AN: I just found this anime (High School DxD) and find it interesting so here is this fanficition. Sorry for not writing on my other stories but I hope to fix that but until this will have to do.

Disclaimer: I don't own either the Naruto or High School DxD series.

Chapter 1: A New Start

Red, crimson red blood covered a young mans hands. The young man dressed in a bright kill me orange jump suit, sun kiss blond hair, deep cerulean blue eyes, and whisker like marks on his cheeks. The young boy was Uzumaki Naruto a rookie genin of Konoha and a member of Team 7. He was also was known by the older generation as the container of the strongest of all the tail beasts, multi tailed demons that cause great chaos and destruction wherever they go, the Kyubi no Kitsune.

Naruto had whined just the next day to the man he saw as a grandfather in all but blood who just happened to be the Hokage for a higher mission and was granted the request. It was suppose to be an easy C-rank mission just escort a bridge builder Tazuna to Wave country so he could finish build a large bridge from the occasional thug or rouge that might attack.

Along side him was the rest of Team 7 there was his jounin sensei Hatake Kakashi. Who was also known as Copy Ninja Kakashi and one of Konoha's most skilled shinobi. Also there were his two other genin teammates Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke. Haruno Sakura was the only daughter of a civilian family that joined the shinobi ranks in order to gain the affections of the last member of Team 7 Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke was the last loyal member of the Uchiha Clan residing in Konoha. Sasuke's family was killed by his older brother at the age of eight leaving only him alive this caused his mind to slightly shatter causing him to only live for revenge.

Yeah an easy mission yeah right just a few hours after leaving the main gates of Konoha they had run into a pair of missing ninja from Kiri (Mist) known as the Demon Brothers to which Kakashi took care of quickly. After a small talk Kakashi asked us if we wanted to continue to which we agreed without really thinking the dangers that we were getting into. We had reached Wave that was covered in a thick layer of mist. To make matters worse they had run into a bloody A-rank missing ninja from Kiri by the name of Momochi Zabuza. Kakashi had engaged Zabuza while we guarded Tazuna. Unfortunately Kakashi got cocky and was trapped in Zabuza's Suirou no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique). In a rare occasion both Naruto and Sasuke worked together as a team as Sakura stood by Tazuna with a pair of kunai supposedly to guard him. After Naruto was able to free Kakashi from Zabuza's jutsu and the two once again fought. It seemed that Zabuza was going to lose he tried a last ditch effort and hurled his large zanbatou at Tazuna. Seeing the incoming missile Sakura froze in fear believing that she was going to die right there.

Naruto laid there in the same clearing in a pool of his own blood. Red deep foreboding red was all he saw. Thinking back at his actions earlier he had on purpose jumps in the way the steel missile that had all but bisected at the waist. So this is how he was going to die. I guess I couldn't become Hokage. Sorry Oji-san, Ayame-nee-chan, Teuchi-osan I guess that this is it.' Naruto smiled before he coughed up some more blood. 'No I don't want to die like this! Hey fox is there anything you can do?'

At first there was silence before a deep growl like voice echoed in Naruto's head. "I am trying but I doubt I will be able to completely close the wound cause of the size kit." Kyubi then went quiet before his presence returned. "Hey kit I might have found something of worth. Apparently you heritage is quite unique. It appears your mother wasn't human per say. Now we don't have a lot of time before you are to far gone to be saved. I can super charge that gene causing it to turn you also and save you."

'So it is either take the deal and live but not be human anymore or decline and die. Well the villagers already don't see me as a human so that wont be a big change. Plus if I am a demon or something I will get some skills. Okay Kyubi lets do this!' Naruto thought full of conviction.

"Okay kit but be warned this will hurt. Oh and by the way you aren't a demon but a devil." Kyubi replied before pushing some of his chakra out of the seal and into Naruto's DNA.

Naruto would have screamed in pain if his mouth wasn't so full of blood at the moment his whole body felt like he was being electrified and his blood was on fire. Naruto gritted his teeth and soon he passed out from the pain.

Several hours later Naruto woke up and felt that has whole body was different but in a different in a good way. Naruto quickly spat out the pool of blood that had gathered in his mouth. Looking down at his reflection and was shocked at the sight he saw. His hair had changed from short spiky blond hair he now had turned a deep crimson red had lost a lot of its urchin look and laid back. He had lost al of his baby fat and the whisker marks had disappeared and his eyes were thankfully still a deep blue color. He had also gain a good amount of muscle but still was lean like a runner and had grown a few inches.

'Holy shit is that me?' Naruto though as he just stared at his reflection.

