My life had been filled with stories of demons and ghosts… my father, Minato was the greatest… (The only…) demon hunter known to man. The same, was with my mother, Kushina but she hunted ghosts instead… the two of them had gotten together… had gotten married cause they thought that their science was the same… working together and finally gotten married… they had me, a child that was afraid of what his parents hunted…

But, what do you expect? A little kid hearing stories like this since he was born… it would scare anyone… Though, one day a friend of mine made me do something really stupid just so I could get a girl I liked to notice me… But… cause of that bet, my life had turned around but… was it for the better, or the worse?

"Do it."


"Do it…"


"Go on in there."

"No way."


"I'm not stupid."

"You're called a baka for a reason Naruto; I'll give you fifty bucks if you go in."

"No freaking way teme."

There were two teenagers in a lab. One had short black hair that shot out at the back almost like the duck's but feathers. His dark eyes staring at the blonde boy that stood in front of him. They've been friends for a long time, though the black haired boy crossed his arms over his dark blue shirt, his white shorts went up to his knees. Though, the blonde boy wasn't going to go in this weird portal that the blonde's parents made.

"I'm not going in and you can't make me!" Shouted blonde boy, his blue eyes sparkled with anger, not wanting to go into the broken portal. His parents were the only couple in this town that hunted down both demons, and ghosts. Well, his father hunted down the demons and his mother hunted down the ghosts. They both had created the portal in hopes to breaking through and into the other world.

And that had frightened him to a new level of fear.

The boy with black hair ran a hand through his hair as he said "look, if you go into the portal… I'll give you some advice to get Hinata Hyuuga to notice you." That had made the blonde boy lift his head in confusion. Tilting his head, the blonde boy was wondering if the black haired teen was telling the truth. "I give you my word Naruto; I'll tell you how you can get her to notice you."

Sighing, Naruto stared at his best friend for a moment before saying "fine Sasuke… not like it works anyway…" He sighed and walked to the portal, looking at it for to him, it only looked like a long tunnel… not very deep but it was deep enough at least. Shaking his head, Naruto placed his hand on the side of the wall, trying to figure out what this place would be like if it really leads to another world filled with ghosts or demons alike.

Though, he wasn't sure if it was a real world… nothing in his mind would allow him to believe this… to believe that they were real… the stories he had been told as a child, flew through his mind but… it still frightened him. Shaking his head, Naruto kept on walking… he had to complete this bet, he wanted Hinata to notice him… sure he had a small crush on Sakura once, but when he saw Hinata… it was like true love at first sight… but thought that she would never love him in return… her family was rich and successful… but his family were two crazy people that thought demon's and ghosts were real…

Though, blinking in confusion, Naruto thinking he felt something under his palm. Tilting his head, Naruto tried to think on what it could have been… Though, he knew that he had to figure it out… He did the only logical thing… he pushed it.

The button started to hum, the lights within the tunnel started to flicker. Naruto didn't know why he wasn't running out of there. He knew that he had to get out of there. But for some reason, his body was frozen in place. As if something was holding him down, a voice whispering something in his head… telling him that this was meant to happen, though as the voice whispered to him, Naruto heard Sasuke screaming for Naruto to get out of there.

But he didn't leave…

When Naruto had turned around, he let out a blood curling scream. Bolts of lightning hit him, jolting through his body. It felt like he was touching a wire fence… (He did that much, though it wasn't as strong as this feeling)

Naruto's eyes were tightly shut; feeling like his body was going to fry. Feeling like his heart was going to burst from all of this energy that was flowing through him. His body couldn't handle this anymore… he… he just couldn't handle this at all… his body felt like it was going to shut down. Naruto could faintly hear Sasuke screaming, panicking for help. But Naruto knew that there wouldn't be any help for him…

The blonde teen felt something new, a strange new sensation flowing through his body… like it was making more powerful but it was still hurting him… like his nerves were being fried with the new sense of power that was shooting through him. Slowly, Naruto opened his eyes and tried to force himself out of this place. Tried to get out of here… his body couldn't handle any more of these anymore…

Finally, Naruto felt like his body was no longer in the tunnel… though when he had left the tunnel, Naruto fell to the ground, groaning in pain… He weakly looked around as the side of his face was on the cold floor. The strange jolt was still flowing through his nerves; the coolness of the floor was making him feel a little better… Though, when he looked up, he thought he saw Sasuke's skin getting paler and paler with each minute.

