
Disclaimer: I do not own the charecters in Digimon. I am only using them for this fanfic. Please do not sue me.

I really don't know how this story is going to go. It just pop into my mind. I hope you like it though. Hehehe....the sad news is that it will take me a while to update it. Sigh. Please Review so I can know how many people read it, and give me any comments so I can improve. I am really going to appreciate it. Oh yeah...if anyone of you know how to center the text...please let me know!!!! hehehehe...



In the land of Gaia, there lives a goddess. She is the creator of this universe and of all planets. However, she is alone. For one billion years, she lives in solitude, and her only companions are the animals that live in the planet name Gaia. One day, she is playing with her animals in Gaia when she discovers some new species. To her surprise, these new species can talk to her intelligently. Amazed by their intelligence, she gives them special powers and made them the rulers over the animals in Gaia. These new species are later called Digimons.

Thankful for their creator's gifts, the Digimons built five holy shrines around Gaia to glorify her. For thousands of years, they lived peacefully with their creator. However, like their creator, these Digimons grew restless and decided to create a new specie. From their flesh, they molded the first human race. Because they are molded from these digimons, the human races also gain the power from the respective digimons they were molded from. From then on, whenever a new human child is born, they are given a specific digimon symbol that is mark on their left arm. These symbols are given to them by the powers that reside within them.

Because the digimons are the ones that create them, the humans view them as their creators. They wanted to glorify the digimons for their abilities but the digimons refuse their offer. Instead, they educate them about the real creator and from that day on, the human glorify the goddess in those five shrines. The goddess is very please with the outcome and is glad to have someone else to talk to. She visits the human race through those five shrines, and for thousands of years, they live in peace. However, as time passes by, humanities ego and greed start to rise. Indulge with their powers, they start to neglect their old teaching and sought to take over the world. With their powers, they fought against the digimons and tries to eliminate them. For the next one thousand years, they fought each other and many lives where lost in these battle. Stricken with grief, the goddess closes her eyes and refuses to visit the human race anymore.

Unable to gain any ground of success and equal in their powers, the human decided to create a new specie to aid them in their war against the digimons. After ten years of scientific research, they manage to create a specie that is smarter and stronger than them. These Maji (the name of the new specie) don't have the digimon's power and their face and bodies are so distorted that people actually called them monster instead of their name. At first, the human beings are able to control the Maji but the Maji quickly revolt against their creators and manage to destroy half of the human race. Remorseful for their action, the human beings beg for the Digimon's forgiveness and with their combine power, they tried to eliminate the Magi. Unfortunately, the Maji are too strong for them and annihilated the whole Digimon's race. With no hope, people beg the goddess to help them solve this problem. At first, the goddess refuse to listen to their request because they are the cause of the whole war, but as time passes, she is moved by their sincerity. With her powers, she forms a barrier around the cities where the five shrines are located. As long as the human beings reside in those cities, they are safe from the Maji's attacks. The people beg her to help them eliminate the Maji but she refuses and told them that she is going back to her palace for her eternal sleep. Before she leaves Gaia for her eternal sleep, she gave them a prophecy.

"Every ten years, a new shrine priest or priestess will be born in the city of Guardinia. When they are born, they are mark with a star on their right arm. When they reach the age of eighteen, they are to undergo a trial. In that trial, they must visit the rest of the four shrines and past their tests. Once they pass the test, the door to my palace will be open, and I will wake up from my eternal sleep to help humanity out of this problem. Until then, you must all pay for the sin you have committed." With that said, the goddess disappears.

For the next one thousand years, humans pray for the day of revelation. They revert back to their old teachings and hope that one-day the shrine priests or priestesses will success in their task. However, many of them died in the pilgrimage and some stray from their path. Another five hundred years pass and humanity is in the brink of despair. In the state of darkness, a light starts to shine. A shrine priestess has just finished her training and in a few months, she will reach the age of eighteen. With her guardians, she hopes to succeed in her task. To secure her success, the mayor of Guardinia hired an elite group of mercenary that is famous for their success. Paid to protect the shrine priestess in her mission, the two groups met and...that is the start of their story.


