. Instinctively, her hand flew to the very spot, and was introduced to the moist texture of sweat buds that had formed in the humidity of the environment. As the bartender who had been kindly serving her picked up her shot glass, preparing it for a refill, Bonnie held up her free hand and shook her head. "Just a glass of iced tea, please," she asked. The bartender craned his neck and cocked an eyebrow, pointing to his ear, implying that he couldn't hear her. Raising her voice, she repeated her order. Finally processing her words, the man nodded and disappeared behind a door labeled Employees Only. Bonnie remained in her seat, turning her head to catch a glimpse of either side of her, and regretfully so.

"Hello there, Bonnie," a familiar voice filled Bonnie's ears, immediately alarming her and sending her into a state of consciousness.

"Damon," she muttered under her breath, "to what do I owe this displeasure?"

"Oh, please, we both know that me showing up here is the highlight of your otherwise dull evening," Damon laughed. Bonnie didn't even need to look at him, but she knew he was smirking that typical Damon-smirk.

"Whatever," was all Bonnie had to say in return, before the bartender returned with her iced tea. Before she could grab it, it was in Damon's hand and Bonnie's eyes darted over to him, as he tipped the glass against his lips to take a long sip out of her drink. "Excuse me! That's MINE," she scolded, snatching the glass from him. Her fingernails scraped against his cold skin, and she watched as a droplet of blood began to form on his wrist. She put down the iced tea and reached over for some napkins that were left on the counter and pressed it against the scratch. Although it was clear Damon didn't feel any pain, she repeatedly apologized. It wasn't in Bonnie's nature to hurt others, even if it was Damon she was hurting.

Damon's sinister laughter rang through her ears, and she couldn't quite put a name to the emotion she was feeling. "Calm down, Bonnie," he said as he gently pulled her hand away from his, allowing the napkins to fall to the floor, revealing that the scrape had disappeared. Bonnie had forgotten vampires' unusually fast healing powers, and let out a sigh. "So why are you sitting here all by your lonesome?" Damon asked.

"Why are you so concerned with what I'm doing?" Bonnie responded bitterly.

"Ouch, your tone hurts," Damon said sarcastically, placing his hand over his still heart. Then he burst out in another fit of laughter, which caused Bonnie to roll her eyes and slide off the barstool she had spent hours on. As Bonnie walked away, she was stopped in her tracks, since a body that was not there merely a second ago, stood in her way. Bonnie lifted her eyes from the floor and gazed into the clear, blue eyes that belonged to Damon Salvatore.

"What do you want, Damon?" she questioned, only now realizing the slur of her tone. The room seemed to be spinning, and her headache was beginning to pulse along with the bass of the stereos.

"The question is, Bonnie, what do YOU want?" Damon returned with his signature grin. Bonnie stared bravely into his eyes, and was suddenly washed with a mind-blowing nausea that made her knees wobble and her ankles to shake. And then everything turned black.

Bonnie awoke to find herself surrounded by the familiar walls of the Salvatore house, and realized she was laying on the velvety couch of the foyer. Unable to remember how and when she got here, Bonnie attempted to sit up but found herself too weak to do so. Then a pair of hands were on her shoulders, and Bonnie had the nerve to scream, but her eyes met the eyes of Damon, who was unusually giving her a comforting gaze. "Are you alright?" he asked. Bonnie kept staring for a moment, trying to recall the events prior to this. All she could do was shrug. "Don't worry, I didn't hurt you. You passed out at the party at the Grill about two hours ago, I've been nursing you back to health ever since," he said, a sly smirk forming upon his face. Bonnie opened her mouth, hoping to form some kind of response but all she could get out was a childish whimper. "Just relax," he said calmly. Bonnie did as told, and began to breathe softly, ignoring the symptoms of the hangover that was going to make her regret ever stepping outside her house to begin with.

A few minutes later, Bonnie was sound asleep. Damon paced around the couch several times, but never did his eyes leave the girl that was resting just inches away from him. With the fireplace burning, and dimly lighting her face, he felt something inside him stir. He stood above her, with his head positioned in a slight tilt, as he curiously observed the sleeping beauty below him. Damon let out a soft chuckle, while the thought came across his mind if she was the beauty, then he must be the beast. But Damon was not the type for cheesy Disney analogies. He quickly tore the thought from his mind and mentally threw it into the flames. Suddenly, Bonnie's forehead began to crease, and her eyebrows crinkled, her expression filling with angst and worry. She was mumbling something that was hardly audible, even with Damon's heightened sense of hearing. He knelt down to her level, and placed a hand on her side, not exactly sure what else to do but stare.