"What…?" He croaked out, his body unable to stand on its own right now. It felt like his body was made of led, like he couldn't even lift himself at all…

"Is… is that you Naruto?" Asked Sasuke in shock, not sure how else he could answer this… why did Sasuke seem so scared and shocked to see him? That made no sense, Sasuke wasn't scared of anything, hell he just laughs at his parent's tales of demons and ghosts…

"What… are you talking… about?"

"Naruto… wait here, I'll get a mirror…" With that, Sasuke ran out of the room, making Naruto even more confused than before. Why would Sasuke need to get a mirror? That didn't make any kind of sense… Taking a deep breath, the young blonde teen tightly closed his eyes as he tried to fight the pain that was shooting through him, trying to make sure that he could keep on his toes so to speak…

Once he was on his feet, Naruto placed a shaky hand on his forehead, trying to get his mind to clear… trying to figure out how and why he had felt such a sudden rush of power… not like it would have made any sense… must have only been from the jolts that had shooting through him nothing more and nothing less.

Though, footsteps were heard… which made Naruto turn around wondering who it was. He only tilted his head to the side in confusion, though sighed when it was only Sasuke coming back with a big body length mirror. "Take a look Naruto…" Sasuke said his skin still as pale as it was before he left to get the mirror. Though, the young man was almost afraid to go look in the mirror, something told him that he didn't want to know… that he didn't want to see what Sasuke was seeing right now… but he knew that he had too…

Taking a deep breath, Naruto stood in front of the mirror and almost screamed… his once ocean blue eyes had turned green with black slits… no, one was neon green… the other was red, both of them had slits for pupils… the whisker marks on his cheeks look thicker…

His hair… still as spiky but… it was snow white… the ends of his hair was red as crimson… not a single mark of blonde remained in his hair. But, when Naruto turned his head, he saw that his hair was much longer… just as long as his god father's… It was tied back at the nap of his neck and almost brushed the floor of his parent's lab… but the biggest change he had noticed were his clothes…

His shirt was orange with sleeves that reached the tip of his fingers… at the ends of the sleeves had black flames with swirls of green… His pants were loose and baggy up till it had tightly closed around his ankles… and on his feet were old sandals that monks, priests and priestesses used to wear in the olden days, something he remembered from history…

But at the moment, he didn't want to focus on that either… for when he had a good look at what was behind him… Naruto saw that he had he had matching white nine twitching tails that were red at the tips, but had a single green stripe… Naruto couldn't believe what he was seeing… if he had a tail… did that mean that he also had… Lifting the hair on the sides of his head, he saw that his ears were no longer were human but the ears of a fox… just like his tails his ears were white with red tips and dangling from them was were green swirl earrings…

His skin no longer was as tanned as it used to be, it looked almost pale… if that was possible for him anyway… Shaking his head, Naruto turned to look at Sasuke saying "but how did this happen?"

"I don't know… I think it was the portal… it must have done something to your DNA… You look almost like a fox Naruto… not one I've ever seen…" Sasuke whispered, trying to figure out what Naruto had become… but what Naruto knew, was that he was no longer human… And, wanted to know how to change back…

It had been a few years since that day had happened… the only thing that had changed to his human form was that he looked a little more muscular from all the training to control his… powers… gifts… whatever… Though, it had been difficult to hide his powers from his parents… Naruto though, still wasn't really sure what he was at the moment… all he knew was that he wasn't human… not fully human anyway… But he couldn't think of what it could have been…

The sound of a tray hitting the table snapped him out of his thoughts, making him look up and staring at his best friend Sasuke… the one that had made him do the stupid bet that had changed his life in the first place… The bet that had changed his life and turned him into whatever he was…

"Hey Naruto how you doing…?"

"As fine as someone like me can be…"

Sasuke sighed softly and stared at his best friend, trying to figure out what was going on in his friends hit… it had been like this since Naruto walked into the tunnel. He did train to control his powers through the basics… but after that Naruto hadn't used them after that… and Naruto had closed himself off from other people… he didn't even ask Hinata out at all… it was as if he had given up on having a real life…

"Naruto… look I'm sorry about what had happened a few years ago… come on baka you have to be human again."

"Oh me am human? Think Sasuke, I'm not human anymore."