Kyubi couldn't help but chuckle at Naruto's reaction. "Yes kit that is you I made a few extra upgrades. I have reversed all of the damages that the village has done to you like the malnutrition for starters. Now your body looks like a normal human but it is actually far from it. Your body is a lot more durable and your muscles have been revamped making you a lot stronger than you look. Now like I said earlier you are not human or a demon but a devil which is actually higher on the food chain than demons. Now there are several different beings that inhabit this plane of existence. There are humans and demons of course as you know. Now there are also the God or as you call him Kami and his servants called angels. The beings you know as Amaterasu the 'goddess of the sun', Susanoo the 'god of the sea and storm', Inari the 'god of rice and fertility', Raijin the 'god of thunder and lightning' and several others are higher ranking angels known as the archangels. Now there are fallen angels which are angels that have fallen from grace. At one point there were many fallen angels that lived around the world but with both demons and angels after them their numbers have fallen drastically. While demons breed faster both angels and fallen angels were born with the abilities to destroy them. Then there are devils, which are what you are now, have even fewer in numbers than fallen angels.

Now devils have a few things that they have going for them. Now they have wings like angels and fallen angles but they are more bat like then bird wings." Right after that a pair of jet black wings erupted from Naruto's back. "Now I have given you a new type of weapon called Demon Gear. Now each member of your family will have their own unique Demon Gear. Now there is one more thing I need to tell you but it can wait till you get back to Konoha. I am going to help you activate your Demon Gear. Now I personally created yours myself so I think you will like it." Naruto couldn't help but smile at this and got to work. (AN: Don't worry you will find out what it is later on.)

Tazuna's House

Three days had passed since Team 7 had abandoned Naruto to die Kakashi found out after waking up that both Sasuke and Sakura had left Naruto behind while he had blacked out from chakra exhaustion. He had sent a message back to the Hokage pleading for reinforcements. On the third day both Team 8 and 10 arrived and were given the run down on what has happened. To say that Sasuke and Sakura were in trouble was an understatement. Poor Hinata who really liked Naruto was devastated especially when Team 10's sensei, Sarutobi Asuma, came back and said that there was a large amount of blood on the ground but no body. Which could mean a few things: one he is dead and an animal took the body as food, two he could be died and a rival faction could have taken the body, or third Naruto could be somehow alive but lost. Hinata seemed to withdrawal into a shell that no one could help her out; not even her sensei Yuuhi Kurenai could get her out of it.

A lone young man walked through the main village where Tazuna also lived. He wore a pair of black ANBU pants and a red shirt lined with ninja mesh. He was wearing a jet black jacket. On his belt was a Konoha forehead protector. The young man asked a villager where Tazuna lived at so he could give the team that Konoha sent a report. The villager pointed towards the general direction which the young man nodded and said thanks and quickly made his way towards Tazuna's house.

Knocking at the door the young man felt a short spike of chakra from within the house. When the door open the young man saw a beautiful woman with long black hair. "Hello how may I help you?"

The young man's eyes narrowed before firmly saying. "I don't know who you are but I can tell you aren't Kakashi-sensei or a civilian. So who are you?" The woman went up in a plume of smoke revealing a henge Asuma. "Asuma-ossan what are you doing here?"

Asuma blinked in surprise at the young man's question. 'Only two people call me that Konohamaru and… no it can't be.' "Naruto is that you?"

Naruto gave his patent fox like smile. "Yep it is good to see you again Asuma-ossan."

Asuma looked confused but then asked him a question to determine if this boy was indeed Naruto or not. "Okay if you are Naruto tell me one thing that only the two of us know." Naruto sighed before motioned him forward so he could whisper his answer. Asuma's face soon went bright red and started to sputter. "Yeah that's Naruto alright stupid brat." Naruto followed Asuma inside the house and introduced to the real Tsunami, who was Tazuna's daughter. After a few minutes Kakashi hobbled downstairs on crutches and was shocked to see a new person sitting at the table talking to Asuma and Kurenai.

"So, who are you?" Kakashi asked approaching the table.

Naruto looked up to see Kakashi-sensei standing there with both Sasuke and Sakura standing a few feet behind him and gave a soft growl. "I wonder why you even care Kakashi I mean ever since we graduated from the Academy all you have cared about is the teme behind you. Sorry I would be more polite if the three in front of me didn't fucking abandon me with my chest practically gutted."

Both Team 8 and 10 were shocked at Naruto's answer before turning to Kakashi for his response. Kakashi paled at Naruto's accusation and pieced the pieces together and softly said. "Naruto it can't be."

Naruto on the other hand heard him clear as if he had shouted it. "I see your brain hasn't completely rotted away from all the porn you read."

"My mother was right you are a monster! Only a monster could recover from that kind of injury." Sakura screech nearly destroying the windows and a certain Inuzuka's ears to shatter.

