A/N: Stephenie Meyer owns all things Twilight. I just borrow the characters. I promise to give them back. :)

Thanks to everyone who has read/reviewed my little story. Your encouragements mean a lot!

Wow. I cannot believe that How I Met the Man of My Dreams is over! I've had so much fin with this story and I can't thank my reader, reviewers, anyone who put this story on alert or favorite, and anyone who just gave this story a chance.

Okay, now . . . here's the conclusion to How I Met the Man of My Dreams.

Epilogue ~ 21 years later


The six of us tried to make our way to our seats in the arena without attracting too much attention, a hard task to complete when our family gets nothing but attention these days. When we found our row we filed in, first Noah, then Penny, then me, then Edward, and then Natalie.

"I'm so excited!" My youngest daughter squealed next to me, clapping her hands excitedly like her Aunt Alice.

I smiled and ruffled her long red-brown hair, laughing when I heard a "Mom!" in protest.

A couple months after the twins' third birthday, Penelope Rose Cullen was born at 12:01 AM, always a little late, that girl was. Penny – aptly named since her hair is the color of an old penny – was our little princess. A little bit of a diva growing up and in her teenage years, Penny has turned into a gorgeous, sweet young woman. Growing up, Pen was always drawing and designing whenever she could, clothes, houses, and buildings. Once she graduated high school she decided to go to school not too far from home – Edward breathed a sigh of relief when she told him – at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn studying architecture.

Though we loved our three little girls, after Penny turned one, Edward and I decided we'd try once for a boy. And we got our wish. After nearly a year and a half of trying and waiting, Noah Anthony Cullen was born in early November.

Noah is easily the quietest of all of our children. The baby of the family and the last one to be left home, he's always been a bit of a Momma's boy. He's also has the most book smarts over the girls, always has his nose in a book or in front of a computer screen and always bringing home straight As on his report cards. He's graduating in a few months with an early acceptance to MIT, planning to study computer science and engineering.

And that brings us to our girls, the twins. Where to begin, well, with something not many mothers can say. My girls rocketed to international stardom, Natalie at age seventeen and Olivia, last year, at age twenty-two.

When Nat was seven, all of her friends were doing gymnastics and she wanted to try it too. I went with her to her first class, sitting in the waiting room behind the big glass windows with all the other moms gawking at me, and watched my shyest daughter shine. Nat took instantly to gymnastics and immediately started working towards her new dream, the Olympics. She was the youngest girl at her first World Championship when she was fifteen. She ended up winning silver on vault and helping the United States win gold for the team event. At her second World Championship a year later, it was a different story. She helped her team win gold yet again, but added a gold in vault, a silver in floor, and a silver in all-around to her collection.

Edward and I had front row seats for the Olympic qualifying event the year Nat was seventeen. When they called Natalie Cullen as a member of the official United States women's gymnastics team, we couldn't have been more proud.

The actual Olympics themselves were exciting. There were joyful times and tense times I just wanted break into the Olympic village and hug my baby girl. During the qualifying round she looked a little shaky and nervous but managed to qualify for the all-around event and helped team USA qualify for the team event. During the actual events, the Natalie we knew came out to shine. When all was said and done, Natalie came home with team gold, all-around gold, vault gold, and floor silver.

That brings us to Olivia. Following in Edward's footsteps, she took to music when she was very young. Edward started teaching Liv a few chords when she was three. She would sit on the piano bench next to her Daddy for hours just watching him compose and play music. We got her formal lessons when she was six and there was no turning back from there.

Two years ago, when Liv was twenty-one, she exploded onto the music scene, all on her own. She was adamant that she wanted absolutely no help from her father to get her name out there. Of course people – music execs, producers, and other musicians – already knew who she was since the girls use to go to the studio with Edward when I needed a break to concentrate to write. But with a voice like my daughter's, nobody could deny her talent.

Which brings us to where we are now, in an extremely crowded and loud Madison Square Garden. This is the last stop on Liv's second tour, her first world tour. We've all seen one of Liv's concerts but we've never all seen one together. This will be . . . interesting.

