It was the start of December and the world was starting to prepare for Christmas. The shops were nicely lit and the commercials were practically screaming their offers at the passer-bys. But the people didn't seem to mind. They were shopping for their gifts like there was no tomorrow. And they didn't even seem to notice the cold weather.

Nor did they notice a single woman that just seemed to stand out, even if she didn't even try. She looked young and old at the same time. Maybe it was just an illusion created by her long silver hair. And her features just looked ageless. She had bright purple eyes, but if someone bothered to actually look, they could notice, that they were much more deeper with knowledge that they should be.

She even wore white clothes, to even more stick out of the crowd. She was walking slowly, dodging others. She didn't look in any shop window, or at any poster. The woman seemed to be in good mood, as if she wasn't out in the cold with not very warm clothes.

"It's almost time," she mused, dodging yet another passer-by. The woman quickened her pace, she wanted to reach her destination more quickly. She smiled a little, "It will be starting soon. I can't wait, but I still have to take care of many things. Oh doesn't matter, I am coming, my guardians…"

Then she started to quietly sing:

Oli sar mal eilyli

sai shai taeraer paer

eil si eilaer

syri mos aelaestael eisi tia kesol

There was a wide smile on her face as she sang in that ancient language. It won't be long now. The time for Festival is almost there. She felt it. Only couple of days and the conditions would be ideal for the start of the Great Festival.

Hi there. As you probably figured out, there will be a thingy called Great Festival. I'm using the thought of "end of the world on 21. 12." for my "something big will happen" that day. This woman has come to choose her guardians from among our nations. Who will it be, I won't tell you. But I will give you hints, the translation of the lines she sang. Good Luck

One that stands alone

Two who cheated death

And three angels

Those six are my chosen guardians

The "language" is elvish, using Aeranal translator.