Chapter 1: How I met you

I look out the window and sigh. "Papa do I really have to go to school here in Death City?" Papa looks at me from
the driver's seat. "Maka you said you wanted to be just like Mama," I glare out the window to see the scenery while Papa kept talking. "in order to be like her you need to go to the DWMA just like Mama and I." I groaned and he gave me a look. "Maka Albarn you use to live here ya know so don't start sayin that this place is the worst, your also fourteen don't act like a five year old going to the doctor, I want you to behave yourself and enjoy being here got it?" "Yes Papa." We stopped right in front of a big unusual building, I looked at Papa.

"What the heck is this place?" "The DWMA, a great looking school isn't it?" "Papa it barely looks like a school." I start walking up the steps and about midway Papa takes a deep breath. "I forgot all about these stairs, so many stairs!"
I roll my eyes. They reached the top and Papa took a deep breath. "Maka I'm going in the school to talk to
Lord Death about you, come inside soon okay." "Yes Papa." I looked away from the entrance and looked at the


Wow this school has an amazing view of the city. I twirled once and then stretched. This place feels so peaceful not down there were it feels so like unsettling, no up here was peaceful. "I love it up here." Man I am a big dork for talking to myself but hey I know no one. I was staring at the early afternoon sky relaxed when out of nowhere, a fist came flying at my face. "GAAH!" I hit the person who tried to hit me, I look at the person, a blue haired boy stood up and shouted. "I AM THE GREAT ASSASSIN BLACK STAR! YAHOO!" I hit him again, now he was just being annoying. The boy whose name was Black Star got up, he was angry with me for hitting him, he kept telling me that I shouldn't hit a big man like him.

"Well apparently a girl just injured a "Big Man" with one hit in the head." "THAT'S IT BITCH, TIME TO DIE!" I stood back, now I messed up, I just messed with a boy ten times stronger than me and who is not afraid of fighting, I make a quiet scream, sounded more like a meow, then I close my eyes waiting to get hit. "Black Star what the hell are you doing to that chick?" I didn't open my eyes until I heard Black Star walk away; I open my eyes to see a white haired boy talking to Black Star. "Hey Dude defending a girl huh? Jeez I didn't even start it." I glare at Black Star. "Oh I started it? I'm not the one who just randomly tries to punch someone else who. Was. Doing. Nothing! And YOU. If you're his friend tell him to be more mature." The boy smirks, I was pointing at him accusingly. "Well now, who is this? A new girl, a little flat though but pretty cute."

I was in rage. "What is that suppose to mean?" I look at him and Black Star. They look at each other then laughed. I walked in the school that didn't even look like a school, and tried to find Papa. Where do I go, this is such a big building. Finally I ran into Papa who looked happy to see me. "Maka Lord Death wants to see you."

He walked with me to one room. We walk up to one black figure, it didn't even look human. "Hello Hello, you must be Maka Albarn, my my you have some of your mothers looks." I blush, and then I look at the unusual man. "Yes that's me Maka Albarn; may I ask who are you?" The man takes a big white hand out of his black body cloak and waves. "Lord Death, I am the founder of the school. I can see that you have the potential to make a powerful Death Scythe." "That is my goal sir." "Perfect, your classroom is Crescent Moon Class, Death Scythe would you take your daughter to the classroom." "Yes sir." I was fallowing Papa down the halls of the DWMA; before I enter the classroom Papa stops me. "Maka remember one thing." I look at Papa waiting for whatever he was going to say. "Pick your friends wisely okay Maka no delinquents for friends." I nod and peek into the classroom, a big, tan, muscular man saw me and said. "Come in here." I slowly walk in, everyone was staring at me, felt awkward being stared at but that's what happens when you're the new kid coming to school two months after it starts. "Everyone, for the past few weeks I have been mentioning their will be a new student in this class, she will now introduce herself."

I hesitate; everyone was looking and some whispering, what were they saying? I took a deep breath and let it out. "My name is Maka, Maka Albarn, I am a meister." Now the voices rose. Some I could hear, they said "A female meister?" and "How old is she?" I look down feeling embarrassed, did I look that young? "Thank you Maka, take a seat next to Tsubaki." I looked at the direction where he was gesturing, a black haired girl was sitting there, I walk up and and sit next to her. The girl named Tsubaki smiled at me and pulled her hand from her lap in front of my face.

"Hello I'm Tsubaki, Miss Albarn it's so nice to meet you." I grab her hand and shake it. "It's nice to meet you Tsubaki." I look at her with her small, calming smile, it was hard not to feel happy and relaxed around her, I smile back. "Okay Class today we are going to learn about capturing an evil soul without so much work for the meister." I stare at the board then whisper to Tsubaki. "Do we have to take notes?" "A … it's a good idea." I look at her helplessly. "Oh here." Tsubaki gives me a piece of paper and I quickly start jotting down notes.