"You are half-human Naruto, still human enough to have feelings and emotions."

Naruto sighed softly, not sure what he could do… He knew that Sasuke meant well, but he also knew that cause of the bet that Naruto couldn't and wouldn't be able to have a normal life. Though, Naruto blinked when he heard the doors open. Looking up, Naruto blinked when he saw Sakura and Hinata walk in… Sakura was a beautiful girl with pink bubble gum hair, and emerald green eyes. She wore a red shirt and a matching red skirt… She was beautiful yes, but to Naruto she was nothing compared to the beauty next to her…

Hinata Hyuuga had long blue hair, and beautiful lavender eyes. She wore a soft pink t-shirt and black shorts, along with matching black heeled shoes… Naruto couldn't believe how beautiful she was, but knew… just knew that he couldn't have her no matter how much or how hard he tried. He knew that so long as he was anything but human, that he could never have her…

Sighing softly, Naruto looked away from the girls not wanting to feel the pain in his heart anymore… the more he thought about Hinata, the more his heart hurt… it was as if… his heart was shattering at the very thought of living his life as a monster.

"Sasuke… why am I cursed with this power… why am I a freak?" Asked Naruto, not expecting to get an answer… he knew that he didn't deserve an answer… this was Naruto's punishment for not listening to his parents… he had been told time and again to never go into the lab but did anyway…

"Everything has a reason for happening… maybe you're to use your powers for something…"

"Right… something…"

Sasuke sighed, no matter what he said, Naruto just refused to cheer up. It was as if he just plain refused to listen to reason… it was as if Naruto had just plain given up on life. And that wasn't healthy at all… Yawning, Sasuke calmly said "Naruto… you still have a chance with Hinata… trust me okay?"

"Mhm… I'll think about it…"


"Still doubting it…"

"Damn it Naruto!" Shouted Sasuke, getting ready to punch him, but didn't… knowing that this was just plain pissing him off at how Naruto was acting, he had been trying to cheer him up for years and still, Naruto refused doing anything to cheer himself up or anything… All Naruto did now, was read up on foxes for ideas on what he could have been… or even the powers that he would have… but nothing.

"Naruto-kun?" Whispered a shy voice, causing Naruto to look up and blink at the blue haired woman in confusion. Though, being near her, it made Naruto blush a soft pink. He couldn't believe it, it was Hinata Hyuuga, the girl of his dreams… Why would she and Sakura be over here? It didn't make sense, yes Sakura was popular and Hinata was because of her family's reputation as one of the greatest company owners known to man.

"Um… h-h-h-h-hi Hinata…" Naruto said with a stutter, trying hard not to lose control over his powers. From what he knew, his powers were attached to his emotions and cause of that they would go out of control when he was nervous. Sakura turned and stared at Naruto and smiled. It was so obvious that Naruto liked Hinata but was too afraid to ask her out.

"Naruto-kun… I was wondering if you needed…"

"Sorry Hinata but I gotta go!" with that, Naruto ran off with a speed that had made him known for being the fastest person on track. Which, only made Hinata blink in confusion… and Sakura and Sasuke shake their heads.

Sighing softly, Naruto leaned against the wall in the hallway… he hadn't expected Hinata to come to his table… but he didn't mind though… down side was that he felt his powers starting to go out of control… Looking at his hand, Naruto saw that he could no longer see it anymore. "Damn it…" He whispered softly, hating the fact that his powers were stronger when he felt anything… no matter what he did, he just couldn't control them to the point of them not going out of control.

"You alright Naruto," asked Sasuke as he walked up to the blonde teenager, wondering if he was okay.


"Least it was only your hand this time that went invisible."


Naruto sighed softly, but when his breath passed through his lips, it was an icy blue which made him shiver horribly. The blonde boy didn't know what that was about… trying to figure out why his breath had suddenly turned blue… and why he was shivering like crazy.

"Wonder what that was…" Asked Sasuke, wondering why his best friend just had cold breath… that is, until there was a strange laughter that he hadn't expected to hear. Looking up, both teens saw the halls glowing green. Turning the corner was a tall beast with glowing green fur. Long razor sharp claws and fangs, it looked like a mixture of a dog and a bear maybe?

