The Myers House
This story is strictly based off of John Carpenters' Halloween. Takes place 2 years after Halloween 2. I did change the ending, there was no explosion in the hospital. Michael got away, and Dr. Loomis is still alive. I do not own any of the Halloween characters.
Today was going to be a long day. I'm moving into my own house for the first time. I've spent all week moving most of my clothes, toiletries, and kitchenware in. Luckily there was still some old furniture from the previous owners. I have thier Kithcen table, and the whole living room set. I'll probably replace it, because its all from the 60's. Not only is the style old, but its all dusty from years of abandonment.
Tonight is going to be the first night sleeping in the house. The kids down the street offered to help move in my bedroom furniture this morning, which was very sweet. It was so typical of my family and friends to not be here to help. They are never around for any of the important events in my life. That's why I'm moving so far away. I've always been the tough girl, who doesn't need anybodies help, or attention. I want to be alone. Which is why I'm moving in the "haunted house", I expect to be avoided. I've heard stories about the 6 year old boy killing his sister, escaping the institution 15 years later, and killing more people. They say he was shot, stabbed, and fell off of a balcony and got away. But I don't believe that's possible. Even if he did get away, he couldn't have lived through all of those injuries with out getting any medical attention in two years. Everyone but my mom new about the stories. I avoided telling her because she would overreact. She's always judging me, the last thing I need is for her to call me a freak.
As I threw the last bag into the back seat, the phone started to ring. I searched through my purse and picked up the phone.
"hello?" I said.
"Hey, Amy. It's Ben. Listen, I can't wait at the house for you. I gotta get home. I'm going to leave the realitor papers on the kitchen table for you to sign. I'll pick them up later. Okay?" He sounded nervous, like he was in a hurry to leave the house.
"Okay, Thank you." I was about to say something else, but then he cut me off by hanging up.
He was probobly nerveous about being alone. He sold me this house for practically nothing. Probobly because nobody was brave enough to buy it. All the neighborhood kids warned me about the boogeyman while they helped me move in. I just laughed and went along with it. It wasn't enough to scare me away. The far distance from my old neighborhood, the 10 minute drive to my job, and the unbeatable price of the house was enough to make me forget the stories. Besides, I may be a tiny girl, but I'm crazy. This boogeyman doesn't scare me! I laughed outloud at that thought as I drove to the house.
An hour and fourtyfive minutes went by, I was finally In my neighborhood. I past through the quiet town, with beautiful houses, and small town shops. I turned onto my street and saw colorful houses, with well kept lawns. Then I spotted my white, broken down house, with loose shedders, faded paint, and loose nails comming from the deck. It looked out of character compared to all of the other houses. I sighed at all of the work I needed to do with this house. Then I shook it out of my mind, I can't stress myself out. One step at a time. As I pulled into the driveway, I got a chill. Probobly from the excitement of beggining a new life. I grabbed my bags, and struggled my way to the door. I took my key, unlocked the door, and dropped everything once i got inside. The smell of dust, and old wood hit me in the face when I shut the door. I took a look around at the hallway that lead to the stairs, and the view into the kitch and living room. The walls had 60's wall paper, that was peeling down. The floor had old wooden tiles, the kitchen had old cabinets, and an outdated washing machine, and refrigerater. The kitchen table was a beautiful wooden oak table for 6 people. That would be the one thing I might keep. The couch was tan flanel that was covered in dust bunnies. The desks, and tables around it were chipped, and falling apart. I walked through the hall, into the kitchen. My stomache growled as I looked into the empty refrigerator.
Well, the first thing i got to do is go grocery shopping. I shut the refrigerator, grabbed my purse, and left. As i walked down the drive way to my car, I felt like somebody was watching me. I looked back at my house, and laughed as I rolled my eyes. 'Okay Amy, I thought you outgrew supersticion.' I said to myself. Then I drove off to Haddonfields' Grocery Market.
Two hours before Amy arrived, Ben was at the house, sorting the papers for her to sign. He heard noises in the basement, and became nerveous. He knew it was an old house, and the piping system wasn't to well. It was probobly just the pipes sqeaking from the water. Still he couldn't stay one more minute in that house. He dialed Amys' number.
Michael was at the basement stairs, looking through the crack of the opening door. He heard people walking around his house all week. Finally, someone was alone. He listened as the man spoke. He heard the man talk about how he was selling the house, and this young girl would be moving in. His fists' clenched. He had to get rid of this man, and this girl trying to take over his home. When the man hung up, Michael made his move.
Ben was about to call a cab. He jumped as the light went out in the living room. Every part of him wanted to get out of there. But his macho side told him to change the light bulb for Amy. It was the least he could do since he was selling her a haunted house. He knew there were some old light bulbs in the kitchen cabinet. He recalled seeing them as he showed his clients through the house. He took one, and warily walked into the living room, feeling his way to the lamp. Once he felt the lamp, he noticed that the bulb wasn't on tight enough. He twisted it, and the light went on. He jumped, as he saw a man wearing a white mask standing right infront of him. He knew who this was and knew he had to get out of here. He tried to run, but was frozen still. Michael presented his knife by raising it in the air. Bens' eyes grew wide, he tried to yell. But before he could, Michael stabbed his throat. He pulled the knife out, causing the body to fall limp on the floor with a thud.
Michael dragged the body through the sewers, he brought it all the way across town. Once it was far enough, he walked back to the house and stared into space for an hour. He heard small footsteps upstairs in the house. He walked up the stairs, and looked through the basement door. That's when he saw the intruder. He couldn't see every detail. But from what he could tell, she was a small, slim girl with light brown hair, and blonde streaks. He watched as she put her stuff down in his house, making it her own. He would have to get her out of here. He was about to kill her when she left. He watched her drive away. He wasn't upset that he had to wait for her to come back. Patience was his strongest trait. He waited 15 years in Smithes Grove sanitarium before he escaped. He went back into the sewers and patiently waited for her to come back.