When I was done I read my book, I felt like something or someone was looking over my shoulder, I didn't bother to look though it was starting to completely bug me. Out of nowhere a voice came in right next to me ear. "So, I see your reading, do you have nothing else better to do?" I quickly look to my right and see the white haired boy at my shoulder looking at my book. "Why are you looking over my shoulder, and how long have you been doing that?" "Oh for awhile, heh funny you haven't noticed me for like ten minutes." My face felt so warm but I ignored it, trying to ignore him to, but it was hard to when he wasn't leaving. A girl with dark blue hair came up with a friend of hers, went to the boy's desk, and handed him a note. The girls giggled and left. He opened the note then face-planted on his desk. I close my book and looked at the note; secretly I grabbed it and then snuck it in my skirt pocket. Tsubaki looks down at her desk. "Again that's the fifth one this week, we have a class hottie." The boy slammed his head on his desk even harder. "The chicks are hot but they're not my type." I look at him. "Hey why don't you ask one of them out? You might like her. Ever think?" He gives me a face. "Hey bitch…"

"Bitch huh? Wow you think of this crap yourself?" Now me and this guy started arguing, are teacher handed both of us slips, I read, "Clean up Library for disrupting class." The boy threw his down. "NO FUCKIN WAY SID!" Man he was pissed.

After school I walked to the library, grab a broom and start sweeping the place, talk about dusty. A few moments later HE came in and grabbed a broom and swept everything everywhere making an even bigger mess. "HEY YOU!" I pointed a finger at him, again. "You are making an even bigger mess, were suppose to clean the library, not make an even bigger mess." He walked over and cornered me, he punched the wall which left a crack, and growled. "Better watch that mouth of yours before I rip it off." Great now he was acting scary violent. "No one ever says that to me and gets away with it, no chick, and if they're new then they're dead." I scream and hit him with my book, he held his head. "DON'T SCARE ME!" "Fuck lady do you always hit people?" I ran out of the library scared out of my mind.

I ran home and tried to open the door, of coarse it's locked. Papa must be at the bar probably picking up a dirty hoar again, which is why Mama left. I found a broken window near my room and slid through, ignoring a piece of glass that stabs at my arm ouch! I go into the kitchen and make a sandwich and walk into my room to do homework. I sit on my bed and take out my Math book and a journal. First problem "If A has 400 sticky notes and B borrows 300 and gives back 200and C steals120 and takes 5 more how much does A have now?" My head started spinning; I am so not a math student, not bad just not the best. I put my math away. "I'll do it later." I waited for Papa to come home, I felt so alone for four hours doing nothing but reading getting that math done and daydreaming, it was only my first day and I'm already feeling the loneness and not-belonging just creeping inside. It hurts so much no friends, nobody to talk to, no Mama… I froze at that thought, and then began to cry, it wouldn't go away that one thought I cried out loud. "Mama come home, please come home, I … I miss you Mama I want you here I love you Mama, please come back, Mama please oh please, I can't do this alone." I hugged the pillow in my room and wept in it. I thought about Mama and how the divorce started and her leaving. I cried myself to a deep sleep, wanting this day to end.

About a week or two at my new school, new life, I noticed one really old part of the school that is not currently being used, I asked Tsubaki about it. "Well everyone says it's haunted, and a witch is lurking in its dark halls." I hesitate. "Really?"

"Well those are the rumors; I was never brave enough to explore there myself. People say that if you go deep enough, the saddest music plays."

"I'll check it out after school."

Tsubaki looks at me like I just smacked someone. "Maka you can't be serious!"

"I am so serious." I sounded a little too confident. "I'm going to see if there is a witch or if it's haunted." Tsubaki sighs. I could tell what she was thinking, that I shouldn't go, I should risk it. I've been here for awhile now; I needed to know what was there, its eating at me. I am going after school, then go home, might climb through the broken window, do homework, probably wait for the jack-ass that I'm force to live with, and then lock my door so no drunks (or drunk) wander into my room, and go to bed. "Tonight, there is no stopping me."

It was dark and quiet in the empty halls, even broken down doors. I peeked through a broken classroom and quietly tip-toed in, the room felt cold, empty, and so lonely but at the same time you felt like someone was there, with you, watching you, I walked up the hazardous stairs, creeks with every step, I whispered to myself. "Please don't break, please." I never know why people whisper when they're alone in solitude like environments. I found an old bookshelf in the classroom and pulled out a random book. It didn't have a title and the text was faded into a gross eggshell color, pages ripped in corners with yellow spots everywhere. I slipped the book in my bag and quietly slipped back out.