"Dude that's a ghost I think you can sense ghosts too." Said the black haired teen, getting ready like he was about to fight. Though, Naruto didn't think it was a ghost… but sadly he knew that Sasuke was right. The glow was almost like how his body would glow when he first transformed… Shaking his head, Naruto took a few deep breaths as he said "you gonna fight him Naruto?"

"I'm going to have to…" Whispered Naruto as his hands clenched into tight fists, his knuckles turning white as he tried to think of where he could transform so no one would see him. Looking at the boy's room, Naruto ran in there, making sure that no one was in there with him. Taking a deep breath, Naruto pictured himself as his other self. Picturing himself as one with the powers of a ghost, and the powers of a beast… even if he still wasn't sure what he was… or who he was anymore…

A ring of white flames circled around Naruto, giving him new strength. As the circle separated into two, one was going upward while the other went downward. His clothes transforming into the orange and black clothes that he knew all too well, the green swirls glowed with power. He knew that he had to stop that ghost before it was too late… he had to protect people… even if he didn't want to use his powers…

Once the rings disappeared, Naruto knew the transformation was complete, looking in the mirror, his eyes… one was green while the other was red, both containing black slits. Looks like this was only the start of his high school life's disaster, allowing his body to glow a very light shade of blue, Naruto ran to the wall and fazed right on through the door, getting ready for a fight.

"Where did he go Sasuke?" Asked Naruto as he looked around.

Sasuke stared at his friend, his eyes a little wide for a moment before relaxing as he said "he went down the hall to the left. Think you can handle it Naruto?" Sasuke knew that Naruto had practiced with the fighting dummies his parents own, but fighting a real ghost like this… it might prove to be too much for Naruto and Sasuke would rather not hear Naruto complain about being in pain later.

Narrowing his eyes, Naruto ran to the cafeteria at top speed, the only thing that anyone would be able to see was an orange, black and white blur. Sasuke knew that he would have to make a quick trip to Naruto's parent's house… without them knowing.

Meanwhile, Naruto was running down the halls, just like before he transformed the halls glowed green with ghost energy. It was tough having to see this… his school being attacked by a ghost… Shaking his head, Naruto saw the ghost run into the cafeteria and howled like a werewolf in a way. Naruto heard screams… Naruto growled, revealing his razor sharp fangs as he fazed through the wall and glared at the demon.

"Get back ghost, this place is under my protection!" Shouted Naruto, he had to get this thing away from everyone so he could fight it better. Many people screamed in fear, though only two remained in the room… Sakura and Hinata… why that was, he didn't know. All he knew was that he couldn't risk them getting in the way… His nine tails swishing around as he tried to think of what to do. Sadly, the ghost swung its massive hand at Naruto causing him to go flying right into the wall.

Groaning, Naruto knew this… he could still feel pain in his new body…

The two girls ran to him and helped him up. Though, to them, he must have felt like burning ice. He knew his body was different in temperature then others… But when he was on his feet, Naruto saw that they weren't shivering… were they just brave enough to the point where they didn't freeze or burn? Shaking his head, Naruto glared at the ghost. Though, from the corner of his eye he saw Hinata staring at him.

Though he didn't dare make a comment on it, knowing fully well that if he did, that Hinata would get an idea on who he really is. Looking back at the ghost, Naruto calmly said "you both get out of here. You'll only get in my way…"

"We can't…"

"What do you mean you can't? You have to get out of here or you'll get hurt or worse killed." Naruto growled out, not wanting to sound like a jerk, but he just didn't want them hurt. The young ghost-demon man knew that he couldn't live with himself if Hinata got hurt, and knew he would get an ear full if Sasuke found out that Sakura had gotten hurt. Shaking his head, he said "just stay out of my way understand."

With that, Naruto clenched his hand into a fist… his hands glowing a light red as if preparing for a blast. Naruto looked down at his hand, wondering why they were glowing… he's never seen this happen before, though he wasn't complaining… it was a new strength that he's never felt before… Naruto knew that he was strong in this form of his, his build was like that of a body builder, his appearance was frightening almost… though he knew that his appearance would frighten humans…

Shaking his head, Naruto walked toward the ghost getting ready to attack. The red glow around his hand didn't fade, but it seemed like it had gotten stronger. The ghost just smirked its red eyes on Naruto as if he found Naruto amusing.

"So, another one that bares the powers of a ghost and a kyuubi spirit… thought your kind had disappeared eons ago."