*People from the Shrine*

Mimi Tachikawa: Since her birth, her path has already been set. Trained as a shrine priestess, Mimi is kind hearted and pure of heart. Her only wish is to help save her people from their misery. Mimi is very naive, truthful, and determine. Unknown to most of them, except Hasuma, she has a deep secret. Digimon Symbol: Palmon. Abilities: Healing power and fly. Weapon: Rod

Sora Takenouchi: She is Mimi's best friend since they are very small. She knows about Mimi's path and sought to protect her. She became Mimi's guardian at the age of thirteen and is very skill in her fighting. She is kind hearted and willing to forgive. However, she is very protective of Mimi. Digimon Symbol: Biyomon. Ability: Fly, fire, and wind. Weapons: Gun

Hikari Kamiya: aka...Kari. Kari is kindhearted young girl that always place other people before her. She is the sister of Taichi and supports her brother in his mission. To her brother, she is a timid little girl but in reality, she is a guardian of Mimi. She is strong and very skilled with her sword. Digimon Symbol: Angewoman Ability: Heal and fly Weapons: Sword

Miyako Inoue: aka...Yolie. Outspoken and impulsive, Yolie is everyway a tough girl. She is strong, smart, and very good at fighting. She is the third guardian of Mimi, and she does all that she can to protect Mimi. Digimon Symbol: Hawkmon Abilities: Fly and Energy ball. Weapon: Rod

Hasuma Majiki: She is the mentor of all of them. She is older than Mimi by one year old but she is very intelligent. Skill in the art of fighting, she trained Sora, Yolie, and Kari. Mimi consults her in all of her secret and considers her as her older sister. Digimon Symbol: None. Abilities: Energy ball, fly, teleportation, rejuvenation, and phasing through objects. Weapon: Rod

*Elite Mercenary Team*

Taichi Kamiya: aka....Tai. He is the leader of the team. He is smart, and is very skill in tactic. His courage automatically puts him as the leader of the team. He values his sister the most and is willing to die for her. Tai is quite outspoken and tends to like to joke around. He is very skill in the art of fighting and his sister learned most of her skills by watching him. Digimon Symbol: Agumon. Abilities: Fly and Fireball. Weapons: Sword

Yamato Ishida: aka....Matt. Silent and mysterious, Matt is quite rebellious in his way. He doesn't take orders lightly and often question Tai's abilities. However, one incident causes him to follow direction to a certain degree. He is a sharp shooter and hardly misses his shot. Although he never would admit it, he loves his brother, TK, a lot. He also values the lives of his teammates and would die protecting them. Although he argues with Tai a lot, they are best friends. Digimon Symbol: Gabumon Abilities: Ice and fly. Weapon: Gun

Koushiro Izumi : aka...Izzy. Izzy is considered to be one of the smartest in the team. He helps them through all of the technical difficulties. Without his help, they cannot infiltrate into many of the buildings that is necessary for their missions. Izzy is kind hearted, and tends to dwell in technology most of the time. Digimon Symbol: Tentomon Abilities: Lightning and fly. Weapon: Computer.

Takeru Takiashi: aka...TK. TK is the light of the whole team. He is innocent and is very kind to the people. He train with Tai and is very skill in sword fighting. Unlike his brother, TK is very sincere with his feeling. He loves his brother a lot and is willing to do anything for him. Digimon Symbol: Angemon Abilities: Heal and Fly Weapon: Sword

Iora Hida : aka....Cody. Cody is the youngest among them all. He is wise and very reliable. He often helps Tai when they are formulating a tactic. He doesn't talk much but overall, he is a very caring person. Digimon Symbol: Digmon Abilities: Earth and Water. Weapon: Sword

Daisuke Motomiya : aka...Davis. He looks up to Tai and strives to be like him. Like Tai, he wears a goggle on the top of his head. He is impulsive but very courageous. His outspoken way often offend people and end up getting him into trouble. Digimon Symbol: Veemon Abilities: Fire and Lightning. Fly. Weapon: Sword

Ken Ichijouji: Among all of them, Ken is the kindest. He is skill in shooting and judo. He often hides his sorrow and tends to blame himself for a lot of things. He often works with Izzy in regarding to the technical information. Digimon Symbol: Wormon Abilities: Fly and energy ball (sorry no Spiderman). Weapon: Gun

Jyou Kido: aka...Joe. Joe is the most reliable among them all. He is not impulsive and thinks twice before an action. Without him and Cody, the team would have parish a long time ago. Along with TK's help, Joe helps heal the team from their injury. Digimon Symbol: Gomamon Abilities: Water and Heal Weapon: Gun

Author's note:

I don't usually write so less. I usually write more. I know this isn't much but I want to introduce you to the character before I actually jumps right into the story. Some of the story might need some changes...I think but I will do it along the way. I hope this is interesting though....I hope. hehehe.