And Welcome to the last chapter. Thank you all for following this story, I loved every minute of writing it and I truly appreciate all of your kind reviews.
He hates this feeling, the feeling of defeat after coming so close. Granted, being second in the nation is nothing to be ashamed of, but he'd be lying if he said he was looking forward to another year of Jesse gloating on Facebook every chance he gets, he knows he should just defriend him already. At least New Directions came in third this year, four places up from last year, and it was nice seeing Mr. Schuester again, and okay, he'll be honest, seeing Jesse alive and well after everything that happened didn't exactly suck, still, he wanted to win. As the victors, teachers and families gush about their performances and trophies, Finn waits for Rachel and consoles his students.
"You'll get 'em next year," Finn says, clapping Dennis on the back as he forces a weak smile.
"I still think we were better," Dennis says. "But second place isn't so bad I guess. And if anything at least I finally got to see Hollywood."
"You guys did an amazing job, you gave it everything you had and that's what matters," Finn reassures him.
"Anyway," Dennis starts, "Me and Nanette wanted to get some pizza before we go back to our hotel rooms, is that okay?"
"You and Nanette huh?" Finn says, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"It's not a big deal, she's just sort of cool I guess." Dennis says, shrugging.
"Curfew's at ten," Finn says smiling warmly as he sends Dennis on his way.
He knows he has to face him sooner or later, and now that all of his students have gone and Rachel hasn't arrived yet he has to bite the bullet and congratulate Jesse, so he takes a deep breath and crosses the room to face his rival.
"Congratulations Jesse," Finn says as sincerely as he can.
"Thank you," Jesse responds. "And I have to say, I respect the job your kids did out there Finn, The Who was an inspired choice."
"Thanks," Finn says, knitting his brow a little in confusion. "And um, your David Bowie setlist was amazing." He hates to fluff his ego anymore, but he cant lie, Jesse really does have a gift for coaxing incredible performances out of his students.
"It was wasn't it?" Jesse says proudly. "It's just nice to see that the governing board is more of a meritocracy this year."
"I looked that word up the last time you used it Jesse," Finn says, rolling his eyes.
"I'm just saying, even you have to admit that we're the superior show choir. We have a trophy to prove it."
"I don't know, you seem happy enough with yourself for the both of us," Finn replies.
"Well of course but-
"Finn! Finn!" He turns his head at the sound of Rachel's voice and a smile reaches his lips at the sight of her and his two little ones at her side, as always just seeing their faces can turn his whole night around. "Oh my god they were amazing," She says, throwing her arms around him. "You should be so proud of them."
"I am," Finn says, and he leans in to kiss his wife.
"Hello Jesse," Rachel says, facing her old flame as she breaks the kiss. "Congratulations on your win, they were wonderful, really."
"That means a lot coming from one of Broadways fastest rising stars," Jesse says.
"I don't know about that," Rachel says bashfully. "I've only starred in one play."
"The first of many I'm sure," Jesse replies.
"You're Jesse right?" Sally says, tugging on Jesse's pants leg to get his attention.
"Why yes I am sweetheart," Jesse says, looking down at the tiny six year old. "I see you're familiar with my work."
"My daddy says you're a prick," Sally replies, and Jesse's face falls as Finn tries to stifle his laughter.
"Sally you don't use that word," Rachel scolds. "Thanks a lot Finn."
"I'm sorry, she wasn't supposed to hear that," Finn says to both Rachel and Jesse.
"It's quite alright," Jesse says in good humor. "I'm sure once my little Jessica learns how to speak she'll be repeating all of the things I've said about you in passing," Of course Jesse would name his daughter after himself.
"Mom, what's a prick?" Sally says.
"I think it means penis," Jack says, trying and failing to be discreet.
"Okay, kids, how about we take a little trip to the concession stand, what do you say?" Rachel says frantically before things can get worse.
"Yeah, I want gummy bears!" Jack says excitedly.
"Honey, I'll see you back at the hotel okay?" Rachel says kissing him again before Jack and Sally drag her out of the room. "It was wonderful seeing you again Jesse."
"You too Rachel," Jesse replies. "All kidding aside," Jesse says, turning his attention back to Finn once Rachel leaves. "You should be extremely proud Finn," and at that he extends his hand for Finn to shake and Finn does so graciously.
"Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat but I have an early flight to catch, but make sure to keep a lookout for my Facebook status update tomorrow," Jesse continues, and with that he leaves, and all Finn can do is smile a little and Shake his head.
"Finn Hudson?"
He recognizes the voice behind him, but only vaguely, he really had no idea she would show up, and he has to wonder why if not to see Rachel.
"Shelby?" he says, before he turns to confirm it, and indeed it's her, Rachel's mother, the technical grandmother of his children standing right there. "Oh my god I can't believe you came," he says, wrapping her in an awkward hug, he never quite knew what his relationship with Shelby was, sort of mother in law? Either way they weren't exactly close, but seeing her here is a pleasant if confusing surprise.
"Rachel just-
"Yes I talked to Rachel before the show, we're going out for brunch tomorrow before you fly home," Shelby explains.
"Did you come all the way here just to see the show?" Finn says.
"No actually, I live here now," Shelby says. I took a job teaching at UCLA five years back. I heard Nationals were in Hollywood this year and your students would be performing, so naturally I had to come."