"What? Just what are you talking about you weird ghost…"

"You hold the powers of a ghost, but also of a demon's spirit… there hasn't been one like you in over a hundred years… who would have thought." Said the ghost with a laugh before his hands glowing, claws getting longer, which made Naruto think that he had bitten off more than he could chew…

Tails swishing behind him as he ducked, he had to stay in front of the girls. Knowing fully well that would happen if Naruto moved from his place. The glow spread through his body and to his other hand, a voice telling him to hold his hands outward… palm facing the ghost. But he didn't know if he could trust the voice that was within his mind. Fearing that if he listened to it, that it would cause only more harm and damage…

But at the moment, he didn't have much else to go by.

Throwing his hands toward the beast before him, Naruto's palms gathered orbs of red light gathered in his hand, moving around as if they were made of flames. Naruto couldn't believe that he had this power… was this the… the power of a demon like the ghost had said? He wasn't sure, but he knew that this was only the beginning… Growling, Naruto's eyes glowed as he said "time to say good-bye!" Just as he launched the attack, Naruto went flying and through the wall.

Not what he had planned…

Though, the ghost had disappeared for now… Hinata and Sakura were confused on where the ghost boy had disappeared too.

Groaning, Naruto woke up outside of the school, slowly he opened his eyes and looked around. Wondering where he was… and saw that he was behind the school, where he and Sasuke would hang out once in a while… Taking a deep breath, Naruto looked around and changed back through the ring of white flames. Just as he left the small alley, Sasuke came through the streets holding onto a strange weapon that he knew, belonged to his parents. It was a strange sealing kunai that would easily trap a ghost or demon within it.

But it didn't work as far as Naruto knew.

"Sasuke… you're a little late. The ghost is gone…"

"Damn it!" Sasuke said when he had arrived to Naruto and saw the small marks on his hands, as if he had been burnt. "What happened?" He asked, trying to figure out what had just happened

Holding his head, Naruto calmly said "I might need to do more practice, that ghost isn't gone…"

Naruto was sitting in the basement; his parents weren't home and wouldn't be for an hour. Since when they weren't working on their ghost/demon projects, they were out doing their real jobs. Naruto had his arms crossed, had told Sasuke everything that had happened. Though, what had confused both of the boys was that the girls didn't, or wouldn't… or even couldn't move. Though, Naruto knew that he had to be more careful about what had happened… Though, what had confused both of them was what the ghost had told Naruto… about holding the power of a ghost and the kyuubi…

Sasuke had gotten to work right away, looking up old legends about the kyuubi. But it might take a while since there were so many of websites that spoke about kyuubi. As for Naruto, he had transformed once again and looked at his hand, trying to summon that red orb into the palm of his hand once more. But it didn't come to him… which didn't make any kind of sense to Naruto.

"Maybe your powers need a reason… you were trying to protect Sakura and Hinata after all."

"True… but I was also trying to beat the ghost."

"Yes, but everyone needs a reason to fight Naruto. You weren't fighting to be stronger; you were doing it to protect others…"


Sighing softly, Naruto sat down in the computer chair, staring at his palm as he tried to focus the energy within his palm once more. Thinking about Hinata being in danger… he pictured himself trying to protect her with his life… though when he looked at his hand again, he blinked when he saw an orb of red light glowing brightly… Naruto's eyes faded for a moment as if he was in a trance…

"Ya know Naruto, maybe you should pick up a name for yourself, since you can't risk using your real name or else people will know who you are."

Though, when Sasuke had said that he didn't get an answer from Naruto, which only confused him all the more, frowning the black haired teen looked over at his friend and saw that Naruto was just staring at a red orb of energy that resided in his hand. Walking over to Naruto, he pushed his shoulder trying to get the white haired teen to snap himself out of his trance. Though, it was as if Naruto was trapped within his own mind. "Naruto snap out of it!" Again, no answer… Sasuke was freaking out; thinking that if Naruto stayed in this trance for too long his parents will find him like this and think he's the enemy. "Naruto Hinata is being attacked!"

"What?" Naruto snapped out of his trance and looked around, shaking his head as he tried to remember what had happened. Groaning, Naruto transformed back, going to make a mental note to himself… Never look at the red orb again or risk going into that trance-like state. Staring at Sasuke, he asked "so what were you saying?"