Naruto couldn't help but laugh. "Well considering that you and your mother are stupid nearsighted bigots not to mention sluts that are willing to do nearly anything to get power I don't think you have anything to say now Haruno." This shocked everyone since for as long as they knew Naruto he hadn't said anything like that to his 'precious' Sakura before. "For your information it was thanks to a bloodline that saved my life. Apparently I have a healing bloodline which is kind of cool."

Sasuke snorted at that piece of information. "Not much of a bloodline dobe."

"Shows what you know teme. With my bloodline I can heal faster meaning I can train harder longer so I get more out of my training than anyone else. Plus I can use it to heal during combat so I can fight longer unlike some stupid idiots in this room." Naruto replied shaking his head. The jounin senseis nodded their heads in agreement with Naruto's statement. Sasuke growled at the application of Naruto's new 'bloodline'.

Asuma then spent the next few minutes catching Naruto back up to speed as Kurenai had gone up stairs to do something. Soon Kurenai came down looking disappointed and sat down at the table. Naruto for some reason didn't like the sad look on her face. To him that look just looked wrong. Asuma looked over at her and sighed. "She still won't come down huh?"

"No I am getting worried since she hasn't been eating much since we got here. Naruto I need your help you see after hearing that you were "dead" Hinata sunk into a deep depression and refuse to leave her room and hardly eats anything." Kurenai explained.

Naruto sighs and runs a hand through his hair before responding. "Kurenai I already know how much Hinata likes me. Let me explain before you do something you will regret." Kurenai was going to make a comment before Naruto said that in a tone that commanded a lot of power. "You see I have my reasons for not saying anything to her. I tried to date her but was nearly killed in doing that. I went to her father to ask for his blessing. He had never had any hostility to me in the past so I wasn't expecting what happened would actually happen. I was grabbed and tied between two training posts and Juuken for five hours straight and threaten that if I got close to Hinata that there would be consequences. So what do you want me to do Kurenai?"

But before Kurenai could answer his question another voice spoke up. "What did he say would happen Naruto-kun?" Everyone looked over towards the stairs to see a distraught Hinata.

"He didn't really say but knowing him it could be almost anything to me or you Hinata-chan so that is why I kept my distance."

"I see I am sorry for worrying everyone." Hinata bowed before walking over to the table and talk with Ino.

"Well I think we should get some training in before Zabuza shows up again. Well lets get started everyone outside." This came from Kakashi as he limped outside. After everyone walked outside he turned around and asked Asuma and Kurenai. "Have you covered chakra control yet?"

The two jounins looked at Kakashi like he was an idiot Kurenai then spoke up. "Of course Kakashi I taught them that during my first week with them." Asuma nodded in agreement with Kurenai making Kakashi grimace.

"Okay then you can train your team while mine work on this." Kakashi then went onto explain the technique known as tree walking and set them off to work on it while he opened his little orange book and giggled every once and a while. Sakura was the first one to get up the tree only because of her small chakra reserves. Naruto was the next one to get it much to Kakashi's surprise considering the sear amount of chakra he had. This angered Sasuke since he was struggling. Naruto then went to ask Asuma for some advice on his own personal training.

Later that evening Naruto was relaxing on the roof looking up at the stars when Kurenai walked over to him. "So Naruto-san I have a question you seem to be hiding something."

Naruto laughed before looking over at the beautiful black hair and ruby red eye goddess and chuckled. "Now Kurenai-sensei all of us have our own secrets don't we? I am sure you have a few of your own that you never want to share with anyone. But here is a little something about my secret. Demons aren't the apex predator and aren't the only things that go bump in the night. That is all I am going to say right now who knows later on you might find out more who knows." Kurenai nodded her head and returned to her room Naruto's clue kept echoing in her head. Over the next few days nothing spectacular happened as the genin all trained for that fateful day which was quickly approaching.

The night before Zabuza would be back at full health Naruto stood on Tazuna's roof looking out into the dead of night. Closing his eyes Naruto gave a smirk before quietly said. "Soon the dark curtain will descend. Let the house of Gremory be revived and show the world the power of ruin." A pair of devil like wings sprouted from Naruto's back and with a small jump he flew off into the night. This didn't go unnoticed as a pair of ruby red eyes watched the genin disappeared into the night.

xxxX Chapter End Xxxx

Okay well here this is. I hope you like this story. I promise to be working on my other stories but I had this idea and couldn't help but write it down and so please read and review. Naruto's Demon Gear will be revealed in the next chapter. Relationships are currently unknown but I should have something figured out soon.

Story Poll:

Who should be part of Naruto's new family? And what position should they be in?