Chapter 13

Okay, as I promised, this chapter will be less dark than the other. Infact, quite the opposite. I hope you're ready! Thank you everyone for reading and reviewing. And sorry for the long absence. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Michael stared at me blankly as he held my fist still. Though he showed no emotion, I could feel his concern. I loosened my fist, but he held on, staring cautiously into my eyes. He must think I'm crazy. What kind of girl throws a fit, punching a mirror? I was still too heated up to be embarressed. But as I calmed down, I felt a little awkward about my "temper" showing infront of him.

Michael was very angry that Amy's mother made her so upset. If it was up to him, he would kill her. Seeing Amy looking at herself in the mirror with such hate, and rage, made him believe that she might have killed her mother herself if she did not leave. How did she have so much will power to stop? He could never have stopped the rage once it started. She was about to hurt herself when he came into the bathroom. It made him furious that she looked at herself that way. She was not the one who should be harmed.

I looked up at him with emotional eyes. "Thank you." I said calmly.

He loosened his hand from my fist. But before he let go, I noticed a trail of blood running down his hand. I instantly grabbed his wrist and pulled it to get a better look. He was surprised by my contact, but I ignored it, feeling more concerned than scared. As I looked closer, I saw puncture wounds going down his hand. They were deep, and open. It was a wonder how he could move his hand. I looked up at the very shocked Michael and said casually, "Dog bite?.. Must have been a fighter."

Michael didn't look amused by my comment, He just stared at me seriously. It was funny, atleast the dog tried. I looked back at the wound and cringed.

"Here, let me clean it for you."

I looked at his face for approval as I held his hand in both of mine. He didn't show any negative signs. He just stared at my hands around his, in wonder. I brought it lower towards the sink. Once it was directly the water, he started to pull away.

"It's okay. It's just water." I assured in a nice voice, keeping his hand there.

He looked into my eyes, and relaxed, letting himself get used to the water. I pumped soap, then started rubbing it. I used my fingers to massage his hand, being very careful around the wounds. It wasn't until I quickly laced my fingers around his, that I noticed how intimate our contact was. I quickly let go, and scrubbed as distant as I could, only touching the areas that had blood on it. I looked up to see a surprised, yet peaceful look in his eyes as he stared down at our hands.

Once all the blood went down the drain and his cut looked clean, I took his hand in a towel, and carefully patted it down. Then I pulled it closer to my face to get one more look. I looked up and him and asked, "Can you move your fingers?"

He stared down and clasped his hands into a fist, then released. I stared in amazement.

"You know if I punched that mirror, I would probably not be able to do that. And your hand is much worse than what mine would have been." I claimed.

He stared at me emotionless. I looked over his body in search of other wounds that he received. His hands were scratched up with scars and scrapes. His eye lid had a tiny scar. I could see a tiny puncture wound underneath his mask, on his neck. It looked like a needle. It was in an area that would kill a man, especially considering how deep it was impaled. Now, it was layers of hard skin that formed a deep scar.

"Wow." I whispered.

Curiosity got the best of me, I didn't even think before I started moving my hand towards him. Once I got to his neck, and my finger grazed his mask, he immediately jerked away, giving me a death stare.

I jumped back and froze from his reaction. Oh, wow. I never noticed how protective he was over his mask. He was looking at me hard, trying to scare me. It was unnerving, but a very reckless side of me found it challenging.

I raised my eye brow, and gave him a stern look. He looked back serious. I took my hand and reached for his mask, and he jerked back again. This time with a stunned look on his face as if he didn't know whether to stab me or walk away. I walked closer to him then pushed him playfully.

His eyes grew wide at my sudden action. I smirked and giggled. "Wow, didn't know you were so defensive, Michael." I accused.

He looked at me with question. I gave him an amused expression.

"Come and get me." I teased, biting my lip.

He started for a moment in confusion, then his eyes turned amused. He understood. I ran passed him, heading down towards the stairs. I could feel his absence, giving me a head start. I nearly tripped down the third step stubbing my toe, murmuring, "Shit!" out loud, followed by a chuckle. when I got to the dining room, I turned. Michael was not in sight. Huh? How odd.