"Well, thank you for your support," Finn says.
"You're very welcome," Shelby says. "But that's not the only reason I came, you see I'm moving back to New York in the fall, I was offered a Job at Tisch and I couldn't pass it up."
"Really? That's amazing," Finn says, "Congratulations."
"Thank you," Shelby replies. "I'll miss California but New York was always a better fit for us."
Us, he thinks to himself and the word his breath catches a little in his throat and moreso when she appears by her mother's side. His daughter who wasn't, the one he still thinks about from time to time.
"Beth," he says in almost a whisper.
"Hi Mr. Hudson," the blonde girl says, reaching out to shake his hand. "Your choir was really good. I can't wait to join next year."
"Wait," he says after a couple of silent moments. "You're going to LaGuardia next year?"
"I think I can definitely shake things up around there," Beth says, not entirely jokingly.
"I wanted Beth to see what she would be up to next year," Shelby says.
"I have to say I can totally see myself rocking those sequins," she says. He smiles, she's the same.
"So, are you any good?" Finn says, trying to remain casual, even if it's hard with the memory of the alternate universe still so fresh in his mind.
"Are you kidding?" Beth says, pointing sideways to Shelby "This one had me in vocal classes before I could sit up on my own. I pretty much rock."
"Well I can't wait to see what you can do," Finn says.
"And I know it's weird since I'm like technically your sister in law or something," she says, clearly aware of Shelby's complicated history with Rachel. "But I promise I won't let that get in the way of anything if you don't."
"I wouldn't dream of it," Finn says, and the more he thinks about it the more he starts to feel a bit of excitement at the prospect of her being in his class, even if it does all seem too crazy to be true, he's known for awhile now that nothing was too crazy to be true.
"Well Finn, I'll let you get back to your family," Shelby says, giving his arm a gentle squeeze. "Congratulations."
"Thanks," he says quietly as he waves goodbye to them.
He walks with Rachel down the walk of fame and she grasps his arm as she takes in the sights. "I have to say Finn, I may be a New York girl through and through but I'll always have a deep appreciation for Hollywood and all it represents. I mean think of all the greats who've walked this sidewalk."
"Maybe you'll have a star one of these days," He says.
"You never know," she says. "I mean Alan Rickman, didn't appear in his first movie until he was 42 and he has one."
"See, you're ahead of the game," Finn says encouragingly.
"That's what I love about you, when you're with me I feel like anything is possible," She says, squeezing his arm. "But as long as I have you and the kids I feel like I've already conquered the world you know?"
He smiles warmly down at her, loving her so much, more than he can possibly fathom. "But you know, that shining review in the New York Times doesn't hurt either," she adds, getting a chuckle out of him.
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, do you know that?" Finn says, and he stops on Bob Hope's star to give his wife a kiss.
"Do you think the kids are okay?" she says, breaking their embrace.
"Your dads are back at the hotel with them, they're fine, they're probably asleep anyway," Finn says.
"Have you met our kids?" Rachel says sarcastically.
"Okay so they're probably not asleep, but they're fine, trust me."
"Okay, I'm sure you're right," she says and they continue to walk.
"So, you and Shelby tomorrow huh?" Finn says.
"Oh god, Finn, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't want you to worry. But I'm fine with seeing Shelby, really, we got past our issues a long time ago."
"Yeah I know," Finn says. "I was just wondering about Beth."
"What about Beth?"
"Well, she's going to be in my glee club next year."
"Really? That's great Finn, I hear she's wonderful, I'm sure she'll make a stunning addition."
"And you're okay with that?"
"For the last time Finn, yes. Beth couldn't ask for a better teacher."
"Okay, just making sure."
"I wonder about Beth myself sometimes honestly, I wonder if she knows who her mother turned out to be, you know her biological one."
"I don't think so, if I adopted a kid who's real mother turned out to be a celebrity I'd take it to my grave, imagine the resentment."
"If Jack and Sally had to choose between you and Tom Hanks I'm sure they'd choose you Finn," Rachel says reassuringly.
"Really, because if I were them I'd choose Tom Hanks," he jokes, causing Rachel to shove him playfully.
They continue to walk, enjoying the warm California night air and the sounds of the traffic and making mental lists of all the ways that LA is different from New York. And after awhile they stop again, coming across a very pretty, very familiar face from their past.
"What about you?" Rachel says as she looks at the movie poster outside Mann's Chinese Theatre, the one with Quinn's face emblazoned on it. "You probably could have married Quinn Fabray if you wanted to, imagine it, married to America's sweetheart, how different your life would be."
He thinks about that for a moment. He never told Rachel about the alternate reality, not so much because he didn't think she would believe him, but more because he never wanted to her to know that he ever had any doubts about them, the very thought is ridiculous to him now. And outside of the occasional dream he has yet to see black suit again, for the first time in his life he knows that things are exactly how they're meant to be, and he doesn't want Rachel to know that any part of him used to think otherwise.
"Surely you must have thought about it," Rachel says, urging him on.
"I'd be lying if I said I hadn't," Finn replies.
"So," she says a bit warily. "What did you think?"
At that he pulls her close and kisses her forehead, needing the closeness.
"Rachel," he says softly. "I'd choose you every time."
That's all folks!