I know that's it's been about a week since I've updated but they will be coming a bit more frequently when I get the time. It's now 1:45 in the morning where I am and have been working on this for about 6 hours or so. As again thank you for the ideas that I have been getting. I would like a few more reviews.
I don't own the characters in the story only the plot line in it. Anyway on with the story.

Christopher Black.

Starfire heard the scream of Beast Boy getting his nose broken and smiled at the thought of this. 'It's about time they learn some manners anyway and to leave us alone.' The door to her room was open was closed quietly when Raven saw that the girls were sleeping. "Hey Starfire. I was wondering if we could just talk?" The alien smiled at this. "Okay, we can talk Raven. What did you in mind?" The Goth was a bit hesitant in beginning what was about to be asked. Feeling calm enough she said, "I was wondering if you would like to go with me to the Moonlight Dance not as a friend but as my date. That is if you're comfortable…"

She was tackled by the alien in a fierce hug that sent shivers to base of both their spines. This was the defining moment in their friendship when neither would be willing to go without the other again. "Yes Raven I would love to go with you to the dance. I was kind of hoping to go with you in the first place." She then proceeded to kiss the bird of the night on the cheek, which caused her to blush madly. "Oh and you look so adorable when you blush to." This only caused her to go redder. 'Why must she make me blush like this. It's so embarrassing.' "Starfire, I'm not cute. I only dress for comfort." "You are immensely cute Raven whether you want to admit or not." This shut Raven up at once. She actually started to think about when Beast Boy called her cute which was never.

'Starfire actually called me cute. I actually love when she says it. It makes me feel better about myself,' Raven thought and was not about to tell Starfire this. The Goth layed her head on Starfire's shoulder and inhaled her scent more often. It calmed her to no end. She had started to feel sleepy so she motioned for the both of them to go to the bed where the other 2 girls were sleeping. "Can we sleep here for awhile? I don't think they will mind if we move them." The alien gently nudged the older sister to move. "What is it mommy?"

Star's heart melted at these words and got the idea that these girls were homeless. "Could you move over with your sister? We would like to curl up and sleep for awhile." The other girl moved her sister over. Starfire went in first with Raven cuddling into her side resting her head on her chest and she curled her arm around her waist. The older sister went to Star's other side and the youngest sister curled on top of Starfire sprawled out. Little did they know that Beast Boy was watching the whole thing from the vent on an observatory mission for Robin to find out why they were so cold towards them.

'So that is why the two of them don't like us anymore. I'll have to apologize to Raven for being a dumb ass around her in general. Maybe we can be friends again.' So he set off to his own room to call it a night. Robin on the other hand was expecting him to report back to him with the findings. "Beast Boy, come on man hurry up and back to me. I want to find out why Star won't let me screw her," he said aloud to no one in particular.

It was around 11 in the morning when everyone in the tower started to stir. Cy was in his garage working on his baby. Robin was fretting around the tower waiting for the girls to wake up. Beast Boy was playing video games on the massive screen in the living room waiting for the girls to wake up. In Starfire's room, the youngest girl started to stir and started to tickle her sister. She responded by waking up with a smile on her face. "Can we wake up our mommy's?" The older sister was shocked at this and considered the other 2 women in the bed her mothers after having no parents for a number of years. "Yes we can wake up our mommy's."

The other 2 girls only heard wake then felt a tickle fest to get them out of bed. "Starfire what did I tell…" Raven never finished when she saw the youngest in her lap starring up at her with a massive smile on her face. "Why good morning monkey. How did you sleep?" The other girl only girl only smiled which melted Raven's normally cold heart. "Me slept rather well mommy. Can we wake up the other girl to?" She simply couldn't resist the idea of waking up Starfire. So she crept up from her spot on her shoulder and went to kiss Star on the cheek. The older girl sighed in happiness. "Come on love, time to wake up. Don't make me tickle you!" The alien grumbled something then threw her head at her pillow. Raven nodded to the other girls and they let loose. The result was hurmorus.

Starfire was woken up by 3 pairs of hands wandering all over her body in her ticklish spots. It was heard down to Cyborg's room. He stopped what he was doing to listen to the girls all having fun. 'About time they have some fun with the sisters that came with them,' he thought to himself. He then went to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast for the whole team. By the time he was done, the girls had come into the kitchen. They were leaning against each other in their own little world. The sisters were cuddling on the other side of the table where Robin and Beast Boy normally sat. "BREAKFAST IS READY EVERYONE! COME AND GET IT!"

Beast Boy was at the table and saw his ex girlfriend. Instead of going up to the table, he grabbed a chair. The Goth noticed this and thought he got the idea she didn't want to date him. So he deceided to mature up and said, "Morning Raven. I was wondering if you would like to talk outside on the roof. Star can come to if you think that I will try anything." The Goth considered this and read his thoughts. What she saw was genuine honesty for the first time in awhile. She didn't answer the question but looked up at him and he caught on. Robin came into the kitchen and was disgusted with the sight in front of him.

The girls were holding hands and stealing looks every now and then. When caught they were blushing. Small talk between them made him sick to his stomach. The 2 sisters were sickening to him. He didn't know that the oldest was 17 and the youngest was 8. "Starfire and Raven, you two are the sickest people that I know. It's wrong to hold hands and cuddle. Do you have any idea what you are doing to these 2 young sisters," He said in a rage. The sisters flinched at the tone of his voice and curled into each other. "Robin, get out of here before I make you. Understood?" "No I won't get out of here. What they are doing is not acceptable on Earth or anywhere in the galaxy for that matter. Why is it that you can't be like normal girls on Earth and date guys? May you to rot in hell for what you are doing!" He finished his rant only to knocked out by Cyborg. "Beast Boy, go play video games. You four, come with me to my room. We're going to talk."

They got his room and went to his living area, which consisted of a couch and a lazy boy recliner. "Alright you guys talk. I was wondering what was up with the 4 of you this morning. Although I do find it extremely cute that you guys were holding hands this morning." No one was in the mood to talk so Raven got the courage to kiss Starfire gently on the lips. The alien was shocked beyond words but responded happily anyway. Cy said nothing but looked on happily at the 2 girls for finally that they were head over heels for each other.

He looked at the sisters with longing looks in their eyes. He noticed this and said, "Come here you two monkeys. I know that you want a hug at the moment." The sisters were a bit hesitant because of what happened but the younger one noticed he was different and went to hug him. The older caught on and thanked Cyborg with her eyes for being a father figure to them even though they had only know each other for about two weeks or so.

Everyone was quite for about an hour or so when Starfire spoke, "Cyborg, we have a question for you and you can accept it or not." "Go on Star. I am listening." She took a steadying breath and said, "You are a really good friend of ours and I was wondering if you would like to come to the moonlight dance with us as friends. Raven and I are going as dates. You are a really good friend of ours and figured that you deserve a night of fun. I asked Raven and said that she was fine with it." The tin man was shocked to say the least. "I don't know what to say Star. I am just shocked that you would invite me of all people to an event that is meant for females. But yes I would love to go with you guys. What about the girls though?"

Star didn't think to much about this but Raven piped in, "My sister can watch them. God I miss her so much." "Okay than it's settled. We are going to go shopping within the next couple of days to go shopping." "Thank you for everything Cyborg."

Once again thank you for reading my story. Please take the time to leave a review and suggest this to other people. The next chapter will be nothing but fluffy cuteness... Oh and don't forget about the ideas either. I love them. Keep them coming.

Christopher Black.