I turned to run in the living room, when Michaels' hands gripped around my stomach, turning me to face him. I screamed at the sudden contact, then giggled when I looked into his eyes. He started to step closer to me. Then I smiled and said, "Oh, no you don't!" Lifting my leg in between us, and kicking him away from me by his chest. He flung 5 feet away, crashing into the wall. His eyes grew darker, as he stepped closer, charging at me.

I ran passed him and ducked under his arm, running towards the kitchen, while squealing excitingly. After running around the house for a while, I noticed that he was missing again. Where did he go? I was In the hallway by the front door, looking around for him. The house was oddly quiet. I could hear the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Suddenly I heard his breathing right behind me. I froze, waiting for him to make his move. But he didn't. He was just teasing me, waiting to scare me unexpectedly.

Finally, he ended my anticipation and grabbed my waist. I screamed at the touch, and ran away towards the stairs giggling excessively. When I got to the stairs, and touched the railing, he grabbed my wrist and turned me over. I tried to push him away with my leg, but I ended up tripping him, causing him to fall ontop of me. He fell forward, making me land on my back. My head almost hit the step, when his hand caught me, shielding my skull. I heard crack from his hand, but he didn't seem to be effected. We stared at each other with a startled expression, paralyzed still.

There I was, lying underneath the shape. Him lying ontop of me, with his whole body putting pressure on mine. But the most remarkable thing was his hand on the back of my head. And his mask, just an inch away from my face.

I had nothing else to stare at but his dark orbs, that were hypnotizing. They looked so deep, so.. beautiful. They stared at me like I was some sort of prize, or significance. My breathing was uneven, and slow. I didn't have the nagging side of reason, telling me what was right, or what was wrong. Nothing else mattered, but this moment. My instincts took over, and I let myself give in.

I kept my eyes open, holding him still, watching him closely with need. Then without even trying, my head started to come up, closer and closer to him until everything in the room became blurry except for his eyes. Our noses touched, we both slowly closed our eyes at the feeling. Then I pressed my lips against his masked lips lightly, holding it there for a few seconds.

My whole body shook with butterflies. It felt like we were floating above the floor. Nothing could have ruined this, or made me more happy. I lifted my head, pushing my lips harder against his. At first he froze, but surprisingly, he relaxed and pressed his lips against mine, returning the kiss. It was shy, and uncertain, but strong.

Michael felt dazed as he lied ontop of her, and looked into her eyes. He had never been this close to her. It was intoxicating. When she brought her face closer to him, he thought he would loose control. But all he could do was lay there still, and wait for her to make her move. When her lips touched his, he felt a wave of life pour over him. For the first time, he felt alive. He didn't know what to do, but when she pushed closer, he had the need to push closer back. After a few seconds, they became so overwhelmed, they needed a break. They let go slowly. Amy lowered her head back to his hand. Michael stared at her in amazement.

I set my head back, looking into his eyes with shock. I couldn't hide it anymore. I liked it. I liked the kiss, and I liked being around him. I felt something for him. Though I did not know what it was. We stared into each others' eyes for a long time, just mesmerizing one another.

It became so overpowering that I had to close my eyes and lean in for another kiss. This time he wasn't timid. I could feel his lips pressing against mine through the mask. My heart fluttered, and I became dizzy. I gasped for air and laid back down. We both just stared into each others' eyes, breathing heavily.

Then he stared down at my mouth and began to trace my lips with his thumb. As if he was feeling with his hand, what he couldn't feel through the mask. A sharp pinch of disappointment hit me. I looked at his masked lips, then back at him.

"Will I ever get to see?" I asked doubtfully.

His eyes became hard, and he didn't respond. He lifted his body off of mine, and I immediatly felt the empty space form between us. He obviously was too touchy about showing his real face. The mask was his face for years. It was not something that I could get offended by. But I still felt a little discouraged. I sighed sadly, but nodded, starting up at him as I still layed on the floor.

"Okay." I said, understanding.

I picked myself up off the floor, and stumbled, still being high from what just happened. Also feeling sore from the fall, and the hard stairs on my back. Michael watched me, showing no other emotion except content. Though he wasn't easy to read, I knew that he was feeling the same thing that I was. It was like the air between us was on fire. I stared shyly at him, and looked away nervously when it got too awkward. This kiss changed everything.

Okay guys, this is what you wanted! Things have finally started. Thank you for the ideas. I love reading your reviews. Hope you guys are getting into the Halloween spirit, now that fall is here! Let me know what you think of this chapter.