Bonnie's eyes flew open and she gasped as the blurred image before her slowly manifested into the face of Damon Salvatore. She didn't even remember falling asleep, but for some reason, she was glad she woke up to this sight. But she wasn't ready to admit that to herself. Her defenses rose as she sat up, and his eyes simply followed her. There was a weird kind of tension that filled the room, but it wasn't the usual one. This tension was less resentful. It was lighter, but it was so strong. Bonnie's heartbeat began to speed up before she could even give it a second thought. There was so little distance between her face and Damon's, and she couldn't escape his gaze. She was trapped in the pools of his blue eyes, that were instinctively darkening with desire before he could try to stop himself. There was something about her, in this light, in this vulnerable state, that was drawing him to her. And Bonnie didn't bother to protest. Soon enough, his lips found hers, and a jolt of electricity shot through both their bodies. It shocked them both, literally, and suddenly Damon was on top of her, pressing her against the couch, and the initial kiss prolonged into a full make out session. Their tongues danced around each other as they tasted each other's lips for the first time. It was so new to both of them, and so surreal. Their playful hatred had turned into an undeniable lust. Bonnie's fingers tousled Damon's short, dark hair, as his fingers roamed around the skin that hid beneath her shirt. Without breaking the kiss, Damon lowered his hands to undress Bonnie from the waist down, which caused Bonnie to press her hips against his, instigating a bulge that she could feel against the newly exposed skin of her thigh. Damon smiled against Bonnie's lips, while her hands made their way to his pants, tugging them down along with his boxers. He reluctantly pulled away from her lips to get a good view of the gorgeous young woman that lay beneath him, and licked his lips in the process. Seconds later, the contrasting skintones of their bodies were pressed against each other, as Damon entered Bonnie carefully. He started off with slow, gentle thrusts to let her get a feel of the length of his member, and as soon as he heard a soft moan escape her lips, he took it as an invitation to speed up. Damon put more strength into his motions, which made Bonnie arch her back and beg for more. Biting down on his lower lip, Damon slid his hands underneath Bonnie, and rested them against her shoulder blades, before slowly lifting her up. He held her like this, adjusting to the new position, and taking her in this angle, knowing that he could hit her spot with each movement he made. Bonnie let him know he was doing something right as her moans began to grow louder, and Damon drove his dick inside of her, groaning in effort. Bonnie could feel Damon sink deeper inside of her, and she could only respond with sounds of pleasure as Damon whispered sweet nothings into her ear. Damon's hands landed on Bonnie's breasts, as he squeezed them through the cloth of her shirt. He kissed the side of her neck as he continued to thrust roughly within her. The sounds of their bodies colliding only encouraged Damon to increase both the speed and the strength of his movements, and Bonnie's moans turned into wails.

Bonnie couldn't believe that she was fucking her best friend's boyfriend's brother on a couch in a house that must have been centuries old. The wooden floor beneath them was creaking with their every move, but she didn't care, and she was sure Damon didn't either. She didn't care what time it was, how she got here, why she was here. All she cared about how fucking good Damon felt inside of her, and she didn't want him to stop. Bonnie's body shook in response to Damon's incredible strength, and before she knew it, he had whisked her away from the couch and had her pressed against a wall in the hallway. Bonnie instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, and gripped onto his shoulders as Damon fucked her, sending her into the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. Her screams of ecstasy echoed throughout the otherwise empty house, as the two of them carelessly continued satisfying one another.

This would continue for hours, until they had pretty much fucked in every single room possible, the both of them taking turns in climaxing. It wasn't until they were in Damon's bedroom, with Bonnie in control this time, positioned on top of him and grinding him into another high. Damon abruptly threw his dick up into her which sent her off the edge, and the both of them came together, finally finishing off. Bonnie panted heavily, and so did Damon, and collapsed on top of Damon. Damon wrapped his arms around her securely, as the both of them relived the night they spent together in their minds, until they regained the strength to start back all over again.