Pop being Liv's genre of choice, there were mostly young women and teenagers in the audience tonight. We all decided as a family that we wanted to sit in with the rest of the public instead of a private box. A decision we might regret later.

We still get stares everywhere we go. Edward continued writing and recording songs up until about a year ago when he decided to change his focus to just writing and composing. He's even wrote a few songs with Liv. I took a break after I concluded my first trilogy of novels to raise my four kids. Once they were all off to school, Edward was my number one supporter to start writing again.

"I can't wait to see her again," Natalie sighed. "It's been nearly a month since I've seen her face to face."

I leaned around my husband to smile at my daughter. "The show should start soon and you'll be that much closer to seeing her again."

The opening acts were okay, not fantastic but not terrible. About ten minutes after the second opening act left the stage, my phone vibrated in my jeans pocket.

About to walk on stage! Miss you guys, can't wait to see you all again. Tell Daddy I have a surprise for him later and to just go with it. Love you! – Liv

I passed my phone to Edward for him to read and heard him chuckle and sigh. Liv always keeps him on his toes.

The lights suddenly dimmed and went out as the crowd's cheers reached a deafening level. I could just make out my eldest daughter skipping on stage through the darkness. The lights abruptly turned back to full brightness and Liv immediately started in on her first song. The crowd screamed as Liv danced around and sang one of her more popular songs.

Liv hit her last pose and beamed as the crowd cheered loudly. She took the microphone once again and spoke once everyone quieted a bit. "Hey, everyone! Hope you're having fun out there!" The crowd cheered again in response, making Liv laugh. "I've got a little treat for you at the end of the show. but for now let's get on with the show!"

The crowd cheered, again reaching deafening levels as Liv started into her next song.

Her set lasted almost an hour and half, including her encore in which she reappeared in a completely different outfit. Our family was on our feet and dancing and cheering the whole time. After her last song, she was breathing hard but smiling widely as the crowd cheered the loudest yet.

"Alright," Liv said to quiet the crowd. "Since this is the last stop on my tour, I have a little surprise for everyone." She sighed, smirking as she tried to hide a smile, and scanned the crowd, shielding her eyes against the light. "For my last song, I'm going to need a little help."

I laughed. I could see where this was going. My husband and children looked at me like I was crazy.

"Lucky for me," Liv continued. "We have some very special guests here tonight."

Natalie and Penny giggled, Noah looked a little bored, and Edward groaned.

Liv grinned as if she just heard her father's groan. She loves to tease Edward. "Finally for the first time since Thanksgiving my whole family is all together here tonight." She laughed as the crowd roared. Yeah, our family is still pretty well known.

"I've got someone very special in mind to help me out with the next song. And he probably knows who he is by now. I didn't tell him about this beforehand, I like giving him a hard time. So, come on down here Daddy!" Her hand and smile beckoned him down to the stage.

The crowd cheered excitedly as Edward smirked, kissed my cheek, and jogged quickly down the steps towards the stage. He heaved himself up over the edge of the stage to tumultuous applause and pulled his waiting daughter into a tight hug.

A second microphone stand suddenly appeared next to Liv's and two people dressed completely in black scurried out from back stage and handed Liv her silver electric guitar and Edward his black one. I laughed. That was why Liv borrowed his guitar yesterday. Edward threw his daughter a suspicious look when the crew member handed him his guitar. She just grinned at him.

Once she had the strap comfortably around her neck, Liv grabbed the microphone and spoke. "So Daddy, what should we sing for everyone?"

Edward chuckled and stepped up to his own microphone. "Whatever you want, Livy. This is your show."

The crowd laughed as Liv smirked at Edward. "How about that one we used to sing for Mom?"

"Sure thing, baby girl,"

"Let me tell you all a story," Liv said with a grin as Edward stepped back a little to tune his guitar. "When I was little, my dad and I would sing for my mom, my sisters, and my brother. Dad loved to teach me classic Rock. This was one of our favorites since it's one of my mom's favorite songs."