I walked deeper into the halls; I was diving deeper into the mystery. I felt like a character in a mystery book trying to solve the unknown. Their was one thing I wanted to see, actually what I wanted to hear, the sad music, and so far dead silence. You can't be serious, this silence drains into you then you hear things, voices, sounds of people talking, it feels like…like… insanity. I turned a corner and started down an even more awkward hallway. As I walked I heard my footsteps going clack…clack…click clack…clack…click clack. It echoed through the silent, dark, halls and it feels like your all alone, alone. "This is so old maybe about a hundred years, why haven't Lord Death tear this place down? What happened here?" I walked pass a big crack in the wall, a chunk of roof fell from the ceiling and scared the hell out of me.

"Well no music, I guess all the rumors are false." Just then a sad song was playing from a distance, I was going insane, I walked closer to the imaginary song, but it's very real, very real. I heard the sound coming from one room; I slowly, quietly open the door praying that whoever was playing that song wouldn't notice me. I tip-toe closer into the light then stopped everything, time has stopped but yet the clock was moving and the sounds tick…tock…tick…tock. I lean against the wall and stare, a young man was playing the piano, it was sad, but something else, what was that other emotion. It was lonely, wanting someone to be there, crying for anyone, alone. The young man stops tapping on the piano, he turns his head slightly, looking at darkness, he can't see me, I'm hidden in the darkness pretty well, and I'm wearing my black cloak.

"Who's there?" Crap he knows I'm here he knows….he knows! He didn't budge, he was like stone. "I know your there your hiding from me." I held my breath, the young man lifts his head in the light, wait a minute it's that boy, who threaten to kill me. I started walking back but a loud creek came through the floors. "Don't go, whoever you are, I won't hurt you, promise." His voice sounded so calming I walked forward the light slightly hits my body, only little shows. "What song were you playing a moment ago?" He turned back to the piano, lightly putting his hands on the keys, he started playing. "My feelings, who I really am." I listened to the song, the beautiful, no the horrifyingly gorgeous melody filled the room, like a spell it pulls me in, hypnotizing me. "That's very lovely." He stops playing and turns. "You don't know what I'm feeling."

"You're sad."

"That's obvious."

"You're alone, aren't you?" The boy stops playing then looks up at me. "Yea I guess you're correct." I smile at him then come out of the darkness, I look down at him. "What is your name?" He smiles at me which looks kind of off to the side. "I'm Soul, Soul Eater. So I finally introduce myself to Maka Albarn am I correct?" I nod, my face feeling warm. "Nice to meet you Soul." I stood there a minute longer hearing him play away, it felt like heaven. "You're…alone also aren't you, Maka." I hesitate then spoke up. "Yes."


"Mama, she left." He didn't laugh about me saying "Mama" no he sat there listening. "What happened?"

"She… uh wanted a divorce, Papa cheated on her with women from bars, they where always younger than Mama, it didn't go well she felt ugly and old, their was a big fight, I was six when it started." Soul stared at me with a caring look on his face. "So your old man started havin some time with younger women instead of your mom?"


"Heh, that's uncool."

I started giggling, then I look at him, he was so not the type of person I thought he would be. "Soul, where's your partner?" He smiles. "I'm a free man pigtails." "Oh you don't have a partner?" He smirks. "I'm a lone wolf, get it. It's hard though, it's like I shouldn't even be here if I don't have anyone." "What do you mean, Soul?" He stood up and stuffs his hands in his pockets; he looked pretty nice in a tux. "I don't have a meister to make me a death scythe, so guess it's pointless to stay in this school." Meister he doesn't have a meister, I could feel myself grin. "Soul." He glances at me, not moving his head. "Yea what?" "I'm a meister without a weapon." "So."

"Become my weapon, I'll make you a death scythe, you'll become the most powerful death scythe ever. I promise." He smiles. "You sure you want to be my partner, I'm kind of a sneak."

"I have never been so sure in my life Soul, I want to be your partner, and I really do. I don't care what happens to us, I want to be your meister." I held out my hand. "Will you let me be your meister Soul?" Soul looks at my outstretched arm and gives me a stare I have never seen before, I can't describe it, and he grabs my hand and shakes it. "You got a deal Maka."

Now I feel happy, I'm glad I meet Soul. Now my alone feeling was gone, I wasn't alone anymore. But now what will happen. Guess I'll have to wait and see.

Chapter 2 coming soon srry if the text is so bunched up Coming up: More laughs and maybe fluff.