"You need a name for yourself."

"Right… so what should it be?"

"Well, that ghost said that you had the power of a ghost and the kyuubi. Which, he said hadn't been around for another one of those for eons. So… how about Phantom Kyuubi…" Naruto just stared at his friend as if that had been the most stupid thing he had suggested… Naruto was supposed to be the stupid one of the group… not Sasuke…

"How about Kyuubi Phantom." Naruto suggested, not going to call himself Phantom Kyuubi that just seemed stupid beyond a new level. Though, Sasuke just nodded, agreeing that it sounded much better than what he had suggested. Though, Sasuke went back onto the computer and went to work on the legends of kyuubi.

Though, while Sasuke was doing that, Naruto's ghost sense went off again, making him shiver slightly. Growling, Naruto ran to the wall as he transformed, not what had had planned. Not wanting to fight the ghost again so soon and ran out through the wall and toward where the ghost was. This wasn't that far… Naruto knew that he had to use his speed to get out of here. He sniffed the air, trying to see if he could sense where the ghost would be. Too bad the ghost could only sense a ghost being near him.

Growling, Naruto had to think of a way to beat that thing… he had to think on what attack to use… so far, it seemed like he could go invisible, go through solid objects… (Least out of his ghost powers) But out of the demon powers he finds out he seems to have… (Least he thinks it's a demon power) seems to let out blasts of demonic energy.

Thinking about his powers had distracted the young man so much that he had arrived to his destination for now, Naruto found himself outside of Hinata's house. The ghost had howled and smashed his fist right through the roof and pulling out only to see Hinata.

When he found Hinata screaming out in fear, it made his blood go cold… Shaking his head, Naruto growled and leapt up the ghost's huge body, which to him seemed to have gotten bigger the ghost noticed Naruto and growled a bit as he tried to swat him away. Hinata kept screaming, trying to break free of the ghost's grip. Naruto jumped toward the demon's free arm and tried to think of ways to get to the other. At times like this, he wished that he could fly…

"Hold on!" He shouted, jumping from the arm as he tried to reach toward Hinata. Hinata's screams had ceased, staring at Naruto with wide fear filled lavender eyes. Naruto turned intangible and fazed through the creature's hand, and grabbed Hinata. Both of them had faced through the ghost's hand and landed on the roof. Turning back, Naruto wrapped his nine tails around Hinata as if to shield her.

"What's going on?" Asked Hinata, her voice filled with fear and worry. Naruto didn't know how to keep her calm, wanting to make sure that she knew that he was going to protect her… Closing his eyes, Naruto tried to picture the red orb once again. For right now, punches and kicks aren't strong enough to stop this thing… He had to make sure that Hinata stayed safe…

Opening his eyes, Naruto whispered "I'm going to make sure that you are safe… You just have to trust me." He tried to make his voice sound deep, but knew that he couldn't do it very well, but… was thankful that his appearance stopped anyone from guessing who he was. He saw Hinata nod and lifted her in his arms and jumped down onto the ground then turning to face the ghost. Hinata hid behind Naruto; wanting to remain safe… not that he could blame her.

Taking a deep breath, Naruto charged at the ghost with more speed than he's ever used before. It was as if he was faster than the speed of sound, but knew, just knew that was impossible. He wasn't Sonic the Hedgehog after all. Screaming, Naruto thrusted his palm on the demon's chest and the red orb shot through the ghost. The ghost howled in pain, though Naruto knew that this was far from over. The blonde ghost boy pulled out the kunai that Sasuke had taken from his parent's lab. He knew that it was risky to use the weapon, so no ghost would be able to take it… but maybe… he was able to hold it because he was only part ghost… part demon… and part human. Taking a deep breath, Naruto swung the kunai saying "time to disappear!" With that, the ghost screamed and faded away into the kunai.

Which, had surprised Naruto was that the kunai glowed bright green, as if it had taken the ghosts energy and destroyed his body… but Naruto could still sense the ghost's presents in the weapon… Taking a deep breath, Naruto knew that this was what he had to do… He had to stop ghosts from entering this world and defeat them… Though, he hoped… that it would stop… he wanted a normal high school life…

Turning at Hinata he gave her a small smile before walking away.

"Wait, who are you?"

"Just call me Kyuubi Phantom… the first ghost to contain the powers of a demon, and a ghost."