I squealed as they began the first cords of one of my favorite songs, Dream On by Aerosmith. Yeah, I'm a classic Rock junkie.

Natalie and Penny smiled as they wrapped their arms around my waist and we sort of swayed-danced along to the opening guitar solo that Liv and Edward played together. Penny pulled her reluctant brother into our little hug.

Edward stepped back up to the microphone and started into the first verse.

"Every time that I look in the mirror

All these lines on my face gettin' clearer, the past is gone

It went by like dusk to dawn, Isn't that the way?

Everybody's got their dues in life to pay"

Olivia joined in on the next verse. I was instantly reminded of the times when Liv was still a little girl and she and Edward would dance around the living room, signing whatever the girls and I requested.

"Well I know nobody knows

Where it comes and where it goes

I know it's everybody's sin

You got to lose to know how to win"

Edward sang the last verse alone while Liv took control of the guitar.

"Half my life's in book's written pages

Live and learn from fools and from sages

You know it's true

All the things you do, come back to you"

One of Liv's band members took over the guitar's more complicated notes as Edward and Liv sang the chorus, smiling at each other.

Liv sang the first verse of the chorus while Edward looked on proudly.

"Sing with me, sing for the year

Sing for the laughter and sing for the tear

Sing with me, I'm just for today

Maybe tomorrow the good Lord'll take you away"

Edward sang the last verse of the chorus while Liv smiled out of the crowd.

I sighed as I watched my husband sing. He still is the handsome, charming rock star that he always was. The only difference was the graying of his bronze hair at his temples and the laugh lines around his eyes.

"Sing with me, sing for the year

Sing for the laughter and sing for the tear

Sing with me, I'm just for today

Maybe tomorrow the good Lord'll take you away"

They smiled knowingly at each other and sang the rest of the song together, their bodies almost facing each other as they really got into the song.

"Dream on, dream on, dream on

Dream until the dream come true

Yea, dream on, dream on, dream on

Dream until your body getting blue

"Dream on, dream on

Dream on, dream on

Dream on, dream on

Dream on, oh"

Oh good, they cut out the ridiculous Stephen Tyler stupid screech.

"Sing, sing with me, sing for the year

Sing for the laughter and sing for the tear

Sing with me, it's just for today

Maybe tomorrow the good Lord'll take you away

"Sing, sing with me, sing for the year

Sing for the laughter and sing for the tear

Sing with me, it's just for today

Maybe tomorrow the good Lord'll take you away"

The crowd screamed and applauded as they finished the song. The girls, Noah, and I cheered loudly and stamped our feet while we clapped with the rest of Madison Square Garden.

Liv and Edward hugged quickly before Liv bid everyone goodbye and thanked them for coming to her show. She and Edward started speaking excitedly together as they disappeared off stage.

My children and I fought with the crowds and finally found the door to backstage. Security at the door let us in immediately and we hurried along the long hallway, anxious to see Liv again.

We found her dressing room fairly quickly and heard laughter on the other side of the door. I hastily pushed it open and pounced on my daughter.

Liv laughed loudly as I squeezed her tightly. "Hi, Mom," she said as she hugged me back.

"You were great out there, sweet girl." I whispered in her ear. "And great move with your father." I added with a smile as I released her.

Edward walked across the room from where he was sitting to wrap his arms round my waist as we watched the twins hug and whisper together before pulling their younger siblings into a group hug.

"We did good, sweetheart." Edward murmured, his lips against my temple.

I couldn't help but agree as our children's laugher rang out across the room.

A/N: Thanks SO much for reading! PLEASE leave me a review let me know what you think! Love it? Hate it? Just okay?

So sad this is over! Thank you everyone!

Be sure to check out my other stories My Little Secret and Second Chance. They're really great stories and now I'll be able to focus on them so you get more updates!

Thanks again!

- Nikki