11 years later…

By Jill Weber/Jelsemium

Chapter two of my 'one chapter' Ginny Mini.

Standard Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine. I'm using them without permission or intent to make a profit.

Ginny had grown up in love with Harry Potter. She'd had dreamed of Harry Potter, of being his girlfriend, of being his wife. She had daydreamed constantly of walking into the kitchen in the morning and seeing Harry Potter at the table. The first time it had happened, shortly before she'd started at Hogwarts, she had nearly had a heart attack.

Now, seeing him at the kitchen table was an everyday occurrence. Everything had worked out exactly as planned. (Well, not exactly as planned, but it had worked out, so she wasn't going to complain.) She had been Harry's girlfriend. She was now Harry's wife. When she woke up that morning to find that Harry had already risen, she confidently expected to find Harry seated at the kitchen table, as usual.

Only he wasn't. He was on his hands and knees under the table, scrubbing the floor with a rag. Her cat, Pixie, was watching him with great interest. Ginny rubbed her eyes. Her husband was still under the table. "Harry, what on Earth are you doing?"

Harry's head came up with a jerk and almost smacked against the underside of the table. "Oh, good morning, Ginny," he said. "I was just cleaning one of Pixie's hairballs up from the floor." He crawled out from under the table and looked at her unhappily. "What's so funny?" he demanded.

Ginny had sat down abruptly, giggling into her hands. "Oh, Harry!" she said. "Why didn't you just use a cleaning spell? It's much faster than scrubbing by hand!"

Harry stared at her open-mouthed for a few moments, then stood up and silently deposited the rag into the rag bin before going to the sink to wash his hands.

Ginny stopped giggling as soon as she realized that she'd really hurt his feelings. "I'm sorry," she said, walking over to him and laying her hand on his elbow. She looked at stove, where the sausage was cooking. There was a bowl of whisked eggs and a bowl of pancake batter waiting their turn at the fire. All, no doubt, prepared by hand the Muggle way.

"That's okay," Harry said, as if trying to not show he'd been hurt. "Guess it's stupid of me to…"

Ginny silenced him with a quick kiss on the lips. "It's not stupid. You were raised by Muggles, of course you do things the Muggle way."

Harry relaxed and the hurt look faded.

Ginny giggled again and Harry gave her an ironic look. "Now what?" he asked.

"Sorry," Ginny said. "It's just that all my childhood fantasies about you somehow never included you cleaning cat yack off the floor by hand."

One black eyebrow raised. "All your childhood fantasies about me?" Harry questioned. "Did you fantasize about me a lot, then?" he teased.

Ginny nodded. "Oh, of course, all us little witches dreamed about marrying the Great Harry Potter."

Harry snorted. "Oh, please," he said. He wiped his hands and went back to fixing breakfast. He picked up the coffee pot, then set it down again and picked up his wand.

"Seriously," Ginny insisted. "I had our courtship all planned out months before we ever met." A grin blossomed on her face. "I even had the names of our children picked out before we were introduced."

Harry laughed as he waved his wand at the coffee pot. "Children's names? A bit premature, don't you think?" he said. He turned his wand at the eggs.

Ginny kissed him on the cheek and caused him to splatter eggs and pancake batter all over the kitchen when she whispered in his ear: "Not anymore."


Author's Notes:

SiriusBPadfoot: Just for you, chapter two! (You have me on author's alert? WoW, I'm flattered!)

Sanction: Thanks, I'm glad I made you smile. And I'm glad you think I did a good job of capturing Ginny at age eleven. I was planning to stop at one chapter, but this little bunny popped into my head last night…

Chary: Thanks for saying it was wonderfully written! Glad you think it fit well with canon. I based the idea that Ginny had grown up hearing stories about Harry from what Hagrid said about Malfoy in the first book. "He's grown up knowin' yer name if his family is wizardin' folk."

Glad you like my handling of the children. Erm, professors? I've got ideas for Sirius, but he's not a professor. (In fact, I'm not convinced he qualifies as an adult, either.)

^_^ : Thanks for the review! Glad you liked the details!

Ozma: Thanks! I'm glad I made you laugh and cringe at the same time. That was basically the idea. I think that sort of planning ahead is something a lot of little girls do. I know I had a tendency to pair my name with boys that I liked. This story really came from my memories of being eleven and infatuated.

Hope y'all liked this, cause this story is officially over! That's all she wrote!